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I hate my ethnicity so so fucking much. They're actual braindead subhumans. Reading what they write online is vomit inducing
How do I cope
(I'm not indian)
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same, but I'm a white dude living in america
I know that feel. I don't hate my ethnicity but it's really hard not to when you see those subhuman low-IQ nigs.
Probably a Slav, right?
The grass isnt greener on the other side
If you go by numbers you will be disappointed since most people are plebs, and if you go by politics you are a faggot, have no sense of loyalty, have no place in politics which is about group representation by design, and would likely cannibalize your own family
not one good writer or architect, king, diplomat?
I'm Indian and love my ethnicity originally
Same (I am Indian)
based white white people hater because half of all whites are retarded liberals why does no one point this out.
You type like a mentally stunted nigger. Learn to punctuate properly before calling anyone else retarded, faggot.
>I'm Indian and love my ethnicity originally
exactly you're all egoistical narcissistic universally despised npcs no offense
Hating your own ethnicity is the pinnacle of cuckoldry and idiocy. Pure cringe. (So is loving it or identifying too strongly with it.)
liberalism is correlated with higher IQ, fyi. (specifically, social leftism is. economic leftism is correlated with lower IQ. neoliberals are the peak)
Interestingly drastic response, thanks
anytime bitch
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if libs are so smart, then why are they all retarded?
I love it enough to not import millions of hostile tribes set on exploitation into my country, which is why op would be hanged in a sane world
>liberalism is correlated with higher IQ, fyi
it's not and hasn't been for a long time. there was like 2 studies in the 70's that liberals have touted forever along with their made up 1 in 5 women are raped statistic. never trust a liberal with statistics, it's always propaganda.
*millions from hostile tribes
>I'm not indian
then have a sigh of relief and chill man, it could always be worse. no matter who you are, you will never be a filthy streetshitter. that!s something to be proud of.
niggers come in all colours
talking about political beliefs and IQ in same sentence is saying no smart man was fooled - ever. You are retarded, I know what you are refering to and its "true", You are still gay
there are modern studies


again, it doesn't necessarily mean democrats are smarter, due to economic leftism seemingly correlating with lower IQ. the smartest tend to be coastal elite types who are left-libertarians or neoliberal or similar (broadly socially left-leaning and tolerant of variance, uncaring about others' race or sexuality or gender identity, opposed to authoritarianism and heavy restrictions on trade and industry)

i would guess hardcore SJWs might skew this, but most of them are probably staunch economic leftists anyway
obviously many very intelligent/high-IQ people hold wrong or delusional beliefs, due to bias and other factors. it's a correlation. statistics about populations, not "you're smart/dumb if you side with this ideology"
I genuinely believe far-right people - of all types/groups - should be exterminated for moral and eugenic purposes. Get rid of far-right people like yourself as well as far-right immigrants and what you're left with is a healthy society.
assuming you're correct that IQ is positively correlated with liberalism, that just means that IQ is meaningless, because liberals destroy first world society. I'll take real life events over an arbitrary number on a paper, thanks.
That's funny, because it seems to me that exterminating immoral degenerate liberals like yourself would improve society, not the other way around.
what kind are you op
It's probably more the fact that the right wing is stuffed to the brim with religious nutjobs who don't believe in science or even basic reasoning ability because of their magic Jew book. When I see these same people refer to scientists as prophets of science and equate blind faith as being equal to the scientific method. I know that they are terminally retarded. The kind of retarded that reasonable explanations and evidence can't fix, because they have checked out of reality. These motherfuckers go around talking about fucking angels, demons, spirits and all sorts of stone age bullshit and they think they should be taken seriously.

No sorry, you are stupid. I would not suffer some voodoo nigga telling me how his mumbo jumbo gobbledygook God is real. I certainly won't humor a white man telling me a Jewish prophit was the son of God but also God made flesh etc etc. And that's why all our tax dollars need to go to Israel etc etc

Shit is beyond stupid.
So it is eugenic to kill people? and you should have to genocide millions of people, replace them with biologically different and unequal low iq savages who view you as white oppressors who agree with your gibs policy and then you will have a peaceful and moral society? I doubt that is exactly what you think but you seem completely deluded

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