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>So hum, you must suffer because... It actually builds character and... at some point you may have a redemption arc-
to some people, it is like downloading a car
He didn't say that thoughever.
Hello you should consider becoming a ex basedteen
>you NEED to have this ingrown nail because... you just DO, OKAY?
What would you say on the Judgement day when you get asked about making Soijaks out of the lord?
>the people who objectively suffer the most in life always are religious.
what do you make of that?
The Lord suffered on the cross, why can't I?
i think building character is a good thing desu
I would love a movie based on wojak god. I have several ideas for one but sadly I don't think it's something that can be made because it would automatically be controversial and Christians would seethe
Christians won't murder you unlike muslims
the suffering in question: mrs roastie i dont even love wont have sex with me WAAAAAH
The LORD hates Idea Guys
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>allows millions to starve
>allows rape/murder/torture
>created a universe just for organisms to suffer endlessly

>gets really PO'ed if you make fun of him

What a petty asshole. So for religious people, you don't care if Yahweh is good or useful, you just care that you pleased him so he lets you into the sky castle party for a zillion years?

Let's imagine that's not true (that's a big stretch), so you're in a world with no heaven and there's this flying Jew that supposedly created the universe. Everything that happens here is his fault and all he gave you was a magic book full of weird bullshit to deal with it all. Would you even give a fuck about that guy? If there were no afterlife rewards/punishments would you try to please this invisible Jew with every decision you make? I'm guessing no.
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yaldabaoth AKA god the father is not my savouir. jesus is.
>old testament god was a different evil god
>john the baptist said Jesus is the lamb of God
>but the god who provided a sacrifice for Abraham was a different god
>Jesus says there'll be no sign but the sign of Jonah
>but Jonah's god was the evil god
>in the transfiguration, Moses and Elijah appear next to Jesus
>but their god was the evil god
>Peter says Jesus is the Messiah promised to David
>but it was the evil OT god who promised that
So on ad nauseum.
Gnostics are just brainlets who never had a Bible to read.
The Bible is easy to understand. You just don't like that they believe something different than you that doesn't promote slavery.

I don't understand the book of Job. Why did God allow one of His most faithful to suffer in a bet with Satan?
Cuz He really wanted to win the bet. His tongue lashing at Job when he asks God why boils down to "Shut up, don't question my will", but really all He wanted was to win the bet.
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Because the "god" in the bible is nothing but the schizo hallucinations of bronze age fishermen, that's why
To show the error of Job's friends, who believed Job deserved his suffering. And of the Adversary, who believed Job appreciated God merely out of mundane matters.
It is a prefiguration of the redemption of all mankind, through Jesus Christ. Job suffered as all mankind does, yet God raised him in glory.
He did thoughbeit, he told me it in a dream.
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>It is a prefiguration of the redemption of all mankind, through Jesus Christ.

>the Jews secretly knew Rabbi Yeshua was coming 700 years ahead of time and wrote stupid stories to teach meaningless lessons in preparation for his magic death on a stick

I bet you could spin the text on a bag of chips to explain how Jesus was coming to save everyone with magic potatoes.
My favorite example of them doing this saying that the pro-slavery verses are Jesus telling us to not be lazy at work
>the Jews knew Rabbi Yeshua was coming 700 years ahead of time and wrote stories to teach lessons in preparation for his death
>saint and apostle worshiping
they were jews that worshiped a jewish god that was an incarnation yaldabaoth. Jesus said multiple times the old ways and laws are done with. Jesus was the son of god as much as you and me and offered his hand so that we could join him as children of GOD the source of wisdom not the source of materialism.
>Jesus was the son of god as much as you and me
I take it you do not consider any of the Gospels as valid, then.
This is it. There was no actual meaning behind Job's suffering, just like in real life. God just REALLY wanted to show up Satan.
only the new testament and the books in the nag hammadi library
Nta, but in Gnosticism, everyone with soul (Jesus, Sophia, maybe you) is a piece of the one true God, Monad.
Just helping explain what they believe to provide context for you and other anons
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This is my biggest problem with religitards. They somehow don't notice their book is so flawed you could make any statement be backed up by the bible by using bullshit brainlet logic, even to contradictory ones
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>God just REALLY wanted to show up Satan
Which, if you break it down, doesn't make a lot of sense if you take the story literally.

If there's this entity that can challenge the creator of the universe and is on the level that he can make bets/dares with him then who is that guy? The sole deity of reality has a rival that fucks with him? So that guy's like an evil god? So immediately you're a polytheist if you even give Satan a demi-god or even supernatural power status.

The concession of Job is that your god isn't all powerful at all, and there's dudes on his level that can fuck with him, and the "good god" doesn't even really care that much about you on a personal level. He'll let you be fucked with to prove his points (which are mostly about how awesome he is).

I'll say it again. The Jew version of a deity is a petty, cowardly, self-centered, ignorant, and acts like a tyrant. And that's just from his own book from his own worshipers.
The New Testament can't possibly be any clearer about the divinity of Jesus Christ.

>In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

First verse of John, already.
You might deny instead that "being God" is an universal characteristic, or at least not unique to Jesus Christ, but the Gospels are fully disproving of this idea.
In John 1:8 already, a distinction is drawn between John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. I'd also point to the Transfiguration if you want another example.
Cults always prey on the weak
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Please provide one like of scripture from Jesus mouth saying the laws of Moses have been done away with.

Also yalda means young girl so yaldaboath is daughter of the void .

The entire new testament is a witness that Jesus Christ is in fact , the god is Israel inside a flesh body ,dwelling with us as promised in the old testament.
YHWH in a Beth Lech is the king of righteousness, the alpha and omega, with no beginning nor ending, who all things are made by , for and through.
YHWH is salvation -yeshua
The king, the high priest, the saviour, the good Shepherd who protects his beloved under the shadow of his wings .
Jesus is YHWH in the flesh .
The more appropriate question is YHWH actually God?
>The Jew version of a deity is a petty, cowardly, self-centered, ignorant
In staunch contrast to classical deities
YHWH in a *Beth lechem*

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