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What do these people even do after their lives are destroyed? Is he just going to get an office job now and be known as the local pedo?
>Inb4 he is just gonna sit easy
His wife gon take it all
No one thinks he's a pedo other than chronically online leftists
>No one thinks he's a pedo other than chronically online leftists
plus they cover up actual pedos for years. Like that Wario streamer that died.
He has millions in the bank, if he gets divorced he'll probably just move to Thailand
>What do these people even do after their lives are destroyed? Is he just going to get an office job now
he already made multiple millions of dollars, he's set for life
if you get cancelled like this and don't have fu money however, yeah you are kinda fucked
17 years old is not pedophilia. Even 14 is not pedophilia. No one cares about the meaning of words anymore I guess.
hating pedos isnt a leftist thing. leftists are sex positive child groomers lol
are you seriously blaming your kiddie fetish on commies?
Oh she was 17? I didn't know she was 17
I thought he was arrested? More than likely they'll go digging and find some charges if they haven't already. his millions won't help him from getting stabbed to death in prison. Good riddance to pedo scum.
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who is he? he looks like a fucking twat in that wig and those headphones lmao

There's technical and colloquial definitions, anon. Most people know what is meant by pedophilia - attraction to underage individuals - in spite of its technical definition as attraction to pre-pubescents.
If they made enough money they can rest on their laurels. Pewdiepie for instance could literally open up a stream, scream about how niggers are shitty faggot black niggers until he gets pulled offline and live comfortably for the rest of his life as a multi millionaire. Less popular people though yeah they probably have to slink back to the job market and get recognized occasionally
>Chris Hansen is on the case now
It's over for him
>his gimmick is he wears the same outfit he's always worn and plays the same game he always plays
What's the fun in watching this shit
twitch streamer that got busted for being a pedo. inb4 17 is not pedo, it is pedo. all those that say it is need their hard drive checked.
Yeah people who rape babies and people who think a 17 with gigantic tits and hairy bush are exactly the same
Big if true
He also acts like an asshole because that equals tough and cool
I think he's rich enough to retire if he wanted to, just like every big streamer.
Lmao fuck. This isn't the end of all this is it?
Roman Polanski gave drugs and fucking to a 13 year old, Guy is being cancelled for MESSAGES. He could just move to Europe and no one will care in the slightest if anyone even knows who he is.
Sam hyde fucked a 15 year old when he was 30 and gets away with it. Doc here merely whispered a 17 year old.
He doesn't act like an asshole, it's all ironic, he's just being a big goofball. It's funnier than most streamers' shtick
People seemed to be against this guy from day 1. Was he right wing or something.
Of age in most countries of the developed world.
Underage in third world shitholes like the USA
>He doesn't put on an act, he puts on an act
>This is funny btw
Guten morgen zoomie
lol fucking nailed it.
During my freshman year of college one of my dormmates thought it would be a good idea to brag to the whole floor on week 1 that not only did he have a gf, he was also messaging a 15 year old he went to high school with. Needless to say he got rightfully ostracized, and this was > 10 years ago.
>office job
Maybe in asia or africa. He's just bad pr at this point.
I'm old as fuck and I don't watch streamers except as background noise, I'm just saying that calling him "an asshole because that equals tough and cool" is an incredibly strange way to describe him
these over the top ironic posts are killing a nigga ong
Silence, pedo. Pedophilia has never been acceptable in your lifetime.
lol an 18yo trying to get with a 15yo doesn't even pass the 1/2 age + 7 rule, since the minimum age is 16. And even then that's fucking sketchy.
I'm not calling him an asshole, I'm saying he puts on an act (where he plays an asshole). We are agreeing lol. The only thing we are disagreeing about is for which reason he does it. Though I don't care about the reason behind it as much.
He kinda do be one tho, cheating on his wife and all.
>never got arrested
>no logs got leaked
>all the actual evidence are just ex twitch employees going dude trust me
so why did the admit to it? couldnt he just deny it?
Imaginary made up rule, plus 15 is legal in my country, white, first world
Funny comedy though, you guys should take up stand up comedy, this whole shtick is hilarious
He has gorillions of dollars and can just live the rest of his life in comfort. 17 years old is not pedophilia, it is legally in most places of the world. The one weird thing he did to destroy his rep is the tranny shit.
Was her age ever even confirmed to be 17 lmao
Paedophilia is attraction to prepubescents.

Being attracted to a sexually active teen is hardly the crime of the century. Everyone wants to fuck teens. You think all that porn with 'naughty school girls, barely legal, girls gone wild, blacked, small girl monster cock' etc isn't a veiled ephebophilic fantasy?

People want to fuck teens all the time but convince themselves they're not sick monsters cos they project the fantasy onto some other fucked up shit that our sick society has deemed acceptable.

Some philosopher said that everyone is "good" not because they believe but because they're too scared to be bad.

People are hypocrites.
lol you autistic retard: 1/2 age + 7 is considered too loose nowadays. Let me put it this way: 18 yo with a 15yo fails even MINIMUM FUCKING STANDARDS. Way to out yourself as an absolute inbred, cletus.
Why do you care nigga? He is 6'8, he will surely figure things out on his own.
>Oh she was 17? I didn't know she was 17
no one knows the actual age but the rumor is 17. a leaked email screenshot from an unknown source claimed 17
>Roman Polanski gave drugs and fucking to a 13 year old, Guy is being cancelled for MESSAGES.
the correct response to this is to villify polanski more, not to downplay what others do

france is and has always been very weird about pedophilia for some reason
No but everyone is accepting the assumption that it was a girl that has reached the age of attraction, that any man would find attractive if they could be honest.
chronically online rightists love him for being a pedo, then deny doing so
I think a lot of people mix up the year it happened with her age. Also so they can say
>She was 17 years and 364 days old
Is this nigger jewish btw, his name is Herschel.
>Was her age ever even confirmed to be 17 lmao
no, that's just the rumor. no one knows. since so many people have been leaking things i think there's a moderate chance it's true but it's completely unconfirmed

who cares. ephebophiles who act on their desires with actual minors should be condemned
and yet they insist leftists are pedos because something something talking about same-sex attraction is grooming aka molestation

(i don't generally think conservatives are super pedophilic but far-right people are absolutely highly disproportionately pedophiles; in line with them being comically evil in all other departments)
They dont get office jobs. They just get some shit job like road work/constructik
Local homeless shelter near me has to eject residents on a semi-frequent basis since they try to diddle kids on-premise.
Employers will usually conduct a background search and find this shit lol. This will be the case most likely>>77996194
if you have a criminal record you don't get that either. he doesn't have one but he's so well-known and now infamous for this that he'll have trouble getting any sort of job. this will follow him forever

i think his only recourse is to try to scrape by with the remnants of his fanbase who don't care that much about what he did
who actually fucking cares? i didn't know this guy existed til a week ago or whenever this shit blew up.
lmao no one cares then besides actual pedos that want to cover up their love for toddler cunny
people have been speculating about his ban reason for years and now we know. in terms of his actual personality or talent, no one really cares
What I am saying is after a conviction, you are basically doomed to poverty and isolation. You cannot even own a business because who shops at a convenience store run by a sex offender. And yeah, theyre not welcome at homeless shelters and nursing homes. Basically once you get out b of prison, you work until you die or you starve on the streets.
Yep. White collar work doesnt hire sex offenders due to reputation. And blue collar workers will beat your ass.
You can only hope to have a heart attack before trial, because everything after that will suck
fuckin retarded americunts and their twitter cancer
every man who gets the oporutunity will fuck a child, thats just how it is, alwys has been
>Who cares
>I certainly don't
>I only know about him because of this
Why are these posts so common. Very gay, very feminine.
Literally, the gay bluehaired tranny Reddit/twitter faggots seething are not within his audience
>called Dr. Disrespect
>people are shocked he doesn't respect the age of consent
>fuckin retarded americunts and their twitter cancer
>every man who gets the oporutunity will fuck a child, thats just how it is, alwys has been
nice projection, anon
If he wasn't completely stupid with his money he should have enough to coast by without ever needing to work again. Aside from the fact that he can probably keep streaming without issue even if his viewership takes a heavy hit because there will always be people on his side because "he's still funny though."
No one knows the exact age. He messaged her in late 2017, a lot of people read "2017" and assumed her age was 17 for some reason.

IMO they kept the whole thing covered up until a few weeks ago, I think that means the girl in question just turned 18 this year. That would make her 12 or 13 in 2017. Just something to keep in mind.
He is (or was, I dunno how his wife reacted to this scandal) married and bought an expensive house, and they traveled all the time. Their lifestyle is probably quite expensive. I doubt he has a lot of money left.
lol lmao where the fuck did you get that shit from you just made that all up
i think you're completely wrong on both of those counts. a supposed leaker just claimed the person was 17 and people ran with that
generally when an organization gets rid of a business partner or employee because he was caught messing with minors, they try to keep the whole thing private until the victim turns 18, because otherwise they would be putting her in a vulnerable position and could get sued for that. But it's just my opinion. It's best to wait for all the facts to come out
Idk if that will happen. He became a persona non grata on most major streaming sites. Yt will prevent him from making money on their site too. He might earn money through streaming in a roundabout way but no way will it be enough to support him, if at all possible.
dammit anon made me kek
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So many faggits defending pedophilia, you are all on a watch list now, niggers.
>xir/xem/xim has no evidence for this claim
lol earlier this week when the drama started some autistic dr disrepedo fanbois were mass reporting any posts slandering their fag-daddy on /v/, and the jannies actually removed them while leaving the pro-pedo posts up. If anything, the jannies are the pedos.
>its real
Clown world
Ohnononono docsisters not like this
>What do these people even do after their lives are destroyed?
go dark for 6 months then come back with their original fanbase more or less intact. he's already done this once with his infidelity, i seriously doubt dming a minor is going to change anything for the people who are addicted to bing bing wahoo
He is already rich. He doesn't need to work.
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It's still a good question. I always wanted to know what happened to these two.
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He'll probably do some local work like gardening, shoemaker or cooking for people in his local community (after he moves to a more affordable place).
But all his work will be monitored now, to make sure he doesn't grope any more kids or that he does't cum on kids' backpacks.
they sit on the millions they made during their career and invest it into the stock market

how do you think soulja boy is rich still?
his music sucks and no one talks about him
That's not how it works.
He needs to pay the bills, his wife will take 50% of the money and he will need to change his lifestyle if he doesn't want to be bankrupt.
afaik office jobs doesn't recruit pedos
>It's still a good question.
to an extent. you'd have to find out how much money they had before everything went down. unless they had to pay a bunch of fees and fines than they likely still have a decent amount of money
it can always be thrown into the stock market. Some youtubers that don't get many views nowadays like uberhaxornova still have a ton of money because they know how to invest it and spend it
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he will be breaking rocks
>his wife will take 50%
how much money does he have?
>What do these people even do after their lives are destroyed?
What makes you think they would have to 'do' anything? They've already made enough to not have to work again to begin with.
Sure they might sometimes have to sell their mansion and dozen cars and live in a normal house, but even then they don't even have to do that half the time they're already set.

>He needs to pay the bills,
Your bills don't magically increase. He pays the same for groceries and electricity and tv subscriptions as everyone else, these streamer clowns have enough to pay ordinary bills for multiple lifetimes without doing anything
it will be higher proportionally to how much he'll receive now, so if he doesn't change his habits, he'll be broke soon
Where is he gonna stream though?
Dark web? I heard Tor is becoming popular amongst autistic teens addicted to Twitch and Youtube Gaming,
what makes you think kick would ban him? the platform that repeatedly insists that if people don't break the law then they can do whatever they want. police aren't after him, courts aren't after him, so why would kick care?
what makes you think youtube even will when this was 8 years ago and 4 years ago respectively and they would have found out long before now?
He probably made enough money to live off his interest.
>it will be higher proportionally to how much he'll receive now, so if he doesn't change his habits, he'll be broke soon

you're autistic, arent you?
NTA but I didn't know about this either until you guys started being dramatic about it. I don't care about this guy or this debate over what he did.
youtube has already said they will demonetize him entirely
Suicide prolly
>i don't care
>bumps thread
I bet you couldn't explain anything you just said in detail
My life doesn't revolve around 4chan I don't care if I'm bumping your thread
3 million in bond will give you 10 grand a month. My guess he invested well and probably doesn't have to work.
>I bet you couldn't explain anything you just said in detail
of course not you fucking retard. you think i invest in the stock market?
i know fuck about that but i do know that soulja boy does because he talked about it before and i do know no one listens to his music anymore.
fuck off you retarded faggot
kek cope, he'll be fine, but you're really upset over this foid
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josh got involved in a crypto scheme
Looks like a new spot opened up.
i have 0 fucking clue who josh is. why do you people obsess over fucking ecelebs is beyond me these people eat each other alive
Then why are you talking you fucking walking dunning Krueger
Speedrunning prison stream when?
well they're retards then
all these companies 100% knew, immediately after the twitch ban they were talking about how youtube is gonna drop him, so they were guaranteed giving them the info
the only real notable part of this story is how dogshit these companies are and that all their privacy invasion amounts to no benefit because twitch kept silent for 3+ years before doing anything, then youtube and his partners for the next 4
they're probably being silent on hundreds if not thousands of other people doing sketchy shit and will continue to cover for them until it comes out and they immediately pretend to be morally good to protect their brand
>they're retards
>they're doing everything in their power to protect their brand, hide problems, and drop liabilaties once problems arise
They probably knew but it's just business at the end of the day.
oh and also, demonetization is stupid and still works fine, not banning him so all he has to do is plaster a dono link on stream instead and disable all superchats etc if youtube hasn't already done so. he would still make enough this way for his lifestyle desu
Who knows how far companies will take this. He could indeed circumvent it but it's not getting any easier for him.
josh was /ourguy/ and flew too close to the sun
>inb4 17 is not pedo, it is pedo
as a representative of the lolicon community (pedophiles), i must inform you that we do not accept ephebophiles or hebephiles

and why are you so interested in my hard drive? wanna get some copies?
>Most people know what is meant by pedophilia
They seriously don't anymore, the definition is getting changed to being the older person in any age gap relationship.
If she really was 17 at the time, why not just come out and say so? Sure most people would still disapprove of it, but he'd probably be able to continue with his career. At least it's something. I get the feeling the girl was much younger than that, which is why he's laying low.
No he's pointing out that the only people who give a shit about him and are desperately trying to tarnish his reputation are chronically online leftists.
Must be hard being as dumb as you lmao

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