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The most masculine androcentric high society was arguably the Roman Empire and they all fucked prostitutes, especially the aristocrats. They did not give a flying fuck about the validation of women choosing them. I read that there was a common thought that women shouldn't even receive sexual pleasure, which is just hilarious. If a woman had sex before marriage, no one would marry her. Because women had no other avenue to make money, she was forced into prostitution. This resulted in pussy being super cheap, like the price of your McDonads meal lol. They also thought masturbation was fit only for slaves. It was the lowest level of sexual gratification in their eyes. You were a slave if you jerked off. This idea that it is shameful to fuck slave bitches could only be birthed in a gynocentric feminist society that tells you that women hold the keys to your manhood/masculinity. If you told a Roman women defined his manhood, he would probably kill you. kek. So it just ironic that incels would be against cooming in whores considering they hate feminism and the gynocracy.
Incels are against cooming in prostitutes because what they're really after is love. We want to be loved, desired, and for someone to care about us. Cooming in a prostitute doesn't satisfy this, it can give the brief illusion of being loved for some which is why they do it, but it doesn't truly match genuine desire and care.
Yet incels claim women can only love Chad. So what is left? Jerking off like a slave.
>I read
Can you read and understand latin?
>Yet incels claim women can only love Chad.
Those things aren't mutually exclusive though. We want to love and to be loved and that will never happen because women only see us as wallets (that is if they even acknowledge our existence at all.)
Average Men don't get comfort and love simply for existing. You need to do everything in your power to gain more confidence, to achieve bigger exploits, to gain more respect. That's the best you can do. Cooming in a whore is a step on that ladder. If you need more than that you probably have mommy issues
Whores being more expensive than they were in Roman times (who coomed in them during the breaks at sports events) doesn't help
Yes, for men ejaculation is like food or water in the sense that you need to do it every once in a while at least. If you don't jerk off, your body will do it for you in the form of wet dreams. Women only loving chad is the thing which creates incels, they love Chad for his looks but they don't give a damn about character. That's what the "nice guy" thing is about, it's not saying I deserve sex for being nice, it's the result of men who were lied to by society telling them that men are the shallow ones and women look deeper than looks, and saying how come I'm a good person yet nothing good happens to me but all these terrible people get things handed to them on a silver platter. Even the normies who can be betabuxx oofy doofies are only "loved" for their wallets, suffering through loveless dead bedroom marriages with women who will leave them and take half their stuff at the drop of a hat. This is a recipe for disaster, there is pressure building and something will give out soon.
>they all fucked prostitutes
they fucked young boys disgusting pedo
Being a nigger to the system.
Being part of the richest tribe in the world they could travel to SEA or Africa or LatAM and fuck whores forever. Hot whores too, submissive. Incels are just cucks. It is that simple. They let women and the simps get in their head make them feel like losers for being the descendants of winners. Do you think Jeff Bezos cares that women fuck him because of his money? He doesn't give a fuck. And yes he was born into his riches, just as you were born into your riches by being a Western.
>The most masculine
They literally had a emperor that was a femboy that would pretend to be a whore so men would fuck him
That's the exact issue. Humans are social creatures and not being accepted by a group is the biggest, most primal fear of every human. Incels are rejected by women and society, and there is often literally nobody out there who will accept or care for them. Cooming in a prostitute can give the temporary illusion of someone caring, but fundamentally it is still paying a woman who, if she was being honest, would be disgusted by you and laugh at you, for her time. This is not "confidence building" and it is not a step on the ladder towards genuine love and affection. Even ignoring that, regarding your comment on mommy issues, abuse or neglect by parents is a common problem among incels, so to give a solution that would work for someone who doesn't have that problem and then leave it at that is completely worthless.
This is an attention whore who is just here to annoy us, do not give it what it wants.
Everyone is better off not replying to tripfags desu. Most often they have nothing of substance to say.
Elagabalus still existed though and prostituted himself to other men.
This is why women HATE passport bros btw. If women hate it, it's probably a damn good deal for men because they hate men and they want you to suffer.
Rome existed for over 1000 years you retarded whore.
He was an emperor who served as a role model for the whole empire
>be a group of outcasted incel men
>start your own little encampment
>"shit, bros, we got no bitches"
>steal your bitches from someone else
>create the greatest empire ever
>for the rest of history Europeans men try to reimagine your creation
Incels were once so damn based.
Sure, that's why his reign was filled with controversy, the people hated him, he was assassinated, historians across history regarded him as terrible, he was insane and there are accounts of him throwing gold at poor people so that they would kill each other over it, and he was completely insane.

Also there is reason to believe that the accounts of his degeneracy were exaggerated. I know this is bait, but I will not stand by for Rome slander of this degree and I hate when the normies try to bring him up to make a point. He was an insane ruler who no one liked, this was not an example of Roman values.
Christianity really did cuck the fuck out of European men, eh? I guess it had to be stopped. It was just dominate, win, coom, and expand without regard to anyone who isn't us.
Ehh, I would argue for the true deathknell being the enlightenment or even the humanist movement.
Europeans dominated and fucked the world while they were Christians but they were just less brutal than before. There's no shame in being more benevolent. It's less messy too.
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Yes. Europeans were once like the chimps. Now they are the poor bonobo that are getting cucked by their women.
If your system only works by having a fresh supply of slaves, it is bound to fail at some point as you can't support that indefinitely. If it wasn't for christianity something else later down their line would have let to the downfall
Did you just post ai slop to help with your argument? That's honestly pretty sad to look at.
>scientists found that male bonobos are actually much more aggressive than assumed even more so than the notoriously violent chimpanzees
>Male bonobos were 2.8 times more likely than chimpanzees to commit an aggresive act, and three times more likely to commit physical-only aggression
>However, chimp aggression was more likely to involve coalitions of males and to be directed towards females, whereas male bonobo aggression towards females was extremely rare.
Bonobos are indeed like europeans and chimps are indeed like non europeans.
My people were never conquered by the Romans so I don't have this fucked up daddy complex for the terroni that other Whites seem to have.
You are speaking English. You were indeed conquered. I bet you even live and produce wealth for a country that isn't even of your people.
You're a faggot and the Romans were fucking terrone (basically niggers).
I hit a nerve obviously. Stop being insecure, bro. Yes, you are a conquered man and you wage slave for a country and people that isn't yours. Your home country will stay a shit hole while a foreign people's gets better via your slavery. Thank you.
>t. doesn't mention where hes from
Not a good sign for rome haters
>The most masculine androcentric high society was arguably the Roman Empire

Lmao sure.
Yes but not by R*mans, instead by tea-sipping Angloids.
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That word is a modern invention and Rome is in central Italy. You're probably just a Germanic or pict barbarian who's salty that you were too primitive and animalistic for even Rome to bring civilization to. How does it feel knowing that even gauls and Britons were better than you?

Fucking retards slandering Rome, what the fuck is this thread.
Scotland, ya dip.
Yep I knew it pict fucking animal kill yourself you white nigger
Oh lol, that's really funny in it's own way. Its aight tho mah ginga
Guarantee she isn't working at HK. HK whores are several steps below this
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>literally pay some chick 100+ dollars to spread her legs
>>yeah, that'll show those foids
you fucking dumbass. yeah, give em several days wages to do some shit other guys get for free, that'll show them.
High end whores travel from city to city.
>>yeah, that'll show those foids
What are you trying to prove to women, retard? Why are you trying to prove anything to them? This is what I'm talking about, you people are obsessed with the opinions and validation from women.
Clearly you are trying to prove you have amassed enough food tokens to be worthy of her diseased pussy.
My God, you really can not get out of this mindset of thinking about the opinions of women. They are the ultimate authority in your life. You are a slave.
HK is a gentlemen's club. Like a bar/strip club with hotel attached. Girls walk around and you can take them up to the rooms for sexy time. Top flight whores don't do that. They work as escorts
Ok try ignoring what women want or think and just have sex with a hooker and then don't pay her. I'm sure it will work out fine.
OP post is about peoples opinions about you, what are you talking about what am i trying to prove?

It's not even about proving anything either, the the fact that you're paying an exorbitant price just to get a bit of pussy.
Every service in rome was cheap because romans had legions of slaves
Youre right, i will escortmaxx and do the things i want since they dont involve women anyway. I had a background goal of love but that seems an impossible feat in the modern world
And now men's self esteem is based around women's approval. We have returned to the LONGHOUSE.
>We have returned to the LONGHOUSE.
Incredibly based and red pilled. The apex of trad
>because what they're really after is love
That's why they're incels
WHORES were WHORES during that beloved roman empire period you're talking about.
Do you fucking understand?

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