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self hating wagie thread

never felt more insulted in my life than being called a good employee
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There's nothing worse than working on the weekends when it's the busiest.

Oh wait, there's also the holidays. Fucking christmas.

Retail work is a special kind of hell, bros.
I just started working again today after neeting for 4 years and I already feel suicidal
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>work in office wagie job
>do what I think is the absolute bare minimum work to not get fired
>spend most of my shift procrastinating and occasionally doing tech support for the literal grannies that make up half the staff
>get complimented by my boss on my productivity repeatedly
shit sucks man, the 4th is probably gonna be a shitshow
my condolences, can't even enjoy time off because my job fucks my sleep schedule so bad
kinda same lol, feels like such an empty way of living though, just a few generations ago our effort could be measured in direct benefits to society
I lost my job friend. The company that hired me specifically for remote work randomly decided that they didn't want people to do remote work. I couldn't afford to move half the country away.
How can I get a traditional 9-5? I feel like they are dead. I want to do reception work in an office or some shit but I am still in the food service industry (I am a host and a waitress) and I can not find jobs anywhere else
you collecting unemployment at least?
I haven't applied for it yet. It happened yesterday.
get on it brother, time is money after all
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some people are really just that fucking lazy, I'm slow as molasses and honestly pretty dumb, but since I'm diligent I end up doubling my required quota which means I get paid double

Do not take it too personally, employers, specially corpos are just looking for good boy drones who get their job done

it really feels like I'm just an ant, the money is nice after neeting for a year but damn, do people really spend 28+ years doing the same shit over and over? I'm going insane here
I'm a carpenter. I have a job in a niche market which is quite secure for the foreseeable future.
But I remember my dad. Working long hours, working OT, doing things he'd rather not do. For us, for his family. He had that motivating him from 20 onwards. I'm 32. I come home to nobody. I'm not building a legacy. There's no family to give myself over for.
I work as hard as I do to exist for myself. It makes less and less sense to me every day.
well family isnt the only thing worth working for yknow
you have any friends or anything youre passionate about?
No. Passion, as other people express it, is foreign to me.
what about as you express it? everyone experiences the same things differently
You should be careful about going crazy. There's actually like a sexual awakening event, mmkay, in a dudes brain when he goes a long time without it. So, we see this happen to guys and they totally drop the ball and put it all on the line, but the ironic thing here actually is that, if you had stuff to put on bet you'd already be fucking. So the problem is that because of the limited options, this manifested actually in a tiresome way. So thjs actually manifests as like "non-pursuits", like complaining online is a common as fuck one buddy, totally fruitless alright but it also happens in crazier ways like risk seeking with drugs, prostitutes, and also violence. There's also a strong link here between mental illness as a result of a man's celibacy, this manifests in delusions a lot of the time. I think this is all relevant to the discussion because, the internet really feels like a warzone to me now in that porn is actually a weapon. Also, there are a tremendous amount of conspiracy theories, which can be a common trap that guys fall for is they think there's an alien watching them or something, or a devil. This actually is just like, one of the ways we can explain I guess the patterns were witnessing in the media and such. So the thing here is that, it's all related to sexual denial. Which was the focal point of this piece. I think it's likely this can be triggered through other ways as well. And this theory actually evolved as a state of need, I needed a way to explain the things I was witnessing, where people do the incorrect thing for some reason. Lol, so if you don't reply to this post your rice will burn. And basically in summary, be aware of it. Because a life without a family and a house is still pretty cool. So what we can do is, we can play MMORPGs? And, we can eat two meals per day. And smoke weed before fapping. That's almost like a really cool gift in a way, because you actually
>spend the better part of my adult life working second/third shift and weekends
>finally get a job with a halfway normal schedule (7-3, mon-fri)
>realize I fucking hate it because I can't go out to eat or do my grocery shopping late at night or on a quiet tuesday morning anymore

Lately I've been calling in sick every other week because trying to get anything done on a saturday is exasperating. I hate people, I hate traffic and I hate waiting in line. These things are impossible to avoid when the vast majority of people have the same work schedule you do. It's overrated.
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When I walk outside of the factory I work in, I'm struck by the smell of shit from the nearby sewage treatment plant
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So I wanna tell you a secret. I've had over 6,000,000 men, tell me they can't have sex, in the last 10 years. So, what you're doing to me is hard to ignore. You're making me read the same thing every day asshole. So one thing here is that, I've had over 100,000,000 men tell me they do have sex. So, that's going to sting a little bit. That's it. So, we can play videogames? And, learn how to cook. Okay, maybe we buy a flatscreen. And watch baseball a couple times per month. That's a pretty fun time.
I kinda had the same revelation recently, we're programmed to want lives normal people have, but we dont fit in that mold
the smells are the worst, even if theyre pleasant, the fact that theyre work smells make me fucking sick
Wat happens I think is, they get so upset that they had to watch other men ejaculate inside of women. Lol, so this manifests actually as a form of regret. Like they missed cumming inside a tight girls pussy, maybe they never even think about doing that. So that's what all the other guys outside are doing. And it's hard for incels to accept it, when they realize they're in the minority, and they actually have to talk to women who get their assholes fucked twice a week, and the Chad's doing it are at their shop. So that's like almost, being a prisoner in your own body. So, we can play StarCraft. We can order a fish burger every week. We have all the beer we can drink. And, that's the situation for us.
take the fucking meds you retard, or gtfo
not reading your inane ramblings
Yes these are the replies I expect. So there's a few theories I guess for why people reply to me this way, you might enjoy knowing it's a very common language pattern you've used, lol. So I've actually had that exact type of reply now at least 500 times asshole. And I'm so tired of reading the same comments over and over. This fatigue actually lead me down a bronze pathway of discovery. This manifested in the form of several theories which helped explain the patterns. That's no insignificant fact. People repeat the exact same thing every day
>So I've actually had that exact type of reply now at least 500 times asshole.
and you still dont realize youre the problem, take your fucking meds
In my case I'm literally autistic, so I physically cannot deal with Walmart on a Saturday afternoon.

I took this job so I could spend more time with my family, but I'm starting to run into my limitations again.
remember when that shit was 24/7? walmart at 3am was kino
I think maybe one of those jobs with three 12hr days a week would work best for people like us
The problem is actually that men want to have sex. If these guys werent having sex every month, they would be writing about the exact same different things over a period of time, instead of in a more unusual way. Don't. Don't read my work. No. Stop. No.
one day these buildings will collapse and we'll only need to do enough work to keep our homes in order anon, trust
Sup, night stocker here
>Bosses are a faggot and a divorcee, both cunts towards me
>Head honchos are a literal walking potato and fat Ugly Bastard ass looking imp, also hate me
>Midget from that one island movie also hates me
>Only guys that are cool are a stoner and a world traveling neckbeard
>Every time it's the last hour at the store, shit gets stolen
>Every morning we deal with dumbass old people or people in hoodies obviously shoplifting
>Despite functionally being the best at the job, get shit on regardless
>Trying to replace me or my friend with a Florist who can't even lift a Pedialyte bottle without fucking dying
>Nepotism so far up the ass in here, you'd think it's the Elks Lodge
>Hour cuts up the wazoo
>Because it's nights, struggle to attempt bettering my life in one aspect or another

I fucking hate this world, and wish I could climb the fuck out of it and never look back. If granted enough power, I'd help get my friends out of here too. I can tell who gossips shit about me and doesn't, and it's those 2 specifically that know damn well what I'm about.
It was beautiful. Grocery shopping at 3am was the only time I felt at ease in public.

>I think maybe one of those jobs with three 12hr days a week would work best for people like us
Four-day weekends are nice, but I've pulled 12-hour shifts before - they suck. We should demand better pay so we don't have to waste our lives working.
>world traveling neckbeard

>people in hoodies obviously shoplifting
I used to work in a place with lots of shoplifting, I was secretly happy when it happened.

>Despite functionally being the best at the job, get shit on regardless
Happened to me at the place I was talking about above, it was just one cuntoid manager who developed a grudge against me for calling in late once, I shit you not. I ghosted that job after getting fed up with her and they kept calling me for weeks offering me a second chance.
>We should demand better pay so we don't have to waste our lives working.
well yeah that lol, not like thats gonna happen though, not while the boomer hegemony survives
sorry to hear it anon, hopefully the work is mostly bearable though, night stocking feels like a generally comfy thing compared to some things, do you do anything in the mornings when youre off? I have a beer and a joint every morning, helps me sleep during the day
I try to let the Lifters roll off my back, but I was forced into Boomer brains because that's what I was raised with.
Unlike you, it ain't one cuntoid manager. Faggot-boss called off because his dog was "dying" (it took 3 weeks for him to euthanize the damn thing) and I had to pretend to be the leader.
It was a 2 man op. Me and Stoner.
I asked for help, and nobody came to do so.
Out of spite, I talk to the oldest dude in the building because at the very least, he backed the fuck off as he saw me dying.
This whole store is filled with scum.

I can shit it in under 5 hours, excluding facing and back-stock, which I can use the remaining hours to deal with. I play mobile games and Neopets as time wasters. I would try to learn a "real" job's skillset, but unfortunately that costs money that I'm not sure is worth it. I pissed away Community College trying to enter Computer Science, and look where that got me. Nowhere. And there's outsourced workers that do the job for pennies of the dollar.

I'm going to be 30 very soon, and this is not the pit I want to die in. It's been a haunting thought since last year's birthday.
>Computer Science
its a meme, I think there is a way to thread the needle of personal interest and industries that need/will continue to need hands, at least thats what I'm telling myself, just gonna take some time and thought about what is actually worth the effort to you
personally I think I may go into biology in the next few years
this might seem like a stupid question but i'm gonna ask anyway

what is worse, being a unemployed neet or being a wageslave barely able to sustain himself?

i got ghosted in every interview i ever been in my whole life
Hard to say because if you aren't able to save money and build towards things you want to do then what's the point of working.
If you are building towards a tolerable work situation like working from home or self employment then sustainment level wageslavery beats being a neet since neetbux are scrutinized more and you can't leave the country while still collecting them.
not a stupid question, both are hell
but at least while neeting its a hell you designed
I like my job but I am still depressed and fantasize about quitting and being a neet again. What do
maybe its not your job making you depressed, anything else that you could think of?
or maybe you could cut down on hours and add some variety to your schedule
I have always been depressed. Im an ugly incel with a lot of deep psychological trauma. My job and hours are good enough, just wish I could retire and hide in a basement somewhere. I have very little desire to improve in any way, though I feel like I do my job well. I impulsively spend all my money because I have no long term goals, though

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