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if you're a girl, you have to get with guys... do you really want to get with guys? guys fucking suck
Choose wine and cats.
Lesbian predators are so funny desu. They talk like incels but insist their creepiness is not at all creepy and they love women from a cool and pure perspective as opposed to scary men
where do you get your confidence to type like this? certainly no woman in your life
>where do you get your confidence to type like this?
I suppose because he actually accomplished something in his life instead of relying on being a predator on the internet to cope with the fact of being a genetic dead end like (You).
you are not okay, you're mentally ill
That's some mighty projection you got there carpet muncher
By observing said lesbians on predominantly lesbian sites such as tumblr lol.
The way lesbian women try to get bisexual women to go full lesbian is pretty pathetic and genuinely incelcore. Maybe even worse because of their insisting to be better than men lol.
now you're hitting on me...

women get with other women by being socially appealing and acceptable
>by being socially appealing and acceptable
Lesbians are disgusting outcasts, for the most part: overweight, poorly dressed, poorly educated, the list goes on.
Which is saying something when you're born in the "easy mode" life.
I'm not saying that never happens, but if anything the most toxic "lesbians" online are actually the ones who aren't really attracted to women and are just using it as a cope for being traumatized low-libido straight women who hate men and want an instant community. actual lesbians complain about this all the time but there's nothing they can do about it, they're too well-infiltrated.
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that makes no sense, there's plenty of "straight" (does such a thing really exist? women generally hate men and that's pretty universal) that fit that more than self-proclaimed "lesbians" do
women have always gotten with men for one reason: survival, in reality they love the company of women and should the vibe go sexual, cool?
you're thinking about this in a sexual context, as always, men are socially retarded
So women are just like everybody else, nice sentence devoid of meaning.
Nah, they're bonafide lesbians, they actually make big deals about political bisexual women themselves. A lot of lesbians are creepy when talking about other women bud, it's whatever at the end of the day.
>Ugh, I love the way she looks and I need her and I need to breathe her and I want her to be with me forever and I want make LOVE to her
>Unlike men who don't see her the way I do
The constant apologizing for their sexuality is offputting and gross, highly manipulative as well. A lot of lesbians are actual predators too btw, and a lot of lesbians indeed do complain about that as well.
dipshit has studied online lesbians. Online.
men are self-hate, ugly mentally, and violent
you typed so many words and none of it interesting
every word i type stings like the key point of a novel
you are a samefag, SAMEFAG
I also know lesbians irl btw, a few predators too
autism. fixation on this predator concept as if it gets you attention
kill yourself
>no u
genuinely, why even pretend to not be affected then, just ignore me lmao. you are not proving me wrong. learn english btw
Thanks for sharing your opinion & anecdotes now please fuckoff so adults can converse
Actually no, can I get your take on economic migrants?
>women generally hate men and that's pretty universal)
That's a delusion you created for yourself due to being terminally online.
>that fit that more than self-proclaimed "lesbians" do
And? You said lesbians were "socially appealing and acceptable", which for the most part simply isn't true. Even in the alphabet soup-era they're still outcasts, and rightfully so.
>in reality they love the company of women
Theny why are you here, alone, trying to prey on women that are clearly here because they're interested in men?

You're too stupid to function, which is why you started idealizing your own sexual orientation, to give yourself a value you don't actually have.
you're hitting on me

i'm not reading all that
see >>77999216
you silly samefag. Behold the mentally sane lesbian, not at all affected when lesbian predators are mentioned.
you're repeating yourself
nuhuh, but read this >>77999216
The self-assured way in which you speak on Lesbians leads me to believe you are 12 years old
i'm not gonna be ur gf champ, enjoy the few seconds of attention from a woman that actually cares about you
>i'm not reading all that
Because you need a way out to not look even dumber than you already made yourself look. Funny thing is, my post was shorter than yours.
Why are you suddenly capitalizing?
>>lesbian predators
Name ten of them.
because you are out of your mind and have no idea what you're talking about
you would have to be a critical fool to actually believe any woman on this planet enjoys men
>u dumb poo-poo head
Great argument, thanks for proving your adulthood to the class lil Cindy.
>That actually cares about you
Discord tag or you are a liar liar pants on fire, but I accept your concession.
If you feel the need to reply, come back to this post stating how I won.
dude do you have any idea how repulsive you are?

you win, now go drink some water and do 10 jumping jacks saying "women are great i love them they are better than me"
I guess this is why there's women posting here, in a board that is not only mostly men but also openly mysoginistic. Yourself included.
But don't let logic stop you, keep coping.
To accentuate the moronic way you pontificate on lezzies
No u, God knows women should exercise once in a while. Wheres your discord
>dude do you have any idea how repulsive you are?
To whom? To (You)? I hope I am.
i just want men to accept that they're a social problem and not very attractive as people, that's all
the solution obviously isn't women getting with women 24/7... yet....
>nooo dont date them haha, only I can truly love you
sociopath moment
>i just want men to accept that they're a social problem and not very attractive as people, that's all
We'll accept it when that becomes true.
women are fucking difficult, but that's part of the fun, men are simple and straight forward, that's part of the problem
who's talking about love

sadly you prove it
>sadly you prove it
Being a problem to a disgusting person is a positive to society.
you're isolated in your own room with no validation or feedback, you have no idea what's going on here, and it's not good for you
>who's talking about love
mask off moment, the predator felt called out and yet reveals itself at the end. checkmate
What's wrong with guys?
Again, seems like a mighty projection.
>>women are
>>men are
I know that I'm arguing with a bot but holy shit try harder with your arguments
Quinn, you need to take your medication. You need to take them everyday, Quinn.
aaand you're done. Better luck next time little man
female love is very expensive, not an easy thing to get, it's not even possible to truly "love" a man

you're wrong

beep boop
>you're wrong
Nice argument, I accept your concession. We're done here.
bye, have a great night
Im a woman tho, why do you think i was on tumblr
the only thing woman about you is the fact you slid out of your mother's pussy in a tormented fashion
hmm if you say so, state?
critically unwell and physically threatening
obviously so, my condolences
autistic and unwanted
thats the average lesbian over 30 tho
can be cool if they're into gaming
shut the fuck up bitch i don't want you
I didnt offer tho, dont be so creepy about it. Height?
i'm actually in love with you now
post a throwaway email
no u, and it better be a discord. height btw?
i don't love you anymore
you never did
why don't you post your ssn for everyone
fucking trying to dox me in public
stupid whore
the two things reinforce each other and overlap heavily. 20 years ago it used to be common for the lesbians who run the women's shelters to try and recruit the abuse victims into their lifestyle (which does not necessarily revolve around sex, which they will readily admit). like a lot of the women who say that shit don't actually want to have sex if you try to date them, or so I've been told.

the actually horny lesbians can be predatory too but in a different way, more just shamelessly groping people and getting away with it because they're women. it's a lot more chadly and they never have to justify it with feminist BS because normies have the same double standard.
>like a lot of the women who say that shit don't actually want to have sex if you try to date them, or so I've been told.
Maybe where you live but not what ive seen from tumblr lesbians and irl experiences.
You're right about the groping tho, lesbians will just play it off as two girls just being friendly but its actually molestation lol.
the way they talk to women and how much more pure their love is is what a lot of them do tho, even the STUDS.
it's so hard to make female friends online because anytime she exposes herself she gets add raped by 50 dudes and 20 trannies
there are more male tumblr users on this board than female ones.
the amount of people who pretend to be women on the internet is actually insane
if you notice, the verified females on the public internet are extremely safe and not very controversial in their opinions

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