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Why do people foolishly believe a draft is impossible to implement in America?
It's possible, sure. I just know my face would be all over /r9k/ if I was ever drafted because I'd start lighting people up as soon as I got my hands on a rifle.
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>get on the plane and fight
Sure, you can draft me, you can lead me to water, but I'm not drinking.
>get on the plane and fight
>ok, off to jail you go, heres your 25 year sentence
Unlikely more than impossible. Our leaders know better than to use a draft considering how ineffective it has been before, plus citizens are more willing to rebel than ever. I would only see America forcing a draft if America was actually being invaded, and I don't think any country has the balls to do that, for now at least. American enemies will sooner nuke America instead of actually sending boats with enemy soldiers here.
>if America was actually being invaded
If America was actually being invaded you'd see enough patriotism and jingoism resurge that you wouldn't need a draft. That's incredibly unlikely and basically impossible, though.
>plus citizens are more willing to rebel than ever.
Over half the country took an experimental vaccine and celebrated the non conformist being fired from their jobs and excluded from society. This whole notion of rebellion is nonsense, we're not somehow tougher than previous generations, if anything we are the weakest most divided group of degenerates.

Remember those Jan.6 protestors? The second they got locked up they were crying and apologizing and pleading guilty. lol you faggots are in for such a big wakeup call when you realize how cowardly you really are.
so then i started blasting
>but you'd end up dead too
yeah that would happen anyway, at least this way you send a message to the cunts forcing you into all this
This is my viewpoint. Taking a shell for ZOG is a fate worse than death, at that point all ZOGbots would be enemy combatants in my eyes.
>Over half the country took an experimental vaccine and celebrated the non conformist being fired from their jobs and excluded from society.
Because that was the leftist take. It is undeniable that the left has a lot of control over America, most important the left will absolutely not support a draft at all. The left protested for BLM, they've protested over Trump, they will protest against a draft.
There's also an anti-war right in the form of anti-intervention libertarians. People forget that, but they were just as big in Iraq as the nascent left.
>they will protest against a draft.
They will protest in favor of whatever the MSM tells them. Just look at the debate. We've all known Biden is suffering from dementia for years, but its not until MSM ran with the narrative that the left fully accepted it. They were in denial about it up until CNN telling them its okay to admit it.
>when you realize how cowardly you really are

So in otherwords, a draft would be impossible.
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>ok, off to jail you go, heres your 25 year sentence
You could make it a life sentence and it wouldn't matter. You think I'm scared of being moved from an open air prison to an enclosed one? At least now I will get my rightful neetbux. Pay for my noodles faggot.
You wouldn't get 25 years, you would be out in 3 years at most.
Plus you could just be a conscientious objector and get no prison time.
You think the objective is to win and not cull white males? Lol
Never die for the Jews

If they force you, frag your commanding officer at the first chance
Considering how advanced military technology is now, a draft is unnecessary. There's no need to send in bodies when they can just bomb anything to smithereens with drones. They only need enough people to keep things running, which they think they can manage with volunteers. That would only change if the US ever got invaded, which hasn't happened in over 200 years.
Seeing you dumbass NEETs poorly try to talk about politics is so cringeworthy.
Its no about needing man power, its about sending white people to their deaths

The concept of the Western nation ended when they decided to invite the world here. They don't care about us and they will get nothing from us. France, JewSA, UK, etc etc are all just economic zones. They have no loyalty to us. A giant cattle farm divided into arbitrary management areas.

I will never fight for this country. It is not my country. I have no country, only my blood. I live under the boot of a violent gang called the United States government and they cannot make me fight for Israel
stop larping
also you'd get more surprise sex from niggers with aids
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Sounds unlikely. You're welcome to keep masturbating to your gay sex fantasy though. That's what our country seems to be founded to protect.
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>Why do people foolishly believe a draft is impossible to implement in America?
Because we quite simply do not have the manpower in law enforcement to force millions upon millions on young fighting age men to fight in a war that they do not support.
There has not been one moment in history where a draft was successfully enforced on an unwilling populace. That's fucking ridiculous.
Do you think showing us a webm of three soldiers restraining one other soldier is going to convince us otherwise?
>You think the objective is to win and not cull white males?
Of course it is, you moronic schizo. Politicians in power do not benefit from losing a war and an entire race of productive people.
You're just spewing unsubstantiated nonsense.
Because the tiny fraction of a fraction of the population that would take any direct action outnumber the entire military.
The draft offices will run out of zogbots.
>Politicians in power do not benefit from losing a war and an entire race of productive people.
Politicians are put into power specifically to do exactly those things.
See: Zelensky.
>lose weight
Yeah like they did with Vietnam
Seeing you recruiter shills seethe is funny. We will never fight for the jews.
Yep. Riots, bombings, and other types of fun. Weather Underground and all that shit.
Seeing various glowies seethe is kino.
You can tell they despise us and get really shaken up whenever we btfo them.
He'd be put in a minimum security prison
Reminder that most Nam dodgers weren't even caught
no that's dumb lol, vast majority of the military is run and operated by white people
shut the fuck up retard
No it has nothing to do with the military it's when you dumbasses talk about left/right, you have no idea how anything works.
yeah cause its gonna be super feasible to jail like 50-80% of the males in your country over it lmao
Nigga HALF of it didnt
Half of the nation, the ones with MORE guns, hate the government and distrust it
Thats enough people for a revolution lol
I want to see how they gonna force those other half to join the war
I bet leftists will become over nationalist and encourage to go war agasint Russia or China
Well, they can all die then
I'm sure that if a draft ever happens they won't even give you weapons since most zoomers would just turn 180 and shoot their general
this is why you have to tatemaxx and gridmaxx
in the unlikely even of such a thing happening all men with money will already board private planes into other regions
all the plebians will stay and get subjugated
much like the ukraine situation
tatemaxx and gridmaxx or plebmaxx, your choice

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