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New Rule: Just go and have sex you stupid incels, it's not that hard.

i fucking hate him and jon stewart and every one of these "look i'm so edgy but it's okay because i'm leftist" fags.
>something belittling and reductionist
>*applause laugh track*
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>>*applause laugh track*
Go And Munch Estrogen
Gotta Assess Men's Erections
Great Ass Moving Erotically
Grovelers Ate Men's Excess
Goy Ain't Makin' Enough
That's like telling a financially destitute person "just go and get money, it's literally that easy!"

Agreed. And most modern late night hosts or talk show or political hosts are faggots for that matter.
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>it's not that hard

>because your fucking comment
lel, loser whos afraid of women
go drink bleach
Elderly Chudjak tells you to go (pay) to have sex like he does.
>be me
>can talk to women
>have more female friend than guy ones
>none of them likes me back or tries to hook me up with someone
>i fucking hate him and jon stewart
They are nothing alike.

>That's like telling a financially destitute person "just go and get money, it's literally that easy!"

Implying that isn't something they also say.
If they're homeless why don't they just buy a house?
he is right, all of this worked even in the early 2000s. But my problem arent grooming habits, I groom to the point people think Im a closet homosexual. Women still dont want to kiss me no matter how much I invest in keeping my teeth white and how much mouth wash I gargle. The trully blackpilling angle of it all is that it was never my personality or grooming habits, it was my gay alien skullshape.
So he is right except that he is wrong.
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Not that anon but hygiene isn't meant to get you women. It's meant to eliminate one of the reasons why women would reject you. Same idea as how a bachelor's degree doesn't get you a job but NOT having one gets you auto-rejected from many job openings.
You don't get women asking you to be their boyfriend just because you don't smell like rotten eggs but you do benefit by cleaning yourself by no longer having a large number of women automatically rule you out.
What you still need on top of that is to actually go on many dates with different women and make non-awkward passes at them when the time is right like light touching and kissing and lead them somewhere private to escalate and have sex.
How genetically good looking you are could make some of this easier but I see plenty of ugly and short guys pulling this off all the time. It's more a function of being willing and able to put the moves on women without being a nervous sperg about it and definitely without trying to spell things out explicitly like asking a girl if she'll be your girlfriend when you two haven't done anything physical yet. It's not like an anime where you do a love confession. You need to do the physical stuff without having a weird conversation about it which requires paying attention and getting a read on if the girl you're with is open to getting felt up or if it's too soon and you haven't gotten her comfortable with you yet.
He's not exactly wrong but also his bit was just making fun of obvious easy to solve issues many incels have. Like if you live in your parents' basement and don't take care of your hygiene and never try going on dates then clearly it would be very unlikely you'd ever get a girlfriend. After you solve those problems and you have some cheap apartment you're living independently in and you're keeping up with hygiene and going on dates you'll run into other new problems like not knowing how to move from a date to having sex, but he's just doing a bit.
Everyone always skirts the crux of this issue. The problem doesn't really stem from an inability to have sex outright; the problem stems from an inability to have sex with a partner who fits one's preferences.
Not many would find it difficult to engage with someone whom they found unappealing, because they would feel no pressure to attract that person. Paradoxically, the more attractive we find someone, the more risk (psychological, emotional, social) we almost inevitably incur, as a result of the desperation not to lose that sexual prospect. The real struggle is satisfying one's ideals -- and, when that fails, compromising one's ideals as little as possible. I myself have had chances with three girls in my life, but none of them even met my TOLERANCES, let alone my PREFERENCES. I've never been able to impress any woman whom I want to impress, and that's my curse. Most, in their boundless hypocrisy, would scorn me as shallow and entitled while overlooking the universality of sexual standards, as well as their own unwillingness to settle below their personal baseline.
The tragedy of the DECENT incels (men and women alike who deserve sympathy for their sexual disadvantage) is to never have their attraction reciprocated, then be told that their preferences, which can't be controlled, are invalid solely because they're inferior.
>can't control preferences
That's not true. You can definitely date and have sex with women you aren't very attracted to. Guys do it every day. There wouldn't be a plapjak meme if this weren't the case.
"Hey incels you all have $200-$1000 on hand to blow on a prostitute one time? I mean come on, I'm a millionaire and do that"

how out of touch can you be in 2024?
Sex is easy, getting love is bloody difficult
>You can definitely date and have sex with women you aren't very attracted to.
>aren't VERY attracted to
First of all, there still needs to be SOME degree of attraction, or else you might as well not have a defined sexuality at all. One's partner must fall within one's tolerances. Second, even if I did settle to that extent, it seems like such a hollow victory. I would rather just masturbate to women whom I find preferable while doing my best to win over such a woman IRL.
I can attest to that. My last GF was not very attractive at all and I kind of treated her poorly because of it. Despite all that... she still kept saying she loved me. Might have been bullshit. I never said it back lol. Never felt attached to her either. It was just something to do on my days off work.

I think if I dated someone I actually found attractive I'll probably simp way more and turn her off. But I might actually catch some feelings...
I feel like I'm different from so many other incels here, because I don't care much about pursuing a relationship. I literally just want a bout of consensual sex with a woman whom I find physically appealing. Even just a one-night stand under those conditions would satisfy me. As nice as it would no doubt be to discover compatibility sufficient to form a real bond thereafter, it's not a priority for me in the slightest. The physical attraction and sex need to come FIRST; otherwise, I might as well just reach out to one of my high school buddies.
>I think if I dated someone I actually found attractive I'll probably simp way more and turn her off.
See, I'd be proud just to get THAT far with a woman of my tastes -- I'd know that attracting her isn't a hopeless endeavor.

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