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Blacks are going too far. I fear the weeb.
The only response that will work is Niggers Cave part 2: Nigger Skeleton Boogaloo
Oh no not again. Cry about it some more japs, maybe you shouldn't have picked a war and lost it
Those fucks can't even live in Africa, it's kind of fucking sad. They burn all their countries to the ground, then whine about appreciation.
Rape is common in Sierra Leone, and they rape like 12-13 year olds, get them pregnant, over witch they get kicked out of school, therefore loosing every possibility to help their country, still no one does anything about it, they fucking gave up on those kids.
It's as sad as it is ridiculous.
Why is America releasing its golem niggers on the rest of us? Keep your niggers in your nigger zone. FUCK YOU
"Foreigners showing up and committing rape and murder is actually fine because its in a country that lost a completely unrelated war one time"
Could this be the most retarded nigger on the board?
Being a loser has consequences, remember that
-t. pajeet
I know that you come from some third world shithole that has done nothing but lose to Britain or the U.S. in its entire irrelevant existance, kek
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This shit has been going on before you were even born. Nothing will happen. No one will do shit.
>this shit been going on before you were born

yeah and they could brush kangz under the rug
now it's on twitter and everyone can see it
Cope more autists. Whether you are a loser in life or a country of losers, you don't get away scot free. In the real world whoever has more power than you will fuck you, literally
Seethe more, fucking Burger diabetus
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Why didn't he post a source to the news article
Why didn't you post a link to the news article
Why am I reading his tweet?
Why am I seeing Twitter at all?
You should be flogged for this.
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Brother.... Blacks have been raping this island before your grandparents were born.
Lmao what a shitshow

My grandparents were born before the twentieth century however.
>fucking burger diabetus

Real talk it's probably because no okinawan girls will fuck them so they go crazy and become rapists
US army needs to draft some hoes and ship them over there to fuck their BBC
ok why's it matter that they're black, you're all radio silent when whites do the same shit
Erm but didn't the weebs say age of consent is 12 in Japan?! What's the issue!!? Lol
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erm i believe you mean otaku desuneyo-dayo
Ask the japs what comfort girls are watch them develop Alzheimer's
Explain or are you just an idiot
Okinawa is pretty trad
Literally the last time I remember a white on asian crime happening was the guy who shot up the massage parlor. And I'm just assuming he was actually white, I didn't read anything to see if he was actually a latino or a jew.

As whites, we're just not a rapey, murderey people. We're a serial killer, white collar crime, world bank controlling type of people, you know? Haven't you heard a black comedian in the last 20 years?
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>As whites, we're just not a rapey, murderey people
A comfort girl does it consensually to high ranking men who need comfort, she would never have sex with a nigger.
"why was there segregation in the army?"
yeah, they also tried to give the system to the US, and the US didnt notice it was going on for a bit
where is the lie loser
you fucking ignorant monkey (with all respect) okinawans have been openly critics against the central gov, go read about the battle of okinawa and katsuyama killing, don't pretend what their army did will justify what burgermen do to foreign children lmao
>where is the lie
I dunno try reading the news for once
I read the news and it just seems that we statistically do not rape and murder much

Why am I reading about black armymen raping and not white ones
>japs just started being almost tolerant of blacks
>they go and do this
>I dunno try reading the news for once
bro people are reporting BLACK americans raping in this fucking server, get real
>We just don't rape much
>Japs tolerant of gaijin in any form
Yeah maybe when the boomers die they'll be more cool with foreigners
What do you even mean
You could've at least made some real effort and posted actual statistics instead of one singular example
Its called a board anon, did you forget that you're not on discord right now?
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>Where is the lie
Do you read history?
Oh yeah I remember this
So one noteworthy case in 8 years and it's a drunk partygoer? Are you seeing what the word statistically means now in the way I used it?
thrown out
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There is a brown whore that posts here on 4chan finger banging herself to this dude's mugshots.
That's not rape that's bestiality dumbass. Plus we're talking about present day not literally 600 years ago
>Slap on the wrist
If the Justice system treated you how they treated us you wouldn't get slaps on the wrist
Same with junko furuta
The reason japs have low crime rate is because they don't prosecute
>What do you even mean
>Its called a board anon, did you forget that you're not on discord right now?
holy fuck its an accident, chill.
>guys who know there is no law or repercussions in the world does something retarded
yeah im just gonna stop talking to you, youre a shilling faggot. obviously every race has done fucked up shit but it is also extremely obvious ones do a lot more than others.
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come on man
you really want me to use my brain
The funniest thing about that guy is that if he'd just taken his jail sentence instead of fighting it he would be forgotten already. Instead there's fanatics devoted to tracking his every move. Sometimes being a rich white boy with Daddy money doesn't work out
The point is you don't get sentenced how we do
Black athletes get accused of sexual assault all the time
Well that settles it. Women want to be raped by white men. No one wants to be raped by a nasty gorilla ape.
i thought he was larping and calling the planet a game server like we were in the matrix
i quit discord
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I may not know what you look like
But you know what you look like
which war did you mutts lose that caused you to become a vessel state to israel
Jews are the master race
My amigx friend
It's only natural inferior whites serve them
I like the way I look. I do not look like a rapists (black), that's for certain.
Wow. 1 hour, 17 minutes and 14 seconds, I think that's the longest that a discussion on Japan has been held without someone mentioning Junko Furuta
Your point has shifted then, originally I thought you were trying to say that whitey is a habitual sex offender. And I don't think it's my business of how you get sentenced this time. Is Japanese court different?
Whites do not get prosecuted the same way non whites do from drug offenses to rape or sexual assault
>pale dysgenic sandniggers who invented scamming and blood sacrifice are the chosen people bro!
That high trust society living will do it to ya
I mean
They own the world
And you're here posting on a sandwich making forum about how special you are
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Looks like neither of us are going to pull up sex offender statistics.
Highly advanced oriental sociologist here.
Japs don't give a shit. They don't even consider okinawans humans. You know, the imperial army used to throw entire villages of islanders off cliffs to prevent them from being captured.
So stop worrying about being lynched if you are a streetfighter fan trying to live out the weeb dream
oh did i miss that? maybe im just retarded idk but hes right
japs think you're all rapists lol
what do you mean too far? fucking retarded /pol/acks
they are not your "fellow honorary whites", they want you all gone
This, why are they so fucking stupid
I'm OP and I think the military bases should be removed. Also, I hate niggers. That's why I made this thread. Everyone hates niggers. Cope more.
Okinawans hate the japanese and don't even consider themselves japanese
Well maybe if blacks didn't force them to open up their isolationist county and except western values this wouldn't be happening
Oh wait that was whites
Don't give a fuck. The bases need to be removed. Niggers are a plague that the US is tormenting the world with..
They attacked us, they wanted to kill us, they did kill us. We didn't build bases on their land for fun
The US can't even have military pacts with its allies because niggers will rape all the locals. What a failed experiment.
Go back in time and kill all whire people
Then Japan stays isolationist
How about we just go back in time and kill all the niggers?
Look at this thread
>nigger rapes
lmfao. The jokes write themselves
They could have stopped attacking usa soil.
No one gave a fuck about what they did to other Ching and changs, but they got boastful and tried to attack usa directly
For that, USA spanked them hard
Go back in time and tell them dont attack USA
>muh western values
Niggers western values like open trade, electricity and rail road?
Here is a fact: Japan benefited heavily from opening up and western values
If there were no niggers in the world right now, earth would have been heaven and we had colonized mars by now
Someone post that meme where a Asian woman getting knifed by a nigger blame whites for it
To lazy to do it yourself or to stupid to search for it your self?
Oh now you're not willing to fight for a free japan
age of consent in japan is 13
14 is not rape unless she says it was rape, which would likely be the case if she voluntarily had sex with black men and then other nips found out and were horrified
>maybe you shouldn't have picked a war and lost it
American troops are there to DEFEND Japan, mate.
They stopped 'occupying' Okinawa since 1950s.
>If there were no niggers in the world right now, earth would have been heaven and we had colonized mars by now
Do you know what the hundred years war is?
>No one gave a fuck about what they did to other Ching and changs
Completely wrong. America was VERY much on China's side, even before Pearl Harbor.

'Japan invaded China in July 1937, starting the Second Sino-Japanese War. President Roosevelt, who supported the Chinese side, chose not to invoke the Neutrality Acts since the parties had not formally declared war. In so doing, he ensured that China's efforts to defend itself would not be hindered by the legislation: China was dependent on arms imports and only Japan would have been able to take advantage of cash-and-carry. This outraged the isolationists in Congress who claimed that the spirit of the law was being undermined'
I can't even say what I want to say about black people or I will get banned for racism outside of /b/
>A comfort girl does it consensually
"do this consensually or starve to death, lose all protection and we'll kill your family and rape your corpse anyway"
I don't care, Japs chose to kneel to globohomo, once in 1945 and again by importing thousands of Indians and niggers.
>No one gave a fuck about what they did to other Ching and changs
Again, wrong, FDR was very much supportive of China:
>'Roosevelt gave his Quarantine Speech in October 1937, outlining a move away from neutrality and toward "quarantining" all aggressors. He then imposed a "moral embargo" on exports of aircraft to Japan'.

As Churchill put it: FDR wanted China as a 'faggot vote' in Asia.
I guess this has absolutely nothing at all to do with the constant, persistent, endless sexualisation of children by the Japanese. It must not cross any of the troops minds as they stroll around past LED billboards of loli pussy and shop window posters of spread little girls fingering themselves that Japan would be accepting of such a thing. Why would they even think that having sex with teenagers is acceptable in a society where the most popular pasttime is 45yr old men watching little girls dance in panties?
and here we are on earth, slowly killing our world, instead of going to mars.
Why? Jiggers
Exactly nigga they didnt give two fucks about chang and Ching and chung and kung
Not enough to go to war for their sake
Its Japan fault to attack USA first
>Exactly nigga they didnt give two fucks about chang and Ching and chung and kung
Are you illiterate?
What I posted shows FDR supported China.
Again nigger
Clearly they didnt give enough fuck to defend China
Did they?
Its japs fault to attack first
>can't distinguish between fantasy and reality
Guess all Americans are murderers since they play shooting games.
>black guy
>14 year old girl
riiight, that was just your average bitch in heat thirsty for some BBC.
Another issue in the debate is the fact neither Admiral Kimmel nor General Short ever faced court martial. It is alleged this was to avoid disclosing information showing the U.S. had advanced knowledge of the attack.

When asked, "Will historians know more later?", Kimmel replied, "' ... I'll tell you what I believe. I think that most of the incriminating records have been destroyed. ... I doubt if the truth will ever emerge.' ..."[136]
From Vice Admiral Libby, "I will go to my grave convinced that FDR ordered Pearl Harbor to let happen. He must have known."[137]
>Do you know what the hundred years war is?
yes, a minor dispute in which about 2 million people died
chinks killed 40 million in the three kingdoms war,
My guy, there's no possible good angle to take on comfort women.
Did they attack Japan to defend China? Or because japs attacked USA first?
>fantasy and reality
japan only made production of actual child rape porn illegal a few years ago
possession of it is still legal
go read some japanese news if you want to find out how "fantasy" based this version of their society is
it's all "man gropes girl" "man rapes child"
they are the only country in the world that needs women only buses and train carriages for their safety.
>but muuum, he hit me first!!!

Another issue in the debate is the fact neither Admiral Kimmel nor General Short ever faced court martial. It is alleged this was to avoid disclosing information showing the U.S. had advanced knowledge of the attack.
When asked, "Will historians know more later?", Kimmel replied, "' ... I'll tell you what I believe. I think that most of the incriminating records have been destroyed. ... I doubt if the truth will ever emerge.' ..."[136]
From Vice Admiral Libby, "I will go to my grave convinced that FDR ordered Pearl Harbor to let happen. He must have known."[137]
Yes I am black. Yes we will fuck your women and have mixed race babies. Cry about it.
Nigga sure.
But USA didnt grab the Japanese pilot hands and told them to bomb that harbor
Japs did that and USA took advantage of it fully
Japs are regarded and paid for it
>gooks when gooks molest little girls
>gooks when a black alpha fucks ovulating teen pussy
t. woman

Sorry, I don't listen to the opinions of a woman.
Again nigger
Yes he hit first and he got raped for it
End of story
Japs could have stick to Asia
>mugger points a gun at you
>'give me your money'
>Nigga you CHOSE to give him your money
And we had to protect ourselves from them first, never forget that
Im Nigerian and Im going to Japan and Im going to nut inside Japanese women cry about it timmy.
Look at all the "muh BBC posters"
Are you surprised that these people are pedophiles? They are also usually trannies and leftists.
>Yes he hit first
>'He (FDR) then imposed a "moral embargo" on exports of aircraft to Japan'.
>proudly admits to mommy issues
cringeworthy male version of a victim complex slag
Japan has one of the lowest rape rates in the world
>You attacked your opponent's character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument.
Fuck you gon do, timmy?
Cry white boy. Blacks own this board.
*rape conviction rates
wtf is a faggot vote
The lengths people will go through to excuse nigger behavior. What creates this mindset? Is it the American education system?
Do you have ANY proof there's a major difference between conviction and instance?
Actual retard. Whites are the real pedos, they're attractes to prepubescence and prepubescent features. Black men can like teens because they're young and show signs of maturity.
No, it has one of the world's lowest rape prosecution rates because the laws protect the rapist over the victim. They don't record failed prosecutions at all in official statistics, which is why the stats appear so low. At this point, rape is barely considered a crime in Japan. There is nothing that can be done unless there are multiple forms of evidence. Not even DNA counts because it is assumed that consent was given. There needs to be either two witnesses or a full on video of the crime being committed.
t. no proof
I love emasculating white men
>innocent until proven guilty?!!!

This is why we didn't let women vote.
I mean, you can Google all the facts you want. I'm not your butler and it's not my problem if you are incapable.
'Churchill objected to Roosevelt's inclusion of China as one of the Big Four because he feared that the Americans were trying to undermine Britain's colonial holdings in Asia. In October 1942, Churchill told Eden that Republican China represented a "faggot vote on the side of the United States in any attempt to liquidate the British overseas empire." Eden shared this view with Churchill and expressed skepticism that China, which was then in the midst of a civil war, could ever return to a stable nation. Roosevelt responded to Churchill's criticism by telling Eden that "China might become a very useful power in the Far East to help police Japan" and that he was fully supportive of offering more aid to China'.
>The burden of proof lies with someone who is making a claim, and is not upon anyone else to disprove. The inability, or disinclination, to disprove a claim does not render that claim valid, nor give it any credence whatsoever.
>The fate of all white men
Based blacks are going to get the US kicked out of Asia.
Pull all troops from Japan and Korea, then tell China to clean house.
Japs will be wishing they had shown more gratitude
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>China beating Japan
Yes, blacks and browns do make up the majority of the population of the incel board
This is the troons' fetish
The Manchu empire was run by backwards retards and this was before Japan lost its balls by getting nuked and then jewed
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>imlpying it was only the Manchu empire
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ahh well, point taken.
Despite my insistence, I'm not a China shill and dislike them a bit too.
I just don't like Japs and Koreans acting like they're better than me all the time.
You think it wasn't in the papers, zoomzoom?
>imperial Japan
>nooooooo you CANT DENY ME TRADE
lmao ok, Japan was an incel alright >>78000928
>thread is about a nigger raping some kid in Japan
>hurr durr white man
Lamo deranged people
Lmao I like the phrase the fuck Timmy gon do, buck broken niggers everywhere
Timmy gon go bang bang lmao
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It was not a black who did it
Unconfirmed reports suggest this may be the serviceman responsible
>implying the reach of paper is as wide as Twitter
>implying any tard with internet access spread its on newspaper
He looks suspicious enough
He cant get away with this
More the murdery and less the raping type. Genocide cutter!
You see this kind of stuff is so rare that you have to go back almost a decade to find an example
im white and have done this numerous times
the difference is im not insecure enough to use it as race war bait
only pathetic ethnics get this excited over sex
i thought 14 was the age of consent whats the problem
okay but this was in 2016, why are they telling you this now?
>I just don't like Japs and Koreans acting like they're better than me all the time.
If you're from SEA, you don't think changs look down upon seafags? You'd be sorely mistaken if so.
Of the East Asians, Japan are the least racist. They just are inherently superior.

''Japan is the only nation in Asia that understands the principles and methods of Western civilization. She has proved that she can assimilate Western civilization, yet not break up her own heritage'.
- Theodore Roosevelt
gooks hate niggers for a good reason
How are blacks gaining access and presumably private time with 14 year old Japanese girls?
That's just weird. How does that even happen? Did he wait outside her school and offer to walk her home?
The logistics of this event are the most concerning to me.
Getting thrown in a foreign prison is the greatest total immersion language program one could have. do you think the rapist from the 1995 incident came out of prison speaking fluent japanese?
it's not about black americans
well okinawans are really pitiful
okinawa was originally an independent country, but was forced to submit to japan
during the pacific war, jap government used tens of thousands of okinawa civilians as meat shields to defend against the us attacks, and they were massacred by bombing and hunger for no reason
in addition, when sex crimes committed by the us troops targeting local women occur in japan, most of them occur near okinawa and tokyo unfortunately, many of the victims are middle school and high school underage girls
i don't know why, but the us navy's sex crimes rate is pretty high, and i know about it because i live in south korea
the us navy in japan commits rape crimes against jap women very often
i do not know if this is true, but i have heard that the us troops stationed in south korea and japan are much less educated than the us troops stationed in germany and the uk
people say the us troops deployed to south korea and japan have a lot of low iq punks
that's not entirely plausible, but it's kind of true
there are quite a few okinawa natives who refuse to salute the flag or propose a japanese anthem
and they are people who are against the jap government for historical reasons
south korean tourists are the largest foreign tourists in okinawa and hokkaido
natives of okinawa and hokkaido, who are against the jap government, often treat tourists from south korea more kindly than tourists from the mainland japan
they are the people who are against the jap government because of historical reasons

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