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This video and the comments reaffirm my belief that zoomers don't want to be adults and want a nanny state to prevent them from making any bad decisions.
What is this video? I saw it show up in a completely unrelated search I made and I just ignored it because I assumed it was another one of those cropped porn """"""meme"""""" videos that always appears at the bottom of searches
zoomers were and are a generation that tried go grow up to fast because unlike their boomer parents and millenial counterparts they could not for the life of them comprehend to depressiveness that is adult responsibilty and thus could not enjoy their childhood to the full extent
ive met many zoomers that spent their childhood indoors raging at things that you know would be problems for older people. And because of that we now have a bunch of people in their 20s trying to prevent having a mid life crisis by behaving like kids and making horrible life choices when they dont even realize that the average person lives to be about 76 less depending on variety factors like cancer or genetics
so without realizing it an entire generation is experiencing a mid life crisis
>Why are zoomers like millennials
They're the same people desu
Infantilization culture at an all time high while loser culture gets shunned more than ever by mainstream society. We really are turning into Japan.
>while loser culture gets shunned

Zoomers are even more deranged about it.
Japan was only ahead of the curve because of their low immigration and homogeneous population. Western countries are just catching up now with the social structure collapsing and Peter Pan Syndrome becoming the norm. Seeing how bad my own generation (Millennials) is with infantiling themselves now is really bizarre and bewildering. Zoomers have just speedrunned the mental decline Millennials took 15-20 years to go through. Fucked up to think the next generation is being raised by all these arrested development clowns holy shit are those kids screwed.
what do you expect from a generation that's in a situation where they're not allowed to grow up? zoomers can't afford homes, they're stuck in dead end jobs, they aren't pairing off and they have no incentive to grow up whatsoever. this is a natural, logical response to present conditions.
'Have sex'.
Zoomers got baited by the grindset into measuring their adulthood and self-worth by their ability to succeed, leading to the rhetoric that anyone who falls behind or follows an unconventional path is a lesser human.

Now we're in a situation where people despise their adulthood but are too much of a conformist to act out of line. So they create stories depicting themselves as losers: helpless, unaccomplished, jobless or at a dead-end, all while ignoring and outcasting the people who do live in these conditions.
>zoomers don't want to be adults
Nobody wants to be an adult. Outside of being able to drive a car to cool places (with the sacrifice of having to spend a shit ton of money) and being able to legally buy some dude weed there is absolutely nothing great about being an adult.
So basically just like millennials? I swear gen X were the last mentally adult people to exist
this animation was very cute and the characters were cute! it made me giggle and smile ;)
gonna be 19 soon enough and all i do is sit in my room being fat and smelling bad and being hairy browsing kiwi and lolcow making unfinished artworkd and playing a sonic gacha. i will be saved. also im deathly afraid of driving a car. idk. i have toys and dishes littering my room. aheheehehehehhehehehehhehe. plushie bin and my mom still cleans my room. i can clean but im too lazy to usually. i clean up pretty well when i want to but i havent had a reason to leave the house so i havent showered in a week. lolsie. lolsie. im pretty happy like this, but will it last forever? find out next episode
>Zoomers got baited by the grindset into measuring their adulthood and self-worth by their ability to succeed, leading to the rhetoric that anyone who falls behind or follows an unconventional path is a lesser human
Wasn't this always the case for every generation? What makes it different for zoomers?
Millenials were the same way, they started the whole "adulting" thing which still makes me cringe rediculously hard.
Zoomers are more keen to just give whatever they are now a label and then refuse to change from that label because it's their identity mang.
>I swear gen X were the last mentally adult people to exist
In what way? Ancient teenage boys laugh at the masculinity of gen x men
what a sensitive issue
I'm a twenteenager (24)
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Coupled with the most expansive, accessible and cheapest array of entertainment to choose from in all of human history. There are virtually endless ways to escape and waste time that take no effort to acquire.
same, I'm balding
These two anons got it
>Growing up and aging is fucking scary
lmao me fr fr. Just waiting for life to stop being so god damn fun so I can kill myself.
Millennials and zoomers are identical except in ability to socially mask their incompetence. Both are the products of their parents worst sins: Baby Boomers gave millennials their narcissism and entitlement. Gen X gave zoomers their neuroticism and general incompetence from X's own dysfunctional latchkey upbringing exacerbated by neglecting the kid at even younger ages yet somehow still being around and freaking out like the world's ending when the kid inevitably fucks around and finds out.
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Domestication syndrome.
I think it's because real, mature adults have been dwindling in number for a few generations already are now almost non-existent. You know what they say, it takes a village to raise a child and now you're lucky to even have a semi-functional nuclear family where the children will get sent off to the grandparents for a day or two when the parents get bored or have to argue with each other. We've completely given up on passing down skills and life experience, and schools are useless except for ensuring that both parents can have full time employment (fucking lol). Shit, most parents these days probably don't even have skills. I can tell you that my grandfather can do everything, but he lives in a different country and has now given up on life so I need to figure everything out for myself. So I guess what I'm saying is that of course zoomies are acting like children, because they still are children. They never grew up and they never had an opportunity to grow up. They never had examples or teachers, they just got dumped into a school where half went feral, a quarter became narcissist psychos and the last quarter became depressed burnouts. They're completely detached from reality due to growing up with social media and not being able to actually do anything, and now they desperately try to fill the void in their souls by being 'productive' and 'hustling'. They know they'll never be able to carve a bowl out of wood, or weld a cart together or grow a tomato plant or paint a beautiful picture so they just lift heavy objects up and down at the gym while taking pictures of themselves so the dopamine hit makes the emptiness go away.
To add to this, yeah my grandfather could do everything. He built the house he lives in, electrics, plumbing and all. Meanwhile, I had an argument with my mother yesterday and she's still sulking in the bedroom at 1pm. What kind of person do you expect to come out of these sorts of conditions? Overgrown children raise more overgrown children because children and teenagers are weak, impressionable and easily influenced, if it wasn't then trauma wouldn't be heritable. Exact same thing as abusive parents creating more abusers. I'm really lucky because my father died a few years ago and that matured me mentally by about 20 years, otherwise I'd still be a depressed, bratty pushover loser.
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That's a consequence of normalfag invasion of geekdom.

Outcasts and losers of the zoomer generation are now considered "dangerous" incels. It's a scare-tactic to keep people working in case they're labelled as "incels".
Boomers/gen X had even worse parents - GG/SG had a sort of Victorian parenting revival where they had plenty of kids but wanted as little to do with them as possible. And they did well for themselves. So millenial / gen Z can't be down to bad parenting. It's the lack of prospects because Reaganomics killed upwards mobility.

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