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then just be a man lol
man up and get that neopenis from your local gender clinic
>I hate easy mode
I hate being a girl (spiritually) in a man's body also.
Very Good as god intended
Every time I wake up without a dick I want to kill myself
God I wish I was man
KYS then nobody will ever miss you at least we will have less disgusting simps shitting up this place.
Let me play with your tits and lick you all over: feet, armpits, tits, cunt etc.
I don't have simps because I rarely claim to be a woman here. I larp as a man everyday to feel better about myself.
It's summer.
You want to die?
You've never had a dick. How do you even know you'd like having one?
You literally don't have to be a girl anymore. You can just take testosterone and wear a binder for a couple years and you'll 90% likely pass for a feminine manlet.
>How do you even know you'd like having one?
I feel like it. I just know I would enjoy it. I have to put fucking cotton in my pants everyday to not feel like a disgusting dickless subhuman.
>you'll 90% likely pass for a feminine manlet.
Some of us don't want to be feminine manlets.
Same brother but I hate being a cock haver
>i don't want to be a girl!
>b-but i don't want to be a manlet either!
You need to play the hand you're dealt. Being a feminine manlet gets rid of like 99% problems women face, like being desired by strangers.
You have simps ITT right fucking now tranny now go and take a knife and ram it inside your throat.
I don't want to be a manlet yes. Why would I? Literally even biological men don't want to be feminine manlets because they are not retarded.
>gets rid of like 99% problems women face, like being desired by strangers.
You think that's the reason I want to be a man? Kek
Nigga chill
>You think that's the reason I want to be a man? Kek
It's the reason for the majority of FTM transsexuals. It's usually sexual trauma combined with autism. Testosterone makes them invisible to men and makes them feel safer.
I'm virgin and I don't have any sexsual trauma and I don't give two fucks if random people find me appealing or not.
>female virgin on /r9k/
Well at least the autism is still there
I don't have autism.
Just depression and anxiety.
>It's summer.
>You want to die?
Yes. There's no better way to go m'lady.
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Throwing up
how big are your tits, stupid foid? originally
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>a girl
Ngl, I'd call you bro and act like we're homos if you let me hit it. I'd even be okay with anal only while you wear a strapon if it makes you feel more manly. I don't mind a turn at the ol' prostate massage myself either, although I'm a hairy ape, it looks like a horde of spiders trapped on flypaper down there. But I'd shave the bat cave if it meant making you happy, bro.
You'd probably end up saying you hate being a guy and wish you were born female if you were born male. I think people like you just have an urge to change things regardless of what your starting point is.
You too unless you're one of those mtf trannies who thinks your wanting to be female is some inherent biological feature of yourself in a way where you're a "girl" and don't like it. In which case be more honest with your thread subjects.
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Stop replying to this thread right now, stop giving this tranny any attention. If you have to just tell him to get rope and don't forget to sage.
Nah, I want to continue fantasizing about fucking confused tomboys.
lmfao this foid transitionned into an incel nigga please
don't transition, being trans sucks but being a short dickless trans man probably sucks even more
you can pretend you are a man. i've heard it's really popular nowadays
I like being a girl: I just hate that I'm so weak. I can lift heavy weights, and the most I can achieve is what men have naturally without lifting weights.
You will never know.
I can't take anything in my pussy it makes me want to die I'm literally useless.
If I was a real man I would never want to be a stupid subhuman foid. That's so retarded.
I won't transition because there is no point of living as a trans """""""man""""""".
But I will continue to larp as biological man here and I'm other online spaces and I will just become androgynous/tomboy moder.
That's the best thing I can do in this suffering.
>you will never know
oh so you're a tranny then. kys faggot
why can't you take anything in your pussy? mental block cuz you're retarded and think you're a man or a physical issue like vaginismus ?
hmm sweetie, this screams internalized misogyny
i think know a girl who is a bit like you, except she's ran through like most women
>oh so you're a tranny then. kys faggot
We are literally in a tranny thread.
Why the fuck are you surprised?
>mental block cuz you're retarded and think you're a man
>internalized misogyny
No shit.
I hate myself and everything about XXshit.
what a worthless foid and a worthless thread. unironically kill yourself
im not even trans but i would gladly wake up as a girl.
whats so bad about being a girl?
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i love being a boy
>I can't take anything in my pussy
So anal's OK?
are you even attracted to men ?
reminds me of fujoshit
Nah you just hate being yourself. Being a woman looking from the outside in your perspective of being a man is probably massively skewed and romanticized.
I'd have so much fun pretending we're just a couple of homos.

>grabs your tits
Nice pecs bro, really firm. You been working out?
>grabs ass
Nice glutes, no homo. You clearly haven't been skipping leg day!
>grabs clit
Ooh, looks like you've been skipping penis inspection day though! That's okay, I've got enough inches for the both of us teehee!
no one wants you dude
That's okay, nobody wants me in my fantasies either, but that's never stopped me. Now bend over "dude".
>what a worthless foid
I know.
That's only way I can cum
I'm bi
Not a fujoshit
That's kinda weird
Why you don't just go have sex with real man..?
>Why you don't just go have sex with real man..?
Because it's not the same thing. Trannies, MTF or FTM, don't seem to understand chaser logic. It's the fact that it's not a "real" man or woman is part of the fun.

i'm just gonna say this, as someone who's been with a trans man-

it was fine.
that's it.
i didn't know he was trans
he specifically asked me out because he knew i was single and was bisexual

after a few dates, we were making out, and things got a bit heated, and he stopped me and explained his situation, not gonna lie, it took me a minute to switch gears for a second (as he didn't have bottom surgery) as i was expecting to have penetrative sex

the sex was actually really good, he knew what he was doing

i've also been with a guy who has a micropenis before
it was also pretty good sex

to you, and any bots who are concerned with how women think about that stuff in the bedroom, yeah, lacking inches- you certainly have your work cut out for you- but if you're still confident enough, and you're open to using toys, it can still be a fun and enjoyable experience for both people

so to FtMbot here, dude, you really can just be a shortking without bottom surgery and still be a legendary fuck

and to any micropeen/T-clit guys out there- i personally have a more enjoyable time sucking on smaller dicks ;)
i hate being an ugly girl*
>It's the fact that it's not a "real" man or woman is part of the fun.
So that's what turn chasers on?
>so to FtMbot here, dude, you really can just be a shortking without bottom surgery and still be a legendary fuck
Having a good sex isn't a problem, obviously
It's the fact that I don't have a dick
It simply hurts my brain
I would be fine with micro dick as well..as long as it's dick who can cum
Most of researchers have found that ftms are actually pretty women who want to escape the fact that they are appealing to men or they have some trauma due to it.

Meanwhile mtfs are ugly men who want to be appealing to men and women and that's why they are transitioning because they think they can become top tier onlyfans whores
took me a few mins on reddit, so there's supposedly a new bottom surgery technique called metoidioplasty which doesn't go for the unrealistic smooth look

honestly? yeah, i'd suck on that if given the chance

this might be up your alley, or rather, up your flagpole

I know about metoidioplasty.
But I still won't be able to make anyone pregnant and I don't have money so...
ok, money is an ouch, can't help you there

but regarding fertility, there ARE cis people who are infertile- it's fine, it's less than ideal, but it's fine- maybe that's just cope because i'm infertile, but still, adoption's an option

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