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>all women have a rape fetish
>but it's okay because it's only if chad rapes them
What the fuck is wrong with this gender?
Any femoid mind chiming in? What the fuck is wrong with you?
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From a previous thread on the topic of rape fantasies.
That's the stupidest word vomit I've ever read and I feel dumber for having read it.
What's your hypothesis?
Alexander and Noonan note that in many societies rape occurs quite frequently. The women usually submit in order to avoid being hurt and they seldom complain later, perhaps for fear of disrupting the bond with their cuckolded mate. Such rapes appear 'normal,' in that they are not especially associated with psychopathology or murder, and the authors suggest that connections of this kind may arise in our society because of the severe penalties attached to rape. Rapists in modern Western society are more likely to be outlaws; moreover they may murder their victim to avoid identification and punishment.
I don't have one. I'm allowed to think a reason is stupid without automatically having another "better" reason lined up
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w*men are not humans this is why they don't deserve any rights.
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>uhmm ackshually it's because of society sweaty :)
You would literally entertain the thought of being abused and violated by chad more than being in a relationship with a man who cares about you.
Women disgust, you're all like this and I hate you, die.
Women are nature's fucked up eugenicists that operate based on prehistoric logic. They are biologically programmed to select the "best" mate. What "best" is to them is clearly not what's best for society. And yet we have allowed them to decide our future. As long as men don't intervene in the selection process women will keep being the progenitors of evil.
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Men did just that since the dawn of civilization, this is why we are long longer using stone tool and live in caves and tents. What we see now is a recession back to stone age sexual selection thanks to the sexual revolution, feminism and "equal" rights for w*men. We all can see the effects of it today, nearly 50 % of all young men have zero sex and are dropping out in mass. This kills every society because young men have no incentive to work.
No pussy = no work.
i used to have a friend who id just fuck whenever i was horny, she'd cry and act like id raped her afterwards every time but when i got a gf and stopped using her she had a total shit fit and i cut all ties to get away from her, this was maybe 20 years ago
i recently joined facebook to give some fish away and she hunted me down within hours and still wants me to pick up where I left off despite now being married even going so far as to say I could fuck her daughter too
don't know if she was always broken or if i broke her but chicks are crazy
kys normalfag trash.
that's the most retarded line of reasoning those faggots could've chosen. women in today's society have literally infinite freedom. there is no shaming. there is no restraint. those are only for men. they are spewing bullshit left and right hoping to gaslight you faggots into thinking that women don't actually want to be raped it's because le society.
>Same reason why men fantasise about dying in war

Leaving aside the rape part, is this true?
Yes, I do sometime imagine myself in a war scenario as random dude getting blown off by a drone, but I never make these head scenario to feel better and simulate a sense of control. It's simply a matter of "Well fuck, it could happen to me".
don't be jelly
I dont have fantasies of being raped by men
I have fantasies of raping men
your larp radars are weak today anon.
No I serious you should take a sharp long object and ram it into your stomach so you die a slow and painful death.
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>le femdom whore
You're an abomination, you're probably fat and your degeneracy disgusts me.
I really wish we could go back to an environment hostile to women for ever daring to express these foul desires.
he's lying out the ass. what he actually means is those heroic scenarios we sometimes imagine like "what if some armed thief showed up and tried to rob my friends? I'll kick his and kill him" which are a different topic entirely.
Bet you wold like to raped
Men dream about being heros (i.e. being accepted by the tribe) not dying in wars. This is just roastie mental gymnastic at its finest.
why you getting mad son? jerking off to e relationships with trannies on discord not fulfilling you the way it used to?
women can't commit rape, just sexual assault, sucks to be you
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okay now where do i find a woman with rape (giver) fetish?
Only if you're hot and have big tits and I get to pound your pussy until you start crying
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Don't see that scenario ever playing out since I am at least 15 times stronger and faster than you.
Why not retard?
because women don't have dicks retard
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This is literally the law in many places
Ok and what if I track you down? Come into ur house while youre asleep and tie you down, cant run then now can you?
Rape = forced sex
I can force you into sex with my pussy too retard
it's in the same way how a 6-year-old cannot assault an adult
you don't get to redefine rape because it satisfies your fetish, simmer down and accept you'll never commit a rape kek, just a sad little sexual assault
force your pussy onto me already, oh I'm so weak and helpless, please
Sexual assault is fine too
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>Ok and what if I track you down? Come into ur house while youre asleep and tie you down, cant run then now can you?
No i cant, and id be too afrad and embarrassed to call for help, you could have your way with me any way you like, even as my family is sleeping next door!
>I can force you into sex with my pussy
that's the dream. you know all those coomers who want to plap women? this but genders swapped
>settling for a burger because you're not allowed steak

like I said, sucks to be you
all I care about is forcing a man to have sex with me while hes crying and covered in blood, doesnt matter what you call it
even the way you write shows how desperately submissive you are, if he's having sex with you you're forcing nothing, you're just taking it like a bitch, like every other bitch, you'll never take a dude forcefully because you're weak and ill equipped, give it up hag
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You weight 120kg and you're a disgusting slob who can't tie their own shoes, no one will entertain your decadence.
Go get rejected by chad you whore.
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>women cant rape
>only men rape
>this is making love
>you got hard, that's consent
>if it was rape then why choose to cum inside me?
>i could say you raped me so shut the fuck up

i really like this type of gaslighting, perfect for female on male rape
>this mad
You got raped didnt you?
Did it hurt sweaty?
Im 58 kg, 5 feet 10 inch
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Except this narrative falls apart when you consider the vast difference in strength between men and women
>b-but men get raped too!
Yes, utter loser weakling men who have been condiitoned by society to be docile cattle and fear their natural strength rather than seeking power.
>Im 58 kg, 5 feet 10 inch
Okay so I could lift you with one arm and toss you away, how do you not get embarrassed saying these kinds of things?
giving in this easily? even more proof you'll never be able to take what you want because you're just a stupid weak woman that's programmed to give in
This is a faggot larp. If it's not then post tits with timestamp or gtfo
> Okay so I could lift you with one arm and toss you away, how do you not get embarrassed saying these kinds of things?
Not when youre tied up or drugged or have a knife to your throat. Jesus retard there are more ways to rape than just hurr durr im stronger.
And be real faggot, yo\u arent lifting anything
so you agree with me that men get raped.
>tied up
good luck tying an unwilling dude up when you can't overpower him

what you gonna do, get his dick hard and ride it? literally being on the receiving end? kek

>knife to your throat
good luck getting your cunt kicked in and probably getting raped after, which honestly sounds like exactly what you want kek
Men literally cannot be raped because having sex is a completely non-traumatic and low-risk event for a healthy adult man. Most men would enjoy an average woman forcing themselves on him, but even at its worst, it qualifies as a minor inconvenience rather than any sort of assault. What are you risking, exactly? You won't get pregnant, you won't be on the hook for your rape babies, your dick won't bleed and hurt, you will be cured of the most common STDs with two weeks of antibiotics.
Go and take this shit to some 'cord nobody wants to read your tranny rp.
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There's not a single scenario where this plays out, and even if it did happen, the sheer power difference means that it just takes one mistake for the cards to be turned completely against the woman.
Specifically the knife point is bullshit since most men could literally break a woman's wrist in half with a single hand.
>men get raped.
Men get "raped" when they're significantly younger than the women or with blackmail, it literally only works against boys and men who are utter cowards.
>he doesnt know about pegging
Thats why rape plus torture is the way to go
That's just torture, then, since men cannot be raped.
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>he thinks sticking a bit of rubber up someone's butt is rape
please no torture... i will be a good moid and get hard on command and make cute noises, just dont cut me...
(choking and scratching is acceptable0
Lmao retard
Pretty sure you ride dildos too as its not gay either now is it?
stop trying to move the goalposts because you can't win faggot
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Time to stop the tranny rp session.
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I love how you trannies always leave out how you're going to restrain or even drug a man who is 20 times stronger and probably smarter than you too.
But sure, keep schlicking your axewound to this bs.
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>>all women have a rape fetish
>>but it's okay because it's only if chad rapes them
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You can go now bye bye.
I already did when you started talking about non related shit kek
Drug him by giving him a drugged drink?
Tie him up while hes drugged or asleep?
Think of the possibilities retard
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Tranny rp is over go back to your 'cord.
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>drug him up
You're a femcel troon who hasn't left her room for years, how do you even expect to get roofies in the first place?
That aside, how do you figure out the logistics of carrying a man around? He likely weighs significantly more than you and you barely have the upper body strength to lift more than an office chair.
Man you think im into ogre men? No, I like cute twinks + believe it or not, I have bridal carried a 22 yr old man before, up the stairs
i am a man imagining this as the receiver
You can rp everywhere but you choose /r9k/ for it, na I don't think so.
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Still a shit tier fetish when even the twinkiest of men still overpower you significantly.
You're a faggot.
How is it rp if I'm just calling out her shit tier fetish?
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Stop replying to the tranny simple as. Just tell him to kill himself once and he will stop the rp.
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Cute twink here how do i achieve this?
we'll see who laughs last when i get babytapped and become happily married with kids and you're still an incel
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Keeps the thread active instead of sending it to page 10, go fuck yourself for thinking my thread had any more merit in the first place to invite gore spamming you psychopath niggerfaggot.
It's a man dude.
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Yeah I guess the won't stop rping so I have to keep posting.
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>Starts off as a women hate thread
>Devolves into some faggy femdom shit
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I think we should change the topic of this thread.
because the real men said their piece and left, leaving the betas and faggots to move in and shit up the thread
How tall are you?
You have to be below 5 feet 8 and if youre also brunette and kinda pale, give me your disc
ah right, so you're into kids then, that explains it

but you still can't rape them, only sexual assault
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its over, im 187cm tall ;_;
i am a brunette though and quite skelly, i weigh 62kg, so i think there's hope for me. one day i will become rapemeat for some nice lady.
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All of this yapping in here is lame af.
I find gore like this mildy amusing then I remember there are people that would be legitimately freaked out by seeing humans mutilated like that. Am I wrong for feeling nothing significant about it? Like if someone got blown apart by a shot gun near me my only concern would be making sure I don't get shot and I would think "well sucks to be that guy". Am I too insensitive or are people too coddled now? It's hard to tell.
What you always fail to mention in your litle incel rant is that teenage girls are also having less sex than 20 or 30 years ago.
op1 was really enjoying this thread
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It's not that weird when consider most people are like this with most things.
>men like playing video games with killing of all kinds
>but they don't join the army/enlist/become killers themselves

As to why they like it, again, it's fiction, you play a game that lets you kill things because it's safe for you to unleash that urge to kill and you are not at risk of actually being killed yourself. Girls read about rape fetishes because they get to enjoy the fetish of raw unbridled sex without risks of being hurt or getting knocked up.
im having sex with more teenage girls than i was 20 years ago
>but they don't join the army
Guys in the army play shooters mate
not at the level of engagement, not even 10% of the buying base of shooters, let alone games in general.
You can have raw unbridled sex without getting raped
Teenage girls can now shake their ass on tiktok and get endless attention and validation that way instead. This is not a positive.
Men who think rape fantasies are a thing should be preventively jailed
why? women literally can't shut up about it. it's something they hate that they crave. then there's shit like pic related. stfu saying that they don't have these fantasies
>on a date with girl
>everything going well
>ask if I can kiss her
>while kissing her I grope her tits
>"wtf stop"
>I don't stop and keep squeezing them, she absolutely loves it
>later go to her apartment to fuck

Every time.
How about you actually talk to women instead of endlessly reading articles about them
I like how anything that paints women in the wrong light its always societies fault.
Because women are lying whores and they would never admit to something like that in real life.
NTA but I've had multiple women tell me personally they fantasize about rape. Also 50 shades exists, AI rapists exist, erotica written by women exists etc. Stop projecting your own experience on other women.
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Honestly, I get why it's hot and I'm staggered that you anons
claim not to get it. This isn't a moral argument or a political claim; they're explaining-accurately-why it gets them wet. You can't rationally or morally argue against it.
They're gutterwhores, anon. They have filthy, disgusting, animalistic sex drives and they like being fucked. I mean, they REALLY like it. The abundance of access they have obscures it, especially given how thirsty and desperate the average man is in comparison, but women are more sex-brained than men are.
Accountability is their kryptonite, though. They expect to be treated like spoiled children who can do no wrong. What's more, they're really complicatedly social creatures, to the extent that their survival mechanisms are geared towards protecting their reputations and destroying those of others. And they know being a nasty gutterwhore is wrong. So *they* can't just ask politely to get ravaged. They're not that kind of girl.
But imagine if it wasn't her idea. What if it wasn't her decision? What if she privately got to be happy and even thankful that the most animalistic and primal part of herself is finally being satisfied, but it wasn't her fault? What if some sex-crazed brute took that dainty, chaste image og hers and blew right past it against your protestations because she was just SO sexy underneath it that he couldn't help responding to her lustfully? What if some big ball of horny could just *smell* your pussy throbbing underneath that false modesty and actually indulged it instead of leaving it dissatisfied? What if you got to have animal, primal, brutal fucking sex like you dream about, and it didn't even make you a slut? What if you were just so breedable that you couldn't help getting bred, it just happened to you?
You people honestly strike me as vanilla and dense in these threads. No wonder these cunts are dry as the fucking Sahara.
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Also don't claim we don't do the same shit, I fould type "succubus" into gelbooru or ph right now and get a bajillion results
That's just the male version of the fantasy and trying to claim it isn't analogous would be dishonest; the differences present are just tbe differences between male and female sexuality to begin with
The evil ball of sex who forces their way into your life, disarms your protestations/sexual morals, wants your jizz *that bad*, and predatorily sucks your fucking soul out through your cock? That's the male version of the same fantasy-the evil ball of sex who forces their way in, disarms her morality/protests, wants to dump a load in her *that* bad, and predatorily fucks her senseless is just the female succubus, dumbfucks. Just because we don't call it that doesn't make it any different.
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Sounds like bullshit, and it sounds like you're getting off to this so I'll be short and concise. There passages say that "society" will inevitably get them raped, so they internalize that and "take back control" by enjoying or wanting rape. I'm just saying they have no accountability. If you're a whore that wants to be forced to have sex then just say that. Instead of playing mental gymnastics that make no fucking sense. Also I don't know why you replied to me since you agree with me. Fucking dumbass coombrain retard

>oh you're vanilla because you don't want to play into masochistic rape fantasies

Kys, I'm not a uncivilized nigger.
Disanalogous people who want succubi don't want to get raped. They want to have easy sex. Fuck off you're comparing apples to peaches
Men like playing video games with killing of all kinds because that's the only type of fun games being made and advertised. Non-violent games are boring or the non-violent part of games is often the easiest part of said game (think RPGs with non-violent solutions, it's literarilly just picking dialogue options and nothing else).
The success of stuff like Minecraft proves that men will enjoy non-violent games too if given the opportunity and the game is somewhat decent.
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>Sounds like bullshit
Of course it does, it's cunt-brain, it doesn't make rational sense
>sounds like you're getting off to this
I was. I channeled the horny to type that. You can't "get" female sexuality rationally. The best you can do is be into it, too, doofus, and this insistence upon divorcing your genitals from your brain is why I pegged you as vanilla and sexually impotent.

This is exactly the faulty response I preempted. The analogy is sound and any differences you can point out are simply the differences between male and female sexuality to begin with.
>people who want succubi don't want to get raped. They want to have easy sex
1. Rape IS easy sex. It's sex without any of the buildup, social games, or complications. It's the indulgence of a very dark part of her desire without any effort on her part, she just gets to take it. 2. All the elements of overlap I described still exist. 3. Please don't fixate on a single point of difference when someone makes an analogy; insofar as one thing cannot literally *be* another thing, you are always going to find some point of difference that you can fixate on autistically, but trying to make the whole conversation about it when multiple points of overlap do exist apart from that divergence is purposefully dishonest and makes all analogy pointless.
to be fair, I wish I was raped by a woman too. But that's just not a "fantasy" in normie social circles because men apparently can't get raped.
> only if chad
Damn close but no cigar.
Wrong because when we're talking about rape it's not just easy sex. There is violence involved and while in comparison to sex with a succubus it is just people wanting easy sex and not taking into account the repercussions.

Rape by definition is not easy, and I've heard of women that will fight for their lives to not get rape but secretly enjoy it. They are deranged perverts. You're telling me there's one point of contention when wanting concesual sex kind of goes against all your points
>The evil ball of sex who forces their way into your life
Oooh please miss succubus don't drain my balls. Who the fuck says that? It's like youre out of touch with male sexuality
>disarms your protestations/sexual morals
No one is complaining if a hot demon girl wants to fuck
>wants your jizz *that bad
This is totally normal when talking about consensual sex that both parties are looking forward to, its not just exclusive to rape
>predatorily sucks your fucking soul out through your cock
How is this an overlap? That's just not taking into account the consequences because you get seduced.

By all your so called points I can say that you are a retarded foid, and you don't know what you're talking about. No wonder you said it doesn't make any sense you're so out of touch with reality that you think rape is hot.
Sure you can. I mean, you're a man, you're strong enough to fend off a woman who wants to envelop your dick, but are you really gonna hurt her? The expectation you'd actually just clock her in the face is unrealistic. Most rape is someone you know, anyway. This is probably your friend, and the probably the most you'll do is say to stop and not know what to do when she doesn't. And just because you got hard doesn't mean you consented. Women's genitals respond during rape, too, that doesn't make it not rape, and the presence of arousal doesn't make something consensual either.
Men can totally get raped by women, dude, at least by the definition of rape these women always harp on.
I'm a man, and I'll take your accusation of thinking like a foid in stride given the context. I don't think you appreciate just how strongly your accusation of me sounding like a woman-in conjunction with your later accusation that I don't understand male sexuality-undercuts your attempt to be right about this. You don't understand pussy and it shows.
>that will fight for their lives to not get rape but secretly enjoy it. They are deranged perverts
A much higher proportion of women than you think are nasty like that, and it's not the contradiction that you think it is. Your genitals don't have your brain's morality. Weird how I have to keep coming back to that.
>Oooh please miss succubus don't drain my balls. Who the fuck says that?
Someone who has legitimate reasons to turn down sex with whatever tempting woman takes the form of succubus im his life.
>No one is complaining if a hot demon girl wants to fuck
It would be really bizarre if between the two of us I was the one who could conceive of sincerely turning down sex
>That's just not taking into account the consequences because you get seduced.

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