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>holy shit!
>that's fucking CRAZY!
>... situation is insane
>... is crazy
>the downfall of ...
>... just got worse

these people are basically content farms
And he still makes more money doing this boring slopshit than you will ever make in your entire life
why are you listening to this faggot anyway
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So that's why they didn't release Adam Lanza's autopsy...
something something making leftists jews seethe on big social media twitter, click post
They are literal millionaires. If that's not blackpilling I don't know what is. Maybe the fact that some are billionaires by doing even less.
i was really sick and i needed something to watch so i binged 20 of his videos
now when i get bored he is part of my rotation
How did a white guy get brown eyes.
Not uncommon among people who are Scottish and Irish.

I don't think of it as blackpilling but rather as encouraging because it really means in the realm of entertainment you can do whatever and have a chance of success.
most white americans aren't actually white if you consider one drop rule, but they're white enough to be called that because mutts consider middle easterners white aswell
He was worse back in the day. Go look at his old reactions.
>I don't think of it as blackpilling but rather as encouraging because it really means in the realm of entertainment you can do whatever and have a chance of success.
Yeah, tell that to the countless streamers that get no views.
Well I mean that's sort of the gamble you take when you lay yourself entirely at the mercy of what other people choose to watch, you are not going to have any societally guaranteed path towards success.
once you are exposuremaxxed and enough people know about you your opinon or what content you have doesn't matter
your opinion doesn't matter, nothing matters
just slopmaxx and they will slop
He used to overreact to everything as if any little surprise shocked him and he had to repeat everything he saw. So annoying!
Asmongold killed his own mother. skibbidi asmon.
Why do people watch him or any other eceleb really? It's obvious he doesn't actually care and is just going through the motions kek
>Gimme tax breaks. Vote for GOP kids!
>that's fucking INSANE *eyes twitching like crazy*
If someone has pale skin, then they're white. Get outta here with that weird nazi shit.
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Parasocial relationship. It makes you feel like you're watching/talking about various stuff on the Internet with a friend.
mental illness, losers who never had any friends and just stared at a screen their entire lives now believe that ecelebs are their real friends (as long as they give them money ofc) kek
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>goes from ranting about World of Warcraft for middle aged neckbeards to just commenting on the fucking news 24/7
Did I miss something? When did attic-dwelling, 12-hour a day World of Warcraft obsessed, disheveled adults make the jump from human punchlines to important commentators with influence? Is it a normie thing? Like, "Oh this guy's popular on Twitch, I like popular things, I'll watch him now."?
I don't mind people watching this slop. It's your time and whatever entertains you is your business. It's the pathetic dick-riding and worship that doesn't sit right with me. Simps literally adopt their favorite e-celeb's opinions and worldview. A lot of dudes got no dad and it shows.

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