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>a new family of 4 just moved into the neighbourhood
>the parents and the second child are alright, normal people, but immediately fell in love to the daughter
>a energetic tomboy whose always cheering and have the same interests as me
>made friends with them and became closer to their family as time goes on
>she seems cool with me and her family absolutely loves me
>finally got invited to the sleepover after months of having fun together
>it was 12am,her brother fell sleep already and we are playing super smash bros
>mustered enough courage and confessed to her
>closed my eyes and expecting rejection
>she said yes with the warmest smile Ive seen in my life
She is the on-
>a tired lady with a bobcut in office attire suddenly walked in out of nowhere
>'not today.'
>she and her brother were suddenly engulfed by flames and turned into ashes
>decapitated me with her hands and my head just bounce around the walls of her room and bounce around an ocean of blood and bounce around hell
>woke up in cold sweat
I hate dreams.
Cool dream journal bro.
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It's been long since i had a dream that made me discover things about myself or inspired a nice idea. Reciently it's all been about my childhood trauma and my struggles finding love
Same shit happened to me except it wasnt a dream and she was the one who confessed
You WILL make it anon
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>it's a dream where your sitting on the toilet and everyone comes in to tell you how much they hate you
I had a similar dream a few days ago but instead of confessing i was drafted into a war.
You're the fag that makes those "oh no muh military draft is coming" threads almost every day aren't ya? Stop projecting your fears nobody cares and most robots are way too fat to even qualify.
Reddit arm hair psychology momennt
Ladt reer
Lady tetheral
I dreamed of raping a taco
This but onion and onions
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I have a recurring nightmare where I get killed by islamic terrorists while trying to flee. I keep having this nightmare regularly since the 2015 Paris terrorist attack. I remember how a friend of mine called me on the phone in tears asking me where I was at 4am the night the attack happened. It still haunts me because he told me he was paralyzed by fear when he heard gunshots and was saved by some random policeman who grabbed him and threw him in his patrol car then drove away like a madman. If that random cop wasn't there my best friend could have died. Needless to say I've been voting far-right every election since then.
Onions and onions**wtf
Lead with the part where it's a dream so the rest of us can ignore your shitty journal entry. I'm never getting back the time I spent reading this crap and I hold you responsible.
Womp Womp bruh
L lil bro cry about it on reddit
I dreamt of getting pussy
Why would you rape onions you weirdo
It was a dream ok
My PP strings but it felt so coop
Goooood, fat ginger
Sex with lady e after brain fucking her people
When the barbed dick hits extra goond
>in some random studio apartment
>4 zoomer guys come in
>all same age
>one guy is meek and timid
>realize they are going to bully him
>realize they are going to rape him
>they go into the bedroom
>twink sits on the bed flustered
>they surround him and makes jokes
>enter room
>pretend I don't notice
>say I'm about to leave
>'I have to save him'
>think I'm gonna get my ass beat
>think of a gun
>reach into pocket
>grab gun
>hate myself for not being strong enough to beat them up
>about to pull out gun
>dream ends
noooooo I need to save that guy!!!
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That's cool and all bro but what's the source for your pic?

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