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Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support

Happy Sunday!

>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
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Hey there folks :)

>a long list of self harm alternatives (thank you muddy):

>a first aid post cuting:

>a wound care guide:

>a bbpd workbook:

>the illustrated self harm care guide (thank you Sisyphus!)
Hey saka
I think I will play cry of fear again
Good morning/afternoon folks :)
Hope you all have a nice fine day today. Here's a neat song for you all to start off the day in a good mood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYoB2Tj3LR8
Hey cat. Doing good? Just woke up and had me usual breakfast (coffee + cigarette).
>I think I will play cry of fear again
Nice. I downloaded still wakes the deep from game pass, seems like an interesting game. I still have to play it
Hey anons. I decided to come back and post again. I said I would if I felt intense and I do. I had a weird nightmare and woke up fighting something and it took a long time to orient myself to place and time in reality. I feel dreamy and lost this morning and voices are pretty loud.

I took a walk around the block to try and clear my head. There was a squirrel eating a nut I watched for a while. Looked like it was having a good time. Voices laughed at it and were a bit silly about squirrels.
Hey anon, welcome back.
>I had a weird nightmare and woke up fighting something
Can you elaborate on that?
It seems dangerous. Were you alone at home?
>I feel dreamy and lost this morning and voices are pretty loud.
Step away from any thing that you could use to cut yourself, let's start at that.
>I took a walk around the block to try and clear my head
You did good. But be careful to not let the voices take control while you're outside.
Are you still feeling dreamy and lost?
I jerked up in bed swinging my arms and still heard the creature shrieking at me and wasn't sure what age I was or where I was or what year it was for at least thirty minutes while I pieced together my life again.

I still feel like I'm in a fever dream today. It will probably settle down sometime after noon, in three or four hours. Usually all the little pieces of me gather slowly again and reform into something mostly whole after being awake for about five or six hours.

I took my PRN medications when I got back from my walk and they're working. I feel less intense, just everything is still surreal, all they do is take the edge off.
If you have someone at home with you, someone who you can trust and who can help you out, it might be good to have them nearby when something like this happens. At least to help you orient yourself.
>I still feel like I'm in a fever dream today. It will probably settle down sometime after noon, in three or four hours
Try and take it easy for the time being I'd say.
Maybe engage in some safe activity to keep you busy while everything is getting in place.
>I took my PRN medications when I got back from my walk and they're working. I feel less intense, just everything is still surreal, all they do is take the edge off.
Medications are never a full fledged solution, they are just there to give you some support. Keep taking them, and work alongside them.
Do you have any hobbies anon? Anything that you could use to focus and relax a bit?
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I'm going through one of my episodes again, the paranoia and depression.

I have full blown homicidal thoughts for politicians, fascists and communists. I want to genocide them all

I don't want people coming into power just so they can hurt me and my family.
I'm expecting something to happen, an attack or a hit on me. I know something bad will happen, some statist faggot out there is going to send me to a camp or something I just know it

I've also been looking back on the hospital I stayed in last year that was the worst goddamn place I've ever stepped foot in, I've been thinking about that sadistic, pregnant nurse and much I regret not punching her in the stomach. Those cunts experimented on me, MK Ultra style shit. I hope they fucking die

I hate people, just leave me the fuck alone

I already booked an appointment with my psychiatrist and its next week

I've been constantly craving alcohol and cutting
Hey Bibbit.
No fascist or commie will ever lay their filthy hands on you.
Fascists and commies in the west nowadays are a bunch of pussies who wouldn't dare take up arms to fight for their (retarded) ideals.
But your will to protect you and your family is legit and I respect it a lot.
>I've been thinking about that sadistic, pregnant nurse and much I regret not punching her in the stomach. Those cunts experimented on me, MK Ultra style shit. I hope they fucking die
This is not a good mentality to have in my opinion. They might be as evil as it gets, but I don't believe that answering hate with hate is the way.
A counter strike of hate will only strengthen those who feed on hate. Show them what love is and their foundations will crumble.
In any case, Bibbit, keep this in mind at all times and I say this with all the seriousness of the matter: Dance like a drunk pirate and smile in the face of the devil.
Gonna send you two songs since I see you don't like them tattoo'd rednecks and pink hair mommy-basement comrades
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ2uIJZo7lw (About the Spanish civil war, lyrics are pro republican efforts which stand against Franco's fascist dictatorship. There are eng subtitles available)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvzmBhCpWvA (Need no explanation I guess)
Guys I'm off.
See you all later, gotta meet up with a friend
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Okay have fun
Sorry I didn't reply to your previous post I was busy with something
Seems like you doing and feeling well ^^
I'm happy for you
>Doing good?
more or less
since my vacations started the weather has been insanely hot so I couldn't go on bike rides :l
but tomorrow I'll go to the garage to have some fun
>had me usual breakfast (coffee + cigarette).
to be honest it sounds kind of unhealthy for a usual breakfast
But I have it at least helps you wake up in the mornings
>still wakes the deep
oh, I've seen a gameplay if it, it's cool

Heya anon o/
>nightmare and woke up fighting something and it took a long time to orient myself
that sounds pretty scary
sorry to you have struggle with that
Is there anything that helps you get better?
nice B3

Hi Bib
>going through one of my episodes again
sorry to hear that
What do you usually do when it gets bad?
Maybe you should lock all windows and doors and get comfy in your bed and try to watch some movie
>expecting something to happen,
I think that's pretty impossible
I know it doesn't change how you feel but I'm sure you're will be okay ^^
>already booked an appointment with my psychiatrist
that's good
I hope that appointment helps you feel a little better

have fun
hey saka! happy sunday to you as well. (^-^)

good evening catbro! how's it going?

hey bib!

guess me bumping the other thread didn't help much. oh well, good that there's always a new one. ^^
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How are you? did you have a nice day?
Did you manage to sleep?
>How are you? did you have a nice day?
i... don't know. feeling off and a little down. played some er, but i'm pretty disappointed by the lore. :/ guess i'll try to finish it the coming week, but i don't know.

>Did you manage to sleep?
oh yeah. didn't sleep past the point i usually wake up, though, so maybe a bit less than ideal. ^^ what about you?
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hello hello hello
im leaving for the isle of Paros (xd) tomorrow
i feel weird andcant quite put my finger on it
im sure its not because im leaving but i have no idea what the hell it is
anyway its whatever either it will go away or i will get to its source
i hope everyone will be fine
i dont know if i will be able t o post here because i have NO mobile data left (out of tthe whole 1GB)
>a passion project I'm working on, and was planning to make it all public in a few months/year time under that name
cant waitt to see them published ^^

>Even nicer than that is having people like you around :)
im glad <3
>Have fun out there!
i got a box thingy to organise floppy disks and 10 floppy disks for the amiga xd
hey sis!

>im leaving for the isle of Paros (xd) tomorrow
looks nice. what brings you there? vacation?

>i feel weird andcant quite put my finger on it
same. something isn't quite right.

>i dont know if i will be able t o post here because i have NO mobile data left (out of tthe whole 1GB)
don't worry about that. just enjoy yourself and when you come back you can tell us about all of your adventures and antics. ^^

oh, and don't worry about forgetting that thought you wanted to talk about. i'm sure it'll come to you again at some point.
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alright good night everyone, i have to wake up in 5 hours
yeah im going along with 4 friends
quite annoying
>when you come back you can tell us about all of your adventures and antics
if anything of note happens i will be sure to do that :)
>it'll come to you again at some point
i sure hope so because it was interesting enough
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currently it's been thundery outside and it sounds like a bombardment or something
sounds pretty nice

>don't know. feeling off
dang it
well idk if it'll help you but I'm feeling a bit off too, possibly because of the weather z it's warm so I feel like I should get outside but it's too warm so can't go :/
>pretty disappointed by the lore.
hm and how's the gameplay?
>so maybe a bit less than ideal. ^^
well at least you'll fall asleep easier tonight :D
>what about you?
I'm okay, my sleep is okay too
not much to say honestly

Helo :>
have fun :D
>dont know if i will be able t o post here
that's okay
if anything it's help you focus on the trip and make some memories
>im going along with 4 friends
sounds like a good time. have fun! (^-^)

>if anything of note happens i will be sure to do that :)
looking forward to it.

>it was interesting enough
fingers crossed, then.

good night, sleep tight and see you soon!

>sounds pretty nice
it's been pretty wild here as well. they had a 25min break during the game i watched with my friends because of the heavy rain.

>possibly because of the weather z it's warm so I feel like I should get outside but it's too warm so can't go :/
that's probably it. super hot one day just so it can rain and be quite chill again the next. pretty tired of that.

>how's the gameplay?
it's ok, but like with most recent fromsoft games i don't really enjoy the armors and weapons in the game. some bosses are fun, but a lot are just a slog to fight against, so i find myself tempted to use some of the features that make the fights easier, just to get them over with. so far i've only used them against repeated overworld bosses, though. i've got the same complaints about the dlc as i have about the main game, just with the added frustration that i got my questions answered, but i don't really like the answers i got. guess i should've known. it's always like this.

>you'll fall asleep easier tonight :D
let's hope so. ^^ guess i should head to bed sooner rather than later.

>not much to say honestly
then i'll just enjoy your company without bothering you with pesky questions. :>
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Hey everyone, I'll just make a quick post today.

I'm 8 days clean it wasn't hard or anything. But I am really sad that I don't have a blade and I really want to cut.

>been pretty wild here as well
it's nice
do you like when it's rainy and stormy?
>during the game i watched with my friends
how did that go?
was it fun?
>pretty tired of that.
it's supposed to be nice next week
>guess i should've known. it's always like this.
sucks :c
>guess i should head to bed sooner rather than later.
have some nice dreams when you do^^
>without bothering you with pesky questions. :>
no jo
feel free to ask questions!

Heuo Ali
Why are you feeling sad? is it because of the usual stuff?
>I'm 8 days clean
good work :D
>don't have a blade and I really want to cut.
well maybe you'll make it to 9 days
hi gator! thanks for stopping by. (^-^)

>I'm 8 days clean it wasn't hard or anything.
still a good job. i'm proud of you.

>But I am really sad that I don't have a blade and I really want to cut.
:< is there something you can do to distract yourself?
>do you like when it's rainy and stormy?
i do, but it can be a little much these days. especially when you need to make sure the basement doesn't get flooded. ^^'

>how did that go? was it fun?
it was a nice evening with friends, but the game didn't really interest me much. i just can't pretend not to be bothered by the corruption permeating the whole sport.

>it's supposed to be nice next week
let's hope so.

>sucks :c
yeah. you think i'd be used to it by now. guess i just don't want that to be the case, so i try and try again.

>have some nice dreams when you do^^
i'll try, but no promises. not that i'd remember if i had one. ^^

>feel free to ask questions!
will do, but i don't really have any right now... maybe next time. :>

i think i'll go to bed now. good night, everyone! see ya!
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>Heuo Ali
Hey cat.
>Why are you feeling sad? is it because of the usual stuff?
Yeah basically just the same stuff as always. I just have no life. And I feel like since I'm clean I feel even worse
>well maybe you'll make it to 9 days
Hopefully I can.

Hey yuanon.
>:< is there something you can do to distract yourself?
Nah not really, nothing helps me.

>good night, everyone! see ya!
Goodnight yuanon :3
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Goodnight friend

>And I feel like since I'm clean I feel even worse
sorry to hear that
>Hopefully I can.
best of luck fren

I'm going to sleep probably
so goodnight everyone
bumpdksba sjs8
Everyone is sleeping already, guess I'm by myself with me cigarettes :(
It's ok Bibbit. Just wanna help you folks :)
These days been great. And I'll see her tomorrow :)
>since my vacations started the weather has been insanely hot so I couldn't go on bike rides :l
It's hot here all year, so I can't really mourn that with ya. But the weather is a bit cooler today, I hope it stays that way tomorrow.
>but tomorrow I'll go to the garage to have some fun
Sounds nice :)
Have fun
>to be honest it sounds kind of unhealthy for a usual breakfast
"What's normal so?
I can just say it
it's good when it's bad"
>oh, I've seen a gameplay if it, it's cool
I got really interested in it. Just need time to play
>have fun
Hey yuanon
Dude's living in the 80's lmao
Just kidding. I get that you had fun, that's nice to hear :)
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>sorry to hear that
Yeah, I just feel like I should cut, even tho I don't really have the urge to.
>goodnight everyone
Good night cat.

>guess I'm by myself with me cigarettes :(
I'm not asleep, so it's you, me and your cigarettes :)
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god damn it. and here i thought i was fine
so~ i relapsed unfortunately about an hour ago.
now im just eating a sammich on my floor and wondering why i did it to begin with.
I'm gonna see her tomorrow my dudes :D
I'll try to start a conversation with her after class, then when we go from one building to another, I'll invite her to have a coffee with me. Hope it all goes well
Hey Gator :D
Don't cut dude. What's bothering you? Wanna talk?
Hey anon, I mean, justanotheranon.
What's troubling ya?
Name, I forgot it yet again
it's the sammich good at least?
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>i relapsed unfortunately about an hour ago.
That is unfortunate, but jus make sure everything is clean and your okay.
>now im just eating a sammich
I love sandwiches :).

>I'm gonna see her tomorrow my dudes :D
Yay! That's awesome! Have fun.
>I'll invite her to have a coffee with me.
Smart coffee is really good!
>Hey Gator :D
Hello saka
>What's bothering you?
Just everything, I really hate being homeschooled, I never see others. And I'm barley doing school work even though I really need to because I'm years behind.
>Wanna talk?
I would lobe to talk.
good morning everyone
i probably didnt sleep all night
not sure if i did
my eyes feel really fucking weird and i cant stop rubbing them

on an unrelated note i see myself relapsing in the hotelroom bathroom if i find razors at a supermarket
You'll have to get out there eventually.
And at this point I guess you just have to finish it.
Do you have at least a roughly idea of how much time is left until you're finished with the homeschooling?
What you smoking sisyphus, it's still dark my dude
lol just kidding (not so much, it's still dark 'round here).
About the relapsing, don't buy any razors. Try to hold on and control the urges. You're with your dad right?
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>good morning everyone
Good morning sisyphus.
>my eyes feel really fucking weird and i cant stop rubbing them
Oh that's weird, and annoying hopefully they stope feeling weird.
>relapsing in the hotelroom bathroom if i find razors at a supermarket
I really hope you don't relapse. It won't solve anything.

>You'll have to get out there eventually.
Yeah I really need to, I just can't it to hard.
>And at this point I guess you just have to finish it.
Yeah I have to, and I want to, it's just so hard. It would be much easier in a real school.
>least a roughly idea of how much time is left until you're finished with the homeschooling?
Yeah it's a couple years. But with how much school work I need to do I have no idea how long that's gonna take.
How tf do you start cutting? I get too queasy and cant do it :(
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Hey anon. Don't cut yourself, please don't. If your queasy and can't do it, that's a good thing. Please don't cut yourself. What's making you want to cut yourself?
Seems like the only way i will be able to even think about checking here is by begging my friends to hotspot me for a minute
P.s. they went to get something to eat and this nigga got me NUTS
Fucking nuts
I dont even like nuts

>it's still dark my dude
Sure it was but i woke up at that time to get ready
>don't buy any razors
Funny thing is i need them for shaving anyway so either i like it or not i will have to get them
I will just hope either the urges go away or that im too busy or never left alone so i will be unable to go through
But its whatever ig
Im with friends i was yesterday with my dad

>hopefully they stope feeling weird
Took them some time and i looked like i had smoked enough weed to kill an elephant but they are mostly fine now
>It won't solve anything.
Im well aware but i dunno
i want to work
but i dont want to
Yeah nobody wants to live in this world if they have to be an incel. So with the moral question here and with the archons who are operating the gateway of souls. There's none. So, what that really means about our demonic masters is, they can die. We can do it on our way out.
Feel like shit today like always, I have a 3 plans for my life so I at least have something I'm working towards. It's always comforting to know that I at least have suicide to fall back on. I plan on stabbing myself and livestreaming it so it could become the next meme or whatever. I doubt I'll ever be happy in my life ever
they fucking let me pass
even though my grades are shit and my attitude is shit they voted me to let me pass because they know that if i didnt i would leave and that would mean less fucking money.
now everyone expects me to be happy but it just means i got to do another year of bullshit instead of just working and doing something i actually care about and i didnt even deserve it. this was not part of my fucking plan i just want to work for fuck sake

extremely painfull, slow and low chance of succes
Good morning :]

Hi sludge
>voted me to let me pass
that's kinda funny, they probably think they're doing you a service
>means i got to do another year
I guess you can just ignore it, they can't stop you
what's the worst they can do? kick you out? that's exactly what you want lol
Provide me with some alternative methods with higher chances of success then please
hellos everyone. im doing alright today im just a little freaked out about my boyfriend moving in and my family finding out im a fag..
Usual breakfast as always.
And today I'm gonna see her! I hope everything goes well today, I'm gonna be taking another step forward.
>Yeah I really need to, I just can't it to hard.
If you tell yourself you can't, then it won't work well. It's feasible to eventually go out there it's just gonna be a bit harder than for some people.
But we're social creatures. You got this, Gator :)
>Yeah I have to, and I want to, it's just so hard. It would be much easier in a real school.
You gotta work with what you have. Makes me think of a Star Trek episode where Captain Kirk is alone in a planet fighting an alien creature, and he was told he could make weapons in this planet. Well, all primitive stuff and he wouldn't be making an assault rifle from scratch, but he did manage to gather stuff to make a cannon and the alien creature was no more.
So, instead of thinking how easier it would've been, work with what you have and stand as a victor above your adversities.
>Yeah it's a couple years. But with how much school work I need to do I have no idea how long that's gonna take.
I encourage you to start putting in yet more effort. You gotta finish this, dude.
And you know who to ask if you need help with the math :)
You don't. Cutting isn't worth it and you shouldn't harm yourself. Give yourself some respect, you are no piece of trash.
>Sure it was but i woke up at that time to get ready
Meanwhile good ol' Saka is waking up 11:20am lol
Gone are the days of waking up 4:00am for me it seems.
>I will just hope either the urges go away or that im too busy or never left alone so i will be unable to go through
When you're not shaving, could you ask your dad or a close friend to keep the razors with them?
You don't need no motivation, you need discipline. Don't think about it, just get up and do what you need to do without giving too much thought.
Rule out suicide from your plans.
Work on your plans with integrity and respect for yourself. You should indeed keep in mind the possibility of not succeeding in your primary plans, and for that you should keep a backup plan that would be more feasible than the others.
If you ever feel like taking the easy way out, come over here and talk to us :)
Hey sludge. Let me ask you something dude, do you like Sepultura?
>this was not part of my fucking plan i just want to work for fuck sake
Let me see if I get it, you are in uni, you wanted to get out and work but you're stuck in there for a bit more time now?
'morning cat
How you doing today in this fine day?
Hey Gal.
It's a normal thing to feel. But isn't it a good thing that your partner is gonna live with you?
Anyways, hope everything goes well.
Do you think your family would be disapproving of you liking men?
Didn't have a nightmare last night. I woke up to my cat purring against my face, I'm unsure if I buried my face in his belly in my sleep or if he curled up around my head, but it was very pleasant to wake up to.

I fed him breakfast and went for a morning walk again. I saw that the neighbor's tree is blooming, but I can't figure out the species. It has tiny white blooms. I think it's the floral smell that came in through the window I sit by yesterday afternoon. I hope it's warm enough that the scent carries in through my window again today.

I saw a rabbit nibbling on some grass. I sat down on the curb and waited for it to wander off before continuing so I didn't scare it away, it seemed to be eating breakfast. Voices kept telling me to yell at it and throw rocks at it and I told them to get bent.
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Hello everyone. I'm in the shower right now. I'm starting to wake up earlier which is very good. I just want to cut :( I'm so lonely.

>but they are mostly fine now
Well I'm glad there fine now.
>Im well aware but i dunno
I really hope you didn't.

Good morning.

Hey Galaxy. Oh that is pretty scary, a homophobic family is the worst.

>And today I'm gonna see her!
>If you tell yourself you can't, then it won't work well.
Yeah that it true, everything just feels impossible in my current situation.
>eventually go out there it's just gonna be a bit harder than for some people.
Yeah it's really hard right now, so maybe one day I will.
>You gotta work with what you have.
It just feels like I have nothing compared to a normal person.
>but he did manage to gather stuff to make a cannon and the alien creature was no more.
Okay that's actually really cool. Star Trek is awesome.
>you have and stand as a victor above your adversities.
I don't think I'll ever be a victor, maybe I'll be normal and boring tho.
>start putting in yet more effort.
Yeah I really need to, it's a very important thing to do.
>You gotta finish this, dude.
I know I do, just really hard without help.
>And you know who to ask if you need help with the math :)
OMG thank you so much! Sadly the only thing I'm doing right now I math, I have no idea how to do school work with anything else.

Nightmares are the worst, I'm glad you didn't have one last night. Cats are the sweetest animals ever!
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>freaked out about my boyfriend moving in a
ooa scary D;
but I'm sure everything will be fine ^^
>family finding out
do you live with them?

Have a nice day saka
>How you doing today in this fine day?
I kinda want to isolate for a bit
idk today passed super fast and I don't even know what I did today
I guess I have to create like a routine, a time when I go to sleep ans when I wake up and stuff

Sorry about your nightmare, just remember they're not real
>cat purring against my face
aww, this is so sweet
please give it a treat for me and pet it :3
>rabbit nibbling on some grass
>told them to get bent.
very good

Hello ali
>starting to wake up earlier which is very good.
good job :D
any plans for today? gonna play any games?
> I'm so lonely.
oww :<
sending you a big virtual hug
>nothing helps me.

hi sakamoto! ^^

hey sludge. good you got through, but i get why you're frustrated. :/

hey catbro! what's up?

hi gal! thought your family knew already since you got a boyfriend that's moving in with you, but i guess it's not something you needed to tell them til now. hope everything will be fine.

hey everybody!
Dont really have much to say as im in a hurry but the hotelroom has wifi :)
Well folks, she wasn't there today.
But we exchanged some messages.
Someone decided to write this on the blackboard:
"Professor [professor's name], we love you!
Please have mercy!
May God bless you!"
I found it funny lmao. I took a picture of it and sent to her. She laughed and told me she loved it.
I couldn't see her smiling today, but I could talk to her none the less and we had a good 7 or so messages little chat.
Something to keep in mind, that I think you folks should also consider: It doesn't take the best case scenario to be happy for what happened. Celebrate the little things!
Don't give up on your efforts, be proud of yourself for every little bit of progress. I'm wishing you folks all the best and for those who are struggling: WE ARE GONNA MAKE IT!
>Yeah that it true, everything just feels impossible in my current situation.
Doesn't mean it is. You fucking got this!
>Yeah it's really hard right now, so maybe one day I will.
Let me rephrase that for ya: "Yeah it's really hard right now, and one day I will!"
>It just feels like I have nothing compared to a normal person.
You got a harder situation than most people. But you'll get out of it stronger than them and just because the average Joe doesn't go through the same things, it doesn't mean you won't make it victorious out of it.
We all here believe in you, so you might as well join the club.
>Star Trek is awesome.
That true. I'm fucking loving it!
>I don't think I'll ever be a victor, maybe I'll be normal and boring tho.
When you get out of this situation and start living the world, you'll be a victor.
>Yeah I really need to, it's a very important thing to do.
Good you realize that. Now heave away and straight ahead!
>I know I do, just really hard without help.
No one said it's easy. You got a challenge to face and people rooting for you here, so give your best shot.
>Sadly the only thing I'm doing right now I math
Not a sad thing. People struggle with math. Good job :)
Just one of those lazy laid back days eh?
A routine is good, highly encourage you to do so.
Hey yuanon!
Btw Gator, here's a song for ya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKcuPnkG-mM
You got a dragon to kill, and you'll be victorious!
>Hello ali
Hey cat
>any plans for today?
I should do school work tonight, but I probably won't have the motivation to.
>gonna play any games?
Probably, but maybe not idk.
>sending you a big virtual hug
Thanks, I've never actually been hugged so even a virtual one is really nice.

Awesome that the hotel has wifi.

>she wasn't there today.
Hmm that's a shame.
> best case scenario to be happy for what happened.
That is actually very true, it's always good to be happy.
>You fucking got this!
Thanks saka, that means a lot :).
>But you'll get out of it stronger than them
I'll never be stronger then anyone, I'm a very weak person, I get sad when people get angry.
>it doesn't mean you won't make it victorious out of it.
It just feels like there's no point, if people have easier lives, what's the point in my life.
>We all here believe in you, so you might as well join the club.
Thanks your very sweet :)
>start living the world, you'll be a victor.
Okay so when I'm Normal and maybe well adjusted, I'll be a Victor.
>Now heave away and straight ahead!
I'm just way to lazy, to do it most days.
>People struggle with math.
Math is really hard. But I should be good at what I'm doing, it's for people much Younger then me. I really hate division.

>here's a song for ya
Thanks. It's a really cool song!
>You got a dragon to kill, and you'll be victorious!
>Don't give up on your efforts, be proud of yourself for every little bit of progress. I'm wishing you folks all the best and for those who are struggling: WE ARE
i've been a bit down recently, but reading that helped a little. thanks. (^-^)

hey gator! how are you holding up?
hey cat

>they probably think they're doing you a service
have confirmation of that, im expected to be gratefull

>what's the worst they can do? kick you out? that's exactly what you want lol
yes but it makes no sense to do that in the final year

opoid overdose. fent or h would be my pick

>do you like Sepultura?
never really got into them, i appreciate arise and beneath the remains though. i like more technicality check out nailbomb though Max Cavalera made it as a onetime project. he also was in fudge tunnel a sludge band

>Let me see if I get it, you are in uni, you wanted to get out and work but you're stuck in there for a bit more time now?
yes but not uni, i aint that smart. almost nobody here does uni, its what we call vervolg opleiding further education, dont know what that equates to in US. im 2 years behind due to a trip to special ed and back in highschool. went in had to do the year overnew then went out and same thing

>hey sludge. good you got through, but i get why you're frustrated. :/
i didnt pass because i did a good enough job, the one time i want something to go //wrong//
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i think itll be great to live with him yes.

i think some might disapprove and others might just make fun of me endlessly and i dont really want either

i just dont know whatll happen im mostly afraid of hurting grandma. i dont want her to know at all..

i dont live with family but my grandma is close so i cant be sure how long i can keep it a secret..

i just worry what will happen i think everything will be fine but im not sure whatll happen
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having a headache, ouch
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>hey gator!
Hey yuanon.
>how are you holding up?
Pretty bad. How about you?

>mostly afraid of hurting grandma.
That is very kind of you. But your happiness is much more important then there's.
>i dont want her to know at all..
I guess just try as hard as you can to hide it.

Headaches are the worst.
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you know how it is. whatever we really want, we get the opposite. thus is out lot in life. but hey, at least it's just one more year. ganbatte, sludge-kun!

i hope they'll accept you for who you are, but in the end you have to live for yourself. rooting for you, of course. :>

oh noes... D: make sure to drink lots of water and get to bed early. get better soon!

>Pretty bad. How about you?
not doing so great myself. work was very stressful and annoying. just not my day. guess we can be in a bad mood together. >:[
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stay strong frens
look at cute kitty

>we can be in a bad mood together. >:[
that makes three of us
For the first time, she messaged me first :D
>That is actually very true, it's always good to be happy.
So celebrate the little victories!
>Thanks saka, that means a lot :).
You welcome Gator :D
>I'll never be stronger then anyone, I'm a very weak person, I get sad when people get angry.
If you're gonna keep thinking that you're weak, then you'll get weak. So start being a bit more realistic and realizing that although you do have some weaknesses, that does not make you weak. Everyone has weaknesses.
>It just feels like there's no point, if people have easier lives, what's the point in my life.
That doesn't even make sense dude.
Let's start by realizing that everyone struggles with something. And if someone has it easier in one sector of life, that does not mean that there's no point in your life.
Your life is valuable. Give yourself a bit more respect, you deserve dignity.
>Thanks your very sweet :)
You welcome :)
>Okay so when I'm Normal and maybe well adjusted, I'll be a Victor.
To us folks here you're already a victor at each little achievement.
>I'm just way to lazy, to do it most days.
Build up a schedule and follow it religiously. You need no motivation.
>Math is really hard. But I should be good at what I'm doing, it's for people much Younger then me. I really hate division.
Still, you're doing good and that's a reason to be proud of yourself. Btw, if you want a better approach to basic math, check out the textbook "Basic Mathematics" by Serge lang.
>Thanks. It's a really cool song!
Glad you like it \m/
You welcome dude :)
Laugh in the face of the devil, yuanon! Dance like a drunk pirate and laugh in the face of the devil!
I see. They are gonna be on tour. Not sure they'll pass up there in Europe, but they'll pass through me city down here. Thinking about going to see them.
I'm well aware of nailbomb. Point blank is a badass album!
>yes but not uni, i aint that smart. almost nobody here does uni, its what we call vervolg opleiding further education, dont know what that equates to in US. im 2 years behind due to a trip to special ed and back in highschool. went in had to do the year overnew then went out and same thing
But you'll have to get out of it some time. Just do your best while you're in there.
Btw, gonna lit a cig in your honor my man
Be serious and direct and tell them that you deserve to be respected. Be respectful, but make them know you appreciate the respect you deserve. Wishing you all the best
Ate ice cream too fast?
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>not doing so great myself.
That sucks :(
>work was very stressful and annoying.
Work does really suck.
>guess we can be in a bad mood together. >:[
Yup I guess so.

>look at cute kitty
It is very cute.
>that makes three of us
Okay the more the better!

>For the first time, she messaged me first :D
That's awesome :) that's really good.
>If you're gonna keep thinking that you're weak, then you'll get weak.
Yeah that is true, I guess I should starting thinking myself as not weak, but I'm definitely not strong.
>weaknesses, that does not make you weak.
I just feel like I have so much weakness. I'm weak in so many ways.
>everyone struggles with something.
Yeah that is very true.
>easier in one sector of life, that does not mean that there's no point in your life.
Yeah that is very true, just because my life is hard doesn't mean it doesn't matter. It just feels like why try, why bother.
>Your life is valuable.
My life isn't valuable to anyone or anything.
>Give yourself a bit more respect, you deserve dignity.
I'll try to respect myself more I guess.
>you're already a victor at each little achievement.
Thanks I guess, I definitely don't feel like a victor right now.
>Build up a schedule and follow it religiously.
Yeah that would help me, even if I don't have motivation. Thanks.
>that's a reason to be proud of yourself.
Maybe I should be proud of starting but I am definitely not proud of my performance.
>check out the textbook "Basic Mathematics" by Serge lang.
Thank you very much! I'll check that out rn.
>Glad you like it \m/
It was really cool! What is that?
did look. feel better. :>

i'll try. the laughing part. not much of a dancer. ^^' thanks, sak.

>That sucks :(
it does. :/

>Work does really suck.
usually it's alright, but there's a lot of stuff grinding my gears recently. maybe i should talk with my boss about it.

>I guess so.
alright. hope you don't mind me being in a bad mood in my bed with my eyes closed. good night, gator. see you soon! ^^

and good night everybody else!
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Hi /cut/!

I hiked 3 hours in the hot ass southern heat and then went to the gym for 2 hours and now I am going to draw something cool :)
did you know, 15 tall black men found me because of what you posted last thread :(
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>Yeah that is true, I guess I should starting thinking myself as not weak, but I'm definitely not strong.
As long as you keep changing your mindset for the better, you're already winning :)
>I just feel like I have so much weakness. I'm weak in so many ways.
Recognize your weakness, but don't let them overtake you
>It just feels like why try, why bother.
You have the ability to change things for the better. There you have it, a reason to try.
>My life isn't valuable to anyone or anything.
Should be to you first and foremost. And it is to us.
>I'll try to respect myself more I guess.
Yes, do respect yourself more. You are not a piece of crap found at the side road. You deserve dignity and respect.
>Thanks I guess, I definitely don't feel like a victor right now.
You gotta celebrate the little achievements man. Put in the effort, legit effort, and you are in the right path.
>Yeah that would help me, even if I don't have motivation. Thanks.
You need not have motivation. Discipline overrides any need for motivation.
>Maybe I should be proud of starting but I am definitely not proud of my performance.
It's ok to be discontent with one's performance. But that should give you a reason to work harder and/or smarter.
>What is that?
The "\m/" you mean? Horns up! (pic related)
You welcome yuanon :)
The drawing you posted here is really good! Have fun!
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>The drawing you posted here is really good! Have fun!
Thank you thats means alot :)
I can't see scars anymore without having a panic attack. I'm going to have a child soon, I should be better than this. I should be better. I need to get better.
were trying to hide it

im trying to i really am..

i cant do that...
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hi friends good evening, sorry for blogposting:
I just picked up my dog ashes about an hour ago, got in debt for his cremation but my sister will let me pay her in weekly exhibitions
idk if I'm vulnerable or whatever or just being a needy stupid pseudo bpd demon bullshit fucking aughhhh but I feel again like my favorite person is replacing me, it sucks this time I have no good reason to think that (or am I just gaslighting myself into thinking that's the case? oh ho ho ho~ the world might never knoooow) but fuck me and fuck my gay stupid brain, if someone grabbed a pair of crochet needles and just prodded around and made a cute little rabbit out of my brain matter maybe that would fix me
I won't cut fuck that noise, I fucking won't but my brain is in this tumultuous manic state, fuck it. I don't wanna die I just wanna stop feeling like such shit

fret not, as soon as i hit enter i felt a wave of relief almost. I just hate myself just that much, I'm just that tired sometimes
Sorry folks, gonna wait until tomorrow to talk more to you guys.
Me mom does know how to ruin one's day.
"Oh but she's been working so hard all day every day cut her some slack" I won't. She has the right to be tired and stressed but she ain't got the right to snap at others.
Feel like throwing a lit cigarette at her, but I ain't no cunt.
But someday my patience will run out and I hope I won't be drunk and near her when that happens.
nightly bump of bleeding swords
im battabummpppppppppp
near midnight bump
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>>78008200 - sorry, I had forgotten to reply back here =_=
to answer, I was questioning my reasoning for life, and things got outta hand

>>78008554 - hell yeah it was!
best sammich ive had in years. chicken, cheese, mayo, lettuce and salt. thanks for asking napa

>That is unfortunate, but jus make sure everything is clean and your okay.
yeah, anytime i get hurt i always have first aid nearby. so i dont really worry to ever get hurt

>I love sandwiches :).
best food type imo

i know im a day late to answer, but i keep forgetting to do things. like off-putting 2 doctors appointments for the last 2 months.... which reminds me to do that soon.

ill try to come back in a few hours.
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>best sammich ive had in years. chicken, cheese, mayo, lettuce and salt.
i could feel my mouth water just by reading the ingredients list... well done Justa, well done :D
Me personally I would've had some tomato too, brings it all together imo, but I know not everyone fucks with the red ring of death
Don't worry too much about taking your time to reply, having you back is always a pleasure
>I would've had some tomato too
ill be here for a few more minutes before i gotta bounce back to work. but ill make one when i get back home!

writing this already makes me hungy
Good luck at work Justa! I myself have to hit the sack soon too, but do make sure to make that sandwich extra tasty. If you got a pic of it so I can envy you proper even better!
Have a good one, hopefully job won't be too tiring on you!
>writing this already makes me hungy
Hunger is the best pickle after all! Hope you come back soon!
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I cut twice total in my life, and quickly stopped both times because I realized it sucked and was unhealthy.
I'm taking difficult math classes now, and the work can be incredibly frustrating. I have no real outlet for my frustration, so on really bad days, when I roll a natural depression debuff and it stacks with mind-bendingly difficult math that my brain refuses to understand, I veer dangerously close to wanting to cut, just to fucking vent out the horrible feeling.
Haven't done it so far, but it scares me that it's popping up as a coping response now. Oh well.
I know it's not as easy as to say "just pick another coping mechanism :)" but you could pick a less unhealthy one like sports gambling or driving real fast, or buy one of those electric toys that give you a little shock in your fingies
I mean, it's like smoking a cig instead of going for the heroin yknow?

I mean, that if you have already started to look for the root cause of your ails and need a quick release of pressure
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I'm dumb :( me gonna sleep so, goodnight everyone.

>but there's a lot of stuff grinding my gears recently.
That's a real shame.
>maybe i should talk with my boss about it.
You probably should, it should only help.
>hope you don't mind me being in a bad mood in my bed with my eyes closed.
Well I would definitely prefer you being in bed in a good mood and really happy.
>good night, gator. see you soon! ^^
Yeah Good night, sleep well. See ya.

>mindset for the better, you're already winning :)
Idk if I'll be able to keep changing my mindset for the better but I will try to.
>but don't let them overtake you
I feel like I'm only weakness, I'm extremely weak in every way.
>You have the ability to change things for the better.
I want to change things for the better, but even then why should I try to get better, it just feels like I'll never actually get better.
>Should be to you first and foremost.
I really don't value my own life at all, I've always hated myself for being gay, and just existing.
>And it is to us.
>You are not a piece of crap found at the side road.
Why would there be that, there? But yeah I'm not that.
>You gotta celebrate the little achievements man.
So far the only thing to celebrate is I've started trying, which doesn't mean anything.
>Put in the effort, legit effort, and you are in the right path.
Yeah I definitely need to put ina lot of work and effort. I just hate how I have to do so much more work then people my age.
>Discipline overrides any need for motivation.
Well I don't know how I'll discipline myself.
>But that should give you a reason to work harder and/or smarter
Yeah that's true.

>yeah, anytime i get hurt i always have first aid nearby. so i dont really worry to ever get hurt
That's good, very smart.
>best food type imo

I'm sorry for not replying to everyone, I really want to, and I normally would I've just been so tired today.
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so im back.
i forgot to document the sammich, so its now in my tummy.
and now im going to go do my washing and watch 11'8" until i get bored... reminds me, i have to book those appointments sometime. and live report just now as im writing this, ive ran out of coffee. god damn it
Heya guys
I havent been left alone long enough to do anything stupid enough so thats nice

In other news due to bad coordination we nearly accidentally killed our friend

Gtg now
Hope everyone is safe and doing ok
good mornings, everybody! mr galaxy here to say that you're nobody till somebody loves you and that somebody is me, i love you :3
damn are you me? I had a math exam yesterday and studying for it was so frustrating I did a few small cuts to vent my frustration then I stopped because I felt very dumb doing this over not understanding some math problem
I threw a plastic water bottle around a few times to vent my remaining frustration
>driving real fast
I agree with the rest but isn't that much worse than cutting? you could literally die or be crippled for life or accidentally cause that to happen to someone else
second reply meant for >>78021662
just wanted to say after almost 9 years of a severe sh addiction and 3 suicide attempts i am 4 days away from being 34 months clean. it's possible guys <3 gl all stay safe
'morning folks.
Smoking me cig at uni before seeing her.
Will talk more to you guys later, just passing by because someone here seems to be in a good mood in this fine morning and I wanna greet him. Sending good wishes to everyone
It's Gal! And Gal seems to be having yet another fine morning!
We also cherish you Gal. Good to see ya like this :)
Ehrm, name. My bad :)
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Hi all
how is your day going?
yesterday's headache didn't leave me so I'm not feeling the best
I want to go back to drinking half gallons of 100proof, but that's what got me to cut initially. I can't run out. I wish I weren't such a god damn addicted mess. Kicking and screaming for more justice but never getting happy. In over my head and slowly losing time and sanity. I give up trying to be grateful I'm so broken. Just fucking torture me more for ever picking up that razor...
It's been alright today. What about you?
i know you are. guess your family will have to deal with you being a confirmed bachelor. ;D

hey nappy. sorry you have to endure all that. good you feel better after posting, though.

hey gator!

>it should only help.
he's usually the one leaving the work for me, so i'm not that sure. ^^

>Well I would definitely prefer you being in bed in a good mood and really happy.
thanks, buddy. i'll give that a shot tonight. ^^

>due to bad coordination we nearly accidentally killed our friend
:0 that does sound bad. what happened? is your friend alright?

hey gal! love you, too! (^-^)

thanks, anon. and well done. you can be proud of yourself.

hi sak! thanks and same to you!

hey catbro!

>how is your day going?
not that great, honestly. forgot i had work today and came in an hour late. :/ not that big of a deal, since not that many customers came at the time, but still annoying.

>yesterday's headache didn't leave me so I'm not feeling the best
that's odd. for me it's usually gone after some good sleep. guess you got hit with some "leisure sickniss" now that you're on summer break. just take it slow and try to get better in time for the good bike-riding weather. :>

hey hunter. i think we're all messes here, so we understand. most here want tonget better but are having trouble to do so. we can just try to support each other as good as we can. guess we have to accept that there'll always be good days and there'll always be bad days, but that we have people here who'll have our backs matter what.

hey everyone! hope you're having a good day so far!
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hi yuanon
>forgot i had work today
oh, at least it ended well ^^
and yes got an hour more of relaxing
>after some good sleep
but not this time
I took some pills maybe it'll help
>good bike-riding weather. :>
I actually rode to the store today and got some bananas :>
I'll spend this evening watching stuff on phone and going to sleep early so maybe I'll feel better today
How about you?
>and yes got an hour more of relaxing
true, but the stress of the situation counters the relaxing part a bit. ^^'

>but not this time I took some pills maybe it'll help
hope they will.

>I actually rode to the store today and got some bananas :>
ain't no headache that can keep catbro off the sadle for long. ^^

>I'll spend this evening watching stuff on phone and going to sleep early so maybe I'll feel better today
good idea. what are you watching?

>How about you?
pretty much the same plan as you. watching my usual streamer, but he's playing "chained together" with others to prepare for a tournament he'll take part in on sunday. going to bed early today also seems nice.
Hello guys, its my first time on here. Hopefully you all had a great day.

>Why did you hurt yourself?
I want to high perform and if I fail, then I punish myself

>what is bothering you?
I got into contact with a 13 year old girl who is selling nudes. I tried to talk that shit out of her but she is still doing it and I am feeling helpless. Now I want to cut myself really bad.
Any advices how I can cope with that?
indeed, you recognize the reference then ;3
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nice trips
>stress of the situation counters the relaxing part a bit. ^^'
oh man
guess you need to lern how to stress less
>hope they will.
I'm feeling better already
>that can keep catbro off the sadle
nope :>
I'm addicted
>what are you watching?
someone playing minecraft
>playing "chained together
I've seen that game, looks fun
there's a tournament?
>going to bed early today also seems nice.
hope you have a restful night

Hey anon
>first time on here.
hello o/
>hopefully you all had a great day.
it's been meh because of a headache
>tried to talk that shit out of
it's good you tried but I feel unless you know her irl there's really nothing you can do, If there's no parents who'll help there nothing a stranger on the internet can do
Though maybe you could report it somewhere but I also feel like it could just bring you more issues
>Now I want to cut myself really bad.
don't hurt yourself anon
>Any advices how I can cope with that?
Hmm maybe you could watch a movie or to on a walk?
hey anon! welcome to the thread!

>Hopefully you all had a great day.
thank you. same to you, friend. :>

>I want to high perform and if I fail, then I punish myself
be careful it doesn't become and addiction, ok? sakamoto had a similar approach to it. maybe you can talk about it later.

>Any advices how I can cope with that?
there's probably not much you can do about it. contacting her parents would probably be the way to solve the situation without anyone getting into serious trouble, but hard to tell. for advice... not really. you'll feel bad about it for some time, but some people are only able to learn from their own mistakes. and sometimes not even that. you tried your best. you did well.

can't say i do. it's just a phrase that i thought fits the situation. ^^' where's it from?

>nice trips
did it again. :D

>guess you need to lern how to stress less
it wasn't that bad, but needing to hastily get to work puts a damper on your mood no matter what, i feel. ^^'

>I'm feeling better already
awesome. don't forget to drink lots of water as well.

>I'm addicted
the only one i won't try to talk you out off. ^^

>someone playing minecraft
how are they playing? speedrun? just building something?

>there's a tournament?
i think they're hosting one in their circle of streamers. they also do a souls one occasionally. it's called "die liga der unsterblichen" (the league of immortals) od "dldu" for short. each participant has to kill as many bosses and special mobs in one try as they can. they could potentially play through the whole game if they manage a no-death run. each boss and mob is worth points which will determine their final score after they die or finish the game. great format and has created some of the best deaths in souls games over the years. ^^

>yes hope you have a restful night
think i messed up the early part already. let's hope i manage the "restful" ar least.
It was a good day.
Messaged her afterwards inviting her to have a coffee with me tomorrow morning. I'm afraid she won't respond. Things go well until they don't, I guess.
Anyway, hope you all had a fine day today. Now I'm anxious and smoking like a chimney >>78022240
Hey Gator. Heads up man, you got this.
Build up a schedule, follow it religiously. Keep in mind that you ain't no loser and you can very well change things for the better. Wishing you all the best
Hey yuanon
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just give her some time. i'm sure she'll let you know soon. glad you had a nice day. what have you been up to, recently?
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I'm gonna take a break from 4chan and prolly the rest of the internet until my paranoia episode clears up some

Really gets my homicidal urges going when I see a communist or a racist sharing their retarded views to others
She didn't respond me once. I'm afraid she'll do it again.
I'm not feeling too good, yuanon. Maybe I'm too anxious.
I feel like drowning in beer. Unfortunately I can't drink today since I have an exam tomorrow.
I'm really that much uninteresting and unattractive though?
But anyway, I don't feel like giving up. And at the end of the day, I can always resort to alcohol and cigarettes. If I'm gonna live a maidenless life, I might as well do it with a beer in hand and a cigarette in mouth.

Oh shit she just responded. She just said "Ok" (not really, she didn't say it in english but it was the same thing as "Ok")
I had sent another message saying "Well, I'm gonna get there between 8am and 9am, hit me up if you wanna meet up [smiley face and peace sign emoji]" she responded to that
Forgot to add the song
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im awake again. surprised this is still up. just sitting in bed, gotta decide what to do with my off day.

might make pancakes for dinner. or play skater games until my body demands i eat (its gonna be a while until then). in other news, i rememberd to book those appointments. just gotta actually book them
hi bib! probably for the best in that situation. hard to avoid that crap here. :/ don't be a stranger, though! always good to see you're still trucking along.

i'd recommend you some vids, but i'd rather keep those topics out of the thread.

that's odd. might just be busy with something.

>I can't drink today since I have an exam tomorrow.
best of luck with that exam, my friend.

>I'm really that much uninteresting and unattractive though?
not a question i feel qualified to answer over an anonymous image board. i usually have a good time talking to you, but we can have some pretty weird conversations here that you probably won't be able to have anywhere else that easily. ^^'

>Oh shit she just responded. She just said "Ok"
that's something. maybe she'll turn up.

i'll listen to it later. i'm in a rather chill mood right now. lying in bed, listening to some asmr.

>im awake again.
rise and shine! (^-^)

>surprised this is still up.
it's getting a little late for us euros, but usually it's still up at this point. then it's up to the ameribros to keep the thread running if they have the time.

>just sitting in bed, gotta decide what to do with my off day.
good question. maybe a nice breakfast to start the day?

>might make pancakes for dinner.
nice. any toppings?

>or play skater games until my body demands i eat
are those still a thing? i think they announced some a while ago, but i'm not sure if those have been released already.

>just gotta actually book them
you can do it! i believe in you! (*^*)
hi yuanon, good to see you.

>rise and shine! (^-^)
its rainy outside, you bet your sweet bippy im wide awake and watching it.

>it's getting a little late for us euros
would it not be afternoon for the muricanons? japan and such would be morning by now

>maybe a nice breakfast to start the day?
yeah, ill start that soon. coffee and toast as always.

>nice. any toppings?
ive been working on a caramel pancake recipe recently. going to try and get that working with some choco chips.

>are those still a thing?
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. it is the best skater game I've played so far, AND it has a bomb ass OST. I've been playing Neon White and Pseudoregalia for a while now too. still haven't gotten around to Fallen Aces yet, but I'm getting there

>i believe in you! (*^*)
ill get there eventually... probably at 4 or so
>best of luck with that exam, my friend.
Thanks man
>not a question i feel qualified to answer over an anonymous image board. i usually have a good time talking to you, but we can have some pretty weird conversations here that you probably won't be able to have anywhere else that easily. ^^'
I let me worse and best sides come out to the tip of me finger at each post I write. So yeah, stupid question that one I asked lol
But anyway, glad to hear you folks don't think of me as a complete and useless nutjob 'cause of the stuff I post :)
>that's something. maybe she'll turn up.
That we'll see tomorrow. Imma get there tomorrow morning, send her a message and just wait.
>i'll listen to it later. i'm in a rather chill mood right now. lying in bed, listening to some asmr.
Yeah, you definitely shouldn't listen to drunk thrash metal when you're just chillin' lmao.
I mean, I do, but that's me lol
confirmed bachelor is a perk in fallout that basically makes you gay :3
>you bet your sweet bippy im wide awake and watching it.
sounds comfy. i'm usually a rainy guy myself, but this hear has just been way too much of that already. a little break would be nice.

>would it not be afternoon for the muricanons? japan and such would be morning by now
sounds about right. either way, it's 2:00 am for me. time for bed, soon. ^^

>coffee and toast as always.

>going to try and get that working with some choco chips.
do tell and share when you've nailed it. sounds like something i need to try at some point.

>Bomb Rush Cyberfunk.
never heard if it. i'll have to look it up. the others as well. guess it's a genre i'm not paying much attention to.

>ill get there eventually... probably at 4 or so
i know you will. :>

>So yeah, stupid question that one I asked lol
it was more of a rhetoric one anyway, wasn't it? still good to ask to get the sentiment out of your mind. or at least make it smaller.

>a complete and useless nutjob 'cause of the stuff I post :)
i know the phrase gets thrown around a lot and got a rather negative connotation for a reason, but this is a safe space in that regard. this is the place where you're allowed to get things of your chest without being chastised for it.

>send her a message and just wait.
just don't forget to have yourself a nice time, even if she doesn't show. ^^

>I mean, I do, but that's me lol
we all have our own ways to have a relaxing time for ourselves, it seems. ^^

oh yeah. that's where i got it from as well, though i just like it as a euphemism. guess it's seen as offensive by a lot of people when used that way, though. don't really get why.

i'm off to bed. good night, everyone!
>it was more of a rhetoric one anyway, wasn't it? still good to ask to get the sentiment out of your mind. or at least make it smaller.
Yeah. Sometimes it's good to get things of our chest. Of course, without disrespecting others.
>i know the phrase gets thrown around a lot and got a rather negative connotation for a reason, but this is a safe space in that regard. this is the place where you're allowed to get things of your chest without being chastised for it.
That's really good. I've said this before, but this place's been a huge help to me.
Just saying the stuff I need to say and have people to talk to me, that's really great. This place is awesome.
>just don't forget to have yourself a nice time, even if she doesn't show. ^^
Imma bring me 2DS with me. I'll be playing either Final Fantasy 6 or Dragon Quest 7 while waiting for her. If she doesn't show up, I'll keep playing.
Either way, win for me :D
>we all have our own ways to have a relaxing time for ourselves, it seems. ^^
We really do. Now I'm chilling with some cigs and heavy metal.

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