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You all are either lying or LARPing, I have never met ANY woman who has said that they prefer uncircumcised dicks. I've dated American girls, I've dated non-American girls including Hispanic and ethnically and culturally European girls. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Said that they are somewhere between "don't care" and "please get circumcised".

Ironically the girl who cared the least about my circumcision status was a Jewish girl I met in high school.

I have never met or talked to ANY girl of ANY race or nationality who has said that they explicitly prefer uncut over cut. Uncut is always seen as a compromise to the superior cut dick based on all of my experience with women (and in the case of Hispanic girls, it seems as if they target white guys partially due to this as I had a Hispanic GF with a raging circumcision fetish).

Where are all of the girls this website and other websites claim that like uncut dick?

In the US (and I assume that this is the same way in other countries which circumcise regularly) its a death sentence to your dating prospects if you're found out to be uncircumcised. Whats even wilder is that I have been told by one of my exes that to a girl, uncircumcised guys look around 2 inches shorter in their minds, and cut dicks are inherently associated with being larger, even if the actual measurement isn't true.
>just mutilate your penis to impress girls
kill yourself schlomo.
>semite hands typed this post
this is just an american problem
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not all men wanna mutilate their penis so some Jew can be happy you mossad agent

Im not a Jew you dipshits, but when your personal experience has contradicted almost everything you have read or seen online you will start to wonder.
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i still don't care what an amerimutt thinks
An American and Muslim problem.
>most women want
>The handful of women I met with varying opinions
>even some saying they don't give a shit

Alrighty then.
jews and muslims do that for religious reasons, idk how muricans, leafs, aussies and south koreans go memed into it
Lmao lies. Uncut cocks cause vaginal orgasms, cut cocks don't. Simple as. Have fun coping with your hobbled dick.
I am uncut and north of 6 inches. Please explain why girls have told me to my face that they would prefer me to be circumcised.
>women lie to man because they know he will feel insecure about his inferior equipment if they don't
>man believes women

Let me guess, they told you dicks bigger than yours hurt too much?
fuck all these cringe bait threads, there are like 2 or 3 on the front page at any one time
I had an ex who messaged me shortly after we broke up who made a list of everything better about her new bf than me and it was important enough for her to list the fact that he was circumcised and I was not. She explicitly said that his dick was shorter however she stated that the lack of a foreskin compensated for the missing 2 inches.
>I have never met ANY woman who has said that they prefer uncircumcised dicks
And? Go castrate yourself while you're at it. I'm sure a lot of women will appreciate it.
it probably was to make you feel insecure
don't tell me you made this thread because it actually made you insecure?
>taking an ex's feedback on your body seriously
I have gotten similar feedback from other women too, something about the absence of a foreskin makes the penis look longer, its a psychological thing.
speaking from experience, foreskin glide is +++ in my book, i prefer it

defo think she was just trying to make you insecure, given, you know, the broader list. dick move. nobody does that - it's specifically to make you feel like shit
>believing women
America should be nuked
>literal scar tissue
>dry cracked skin cock head from a life time of rubbing up against fabric
whatever you gotta tell yourself champ, sorry about what your parents did to you less than a week into your existence outside of your mommy. im also sure cutting a piece of a literal fucking infant had zero repercussions on your mental development, you dont even remember it haha, your baby brain probably had a blast processing low grade dismemberment 2 days out of the womb
Some deviant convinced people to do it
Stop bumping this mossad sleeper agent cell
imagine being such a simp that you're happy to be mutilated and desensitized just so girls like you more

but lets be honest its all rationalizations from victims of child genital mutilation. and jews. really, all you need to know about male genital mutiliation is that its jewish, case closed.
Bc they hate you lol
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only americans, jews and muslims cut their boys, they're all definitely the kind of people you should aspire to imitate
I am European and I never wanted a circumcised guy because it's semitic shit
My bf is all natural, uncircumcised
P.S. I don't give a shit if you think I am a tranny, my bf knows I am a biological woman
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>posters too dumb to realise it's bait
>forced to share this board with so many morons
I pray to God, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Tengri, Moloch, Osiris, Vishnu and Michael Jackson that you all get double cancer aids and die painfully.
cause women are brainwashed retards
>post some shit take
>get ridiculed
>"it was just bait guys"

Nice try rabbi
kill yourself my goy
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abrahamic religions are the worst thing to have ever happened for men
>animal proteins? ban them or make rules against consuming them in various ways
>bread is a holy sacrament, dates and honey, sugar sugar carb carb carb and fatten up
>enforce monogamy, tying men to being providers for one woman which better aligns with female mating strategy
>cut boys' pee pees to reduce pleasure
>ban homosexuality which brings bros closer in war and brings men pleasure
>ban masturbation and prostitution to keep men incentivized to shackle themselves to a family unit just so they can cum
>weekly church/mosque/synagogue forces social collective environment where women are more powerful via gossip and communication skills, instead of individual society where men are more useful
>promote submission to god, submission to religious authority, submit submit fear of god fear fear fear
>no place for dominant men/leaders, as there is an eternal leader in the sky above them all
>only bookish weak bodied priests who can't get hard around a woman are superior and touted as moral role models
>too many strong frustrated men? time for another holy or religion-adjacent war in the middle east
You're an amerimutt who socialized wish jewish girls.

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