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Slowly grinding on my pillow, thinking about my father's friends kind of day
wtf nigger?
im old enough to be your father's friend lemme smash
angion method 2 thinking about my BiL's little sister
Fag or woman, neither would surprise me.
It's unlikely you have any protective, caring, or providing quailites. You probably make your voice higher pitched in the presence of other men. If this isnt the case how would you even prove it? Id rather just keep thinking about the men i do know, and dressing cute when they come over
Do you tease handymen when they come over to fix things? That would be so hot.
No those are random men and i don't care about them. I don't want to be ugly i try to look cute but i dont want to tease either since i dont want anything to actually happen. I guess i just think about them since they are the only men in my life and it feels good to feel "owned" when I'm doing that
my nieces and nephews love me, ive been a large part of their upbringing and ive already been providing for an infertile neet gf for over 15 years so I actually resent that first comment but it's not like you would have known so you can get a pass. but hey it's your fantasy you're larping out so don't let me get in your way, you think you'd actually ever fuck one of his friends?
Tell me more about the infertile neet girl. How did you meet and why do you take care of her? 15 years is a lonf time how old ars both of you
im 40, she's 36, we met through my brother, she chased me for like 3 years from when she was around 16 before I gave in and settled down with her. i take care of her because i love her unconditionally and i provide for her because id rather she didn't work some shitty menial job she hates for money we don't need. if one of us has to suffer id rather it was me and ive grinded my way up the ladder to the point where it'd be difficult for her to out earn me, ive no objection to her working if she wants though. anything else you wanna know?
Not the Anon you were replying to but fuck you. Moids like you are the reason women are shit. Yes I'm seething with envy. I hope you lose your job and end up on the streets together with her.
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Tranny thread do not reply and sage!
im sorry you feel that way but i don't understand why my behaviour would make women shit? it's just one woman and im only treating her how id want to be treated if the situation was the other way around. if I lost my job it'd be rough but fortunately we wouldn't end up on the street because the house is paid off, i've got savings and honestly im super employable, the only way this realistically ends is if one of us dies or she leaves me for someone else
Yeah I dunno i think you're larping. Looking at the lives of my father and his friends it seems to me like men who provide and have real responsibilities wouldnt havd time to be on this site. If you're not larping then you're also garbage for trying to have e sex with me while you have a woman dependent on you so you're probably not as good to her as you say
Well not your behavior alone, rather the fact that a lot of moids share your mentality so as a collective they enable women to be useless moochers.

>im only treating her how id want to be treated if the situation was the other way around.
Sure, but she probably wouldn't treat you the same way if the situation was reversed. Or even if she's some unicorn exception and would, most women wouldn't. So it's not fair to other moids when you do things like this for women. Unless you're 100% sure you'd support a male NEET in a similar situation for 15 years too, but I doubt it.
not a larp, it's the weekend and im lying in bed watching trash on youtube with her right now, ive been on this site since it's inception (from the adtrw days) so i like to cut loose here sometimes

if you think im trash for a throwaway comment like that, that's fine, ive never cheated on her, never will and ive had ample opportunity as well as fair motive over the years, its not like i would have actually hopped on a plane and clapped your cheeks, i was just using my internet anonymity to express a little bit of my inner degen kinda like what you're doing with this thread

if the situation was reversed im pretty sure she wouldn't, but it shouldn't stop me from trying to do the right thing though right? i supported my neet brother financially (rent, living expenses) for nearly 10 years btw, so not exactly the same as a random male neet but if i had the means id like to think i could do it but you do have a point
>using internet anonymity to express a little bit of my inner degen kinda like what you're doing with this thread

I didnt address this thread to my father's friends. Those are just my private thoughts. I'm not pornography either, I'm a real human being anon, and you tried to sexually excite me. If she knew about this, she would be really upset right?
>trying to do the right thing though right?
I guess? I'm just not sure if it's the right thing, I mean, as far as I can see it you're just making the world more unfair. Maybe it's autistic to focus so much on fairness but I dunno it just really bothers me for some reason. Obviously in large part because I'm a male myself and would love to have the same arrangement she has with you but it's much harder for me to attain because of my gender. Which is bullshit.

Also if you were to switch the genders and post this on some woman-dominated website like I dunno Tumblr or something, I don't think many would say you're doing the right thing. They'd say you're just enabling her and keeping her from growing into a better adult by shielding her from responsibility or something like that. I'm not sure if I agree with that view personally, but it might be right.
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imagine living as a walking bloodmeal for leeches
i showed her it when i posted it, she just shrugged her shoulders, she's not upset no, she knows this site and what goes on here, same as when she wanted to post a roll thread on b a few years back to get her tits out I didn't care. but if you feel dehumanised by my comment, i apologise, i didn't expect you to get sexually excited by me saying 'lemme smash', i didn't expect a response at all

point taken but the plan has been in motion too long for me to abandon it now, probably helps that she's not a fan of third wave feminism and prefers to fill the 'trad wife' role, obviously minus the kids we can't have
Yeah, I don't expect you to do anything about it, but thanks for listening to my seething rant Anon

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