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How do I get a girlfriend like Abby?
A single wet wipe would knock her down a few pegs but moids can't tell the difference between makeup and no makeup.
>foid instantly appears to trash talk another woman
Thank you, Alley, for going above and beyond and working harder than your peers on the same hourly as you!

Hip hip hooray!
>tfw no walmart grunt gf
she still wants six figures chad

either that or broke drug dealer chad
Right? What a scab. Beta females like this are cringe and bluepilled.
Be chad and don't be non chad.
>even gets her name wrong
stop making it so obvious that all you care about is a woman's appearance
Just pick one up at Wal-Mart
I actually knew an autistic girl that looked almost exactly like this and she was really sweet. She copied my mannerisms.
kek seethe foid, you're fat and she's cute
i think she is fat
>She copied my mannerisms
How embarrassing.
BPD detected. Avoid at all costs.
this applies to sanrio stuff in general
>two dubs posts in a row
It's the truth.
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Six figures isn't even a lot of money nowadays. Hell Alley probably makes $35k with her shitty job, if you get a degree and aren't a moron six figs by your early 30s is normal.
She wants 6 feet tall, 6 figures, 6 inches (+) and a 6 pack.
That's my god damn wife
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>Six figures isn't even a lot of money nowadays
you're retarded. Look up the median household (TWO PEOPLE) income.

Six figures is great and it is only for smart people. Zoomshits got braincucked.
would u send?
It's pretty meh if you live in most cities. I was making $105k in Seattle and I was extremely mediocre on the dating scene. Why would a girl go for me when there's a PM or senior dev making $200k or more?
She will breed and you won't.
Sorry "ma'am", I don't male the rules.
She's not fat, has a job she works hard at, and seems to have some kind of nerdy interests. The fact that she's ugly under the makeup only makes her seem more attainable. Not that she'd date me anyway... Smiling with her mouth closed is kind of a red flag because it implies she's insecure about her teeth, and having shitty teeth is a much bigger red flag than an ugly face.
How do I find a girl to copy my mannerisms?
She is probably not ugly under the makeup. She is really young. Women do not really start to deteriorate until 28 or so, 22 if they smoke weed.
I make $200k working remote from a rural neighborhood on the outskirts of a third-rate city where the median income is only $60k. I live like a king. Move out of the city. There's nothing there for you.
Actual autistic women trying to be normies instead of normies trying to be what they think autistic women are like
I bet those on 60k work 3x as hard as you. You're no "king".
>he takes pride in working hard
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I have all that and I'm shitposting on 4chan in my house alone most of the time

It really isn't that much man. Even 140k, which is better than just barely over the 6 figure marker doesn't go far

Living the dream man
lol pmt, serfs work hard. Kings sit on their throne all day while the lower strata of society do all the manual labor for them.
>It really isn't that much man
You're so out of touch.
Probably. But they'd all cut my throat in a second to be in my position. Their wives and girlfriends are willing to do some pretty interesting things just for a taste of how my wife and I live.
well i'm not it's bad, but it sure isn't enough to get a girlfriend so what do you want man?
Basically everyone who has a white collar job here makes that much or more.
>basically everyone here who
You're so out of touch.
whatever, not my fault you didn't graduate high school.
So out of touch intensifies.
>200k a year in the sticks larping as some kind of mega yacht oil baron billionaire
Insane but I'm sure the local flyover meth girls are duly impressed with your ability to afford going to olive garden every week
They also enjoy going to Vegas and Miami for long weekends too. Hey? How much are you paying in rent for a high-rise bugman tenement? Because I'm willing to bet its 2x or 3x what I've paying to own my own four bedroom, three bath, 3,000 square foot house.
assblast city dweller detected
try not to get stabbed by the homeless people or otherwise get culturally enriched while enjoying your walkable city
Women do not care about your income at all and I do not understand where this idea comes from. If you're 6'4 chiseled jaw big dick then you can be legitimately homeless and fuck more and higher quality women than your typical "software engineer" whose best case scenario is an obese wife and the occasional hooker.
And where do you meet sweet autistic girls that try to be normie but fails?
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pretty much this. women will gladly fuck some burn out loser living in a studio apartment on his crusty old mattress on the floor if he looks good over some mediocre beta boy making 100k+ a year
Reminder that these are the people promoting AI and short form content, they've sold their soul and they want you to sell yours too
Fr what is up with that like clockwork they all like Sanrio. Did the creator use black monkey magic or something?

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