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I really fucking hate zoomer-speak. I know every new generation has some dumb words and sayings but the zoomers are worse than ever before
>fr fr
>down bad
>no cap
Where do they even get these from? I hate zoomers
I really hate the word "sus"
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millennials had picrel, every gen hat their own cringy speak
Wigger stuff is simply a symptom of a larger out of touch media apparatus that thinks that blacks are inherently funny and tastemakers, and that the black experience is inherently funny. It's a very stupid model.
gen alpha runs the internet now though
Im zommerette and I talk like that FR FR
Niggers. They came from niggers.
No lol they are in school its zoomers.
Zoomers>>>>>>>>>>>>everyone else
im down bad frfr sussy no cap baka aint dat a zizzy billoparooni kekistani cocksore amongus stonetoss
It all comes from niggers. Zoomers are nigger wanna be's

They don't but that day is fast approaching
And when it arrives, I'm leaving the internet
you think zoomers laugh about skibidi toilet and gooning? tiktok is controlled by teens
gen alpha can't even operate a computer, they couldn't run a bath let alone the internet
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your kinda sus tho fr no cap sussy baka suspicious imposter
Zoomers are also still teens you fucking moron
Zoomer is everything from 15 to 25
We still rule the world cope harder oldie
literal containment app to keep the retards in their place, complacent and stuck to a screen while the chinks harvest off data to abuse them when they're barely functioning adults
>wanna be's
I thought it was just a meme, no cap
My dad is addicted to tiktok. I was supposed to be the Zoomer.
Why do we call them zoomers?
I know it's a play on boomer but we need a more fitting name. I suggest calling them baby coomers. It's more accurate. Baby, because they are forever infantilised, and coomers, because they are fucking disgusting coomers. All of them

It also rhymes with baby boomers
becayse theyre gen z retard
Homelander isn't bad.
your dad's a retard then, he's probably jerking it to people younger than you
>bro really said blah blah blah
Can't stand the way these fucks use bro nowadays. Bro really said he don't like pancakes. Bro walked in and said not today. Bro really came out swinging im dead.
Fucking drooling retards

I hate how wiggers code switch around black guys. They'll be talking normal and then when Marvin walks around the corner they start sounding like uneducated faggots. Trying to sound like a cool chill jazzy black guy. It's fucking pathetic. Dancing like a 16 year old nigger with his headphones in. You know the dance. Imagine bringing a curved barbell up to eye level and just nod your head like you're agreeing with me.
How do I make him stop? It's impossible, every time I try he gets pissed at me.
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Why are zoomers all so sex obsessed? I know people like sex but with zoomers it's just out of control
Lol he's probably fucked and coomed in women your age
I'm obsessed with sex but I've never had any.
Yeah but zoomer doesn't make any sense, retard. It just has the letter z in it. You could just as well call them zaggots, retard
hey i might be at the edge but im still gen z
get a raspberry pi, put pihole on it, turn off DHCP on your router and turn it on in the pi, block tiktok at DNS level

that'll stop him at home on wifi, you'll need to be more imaginative if you want to block it on his phone, like phoning his provider pretending to be him to get them to block it or installing parental controls on his phone
Best generation ever
Everyone else is coping
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You cannot deny zoomer women are the best women
I think it's fitting also because they're "zooming" around, as in they're not paying attention or sticking to something.
It's probably just stereotypes but I always associate gen Z with quick videos, idiots dancing to whatever song is trending this summer, meme video games that lose mainstream interest after a few months etc. Compare to millennials and gen X who were known for their subcultures and trends that stood out.
>crying emoji
>skull emoji
Lol nope gen a moggs hard and theyre not even fully grown yet
We need to make being a wigger seem cringy and uncool again. "Bix nood" is the two shots to the head that I've used, but it only pisses most people off. Eventually I feel like the slang machine is going to collapse, though. You can't get stupider than the constant bro sus stuff.

It's a shame, because if you approach black culture without the fawning adulation of mediocre voices you find a lot of interesting stuff.
That is a male right?
>Where do they even get these from?
Ghetto and black culture has been pushed by the media as the "cool thing".
They copy black slang and listen to rap because that's what is popular. Normalfags blindly follow trendy stuff.
No? That's a woman with only fans lol
Hannahowo or something
Holy shit this looks so fucking cringe i felt a pain in my chest
I did think of that but "zooming" isn't really a great description for that
with a cutie like that one who wouldnt be
"Zoomer" just rhymes with "boomer" and has a "Z" in it, like Gen Z. That's it. There are people who don't even realise "boomer" is short for "baby boomer" and just think it means "old person" because old people are loud an opinionated. Words have no meaning anymore and their meaning is entirely contextual and individualised. Zoomer and Gen Alpha slang is heavily contextual, with words having meaning based on the context in which they are used.
sussy bussy moment
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Aawwwww naaaawww is this ohio ahh nigga frrrrrr?
Read the original post before you make one >>78004132
I'm just reiterating the obvious. It doesn't matter. We live in a post-truth age where words and their meaning do not matter, so they can be called anything. People will come up with post-hoc reasons and definitions for words to make them fit the position they are put into.
yo bro ong fr no cap
this nigga ain't bussin >>78003974
he seemin pretty sus and not schlocky at all.
he might owe me a goon sess you feel me
def not a gyatt or rizz
this bitch has the face of a chipmunk
>Where do they even get these from?
Niggers, faggots and nigger faggots. No exaggeration
only in skibbidie ohio, ongod frfr no cap. maybe if you sussy bakas could rizz up some gyatts you wouldn't be edging to baby gronk
It's just ebonics. The pipeline went like blacks > drag queens > troons and gays > zoomer girls. Now we get spaghetti heads going "i -oop gagged!"
>We live in a post-truth age where words and their meaning do not matter, so they can be called anything. People will come up with post-hoc reasons and definitions for words to make them fit the position they are put into
No they won't. Not anything that is good enough. If they could come up with a decent "post-hoc" explanation for the term "zoomer" then that would be ok, but they haven't, and can't, so it is a lame term and should be changed. It doesn't matter about "post truth" (nothing to do with this btw) and people not caring about the meaning of words because most people were always like that throughout history and smarter people made the words instead and the masses repeated them. "Zoomer" is simply just laziness, lack of creativity. It's unfunny, it's lame, it's cringe, and it doesn't represent them as a generation. If someone comes up with a better term for them then everyone will use that instead over "zoomer". That's how it works
the term zoomer was made because we are the first generation to grow up having internet on a wide scale so we 'zoom' around on it collecting information and shit. at least from what iv been told.
Fuck sakes. You dumbass

It was made because they are generation Z and it rhymes with boomer, which is short for baby boomer. That's it. What you describe is what that anon was saying. That is a post-hoc explanation. And I'm saying it's a lame one, because scrolling on your phone isn't "zooming", you're sitting on your fat ass on your phone degrading your attention span. Zooming implies you are physically active and going at accelerated rates
Your autism is off the charts.
Your reddit is off the charts
>they are forever infantilized
thats millennials tho. who do you think the manchild funkopop sojajak is based on lol
>They copy black slang and listen to rap because that's what is popular. Normalfags blindly follow trendy stuff.
You are over 25 years too late.

Whatever you say, turboautist.
>You are 25 years too late
You are correct, millennials are the original wiggers
Why do millennials constantly pretend the shit they did/started is a zoomer thing?
t. gen x
i won't stop you from using it
>Why are zoomers all so sex obsessed?
>People that get their mind fucked up by porn get obsessed with sex.
Zoomers are the least sex obsessed, most prudish, least "sex positive" generation of any of the generations I've witnessed in my lifetime. It's confusing as fuck, and annoying too. Like, fucking zoomers are anti-porn/anti-fapping (or at least they say they are).. what the fuck is that shit? How is that a thing? How retarded do you have to be? What is wrong with them?
Only somebody severely autistic wants to already established terms just because they find them stupid.
Nobody will ever care about your opinion and everybody will continue to use zoomer.
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>t. can't find college aged bulls for his partner
>You are correct, millennials are the original wiggers
Word. Proud of it too nigga



>Why do millennials constantly pretend the shit they did/started is a zoomer thing?
Dunno but faggot ass zoomers can't have my wiggerdom
zoomer speak is especially negro-fied. zoomers base all their slang around niggers.
>I am a proud wigger
Do you even have a baby mama or is it a furbaby mama?
I keep saying it but people born after the 80s aren't human.
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idgaf about zoomer speak, but boy does she make my dick hard
it's appropriated nigger speak, which is just pathetic
so many samefags itt lol
>Do you even have a baby mama
No, I talked my first gf into getting an abortion back in 2013 though. You know, back when it was legal (in Texas) to get an abortion, you remember that? The good ol days
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>be born in 2004
>look and act nothing like gen Z
>still counted as gen Z

skibidi swag rizzler sigma
>people born after the 80s aren't human
*"people" born after the 80s are fat as fuck
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They grew up with porn and internet.
It's more like an addiction than obsession
>*"people" born after the 80s are fat as fuck
*Americans born after 80s are fat as fuck
"Cringe" is another lame phenomenon zoomers brought to the table, imagine being such a weak mob mentality bitch that you can't handle the slightest social faux pas without feeling physical discomfort
>imagine being such a weak mob mentality bitch
Pretty much Gen Z in a nutshell right there. Not sure how that happened either, as so many people in this thread have pointed out, Gen Z grew up with the fucking Internet.. the Internet is like an antidote for mob mentality, isn't it?
>You are over 25 years too late.
I guess but it's then 25 years of black ghetto culture being popularized and this is the result.
The internet had the unintended effect of homogenizing people rather than facilitating individuality, rather than give people better access to their idiosyncrasies and subcultures of choice it just made it easier to flatten any eccentricities and bully people into submission
>crip walks while rapeing someone
>shoots up a school because his cousin is a blood but he's a crip
>Why do millennials constantly pretend the shit they did/started is a zoomer thing?
You can even see it happening in this thread
False, cringe comedy existed as an institution sure such as in shows like Curb Your Enthusiasm but it didn't become a widespread reason to ridicule perfectly acceptable behaviors for being marginally unusual at worst until gen z came around and coopted cringe with their maladaptive anti-individualist mindset
>I guess but it's then 25 years of black ghetto culture being popularized and this is the result.

Yeah but that's not what it was like when I was growing up. That's not even what it was like fucking.. 10 years ago?

Ehh I think maybe it's just because everyone has the internet now, so we're seeing more of the masses, the "normies" and shit, I guess more people that aren't from the US or "the west"
Hence "unintended", the original purpose has been entirely obfuscated in light of internet access being completely normalized and used by virtually everyone on Earth though I doubt there's been much of a change since 2014, the internet was just as popular then as it is now but I suppose it depends on what circles you frequent in terms of what you're exposed to, you'll see the worst of it on facebook and twitter for instance the Dr. Disrespect drama that everyone is dogpiling on in a rabid campaign to label the guy a "pedo" for speaking with a 17 year old like 7 years ago in a private chat
It wasn't like this 25 years ago was it?
Even before the Internet zoomers were turning into zogbots.
Also the reason zoomers (1994 - 2005) are whores is due to molestation from literal black african niggers or getting groomed by online perverts and millennial sexpests during the early 10s.
Gen X is too impotent to rape their kids but millennials are amoral enough to use "You act really mature for your age~" as an excuse to rape 12 year olds.
Gay pride shit, funkopop/marvelslop consumption, wiggerdom,fatness, peter pan syndrome. All these things werent a thing before millennials and yet they now pretend they are morally and culturally "clean" from these things. For the generation which only understands irony/self loathing, their insisting on being anything but retarded is funny. Generation wide projection basically, stemming from a fear of getting old.
Yeah I don't give a shit this appeal to emotion with the child rape is just a tired device
kek it's the truth though. Porn addiction alone doesn't create this kind of problem, and zoomers are culturally dominated by niggers. Guess what age niggers "teach" sex ed [molest their kids]? It's usually 12 - 14 years old, it's why they're hypersexual later in life. You think for any minute that didn't spill over to zoomers?
>mutts law: the thread
never change
>or getting groomed by online perverts and millennial sexpests during the early 10s.
I was going on Omegle when I was 14 and talking to strangers about adult subjects. I even met actual IRL women who I voice chatted with on Skype and received pictures from. Crazy that was like 14 years ago.
>Hence "unintended"
But I don't even think that the Internet is really having any effect in this case. It's just being normies, and that's how they're always going to be

Actually, yeah maybe normies do poison the internet for the rest of us, but I definitely don't think that the Internet is "homogenizing" things for anyone. Everything is still there at your fingertips, all you gotta do is be a little curious, eh?

> I doubt there's been much of a change since 2014
I dunno man, go look at the pornhub stats from 2014 and see how many people were watching on their phones vs on PCs. I can't even look at that fucking shit since Texas banned Pornhub the cocksucking mother fuckers (aka I'm too lazy to use a VPN). It's like 90% of fucking people are watching porn on their phones nowadays, I still haven't wrapped my head around that one. I'd bet that it was <50% or at least close to 50% in 2014

>you'll see the worst of it on facebook and twitter for instance the Dr. Disrespect drama that everyone is dogpiling on in a rabid campaign to label the guy a "pedo" for speaking with a 17 year old like 7 years ago in a private chat
This shit does make me rage but then again, normie stupidity has always made me rage, what's new? Other than peoples' lives getting ruined over it now lol

Hey man I dunno, everyone's just living their own truths right? (the #1 worst thing about fucking zoomers right here, imo)
as the years have passed I still feel like swag and other were less cringe
"Swag" and "YOLO" were incredibly embarrassing and are rooted in the same ebonics as "yuh cuh ahh ohio rizz" as Zoomerisms. It's all just this downward trend of people speaking in lazier, browner ways.
>Where do they even get these from?
Millennials and zoomers alike will jump down your throat if you're the same age as them and express disgust at their generational culture. They're all just a bunch of crabbucket niggers who want to drag you down to their level.
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I just hate how they abbreviate everything. Like you lazy retarded motherfuckers what do you do with all the seconds you save not typing out whole words?
>CTRL + F "thera"
>Phrase not found
They talk like HR cunts at a therapist's office even in casual conversation lmao. The only positive that can come out of this is that they're entering the workforce now and are absolutely destroying the bsnsmonkeys and HRertards of the world at their own game. Must be nice to be the apex predator of the modern office.
It's all black speak btw, nearly all the slang of western youth these days originates from aave
Honestly as a Millennial most of our slang was straight up garbage too but we definitely weren't as incessant and obnoxious about it. Both "swag" and "rizz" that replaced it are retarded nigger speak sounding shit. The only lingo I'll give Zoomers props for is popularizing "cringe". It's very appropriate for the times we live in when most normalfags are jestering imbeciles. "Based" could have been good but they killed it using it too much it lost any meaning.
I've had the displeasure of interacting with people in their late 40s who try to stay "hip" by adopting these little quirks and the affect couldn't be more glaring considering there's a total disharmony between the excessive usage of "u" and "np" amidst otherwise boomer adjacent conversational structure
>but we definitely weren't as incessant and obnoxious about it
This is true to some degree. "Swag" was only used rarely, but "ohio rizz" is used every other sentence. Also, younger Z and Alpha know how stupid their slang is, and even use terms like "brain rot" to refer themselves and their conversations.
Welp, that was enough shitposting for me. Time to eat dinner with my young family. Have a good one anons and don't forget to enjoy the remainder of your day with your children
You people are all a bunch of out of touch dumbasses. No one talks like this irl and no one has said down bad since 2021. Go fuck yourself lonely faggots.
>no one has said down bad since 2021
Shiiiit, I woulda thought was a gambling reference. Is it not? lol, fucking old age..
Bro really X :skull-emoji: is annoying as fuck, but the worst thing is people calling other people NPCs. I think its a bad symptom of narcissistic culture
black influence on culture has only gotten more pronounced.
>No one talks like this irl and no one has said down bad since 2021
Yes, zoomers absolutely do still talk like this, idk what you're on about.
probably more annoying than any of that is
>skill issue
>my guy
>my dude
aka zoomer redditspeak.

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