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Anyone else gonna probably die single because you refuse to date women your own age? I'm over 30 now and realize most women my age are post wall, traumatized from past relationships, have kids, eggs are cooked, and look worse by the day.

Yeah some guys just date younger, but I'm not attractive enough for that.
Yes same old roasties can just die in cat piss. This is why you need to get rich. Only legal way today is crypto.
this is literally after years of caking her face in makeup
women can't into cause and effect
She is now ready to settle down, so man up and take care of her and her two kids she got from fucking around with chad.
>but I'm not attractive enough for that
Why do you ugly faggot incels have such high standards? Take whatever you can get or stop bitching. You don't deserve anything more than your looksmatch
I guess "work done" also includes wearing SPF
i'm 32 and she would look fine as long as i liked her, but since she's staring into a phone camera posting to the world on some DIS IS WUT A REAL WOMAN IS, BOYS trip i don't think i would like her very much
Once you get into your thirties, you pretty much have to make some concessions in a relationship if you want to have one. Personally, I refuse to date a single mom. I know this drastically limits my dating options, but it's a line in the sand I'm not willing to cross. I'd rather be single than date a woman with kids.
most these hags already got a couple kids and a couple divorces. i ain't got time for that baggage and drama. if i can't get some qt barely legal bitch with daddy issues guess i'll just be alone. no biggie tho either way. i'm over it.
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>Why do you ugly faggot incels have such high standards? Take whatever you can get or stop bitching. You don't deserve anything more than your looksmatch
>Also I only fuck +8/10 chads btw
I'm 28 and a lot of women @ 25 look like absolute shite. It's actually quite disconcerting.
Nah it's like if you want a dog but all you can afford is a crazed pitbull raised by niggers. You're better off with no dog.
bros... xhe cured my hagophilia...
I'm 35 and find myself mainly attracted to 40-50 year old women. Ones my age and younger see me as an ugly loser (skinny non-tall NEET with autism), but older chicks think I'm cute and seem to actually enjoy my company. I don't want to have kids ever anyway, so I aim for the too old to try breeding but still fuckable range.
No way she's 31, has to be over 50.
>traumatized from past relationships
>eggs are cooked
THIS is why racking up a high body count and pissing your 20s away on hookups and shit matters. Women always say like "well how does it effect YOU??" It effects me because 70-80% of you are ruined now and you've made the dating and marriage market unnavigable.

Imagine these problems played out 30 million times over in one generation in America, 100 million timers over in the West generally. And you think what you do and the mistakes you make are self contained to just you??

Our civilization is dying, we are all miserable as fuck, and our birth rates are tanking and its because of shit like this. And these women cope acting like its just a self contained thing to each individual person.
No. I'm going to die single because I don't like going outside and I get annoyed being around people for too long.
>Yeah some guys just date younger, but I'm not attractive enough for that.
Either level up or date uglier younger women

>Anyone else gonna probably die single because
I put zero effort into this also I don't have an adult life yet at 30+ so I can't date either so there is no point even trying right now

My problem is not physical it's purely mental and my own behaviors in society, atleast that's what I think mainly

And yeah it's quite the lol when you see women your own age and they feel twice your own age
Women are perfect princess and owe you nothing incel. Meanwhile you owe them your entire paycheck every single month until the day you die.
it's not the makeup, it's 29 years of sun damage. there's nothing to be proud of for not taking care of your body
I'm 30 now, and honestly I'd rather date women my own age. I lack the ability to connect at all with anyone who is even five years younger than me.
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I'm 30 and would date a woman my age, but they refuse to date me.
What 30 year old woman is going to date a virgin man.
I'm the same age and she looks like she could be my mom
I wouldnt mind fucking an older woman, problem is that a lot of them look like uncle Fester with a wig on, and the attractive ones are mostly in a relationship or are only looking for other equally attractive guys
Shes right. Thats what the face of A 31 yo woman looks like but not an average 31 yr old woman, just her.
I don't care about the wrinkles I have wrinkles too. But why is her skin so red?
that pussy feels just as good with the lights off. stop being low-T and picky fellas. get the fuck deep in it.
just date an asian lady. She'll have lower standards and will look like this white woman did at 20 when she's 40
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Even under 30
>says women "hit the wall"
>goes on 4chan all day
Op you are not in the position to comment on attractiveness. The fact you think you're gonna end up alone is purely cause you are too pretentious to not find anyone lower than a 10/10 attractive.
Nope she's just ugly, there are women eho are 30 that looks 23 without any work done
I'm 34 and the women around my age are disgusting inside and out. As a man it's pretty easy to end up like this, simply don't be Chad and don't put a ton of effort into finding girls and you'll wake up one day as a 30 year old virgin effortlessly. But for a woman to make it three decades and not have a man means she has either been a pump and dump toy or was so unbearable to be around she couldn't get one to stick.
Also they always have tattoos and they look 20 years older than me despite being the same age. Not even worth going into the single motherhood shit as that's an instant dealbreaker.

So now my options are either be alone forever or buy a younger foreign girl.
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Ya I'm 34 and accepted my fate to be alone until death. It sucks trying to find ways to pass the time. I would date younger but it's completely unrealistic for the average man. Where the fuck am I going to meet beautiful single women over a decade younger than me and have a decent interaction that isn't creepy and way too random? It's just doesn't happen in normal society that's why all those grifter richfags pay whores to pose in pictures with them. If you don't meet a good girl from 0-25 you're legitimately fucked and it's never going to happen for you.
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Yeah probably, in my early 30s too
The big thing for me is finding a virgin, I just don't think I could handle the idea of my wife and mother of my children having been known in the most intimate and vulnerable ways by multiple other men. I don't want to swear lifelong love, loyalty, and commitment to a woman that's experienced the highest forms of physical intimacy and emotional bonding with other dudes who got her when she was younger and hotter and with far less commitment. Obviously virginity isn't the only thing to consider, but for me it's a prerequisite. I'll probably just die alone if I can't my unicorn, but that's alright I guess. I've got plenty of things to keep me busy and a lot of nieces and nephews, so I'll just be the cool uncle or whatever
bla blah even if brad pitt or henry cavill said she looked old and haggard you'd still pull out some cope out of your asshole and huff it
anyone can see women are aging like milk and they're doing it to themselves
I understand every sentiment but most definitely prepare yourself to be the uncle until death man because there is no way any guy that visits this board is getting a virgin in his 30s. Is what it is every species has it's losers and humans probably should never have reached 8 billion so there's going to be a fuck ton of losers this century.
yes, but it's more a refusal to attempt dating. I am old enough that I don't want to date a girl my age, as if I were to do so I'd have to rush into a marriage fast if I intended to have more than one kid. I don't want to be pressured or on a timeline crunch to have a kid, moreso than I already am. That is more of a concern for the women's side biologically than the guys. I really don't want to give satisfaction to the women who blatantly ignored me for years only willing to settle down now that they are getting desperate. I don't want to be a woman's last choice. It's not completely out of spite. I have been fit, financially well off, etc for years. I have been ignored my entire life or not even considered an option. It shouldn't be up to me to go chasing or desperately pursuing the girl. Relationships are a two-way street. The only times I was considered was for hook-ups, which I didn't want as my first experience. No women ever thought of approaching me or reciprocating interest back.

>never tried dating
>kept waiting for things to happen by chance
>never happened
>declined a few opportunities to hook-up as wanted to date first, but no girl ever approached me or considered me in that regard except one
>declined only girl who approached me as she was already divorced at her age, was a coworker, personality didn't mesh, and she seemed to go through relationships like it was a buffet (50+ dates/yr - she even had a spreadsheet of them)
>not that awkward, not unattractive, got fit in late 20s

I already accepted that I'll probably never have kids or a family of my own. I'd rather not perpetuate the hook-up culture and issues that have led us to this point. I'll just off myself in a few years. No real point to perpetuate my own misery.
Kill yellow fever fags. Behead yellow fever fags. Roundhouse kick a yellow fever fag into the concrete. Slam dunk a yellow fever fag baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy yellow fever fags. Defecate in a yellow fever fag's food. Launch yellow fever fags into the sun. Stir fry yellow fever fags in a wok.
Shes not even that bad looking shes just Scandinavian which is disgusting and has terrible genetics
Thing is, I wasn't like some gigachad playboy or something, but I had a good amount of female attention when I was younger, from some pretty attractive girls no less. I had a few opportunities to have sex, but just never pulled the trigger on it for whatever reason despite being a horny motherfucker even to this day. I think I was just naive and had no idea what the game even was until it was far too late. I really don't think it's that hard to just get laid if that's your only goal, like quality of the woman aside, it probably wouldn't be that difficult to just "spread my seed" or whatever. I just want a loyal virgin girl that's mine and mine alone, not some woman that's been run through by a bunch of other dudes. It may be difficult sure, but it's not impossible, and I can't have it any other way. Otherwise, I guess solitude is just my punishment for being ignorant and naive and squandering my opportunities in life, but I'm not having anybody's sloppy seconds
>most women my age are post wall
Yeah, I don't even care about the looks, it's their mentality that keeps getting worse with age. They get MORE delusional and even less empathetic and accountable.
Probably spent a lot of time in the sun. I've seen less sun damaged 50+s.
its always funny seeing women cake thenselves in makeup and skincare products but fail at buying sunscreen, literally the only one that matters
and why would you connect better with women your age? what's different
> I understand every sentiment but most definitely prepare yourself to be the uncle until death
Im gonna ghost my brother once he gets married and has kids
Dude do not kill yourself. Just dont
Probably won't help but I am post wall and 31, I haven't dated u. Over ayfx10 years

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