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We should learn from the vibrant cultures of africa and introduce female circumcision into the west. Roasties should not be able to feel any pleasure, or be able to mastrubate. Maybe then they will stop being such giant whores.
I want to do this but leave clit for masturbation and then got fake balls.
Is this how you want to cope that dr shlomo snipped off your foreskin?
I disagree with this sentiment.
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>Is this how you want to cope that dr shlomo snipped off your foreskin?
Time to cut off your clit.
This is the kind of shit that's so fucked up, so retarded, and so indefensible that I find it hard to believe that it ever existed at any time, let alone that it still exists today, and is incredibly prevalent in some places. It truly boggles the mind. My gut instinct is to just execute anyone who supports this shit, I don't see how anything good can come of them being allowed to live

>Is this how you want to cope that dr shlomo snipped off your foreskin?
I think it's usually a mixture of envy and insecurity about women having and enjoying sex. So they figure they'll just take that option away from them.. jesus fucking christ, dude, what the fuck?
>Roasties should not be able to feel any pleasure
Agree. They don't deserve it after all the things they've done
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Snip snap roastie time for the cut.
>My gut instinct is to just execute anyone who supports this shit
>jesus fucking christ, dude, what the fuck?
Then do it mr. redditor. Start executing people. How many upvotes will it take?
This are the same "people" who think male circumcision is completely normal and healthy.
Only a disgusting brownoid would be into that shit
None of those are actually analogous to real circumcision. If just some excess skin around the clitoris were removed it'd be comparable but all forms of female genital mutilation involve removing the clitoris which is analogous to cutting off your entire penis.
Stop being racist this is part of a colourful and beautiful culture we should all embrace and welcome it. Just the concept of a female orgams is wrong and repulsive.
Not even true lmao stop lying to blatantly.
>removing the clitoris which is analogous to cutting off your entire penis.
More like the entire head.

Such an edgy little boy you are!
>t. niggercattle
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Stay still roastie it will be over very soon don't you want to be pretty.
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Yes keep being a good tradcat simp I bet she will settle down with you after she had her fun with chad and few extra kids with him.
As many toilets need to be circumcised as they have done to men, then we can stop circumcision, once retribution has been paid.
Incredibly mentally ill.
>Then do it mr. redditor. Start executing people. How many upvotes will it take?
Where's the button I need to press?

>This are the same "people" who think male circumcision is completely normal and healthy.
No it's not, it's the same people who think male circumcision is bad. It's just that male circumcision doesn't even come close to being AS BAD
You are a real champion of equality between the sexes. I hope some roasties and simps ITT can learn something from you.
They should bring back public hangings for this guy
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i know it's hard for browns to understand that but self respect and not wanting to cripple other humans are not exclusive to each other
>In the late nineteenth century, in Western cultures its primary function unfolded to become a means of regulating certain sexual practices (particularly female masturbation, hysteria, and lesbianism) and clitoral enlargement. Masturbation was seen as a disorder with treatment being reserved for its most severe cases. In 1896, for a twenty-nine year old, single female living in Brooklyn, New York, this meant obtaining a clitoridectomy when her concerned father told their doctor, Dr. John Polak, about her acts of masturbation twenty to forty times a day. In the late nineteenth century, a wife's failure to enjoy coitus with her husband was also seen as evidence of a disorder in Western culture. Thought to be secondary to the hood of the clitoris separating it from contact with the penis, doctors removed the adhesions between the clitoris and its hood or removed its hood completely. According to gynecologist, Dr. Howard Kelly of Johns Hopkins University, the adhesions between the clitoris and hood were also believed to cause irritation, leading to masturbation. If proficient cleaning was insufficient treatment, circumcision was deemed an appropriate alternative treatment.
Female circumcision was widespread in the west during the "trad" era there are many good reasons why we should start this very healthy medical praxis again.
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>Removing a skin flap from the tip of the penis is the same as amputating the clitoris
There'd be way less American porn if that were true. 40% of the male population is circumcised. It's clearly not sexually crippling depsite the forced 'boohoo I was mutiliated' /pol/ memes. It just drops your cancer risk a bit, makes you a bit less likely to get some STDs, solves phimosis, and makes the dick look less weird. Nature's not always right. Foreskin was a mistake.
Why is it that /pol/ memes are always true? They never miss.
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>treatment being reserved for its most severe cases
>there are many good reasons why we should start this very healthy medical praxis again.
This is like saying the lobotomy was good because it stopped the patient having almost any emotions
fuck off
>My gut instinct is to just execute anyone who supports this shit, I don't see how anything good can come of them being allowed to live
Yikes. Feds, put this guy on a watchlist!
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>American physicians' rationale for FGM closely mirrored the values of hygiene, purity, sexual restraint,
The kellogs guy argued the way to make circumcision in the US popular btw. Boys had to remain pure and were not allowed to have pleasure for sexual activities.
No it is even worse to cut off the foreskin from a penis.
Yep it is time to get a rope for you.
40% of the entire world population is circumcised. If it were a serious problem civilization would have collapsed already.
>Yep it is time to get a rope for you.
Why dont you speak your opinions about mutilating women in front of a crowd if you want this to happen in our society so bad
lets see who gets lynched first
It is a serious problem but nobody cares about the suffering of non chad men so it is fine. This is we need karmic rebalance by making sure that as many roasties as possible are getting a circumcision. I mean you are for equality right?
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>This is we need karmic rebalance by making sure that as many roasties as possible are getting a circumcision
Why tho when all the guys in western countries live with a normal dick?
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I am doing this right now,also are you implying that there is a difference between male and female circumcision and by extent that there is no equality between men and women? Sounds like a lot of sexist bs to me.
Because they are racist and need to stop oppressing culture valuable and vibrant traditions. This is why I am pro female circumcision because I am not close minded racist unlike you.
pics or foidcumcision didn't happen ever.
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big words for a mutt
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>also are you implying that there is a difference between male and female circumcision
NTA but yeah, there's some pretty clear fucking differences
I am not a mutt and against male circumcision because it really really hurts men and makes it harder for them to enjoy sex.
I hate this bait its not even fun to interact with
Most retarded thread of the day probably
Yeah not gonna read any of this yapping written by some fat middle aged roastie.
and men should? males are the one that make sex a problem, I'm sure making women fear men even more will lead to a prosperous and orderly society.
>Yes. Women should fear men
ok, then emigrate to an islamic / third world shithole? what's stopping you
You really have to wonder how the actual fuck cultures develop this shit, seriously imagine that horrifying prehistoric injuries these retards caused before they fine tuned it
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I will make sure that you get the best african doctor for your meat flaps
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>I'm sure making women fear men even more will lead to a prosperous and orderly society.
Yes you are right.
>ok, then emigrate to an islamic / third world shithole? what's stopping you
No not gonna happen I will fight against racism in my backwards country =)
>Yeah not gonna read any of this yapping written by some fat middle aged roastie.
You could also look at picture in the OP, that ought to give you a decent idea

It's not fucking fine tuned at all, they just straight up still get those injuries, then rub dirt and sticks into it if it gets worse.. or if it gets better.. they rub dirt and sticks into their mutilated, bloodied 10 year old cunts until they heal..
>males are the one that make sex a problem
what kind of retarded statement is this lmao
women are the problem because they're just terrible at decision making and having a working brain, ruled by their random fleeting emotions entirely
Racist bigot detected, your days are numbered most people are against racism. How about you start appreciating different cultures instead of looking at everything from your racist backwardness point of view.
>It's not fucking fine tuned at all, they just straight up still get those injuries, then rub dirt and sticks into it if it gets worse.. or if it gets better.. they rub dirt and sticks into their mutilated, bloodied 10 year old cunts until they heal.
And what is wrong with that? Explain this to me without being racist.
if you are somehow unaware that biologically, sex is less risky for men and that it's easier for a man to force it upon the opposite sex, then I don't know what to tell you
The bait in this thread is beyond shit. You retards need to get better.
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why are you all replying to glownigger bait?
The vagina is basically like the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and viruses and you really dont want any dirt in there or your gonna get one hell of a vaginal infection that can creep into your uterus and cause all sorts of problems.
Yes this is why they remove all the useless meat around it so it stays clean. The inside is mostly cleans itself anyways. Win-Win I think.
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>wake up
>another obvious ragebait everyone is falling for
Damn, are we really this stupid? :(
It's not bait. The world would be a better place if roasties got snipped. The science backs it up.
It's kinda ironic that it's the older women performing this practice on younger girls, almost as if they were making sure they wouldn't try to seduce their husbands.
Holy shit. Why her pussy green.
This everyone who disagrees with you should listen to some scientists and read some books instead of being such an ignorant bigot.
Have you ever noticed that when you go in a museum your mind goes into appreciation mode to contemplate art?
Lust is an instinctive form of that appreciation, the kind where you want to get personal with the art itself.
>Maybe then they will stop being such giant whores.
It won't work. They already have sex for money even if it doesn't feel good. The only solution is TWD
What we really need to do is remove all sexual pleasure for both sexes, so we only fuck for the act of procreation just like we're supposed to. All kids will be wanted and planned for, no more animal degeneracy. Who gonna get snipped first for the betterment of society?
Fine with me, roastoid
>If just some excess skin around the clitoris were removed it'd be comparable but all forms of female genital mutilation involve removing the clitoris which is analogous to cutting off your entire penis.
The foreskin contains more nerve endings than the clitoris and labia combined. If we did female circumcision up to type 3, they'd still be the lucky ones.
>It's clearly not sexually crippling
>Nature's not always right
How would they know, they were mutilated at birth.
If it's boohoo for guys, it's boohoo for women. Allow both or none.
The kikes did their work thoroughly then. Are you a good goyim and getting your cock cut up so they don't get found out as easily?
Woken can have abortion as soon as circumcision is outlawed
Trading one degenerate practice the femoids insist on to whore around more for the next.
Snipped vaginas look better. As a circumcised man, I need a circumcised woman to be my partner.Make it happen, jews
Like I said I don't care women can have abortion when circumcision is outlawed
How about we don't and ban both circumcision and this. Uncut dicks feel better in there. And also ban troon surgeries for that matter. All barbaric medical practices
No natural is the best as God intended

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