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Hello, I think it will be perfect time to finally end myself during following weekend. I've already wrote my farewell letter, today I just want to say goodbye to you, anons, cuz I has visited this board quite often.
So, today some minor event happened, that made me to finally end myself. My life, my non-existing career, my wretched life of a loser - it all started long ago. I have no remorse or guilt, you can ask me some questions, because it will be the last time I write here, on 4chan.
*I had
Embarrasing typo, sorry
Summer break is here huh. How is school anon?
I have a large family of a mother, father and three underage siblings. I do not care about their future or thoughts, because our situation is already terrible and corpse will have not guilt whatsoever. I'm 21 of full years, and yes, it's better end today, because I don't want to experience complete downfall to the moment of my death. Losers like me need to ack- themselves immediately, and more an masse in third world. Because there many people on earth live just shitting and being losers.
Just feel like talking and spending the night in a good company, because I'm not such a faggot to cry to suicide help line or to relatives. It will be done, so they can't stop or guilt-trap me.
Go to trannycord and fap with your buttfriends, if it's not so interesting to you, like you do every day. Or go to more interesting thread of trannylarpers claiming themselves as "women".
Even in this thread you can see, that no one ever liked my post here, in a place of the social outcasts. My threads are always empty, and no one replies to my ESL blubbering. Why even bother, but 4chan is much forgiving actually that any of known by me living people, I wouldn't say to them about my suicide.
No one of you will probably notice the news about my death, even in my country no one will bother. And that's a good thing. It is just my thing, not some act of inspiration.
Are you this incapable to spot underage bait?
How do you want to end it? You could become a martyr you know.
>I'm 21 of full years
Bro don't fucking do it. Your life just started, are you kidding me. These feelings are temporary and being at such a young point in your life, anything can happen. I don't know your situation but it's not the answer. What would need to change for you to stop considering it?
I'm partially mad about the state of the board and don't really care if someone will look at me like I'm idiot.
I have no balls and time to do something big and political, despite planning initially something like that. Probably will go to nearby river and try to drown myself.
>I have no balls and time to do something big and political, despite planning initially something like that. Probably will go to nearby river and try to drown myself.
Why not? People have hurt you your entire life yet you just decide to let them get away with it?
Those were constant feelings during all my life, but it always ended with me continuing to live and here we are, in the worst outcome. As I'm thankful for understanding, no, it's about me being a failure, it can't be helped with pat on the back. It's about feeling sort of need to lie down and die from a heart attack, just because it's final.
When I was 22 and convinced I was going to kms, my brother, huge guy jacked af, dragged me to therapy. I went along, because I thought to myself "well, there is empiric evidence, that it works better than placebo, so it's probably my best chance". I was convinced, that my life was over. That all the probable paths ahead of me were just unsatisfactory. But with therapy and psychiatric treatment that I started not soon after, I managed to dig myself out of that hole and make a life for myself that is on track and that I see as satisfactory. But a lot of mental health professional can turn out to not work for you, so I was lucky in that sense, that I didn't have to jump through multiple ones to find ones that fit. I think that if you don't have anything else to try, you might as well try this.
Well, yesterday or later mom might kick me out and I still have no money even for Molotoff, not saying explosives. And even if I do that, I will not get hurt, but police will catch me and it would be much longer, painful death. I want to die shortly.
Hello, mister federal agent. Don't you know that entrapment is immoral? Wouldn't it be better to maybe help a sick person recover, instead of egging them on to throw their life away?
Uh-huh, advice as bright as to perform lobotomy. Psychiatric shit is about containing sick people in a some kind of prison until they will die, and no one in my family is rich enough to organise le normal quality psychological helperino. I've been here, bro, and this shit is not "help" at any form.
I'm sure a pseud on r9k knows better than a hundred years worth of empirical research done by some of the world's most brilliant minds.
Not a fed and never said he should kill somone. You can take revenge on someone without killing him.
Well that sucks but you can't drown yourself it is physically impossible. Better take some pain meds and a knife and cut your wrists while laying in water. Will still hurt but way less. I want to say that there reasons for you to keep living but I know how fucked up this world is and how nobody cares about male suffering so I respect your decision. Maybe you should try stealing thing first so you can get some money? I mean you still kys in prison.
I repeat: I've been here, it's fucking not about "cure", it's about "people with diagnosis are inferior".
>Better take some pain meds and a knife and cut your wrists while laying in water
Don't really want to make a mess in the house, but maybe will try.
>Don't really want to make a mess in the house, but maybe will try.
Who the fuck cares you won't have to clean it up afterwards. Your parents hate you anyways so why do you even still care about them?
Have you ever tried reading the new testament?
I wish you a painless death and some wonderful last days on this very earth. There will be light at the end of the tunnel!
All the best xoxo
what was the minor event if you dont mind me asking? also what method you planning on using to do it?

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