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get /fit/ and sex is easy to get
Even if I was shredded my natural aversion towards any kind of relationship being strictly professional or intimate would still cuck me
How fit do I need to be?
2 years into lifting and still nothing.
pretend you're not like that tho
I don't think you've been to /fit/ before
low bf% and toned, that's it, no big muscles needed, just lose the fat and tone up a little and you're good
I already cut down to the point I have visible abs but also don't look weak. Honestly considered bulking again to try to get bigger since am kind of disappointed with the indifference women seem to show so far.
How does that work? The majority of women don't have a gym membership.
I don't know what to tell you, depends where you're meeting women. Not being desperate and treating them like men is a good move to play.
I had more sex when I was skinny than when I was fit. Chicks are not impressed by muscles or abs at all, they prefer skeletons. I had a chick ask me for a picture of my abs after our first date, which I sent her, and she told me I was "too muscley".
sorry man, but some people have ugly abs, just the way it is
thats a nice shirt fr
just accepted i'm too ugly for gymmaxing to be a viable option, but still like it either way even if i gave up hope of getting sex from it all
I had very mild, symmetrical abs. Women just don't give a shit about muscle. Face and height are more important, women also have ZERO understanding of how much work goes into being fit. They genuinely think you can end up with the body of an Olympic swimmer by just going on a jog and lifting weights every now and then, they think it's easy because they never work out themselves.
I've tried my best to do that all my life whether it was during my time in school or in my adult career. It's not pleasant and leaves me very short and irritable at the end of the day.
Yeah but you have to if you want sex. Just do it enough to get a wife so you don't have to anymore.
I just dont give that much of a fuck about sex desu fampai occasionally the desire for a relationship pops up in my head but then all the interpersonal shit required for one starts coming to me and im almost immediately disenchanted with the idea
i dont think women actually care if the men they sleep with are muscled up or not
I was about to type that this is straight up not true but thats not entirely accurate. Getting fit has massively diminishing returns once you arent obese or a full on skeleton. Like this is good advice for lards but if you go to the gym or even run or whatever getting more fit is not likely to noticeably matter
bullshit. see /fit/
>lifts weights
>is still a manlet
stop being insecure lol
Working out helps, but it's inefficient. Your best hope is to be a genetic freak of nature and get into fitness early so you get popular and attract women. Your worst case scenario is that you learn how to be strong but not how to attract women. Either way, both cases usually fuck up their relationships because they have no idea how to control it or their women.

The best way to get women is to talk to them and figure them out for yourself. Learn what's your best strategy and how to convince them to like you. I'm a manlet with a GF and I don't work out as nearly as much as I should. If I was working out instead of dating, I would have got fit and still not know a woman's touch.
Why dont you just stop being short?
I'll fast again this week. Just gotta get my computer fixed so I can stop stressing.

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