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Femblobs, would you date a non-virgin BF? What is the max bodycount that you would accept?
Roasties fuck chads with a +100 body count all the time. Male virginity is not valuable, in fact roasties even hate male virgins
>inb4 some tranny from cc starts to post his pedo fetish
I've considered becoming a manwhore. Marriage is not as likely as it once was, but I could just fuck.
need cyan or black as my gf
Yes, I would. Around two or three.
Brb calling up my 3 bitches.
Tell me more about your three bitches anon.
None of these drawn whores look attractive to me
>Horny friend that has offered sex whenever.
>Her hornier mega-slut friend.
>Mutual of the 2 who is autistic.

2 of them are pretty much sure things. The third might not be interested, but I could find out.
Which one would you say is your favourite one anon?
The first one. We get along really well. What are your thoughts on the situation?
Well, do you want to have three bitches or would you like something more committed? And how important is it that the person you're with is horny all the time.
Overall though, it's not a bad situation to be in anon.
As I've gotten older I care less about commitment. I think longer term FWB would be good, but a permanent cohabitation could be an ideal. So yes multiple women sounds ideal to me even if just as bitches.

I'm not horny all the time so I don't think that's a requirement.
I think the first one would be good as an actual FWB, especially if it resulted in permanent cohabitation because (in my opinion) it's important to actually get along with someone you're going to have sex with. The other ones sound good to keep as side chicks.
Nice dubs by the way.
it's okay if he's not a virgin, but i'm grossed out by people who have had casual sex. I've never had a hookup, and I'd want him to have the same standards
1 because that is mine and I think it is fair to expect the same
Youre gay asf bro
why do they all have gross bratz dolls nigger faces?
Cyan, white or red for me. Bigger boobs on any of them would be cool.

I agree with this one.
Virgin is ideal, but I don't really mind.
However, I DO NOT want to know about anything you did together. Unless it's some important life event, I don't want her to talk about her ex because I am possessive and jealous.
but they all look like used nigger-genetics nigger whores af bruh fr fr
Did someone make the amongus characters into tumblrinas
I know I'm old when I don't know most of those bands
No, that's disgusting shit
Your dick should only be in my pussy and no one else's
>2 of them are pretty much sure things. The third might not be interested, but I could find out.
If you ain't fuckin em then they ain't your bitches, anon

>And how important is it that the person you're with is horny all the time.
Everyone is fucking horny all the time, so it comes down to whether or not they're willing to tell the truth all the time. Don't date liars/phonies, anon, it's a recipe for disaster
This. They all look like unsufferable, disease-ridden sluts
>However, I DO NOT want to know about anything you did together. Unless it's some important life event, I don't want her to talk about her ex because I am possessive and jealous.
You realize that the past and right now are two different things, right? How in the holy fuck can you be jealous and possessive about shit that happened in the past?

I'm a guy but I could never follow your rule (nor would I try to). I talk about shit that happened to me in the past, and so should you

Btw my favorite reaction from women on this shit is "you're still in love with your ex!" or "you're not over your ex!" The fuck does that even mean?
Gib scorpio gf but no tattoos
t. scorpio man with no tattoos
>I talk about shit that happened to me in the past, and so should you
>Btw my favorite reaction from women on this shit is "you're still in love with your ex!" or "you're not over your ex!" The fuck does that even mean?
Alright I gotta know, why's that funny?
>The fuck does that even mean?
you're retarded. That's what I got from your post.

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