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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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I don't think this actually happens. Women have a deep-seated biological hatred of the unmasculine. They even hate themselves, that's why they're all masochistic subs.
Me on the top right
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Even troons cuck manlets, tallchad troons pound the manlets mom while halfmen jerk off like good little cucksons
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Left can kill right with a single punch
Femboys aren't pedo.
Why is he mad, he can have a harem of 4 women
This speaks to niche markets, gymmaxxing
(natty) is no longer novel, it no longer has a halo effect. Having niche appeal is what makes women simp be it femboy maxxing or roid maxxing
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>Isn't it so amazing and awesome people THINK I'M A WOMAN PEOPLE ACTUALLY DEFINITELY THINK THIS
>anyway I fucked a bunch of other degen queer groomers aren't I more chad now?
This just the chad treatment, Chad can become a tranny and pull BPD roasties. Chad can enter any niche and never be incel. Chad can be introvert, serial killer, retarded, broke, skinny, gymmaxxed, even fat in some cases if the bones still pop out he will pull every time. I have friends who just fall in sexual situations with women as if by accident but this is what it is when women actively pursue YOU as opposed to the normie treatmen where you have to jestermaxx. It's like divine miracle the type of stories i've heard from Chads, seeming impossible scenarios for a normie to happen in
its true, if you're a roided out bodybuilder enjoy the only women you can attract are single moms and walled roasties. the cute twink gets the fun goth girls and art hoes
sorry, you can't be degen and also chad
cope harder groomer
Not attracted to the kind of women who think like that.

Probably because theyre fat, smelly and covered in self harm scars
You can be fucking anything if you have the Chad skull, you might not pass for a woman but you will pull as a gigahon chad jawed broad shouldered tranny but it's gonna be anime esthetic BPD roasties
well you see, to be chad requires human status
queers and niggers aren't people, so they can't be chad
kill yourself trooner groomer
>you will pull as a gigahon
this true? asking for a friend
Chads are defined by genetics
gigahon with a Chad skull that is not grug tier but rather those twink hons as the trannies say
good thing being gay is a choice, that revokes your humanity and makes you a lowly disgusting animal
I could kill you and your queer loving fag friends and normal real people in the street would cheer me on
people think of you lower than vermin, because you are a cockroach
I make simple observation im not a tranny
>you will pull as a gigahon chad jawed broad shouldered tranny but it's gonna be anime esthetic BPD roasties
you're not a chad if you're fucking plapjaks, sorry troon but you're not hot shit
Also gigahons do not "pull" the last 5 I met personally were all incels.
i mean like this >>78006548
you argue a cause that would otherwise imply queers are normal or capable of humanity
that might as well make you a troon
next you'll tell me women DO deserve rights
vax status?
do gigahons pull or not. i was under the impression they were forever alone.
I only speak about blackpill and the Chad treatment in society. Troons and fags are just what normal men would be if women didn't keep us in check. Most men are coomers and the only reason they perform societal duties is because women are now free. Look at what Augustus Caesar spoke when there was brothels for symbolic rates and women had no rights, the men would not marry just fuck whores all day
Astolfo isn't a tranny. Femboys aren't trannies.
I volunteer for the poor in my city, of whom about half are queers.
every gigahon I've met is either an incel, or a sex worker for men with fetishes for gigahons.
>I only speak about blackpill and the Chad treatment in society.
you talk like a troon
> Troons and fags are just what normal men would be if women didn't keep us in check
what a weird insecurity to project
>Most men are coomers and the only reason they perform societal duties is because women are now free
what a weird insecurity to project
definitely vaxxed if you're this brain damaged
all queers are subhumans
if I gave a shit what they wanted to be called, that would be more respect than they deserve
fuck off boyfucker
Why are post-menopausal women so stimulated by roid monsters? Is it because of their hormones?
>you talk like a troon
Explain. I try to speak from pure logic
I project nothing, men are the coomer gender it's our hormones i give you solid example from history. Now in gynocentric society the wealthy men still marry because it's the zeitgeist to be a cuck that is why Roman and Ancient greek history is so interesting because they lived in an androcentric society and their religion was of master morality as opposed to the Christian religion of today - both the right and the left are gynocentric for this reason today
>Explain. I try to speak from pure logic
you spout a worldview that would otherwise allow trannies and queers humanity, one that would treat that as "normal" or even "human." If it walks like a troon and talks like a troon, it might as well be a troon.
>I project nothing, men are the coomer gender it's our hormones
not every man is you, it's incredibly telling that THAT'S what you think of men. It's such a derogatory and negative view, it fits right in with feminist views.
Now fuck off my board and kill yourself groomer
because they are aware of their lowered status and so need an older, hyper masculine man to take care of them. a massively insecure roidfreak past his prime is perfect for that
Perhaps men now would prefer jerking off 5 times a day than fuck a woman but that is product of modernity; chimp only masturbates in captivity. That is why we have unlimited free porn and ideas like "sex workers" who dont' even sell their agency but just pics online for the gynocentric coomers to jerk all day. In ancient Greece they'd be actually fucking these sluts. What you project is the gynocentric Christian programming demonizing male sexuality. Perhaps you're extremely low T but i assure you it's not uncommon for boys in puberty to be jerking 5 or even more times a day. In healthy androcentric society these boys would have access to whores instead of jerking off like cucks.
>/fit/ - Fitness
>keeps projecting his woman worldview of men onto me
kys troon
Doesn't Astolfo have sex with women?
So they aren't actually attracted to them, they're just faking it?
>not queer
vax status?
What you don't understand is that don't care if chad is degenerate/subhuman or not. They only care about looks.
I speak from pure reason and historical context. There is historically two functions women performed in society it's prostitutes working for pleb rates and chaste wives who serve as bonds for clan ties. Of course every married man would fuck whores and the women would be ok with it because in same way you're gynocentric in modern society, women were androcentric in ancient society
you twist historical views to validate a man hating theory that promotes troonism
you're a troon, that's all they do
people do care about them being subhuman, otherwise >>>/lgbt/ wouldn't be filled with "chad jaw" gigahons who can only get off with other lonely gigahons. Nice try groomer.
Radiohead is the most boring music I've ever heard in my life.
You're too low iq for this discussion
nobody is actually attracted to disgusting muscle men
>says the one insisting troons can be people and all men are bad
summer tourists leave my website immediately
actually let me correct myself, i think gay men are
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Your assumption of the ideal man being a glorified eunuch is a deeply Christian one.
Seethe boyo, you're too stupid for this discussion
based DYEL seething
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oh boy a dead german to support your femized view of the world
you're inches from taking HRT and you can't even fucking realise it
>spouts troon rhetoric
>hates men
>quotes dead philosophers
>espouses anti-religious rhetoric
the jews on this board aren't even fucking trying anymore
kill yourself groomer
This post is the definition of Christ insanity
>the jew isn't even trying to hide his rhetoric anymore
kill yourself groomer
girls being into pretty boys was always a think, most of them are not into femboys like in the pic tho
i'm retarded
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Roasties are the biggest pedos on the planet, but they mostly never get caught. Nobody cares when roasties sexualy assault or groom a boy because nobody cares about men.
I guess I'm kind of a chad incel
>I am fat therefore women who like femboys are pedos
I have a gay friend who literally posts boykisser memes and is a 'femboy' and he told me that he was almost raped by a girl
and he isnt the only femboy fren with game i have :(
You're severely mentally ill
then you've never heard of the beatles
There are more important things in life than getting the approval of women
Always has been. Women are attracted to masculine-appearing feminine men. Distinctly male features, but pretty, beautiful, and feminine. Femboys have an allure to them that women find irresistible and the sensual, seductive mystique energy femboys carry is exciting.
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Women don't want to fuck actual twinks/femboys. They just want to fuck their idea of a twink/femboy, which is just a minor palette-swap of Chad. No actual biological woman wants a man like pic rel.

He'll still have a Chad face, and he'll still be tall and muscular, just slightly less muscular than their usual standards. But their "usual standards" are still the absolute human limit for 90% of men without resorting to roids.
Remember, when women complain about muscles on men, they mean roid-blasting Mr. Olympia tier bodybuilder shit. Women unironically think that the muscular builds that Hollywood supermodels are not only natural, but achievable with minimal effort.
i'm trying to become a roided out bodybuilder to get the cute twink
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Brilliant Obsessed!
Worked for me, but I was in a goth/emo group so the girls liking skinny dudes with make-up might be expected. Still though, got insane amounts of pushy with my fake eyelashes and nail polish
>Be me
>Cute (from what my aunt and random homeless people, who tried to molest me sometimes, told me)
>Listen to Radiohead
Yet no bitch (but aunt. I ain't cucking my uncle) ever tried to approach me cuz I ain't born in America where everyone is a retard like me.
that's why korean boys are popular
girls can't deal with macho niggers
Left can physically dominate right, he has nothing to be sad about.
He would crush the femboy twinkle like a bug.
Korean men are popular only in South Korea, Japan, China or SEA. Men popular in Americas and Europe are masculine guys such as Henry Cavill and Chris Hemsworth.
Yet is makes the gymcoper the villain who drives no sexual benefit. Dung beetles are stronger than butterflies, a defeated butterfly is a tragedy.
how did you manage to post this with just a period?
No, it happens. I only started having sex after twinkmaxxing. I wish I started sooner because now I'm getting old. Twink death hits us all very first.

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