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I HATE BEING A WAGIE. I was a neet for 4 years prior to this, not studying or working, it was so peaceful. Where is all this free money women allegedly get? Wait, that is reserved for giga Stacy, the rest of us have to go work with you moids.
is living the life we've always lived that painful for you?
If you are cute enough I might take care of you
>Wait, that is reserved for giga Stacy, the rest of us have to go work with you moids.
Nah. Even relatively unattractive women can trade access to their holes for an otherwise free ride from a moid.
>He thinks one income households are possible still
Unless you are a high value woman (I am not, i am aware of that I am ugly) you will not be picked for this role. This option became obsolete decades ago, 48% of the work force is women now
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To be fair I was just lying to laugh at OP If she said yes, I'm a poorfag.
Have you even tried to get orbiters? It's not hard to attentionwhore on discord. As long as you're not fat, many men here would happily pay your bills and buy you games if you masturbated with them on call and played games with them for an hour a week.
Options are:
Prostitution online
Waging 40 hours a week
I live in a one-income household.
On the occasions that I've let a girl live with me, her budgetary impact has been negligible.
There are stupid girls who don't understand that "free ride" and "you get what you pay for" go together and expect to get into some sugarbaby/tradwife LARP.
Honey, no. Even if you were hot, your holes aren't worth that much.
Be agreeable and unobtrusive and you can rot on my couch rent free.
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Start sucking cunt
sounds like you're selling yourself either way... why not just get orbiters?
> that is reserved for giga Stacy
Youre fat lol.
If you werent fat, you could be sucking off some millionaire who would love you.
I unironically just want someone to cuddle while I sleep and fuck at least a few times per week.
That's literally where the bar is.
She can spend the other 16 hours per day doomscrolling tiktok for all I care.
I just made up my mind that a hooker would do the same and will be more honest.
God I hate my life so much it sucks so fucking much I want to die everyday.
I don't understand why man think all women have it easy, do they understand not all women are living in California and shit?
Seriously they complain about women fucking chads only, and then hating on them after chad did something wrong.
But they are doing the exact same thing.
They hate on women for shit Stacy do because all men are Stacy only and average women are invisible to them.
But they will never accept it. NEVER.

The only thing women have much more then men is attention. Which can be negative.
I am not fat, i am average all around like 23 BMI. But i have acne and a lot of body hair from pcos. I am glad my weight isnt an issue because of it
Have you dated these girls? I do not just want to again be a live in prostitute i can tank waging to prevent that
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Hey cutie, are you single?
And no, I'm not fat
Het over the fact that being fat isn't the only problem in life of women
Or don't, I don't ever care anymore, I'm redpilled on men forever
Why would I date ANY men? You think I'm hole who lives on le easy mode.
i know i just like calling you a whore because you never gave me a chance. You might as well be an onlyfan girl chocking on black cock to me.
Stacy rejects me, do the righ thing and be my girlfriend. No? Oh so you're the same I see. WHORE
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>You think I'm hole who lives on le easy mode.
Hey hey don't assume what I think.
I personally feel like you are a gorgeous human being and would like to spend the rest of my days loving you.
Yeah yeah go jerk off to her and then come here complaining how much average neet woman ruined your life.

This is moid logic.
Yeah that's why I see milion of these threads everyday
And big chance (YOU) made one of them
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You're actively ruining my life by not dating me tho. You wouldn't get it because you have 10 side dudes on speed dial. WHORE
I'm lowkey a tourist though.
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Forgot to attach pic.
I have other problems with relationships, but hating woman isnt one of them.
>Have you dated these girls?
One was a FWB of several months who needed a place to stay over the summer between semesters, but we ended up dating for several years since we found we got along pretty well while living together.
The others have been more-or-less random girls from the internet who needed a place to stay temporarily while they got their shit together and figured out their next steps. Sex wasn't actually part of those arrangements, but they've all hit me up for it after a few weeks and then it became a regular thing.
And men who make this shit threads are not somehow ruining my life?
Also why so you want me anyways? I'm skinny fat, neet and mid. Probably annoying, as well. There is literally nothing special about me.
And even if we were dating you would jerk off to stacies on gif when I'm away.
>You wouldn't get it because you have 10 side dudes
I don't even talk to men irl.
Only on 4chan and that's it.
Wait for few months.
You will become like everyone else here.
And there is no cure for that, even when you got a woman.
just do the usual routine and find a way to blame men for it, you're halfway there already. I'm sure if you try hard enough then you can convince yourself that it was men who wanted you to work, not your deranged predecessors.
Me, too. I'm currently in the struggle to find a job after quitting my last one, 2 year proud NEET before that 3 year stint, and now after just one month of peaceful NEET life I'm back on the grind.
>Where is all this free money women allegedly get
Women who get "free money" are going on dates for free food, having sex for gifts, and/or prostituting themselves online.
>reserved for giga Stacy, the rest of us have to go work with you moids.
>But i have acne and a lot of body hair from pcos.
I can send you to an aesthetician and laser hair removal spa if you're down to be my fuckpet.
Why was my complaint thread taken over and used for fighting guys please lets just cry about being wagies
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>You will become like everyone else here.
Its a bit sad to think like that, I personally believe that you can make it work If you really want it to, and being positive is something I've always been.
Are you serious right now? Like are you actually questioning why the OP that contains
>Wait, that is reserved for giga Stacy, the rest of us have to go work with you moids.
is causing arguments and fighting?
Limit your time here if you want to remain normal.
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I wouldnt say I'm normal but I wasn't thinking on posting much here either way. I was just exploring boards and trolling a bit.
But now I want to ask, If these place corrupts people and is so bad, why are you here?
Shit, meant to say this* but autocorrected itself.
Even these days most women basically have pseudo-careers and their husbands do most of the real breadwinning.

If you're even slightly cute you could easily get yourself a relatively ugly wagecuck boyfriend who would let you get away with doing a fun but risky or low-wage job like flower arranging or something. I know a few girls like that. If you have higher standards though you may be out of luck
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I want to date you. I don't know what it is, I don't even know you. But I hit on every femanon I see. I know its pathetic and then I get angry when they reject me. One of the reasons why I'm angry is because in every thread other men get more attention than me........if you reject me I"m a go tell 10 other femanons to go kill themselves.
Anon I'm a man, I was joking the whole time.
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Also nice trips anon.
Hope you get your feMALE one day.
Why you don't just go in tinder or something, go out etc..?
Like, you won't find good women here. Seriously.
And I'm a woman myself. Most of biological women here have serious mental issues, could possibly have trans thoughts(female to male), and just do weird shit in general or just be of models trying to get more money
If you are fine with that, cool, stay here
If you aren't fucking run and go search for women somewhere else, this is just a friendly advice
I hope you find a *good* woman soon
Stop pretending to be me retard
Kill yourself
nta, e-date me instead stinky femanon
Your major mistake is thinking women elsewhere aren't similarly terrible.
Then ones here are at least aware they are fucked in the head and have the good sense to be ashamed of it.
That never work.
They are mentally ill but less or not 4chan femanon mentally ill.
Why you don't just find wife at church
>And I'm a woman myself. Most of biological women
Sure thing tranny
How many women and 4chan femanons have you dated?
this is perfect. you will work and pay for my existence like a slave. well done
I cant get on disability because I do not want it to fuck up my ability to emigrate to my bfs country
you should bring your bf here so that he can also work and pay for my expenses
do you have an abusive bf, also is ur voice cute, u can make money online by having a cute voice!
No he is not abusive at all I am to trying marry and live with him asap, I have debts in the US though so I need to pay those off first, and my voice is ok how can I make money using it?
Most 4chuds need to be warned of this before pulling the trigger.
They aren't going to let you take a vacation. If you get on that shit you'll either die a virgin or a plapjak.
Any girl who would post that image and those thoughts is unironically my type. I'm sure there are a lot of men who would love to have you around and do nice things with you like watching movies on the couch while snuggling up or going for nice romantic walks.
If I knew you in real life and I didn't already have all my time dominated by my wife and the 3 girls I'm cheating on her with, I'd do nice things with you, life-ruined chan.
u can be a png tuber or vtuber if u like playing vidya, you can also do asmr on youtube. what kind of voice do you have?
idk im the opposite of you,fatter uglier and such and ive worked one job as a bagger and now im moving with a guy who pays for whatever i want just because i like video games and am funny and am his type and smell bad (he likes it). i took his virginity too by force in a public park. have you tried being funny? also hes wealthy because of weed so i can get free edibles etc though he doesnt care for drugs so im going to limit it when i move in. idk
try being interesting and funny enough to add something other htan a vagina
also you only get free money if you scam or sell yourself which runs out fast because men who are promiscuous tend to move on quickly so secure someone who hates women but likes you etc etc etc idk.
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I love it when NEETcucks have to wagie. Tell me more anon :)

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