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By now it should be appallingly obvious that nobody likes autistic people. Nobody wants to hire us, nobody wants to be friends with us, women definitely do not want to date us and many landlords even refuse to rent to us! The fact that we are denied so many opportunities in life due to our condition is proof that we need to separate from neurotypical society? If you cannot compete with them then associating with them is entirely self-defeating. If we form our own social groups, businesses, and living spaces that only allow high-IQ autists we could lift ourselves out of poverty and isolation.
If we high-IQ autists do not organize we will suffer.
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as said in the last thread
i believe spergies arent people and should be treated as such
Yeah how about u create a different flag first, ya know, one that isn't associated with a genocidal psycho.
Become a hacker like me
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>Nobody wants to hire us
I had several job offers as soon as i get out of school and now make 200k a year

>nobody wants to be friends with us
people want to be friends with us we just have a harder time picking up the signals

>women definitely do not want to date us
same answer as above

>many landlords even refuse to rent to us
idk never happened to me

t. someone who's actually diagnosed
This is a clear example of survivorship bias. The exception is not the rule.
>society completely run by autists
I'm good, thanks.
> Doesn't even have an incomprehensible language disorder
You guys are really LARP autistics. You can talk about autism sepratism when you actually have it (barely verbal, sensory issues, meltdowns)
Would you rather live in Africa?
The reason women don't date autistic men is because they can't keep them safe. Even if you're a 6'5 buff gorilla, but you have autism, women will still not feel safe with you in public. If society didn't have aggressive, rude men, then women would date autistic men, but that isn't the case.
For example, if a group of muslims teenagers pass you by on the street if you're with your hypothetical girlfriend, they will sense you have autism, whether it's from certain facial features, mannerisms etc, and they will attack you like feral dogs and you won't be mentally ready for a situation like that because of your autism, so both you and the girlfriend will get humiliated and she will not want to be with you anymore because you couldn't keep her safe. If we lived in a society where everyone is smart and polite, women would have no reason not to date autistic men, unless they're hyper normies. Autistic men have very nice traits, they're interesting, fun to have long conversations with, smart etc, the only downside is the thing I mentioned. It's really depressing, but it is what it is. Same goes for making friends, when people make friends, they want someone confident and who can stand up for them and themselves for the same reasons. Those are my 2 cents.
This. Women feel unsafe all the time for the same evolutionary reason that men feel horny all the time. They need hyper-aggressive men and autists are not hyper-aggressive.
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great that you finally got the memo
the dishonest coddling with retards is very unfortunate. everyone would be better off if someone told you 'look, you're a retard, not special, here's the deal'
last thread?
part of the coddling propaganda is conflating high intelligence with autism. this is not the case. spergs/tists iq distribution curve (proper tests) is lower than normal
parts of your brain are by definition retarded, which leaves your logical cognition undisturbed, but not superior. everyone claps and applauds you for happily doing very repetitive robotic subhuman tasks without asking for much. nu-programmers/code apes are a good example. but it's two-faced. you're only good as a little cog in the machinery because you fundamentally lack the ability to see big pictures
all the great inventors and engineers throughout history were highly intelligent in general, not autistic

let's not pretend that being vulnerable to tranny propaganda and not understanding picrel makes you superior
Exactly. However, it could work out if both of the people in the relationship moved to a secluded area, far away from society, but considering these modern times, that would be difficult.
It's funny that I am autistic and this is the exact phobia I have when it comes to a relationship. Like not being able to protect her from other men would be a huge problem.
>>many landlords even refuse to rent to us
I leaned into the geeky/neurotic stuff and managed to get a flat while unemployed. I'm clearly too uncool to throw wild parties (this is true) and I'm obsessive with neatness and organisation (also true).

Feels like I've lied, but I just want shelter which is a basic human need. Beyond that I don't want much, and I'll continue to remove myself from society as much as possible. Too old to feel suicidal any more.
>fun to have long conversations with
one sided monologues are not conversations, not "fun". when you go off on your rants it's dreadful
>the only downside is the thing I mentioned
no, far from
What are the other downsides, you sound you have experience
my brother had an idea for something like this. he ended up getting arrested by the FBI for threatening to burn down autism speaks.

He had some interesting theories. Among them was the idea that low functioning autistics are not autistics, but retards who are lumped in with smart autistics to discredit them.
>he ended up getting arrested by the FBI for threatening to burn down autism speaks.
Unironically based.
assuming you're talking about spergs. and not chris chan autism, stating some obvious stuff in general terms from my experience (because you can't into common knowledge?):
annoying quirks, irrational argumentation, uncompromisable routines, not fully "there" (talking to a wall, failure to reciprocate), can't share meals due to food autism, inappropriate around strangers
all obvious if you've ever lived with one. not fun, i'll tell you that
your brother seems retarded
it used to be differentiated by 'autism' v. 'aspergers'. now it's low- v. high-functioning autism, for your information
> Among them was the idea that low functioning autistics are not autistics, but retards who are lumped in with smart autistics to discredit them.
You guys are the larpers. We're the real ones, with the extreme male brains and all. You guys are tranny larpers.
Low functioning autists can't type on a computer/phone, why are you role playing as one?
>assuming you're talking about spergs. and not chris chan autism, stating some obvious stuff in general terms from my experience (because you can't into common knowledge?):
annoying quirks, irrational argumentation, uncompromisable routines, not fully "there" (talking to a wall, failure to reciprocate), can't share meals due to food autism, inappropriate around strangers
all obvious if you've ever lived with one. not fun, i'll tell you that
NTA, I'm the one who wrote the paragraph earlier about how men with autism could date if society was different, but some people like those things. I personally find stuff like that endearing, even if it can be a not annoying. I too have experience and, in my opinion, those things are only deal breakers if the other person is a hyper normie.
I'm not extremely low functioning, just moderate (level 2)

I can type just fine and write code though I have an incomprehensible speech impediment and am not capable of most of the shit needed to survive as an adult irl (about the same level of autism as the GTA 6 hacker)
a bit annoying* sorry, typo.
>I personally find stuff like that endearing, even if it can be a bit annoying
>I too have experience
are you male or female and have you ever lived with one?
>those things are only deal breakers if the other person is a hyper normie
i'm definitely not a hypernormie, but not a quirk chungus either. the only sustainable way i dealt with living with an autist is making myself fully self-sufficient, and make no initiatives. like two strangers under the same roof, antithetical to a relationship
I agree that 'autism spectrum disorder' is too vague. If Hans Asperger had Nazi ties, why not rename the condition after Lorna Wing? She coined it, was a top-notch researcher and, by all accounts, a lovely woman.
>are you male or female and have you ever lived with one?
Female. I have met up with one multiple times. My father also had autism and I lived with him for 15 years.
>i'm definitely not a hypernormie, but not a quirk chungus either. the only sustainable way i dealt with living with an autist is making myself fully self-sufficient, and make no initiatives. like two strangers under the same roof, antithetical to a relationship
Perhaps it was some other kind of issue, not every autistic person is the same, or you personally just cannot deal with those things, which I guess some people just can't, I don't know.
people like you are so fucking weak please die. You have complete control over your emotions and perspective on life, most autists do not. you are simply a weak little bitch. Skill issue exemplified.
can you hack the cia
don't shoot the Messenger dawg.
Aspergers doesn't exist, it's just people making a personal identity out of a doctor calling them socially retarded.
>If Hans Asperger had Nazi ties
Iirc this is a common misconception and he was some other sort of catholic reactionary
no but i can time travel
you are an african nigger i see
You're kind of right, kind of wrong. The parts of the brain that are impaired in persons with autism and asperger's are the amygdala, the prefrontal cortex, etc... which are all parts of the brain that handle processing emotions, social behavior, decision-making, etc... So from a medical standpoint they are suffering from retardation (depending on what kind of perspective you have on it), not just socially impaired. Also,
>the dishonest coddling with retards is very unfortunate.
It's so fucking bad. LOL
wtf does Muslim have to do with this?
I have many Muslim friends and some of them are autistic too
Why are you so prejudiced that you imply that Muslim teenagers are inherently violent and then you dehumanise them and liken them to dogs
Maybe the reason women don't want to be with you is because of your obnoxious and biased system of beliefs, and it doesn't have anything to do with autism
Work on yourself first and quit being bigoted piece of shit
I've known plenty of autistic people in relationships
1. You're retarded, I was using an example, it could be gypsies, niggers, white trash, whatever, but muslims being that way is more wide spread in this current day and age;
2. You're retarded, clearly don't know anyone with actual autism and I'm not a male;
3. You're retarded for being offended over racism.
can you tell hitler what happened to europe and tell me what he says
he said he's sorry and then killrd himself after fleeing to argentina :(
Where do you even start?
Lol, so one of the things God says to us is "they notice the dog straight away". That's actually a metaphor about love at first sight. And, if you're reading this. That's a funny topic for God to discuss for the simple fact that, we've never even contemplated on whether or not something like that is even possible for us. Because were in such an extreme situation. So he's likely using this for it's psychoactive properties in the mind. And, if you can comprehend that God is doing that by controlling talk shows on tv. That's great. Welcome. I'm not sure what the plan is. But I'm pretty sure, it involves sex. Because the reason God tells us about love at first sight is, because that's what happens obviously. Which is why it's such a clever thing to say to a guy. So wat actually happens can be represented in more of a theoretical way using "real algorithms". So, in a real world situation. A guy who is 35 is going to be more likely to have sex, than a guy who is 20. So, that means, you can tell a guy who is under 35 about love at first sight, and it's always going to work. It's going to be an interesting concept. Because, it's a possible future. So, we see how God does this a lot. Where he almost targets a part of material success and makes a claim that he's involved somehow. But he always makes sure to target things that are likely to happen anyways. That's why he's so funny. It's basically the same thing as saying nothing. He's using his God powers to say that.
I'm autistic and think this test is quite simple. The obvious answer is the basket.
Not going to happen since the agency needs ultra-inflammatory evidence for funding justification reasons. Spring '24 came and went without a single massacre attempt that flls under the purview of the internet tard wrangler department, and the debate last week means funding is up in the air now. So they need to triple down since they're falling behind in spite of it being an election year.

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