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Why do people defend this game and it's boss design?

If you need to cheese most bosses with summons to win, it's bad boss design.

>but anon, you can solo them by yourself!

Yes, but it's not even satisfying. You just literally learn the moves of all the bosses and hit when there's a window of opportunity. That's the only way to beat them other than cheesing them.

In Nioh 1 and 2, you actually FIGHT the bosses in your own ways. Cheesing is just one of them.
Git gut noob.
It's from Anime land. Thus, it can do no wrong
Game was designed for summons, the main developer himself plays the game with summons and items and shields and magic and whatever else you declare is "cheese".
>If you need to cheese most bosses with summons to win
telling on yourself big boy
These guys fall for the no life sweat lords shaming them for utilizing the games tools then get mad when the game is hard. Just like dark souls. Summons are there for a reason.
Is this cheap yet? I heard the hype when it released and it sounded pretty neat but no way was I paying sixty bucks for it
Nioh 2 does mog elden ring combat
Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 3 are the best Souls games.
Elden Ring is trash
They peaked with DS2 honestly. Elden Ring is a copy pasted mess of random encounters. No area feels like there was any thought put into it.

Exploring sucks cause of all the bloat items and unnecessary crafting system. PvP so bad, the most downloaded mod turns it off kek.

Normies get their dopamine from doing a hard task so they jizz in their pants over this slop.
So it has basically gone down the same road as Asscreed?
Elden Ring is basically Dark Souls 2: 2
>most downloaded mod turns it off kek
Yes well the mod added invasions and they are opt out so.
Never played it. Did the need for innovation murder it?
They made a comfy game with DS1.
The perfected it with DS2 by giving you more freedom. You can go anywhere and choose between 22 bosses as your first kill. You could even raise area's to NG+ without beating the game and bosses/enemies would drop rare shit.
DS3 is pure nostalgia bait, bringing back bs from 1 and dumbing the game down for normies that just want to R1 spam their way through the game.
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I got all the way to the end zone of Elden Ring without guides and only summoned a npc for a boss once I was already too high level for because I thought you had too for the quest. I'm almost done with the dlc I'm pretty sure. Elden Ring is just souls but kinda watered down. You don't need help for shit, just kill shit.
>Elden Ring is basically Dark Souls 2: 2
How? I've not found a single area as well crafted as the ones in DS2. A door you have to 'knock' on to open it. Bombable walls. Keys leading you back to previous area's like a metroidvania.

I put 50hrs into Elden Ring and it was riding a horse around looking for dungeons that were copypaste BOTW shrines.
No it's the exact opposite. Miyazaki said he sucks at video games, hence he has to use everything the game offers. He's saying that things like summons are easy mode.
>it has a handful of dumb gimmicks therefore it's well-designed, just ignore the actual design of the levels
DS2fags are so delusional it's insane.
i'm playing Lords of the Fallen rn and its basically same game except it's faster and bosses aren't infuriating, they still make up a challange that take some attempts but still
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"Yes, but it's not even satisfying. You just literally learn the moves of all the bosses and hit when there's a window of opportunity. That's the only way to beat them other than cheesing them."

Yeah that's how souls games work, and no that's not what's wrong with this game. What's wrong with this game is the way these bosses are designed from the ground up. The "combo trees" allow them to infinitely mash moves without any downside or flow, you can never intuit what they're going to do next, they can cancel their own endlag and just randomly teleport into a dash out of a slam move, they added way too much damage and lifesteal to bosses and moves that just shouldn't have it, the fluidity flow and telegraphs are awful, and the only way to work around it is to use strategies that deal a trillion billion damage, if you don't understand the nuances of boss fights (like normies wont) it'll feel like Souls but more fair, since you get the "counterplay" of summons/op magic/jump attack cheese/rivers of blood etc. etc. etc. but in reality it's lazy and grafted together effort with no understanding of what made the previous boss fights fun or of how to create a properly captivating setting and exploration, filled to the brim with worthless features and copy pasted assets, an icon of everything wrong with modern gaming.
Honestly, Bloodborne's boss designs worked the best out of all the Souls-like games. I still fucking love that game and need to replay that.

It felt like I wasn't just fighting a lot of the bosses and enemies, but also dancing with it. It never felt like I had to cheese the boss to win or anything like that.

I seriously wonder why they didn't make the gameplay of Elden ring even remotely similar to that. It just feels like Dark Souls but with the worse designed bosses.
it's pretty hard when you can get killed in 2 hits but when you can tank 4 hits it's not as hard. I just started a new game today and I'm trying to beat Margitt at level 10 like whyyyyyyyy
bloodborne is the most fun I had with a single player game as an adult, then played ds3 and wasn't as good. I don't remember if I finished it. I don't think I'll ever play Elder Ring
Did you expect something other than religious zealots eager to shit on any and every posed critique of a game by the developers?
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I'm playing NIOH2 (still in NG) currently.
>guardian spirits are worthless
>Yokai form can only be optimally used as an "oh shit I'm bout to die" clutch
>skills are worthless. Why can't I just use these combos by just knowing them?
>equipment stats are so incremental and underwhelming that even Borderlands would tell the devs to stop the grind
>only 1 worthwhile endgame build
>have to play the game 3 times to unlock everything you want to use
fr elden ring is the worst from soft game
it's just everything thrown in like ai generated from soft content cobbled together for the sake of gameplay
soulless, generic, and with so much utterly forgettable stuff
you're unfair but bosses are cheesefests with retarded ohk moves and tedious attack cycles which just drag out and make combat into a battle of patience and nothing (because there might literally be one attack in a set of six where you can even hit the boss) else unless you cheese
they clearly expect players to summon and use magic both of which are cringe and gay
dark souls 1 > demon souls >> power gap >> dark souls 3 dlc > elden ring > dark souls 3 > dark souls 2
and armored core goes where power gap is
3's dlc is a lot better than the game
>the only way to beat the bosses is to hit them and not get hit yourself
This is insane. How could they make a game like this
never got past the he first boss I'm so pathetic
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Feels like a chinese slop version of Dark Souls desu. All the areas feel like MMO levels packed with random enemies
It's sixty bucks for like 200+ hours of gameplay. I'd say it's reasonably priced and probably won't be lowered anytime soon
I solo'd most of them.
The problem with Elden Ring's bosses isn't that they're unfair (with the obvious exception), it's that they had 30 ideas for them stretched across more than 100 boss fights.
"Wow, The centipede thing again"
"Wow, the Egyptian cat thing.... AGAIN"
"Wow, Mr. Fantastic with a sword...AGAIN"
20 hours of great gameplay >>> 20 hours of great gameplay with 180 hours of chores
This game is so fucking boring just riding around in an open plain killing shit farming runes and fighting bosses that are designed to fight AI not people
yeah but that's subject to a large uncertainty factor regarding whether I'll enjoy it
I almost always pick up the bargain-bin games on sale so that if it turns out that, actually, I hate it, well, it was five bucks, not that big a deal.
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on top of all of that, i really don't like the open world
>complete dungeon
>get john the spindler and his entourage
the rewards don't feel special not only due to their nature, but the dungeon designs themselves.
finding and completing dungeons for mediocre rewards is far too long compared to the 2 minute max detours in other games that lead to an item
joseph anderson made a good point that i noticed among my friends. the difficulty is decided by whether you google powerful items/tools/solutions or not
why do you love ds2?
yeah, i agree. i should've just bought sekiro instead
>You just literally learn the moves of all the bosses and hit when there's a window of opportunity
This is how literally every video game boss works, you're clearly retarded so just refund the game and go back to Warzone or R6S or something, I'm sorry you got filtered so hard lol
yes and every video game can be reduced to pressing buttons to respond to stimuli so i suppose they're all the same and also indistinct from driving a car
I just like the game because it's pretty. I like to get really high and look at all the scenery. The bosses are my least favorite part, ive got to admit. Still beat the game 6 times though.
>>the rewards don't feel special not only due to their nature, but the dungeon designs themselves.
I remember back when everyone complained about Bloodborne's chalice dungeons and how they made the levels feel less special

Now 1/3 of Elden Ring's gameplay is spent in dungeons exactly like that. Another 1/3 is spent in open fields with nothing interesting. The last 1/3 is actually fun and it's levels just like any other souls game. At that point why not play one of the other souls games?
i remember reading that about ER dungeons vs chalice. i was a poorfag so i could never afford to play BB. i feel obligated to finish the ER dlc first, unfortunately
The chalice dungeons are actually better since the Bloodborne cut content is way cooler than the enemies filling up Elden Ring catacombs such as generic skeletons, demi humans, goblins with a dagger and other boring crap
The entire game is actually about whether you kill a large dragon. It has NOTHING TO DO with swords.
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>why do you love ds2?
DS2 > BB > DS1 > Sekiro
Mainly the secrets, the illusions, hidden paths, traps around every corner, ganks galore. I enjoy having to come up with plans and executing them to get through area's. Entire game feels like Sen's Funhouse on steroids. Once you've played it, you know tho. Spend a lot of time getting OP items early for Twinks and invading noobs two-shotting them. It was fun planning and making routes to get the lowest possible soul memory, game gives you so much freedom to explore. Majula is also a comfy hub with a great soundtrack.
I also really like watching people play it as there's so much shock value compared to the other games. I gaslit all my friends into thinking there were no mimics in the game bc they are so well hidden (Unlike DS3 where it is the first chest you encounter kek). Hearing their reaction in the Shaded Woods when they get attacked by a phantom. A thing that was so sacred and friendly up to that point. Priceless.

Game has plenty of issues tho and is by no far perfect. ADP is a goated stat and I love leveling it to get more i-frames and never use a shield, but it shouldn't have been in the game as the adaptable i-frames are bad for hit-reg. I like how compact the area's are, but agree that the transitions should've been better. PC port is ass bc the 8-directional movement. Gooks really think PC gamers don't use controllers.

Overall just a comfy game and great with friends too as you can co-op almost anywhere with the tiny soapstone.
The way I see it is, Dark Souls 2 is an awesome game but you need to know how to play it. The real fun starts once you are familiar with it and can exploit all the tools in your kit in PvE
>In Nioh-
Shut up.
Soulslikes and Nioh / TeamNinja games aren't even close to the same thing.
>you actually FIGHT the bosses in your own ways
In my first game I ran a pure STR build for like half the game until I started building for Radahns swords.
In my second game I build a dex/bleed character and ended up settling on a heavy thrusting sword and built a bit into faith. I took that one to the end of the game.
In my third game I build Faith/Arcane using dragon incantations. The spells take a bunch of windup, but as long as I can land them I do massive amounts of damage. This is the one I'm playing through the expansion.
>cheese most bosses with summons to win-
Shut up.
I actually have an easier time soloing bosses, but I like to help my friends and then they all get runes for my boss wins as well. Gotta get swole. Each new summon you bring into the game increases boss health dramatically. If you're built right and picking up the items / utility tools you need to get through the game. If you're struggling then you need to go look for something else to do in the game and get stronger.
how many games have you made so you can definitively decide what bad boss design is while speaking for everyone
i feel like most of my enjoyment in this game is just admiring the scenery. shadow of the erdtree has some of the coolest looking fantasy environments i've seen. i want to stare at them and explore them more than i want to memorize all the combos and timings of another shitty over the top boss.
its skyrim 2
I soloed Malenia with Helphen's Steeple without summons, it was extremely satisfying. I like elden ring a lot.

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