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I am finishing my 3rd year at uni and getting my bachelors. I never had friends and was kind of a loser in my old school, but i was really good at schoolwork and i went to a lot of competitions and had perfect grades so i got into the best STEM uni in my country (Europe). I thought when i got to uni i would have a lot of free time, i would join a lot of student clubs, meet a lot of new people, a lot of girls, stop being a bookworm.
But the exact opposite happened, i study mathematics and i spend almost all of my time studying. I have 2 scholarships and i need to have very good grades to keep them so i have to study a lot. The only things i do beside uni and studying are the gym and an amateur choir. My uni has no clubs at all, and there are almost no girls here (20:1 male to female ratio). All of the guys are autistic spergs who have no hobbies and just watch anime and play videogames all day when they don't study.
I always heard people saying how fun university is, how they do almost no work and network and meet people, but for example for the past 3-4 weeks i have done nothing but study. Did everyone lie to me that university will be fun or am i just some crazy exception? I have absolutely 0 social life, even worse than in high school. At least back then i went to the cinema with some guys every few months. Now i have literally not gone anywhere, not even to a cafe, since i started uni.
Missed out on the dorm parties? That is where the fun is.
They are always dead in the middle of finals weeks. I don't understand how all the other guys from other majors can afford to go get wasted for 3 days straight, i literally study for 12+ hours per day when midterms and finals are near.
Anon, you have legitimately zero idea how much harder it is becoming a math major is than other bachelor degrees. For example, I am almost finishing my bachelor in software engineering, and it has been a breeze.
Yes i think i am realising that now. This year my, dorm mate was some guy who studied pedagogy and history and half of his grade were fucking powerpoint presentations and essays, he was going out to parties and to hang out almost every night, he almost never studies, plays videogames 90% of his free time and has very good grades. At least i know that i will easily get a high paying job, since i am going for a master's degree in applied mathematics, while he has to become a school teacher or something. I just didn't know it would be such a big difference from other fields.
Lol stem university
Incel factory
You should transfer to a liberal arts school while you still can
Anon, I took two semesters at the same time at one point, because I was too lazy to finish the exams of the previous one. I got all Cs and a few Bs here and there. Again, with minimum effort. You truly have no clue. Of course, I am not a tard, but I only max use a week or two to git gud before an exam. Other than that, I am just listening in class semi leisurely.
I thought that this was just a meme but it's true. I am the only guy in all of my classes who doesn't exclusively wear washed out t shirts and sweatpants, and who is reasonably fit and not either a skeleton or obese. You can't imagine how disappointed i was when i spent the summer before freshman year of uni self improving, lifting, working on my fashion, and then getting to class the first day only to see 0 women and just spergy fat guys who can't hold a conversation or look me in the eye when speaking. And the few guys i managed to "tame" are social dead-ends; they have no social circle outside of the one i created by merging together the various spergs i managed to wrangle, they know 0 women... Sad state of affairs
Hahaha i cannot afford to falter even a little bit because i need an A overall to keep my scholarships. I self finance everything because i don't want to burden my parents.
Everything is free here, and I plan to get a masters anyways, so it is mostly why I am pretty large with my studying. Sucks that you are forced to insanely well just to keep your scholarships.
It sounds like you need to balance your time better. Not that that is easy.
If the work is not pointless you should be happy. I went to study molecular biology instead of chemistry because teenage me thought a mathematically inclined biologists are rare and needed. Turns out the curriculum of bio majors is decades behind research and a lot of time is wasted on irrelevant matters while we are not taught calculus or basic physical chemistry. I'd like to have more (non bullshit) work to do, but I don't. Biology requires a lot of general interdisciplinary knowledge to go beyond memorizing, which most othrr students and professors seem to ignore. Makes me feel ostracized
Yes i like the work and i find every class interesting, i'm just saddened that every other part of my life is stagnating.
That may be the case, but i'm among the best students and have the most hobbies outside of uni relative to my grades. The only guys wbo have better grades than me are guys who went to olympiads, and the only people who do more shit outside of uni than me have much worse grades/are failing some subjects. I like to think i'm balancing things near optimally.
mine is stagnating too, I can't find friends at uni, all I met so far have different ideals. I was also sad that I haven't met any hardcore "future PhDs". Str8 acers are usually boring drones, slackers are slackers, inbetweens are either wannabe top students who lack the conviction or NPCs. There are some people that I think share my ideals, but I wasnt able to find real friends during the past 3 years, and of I do a PhD I'll likely be an outsider once again
I have been in university since 2017 and have never had any true friends or romantic companions
Of course technically, five years of thst were community college and I took a year off to work, but yeah
That's because you're European and Europeans are cringe. My cohort would hang out all the time and study together. When I moved into a dorm in my fourth year there was a party about once a month. There were always cool activities on campus to do. Girls would hit on me while I studied in the dining hall. Professors and I would discuss random topics together during office hours. It was genuinely a great time.
Sounds like you wanted biochemistry which does require all of that stuff. But it's also a hyper-competitive pre-med BS degree stuffed with 1 million chinks bound by family honor to become doctors and if you just take your bachelor's and leave you're stuck being an $18/hr giga wagie lab rat. Unless you go another 100k in the hole to go to grad school then you can upgrade to $20/hr mega wagie. STEM is a joke, essentially a long form way to bully "smart kids" aka autistics into abusing themselves for years for absolutely no benefit
you're funny. graduate school is a lot more fun than undergraduate, though.
lol i spent my entire time out drinking and doing drugs and i passed my math degree averagely maybe you're just stupid
it was just learning a bunch of shit by memory there was so little of the prior application i enjoyed about mathematics it was like
>here is a pde
>do the one thing you know how to do to it
>tell us what this tells you
repeat for every other topic
oh and
>rewrite a proof you've been told
>write a definition
and i get it because they can't ask you to prove shit euler proved at the drop of a hat but it was so boring
i studied philosophy mostly lol
no premed in EU, and no biochemistry sensu stricto, there is biotechnology, and molecular biology, chemical biology, which is rarely opened due to low demand, biophysics which suffers similar fate, etc. thr exact major does not matter when the whole academic culture is rotten. I'm shooting my shot at structural bioinformatics for MSc, to get away from lab gatekeeping, I can't do a PhD before MSc like burgers do, and I'll likely need it for a industry job. The proper modern biology undergrad curriculum does not exist, no matter the major
this guy gets it *I said very originally*
I wanted to do philosophy but didnt because the job prospects are very bad. I did go to the International Philosophy olympiad twice in high school though. Maybe i am stupid, i dont know, but i have As in most classes. Maybe discrete maths, odes, pdes are easy, but topology and measure theory for example for me are pretty difficult. Good for you though.
Everything you said is the inverse of what my situation is - professors absolutely do not care about the students beyond what is necessary, strictly a professional demeanor towards us. Any form of partying inside the dorms is strictly forbidden except for one weekend of the year. There are no clubs and no activities on "campus", because there is no campus. In most european cities, universities are just random buildings strewn across town. There are no girls. Just spergy guys.
I hate olympiad niggers, usually olympiads make more harm than good and disfigure whst they're supposed to emulate
Yes i hated the format and all the other competitors were obnoxious little know it alls who were all addicted to sniffing their own farts. "ooo ooo i read habermas look at me" "oo oo i am so smart i am quoting mainlander" fucking embarrassing.
i almost applied for math with philosophy but i didn't and i majorly regret it
oh well
this was almost a decade ago now damn

geometry was my favorite subject because it was the only one where i felt like i was actually doing something and could play with it even though i think all we did was connecting two points on a surface, finding the area on a surface, and the volume of whatever and the shapes were always fucked up incomprehensible blobs or like seas of stalagmites
i doubt i could do any of it whatsoever now
the only thing i could probably still do is linear algebra, calculus, and some analysis because that's just your toolkit you've used since you were like 16

i think it is worse in europe because you aren't paying in the same way so there isn't the same expectation nor competition it's just a degree mill like a bad cheap us college

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