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Video games with this feeling? I want to save a beautiful girl that falls in love with me.
>girl that falls in love with me.
this will never happen to you irl
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That this is the first thing your mind jumps to speaks volumes about you.
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I'm sorry anon, but the masculine fantasy to protect and give your life for a woman that will love you and complement you is seen as toxic nowadays
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What the fuck is this shit?
Imagine having a gf that looks like that.
Peak demoralization
Looks like a daycare for daughters of rich bankers and politicians.
PoP 2008. It's not played in a cringe manner tho. It's subtle.
But she does end up hating you in the Epilogue for dooming the entire world by releasing the god of darkness to bring her back to life
It was kino tho, game devs are too spineless to pull and ending like that in this day and age.
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Meanwhile, in Bongland.
Good morning I hate women.
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>save a female
>she mutilates the young males of your kingdom and welcomes invaders
ain't right
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Wouldn't it be uncomfortable to hug someone in full plate armor? And it's not like he'd even be able to feel your arms around him.
>Parn! Look at me!
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Hey bro, check this out.
she slurps, women that look like that give great head
Would all of them
Some people don't have plates for a big party. My mom told me they used to do something similar when she was in uni, but they were completely broke at the time.
it's a real thing some people do, but right now it's also a tik tok trend
you don’t deserve this, real or not
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Do Americans really?
>saves women
OP is destined to end up with a BDP fat chick who cries because she's from a dogshit background
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I'm honestly thankful for the wojak fucking the fat chick meme set. It's completely killed any want and desire for pursuing a relationship ever again.
......just don't pursue fat chicks
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>Nice thread about chivalry devolves into retarded tiktokposting about the derangement of amerimutts

You fucking troons I swear I wanna gouge your fucking eyes out.
Nah women simply aren't worth it anymore
chivalry is the gayest shit imaginable
Reciprocal altruism is what made the white race succeed.
Spoken like the niggest of all niggers
kys nigger
reciprocal altruism is something only japan does. also, whites were warmongers throughout history.
no soul
you’re not worth it either
chivalry that's hyperfocused on women, yeah, but most of the tenants of the code don't even apply to them.
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Do you think they even know that this motion is supposed to be a DJ scratching?
I don't even think they know where they are
>the cornerstone of Christianity is something only Japan did
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shitskin detected
>have no money
>have big party
i wonder if the two are related
Why is knight armor so kino?
christianity is the greatest evil in human history
i'm not brown
I didn’t know there was a reverse cheerleader effect
Grow up.
>>the cornerstone of Christianity is chivalry

Nigga wut? You christkikes are getting really uppity these days.
Dark Souls 3 based on image but not the gay shit you wrote
Looking out for your own people doesn't mean you have to be a pacifist
I want more games with sallets.
They're criminally underrated
Jesus. Why are you fags such spergs, OP asked for something and instead of talking about video games you went full autistic shitstains
I don’t like JRPGs that doesn’t mean I go into JRPG threads to tell them how much better fighting games are.
Do you have absolutely no self awareness at all?
As to OP I’m sorry but I can’t help you there, I’m just surprised at how much faggotry there is on this board
Dark souls 3
lord of dark ending
>dood, sacrifice yourself for a woman's convenience
Ahh, the social conditioning via Hollywood media products is complete. I too get my behavior traits from products.
>whites were warmongers throughout history.
Everyone was waging wars in their own interest. Whites were just the most competitive and successful. What if the Achaemenid Empire would have won over the Greek States? What if Islam wasn't stopped at the Battle of Tours? Might makes right was the philosophy of the middle ages and civilizations that didn't adapt were conquered. Only in the age of self hatred do we get nonsensical and dishonourable revisionism as this.
Women are disgusting
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Code Vein
trim your flaps
Dragon's Dogma
they all had acid infused sex after this one
jesus christ im going to vomit
why is she wearing armor too?
>I want more games with sallets.
I will make one for you dw
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>why is she wearing armor too?
cause her stomach is so beautiful from being toned by doing battle for you and no harm should come to her womb
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Steins;Gate. It's a VN but you aren't going to find a more complete adventure romance on Steam.
>i choose to be a lonely virgin
mainly morbidly obese ones. "Easy" doesn't mean mentally stable or ready for a relationship
if I can't talk to girls then I don't have a choice
welcome to /v/,, where prime directive is derailing.
Fear & Hunger but you're the beautiful girl wanting to save her Knight.
Dark Souls 3 is the vibe of your image.
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It's like a crab boil, but for pasta.
english ranni has the cutest and most beautiful voice I've ever heard
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I wonder why all fantasy authors/developers/directors all got together and agreed that, even though they are going to use 1300-1500ish western europe as the primary influence of their settings, they are NOT going to have any bascinets or sallets, *the* knightly helmets of the late medieval period, and use antiquity/rennaisance/early medieval helms instead.
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Satanical women and the males enabling them are the worst.
At this point I'll just take a woman shaped robot
The tiktok dancing makes her a tainted filthy whore. Only pure, untainted virgins should wear white dresses.
This is her VA btw
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No game can replicate this
top left looks perfectly normal
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jidf pls
91 posts and only 5 games suggested.
>proceeds to get sprayed by Chad's circumcised dick
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>I want to be a simp!
cringe af fantasy.
sailing n conquering with the bois while rapin' and pillagin' along the way or bust.
counterpoint: I fucking love greathelms
Why did Elden Ring fail to deliver as the chivalrous simp simulator it could have been?
Wanting more structures narrative content from a Fromsoft soulbourne game is an obvious monkey's paw wish.
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Shut the fuck up motherfuckers, just post cool shit instead of fucking tiktok zoomers doing retarded shit.
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Ultra based anon. Prince 2k8 is pure art, with brilliant chemistry between the two characters.
Epilogue doesn't exist, we have 2 endings in the base game already that give us a beautiful conclusion.
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I focused on the knight instead, armor is so majestic
samurai are way cooler than knights
>knight, japan
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because women are incapable of love
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modern society and women
because you're too ugly and autistic
"Demoralization" is the subversion and destruction of morals.
What you mean is peak demotivation!
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lol keep coping, women are incapable of love, and I mean that in a general sense they cannot love.
What causes this?
Go on then, show us your minge
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a cool dude with an armor a tiktok whore
Literally any persona game.
Brittle pig iron meat cleavers wielded by 5'4" rice munchers would shatter against the plate of 6'1" fish and milk consuming aryans who wield objectively superior swords.
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felv des nutz
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No real attachment to the main girl. Demon's Souls and Dark Souls II have their hub girls do cute moves when sitting down, with Bloodborne and Dark Souls III making them contextual with player gestures. The Maiden grabs your hand and cheekily pulls you with her at the end of the game when you find the Old One, the Emerald Herald makes you the first person she ever tells about her past and creation and shows you her other eye hidden by her hair, the Doll intimately cares for you even in the ending where you become a slug and by giving her the hair ornament she cries in front of you, and you can give the Firekeeper a new set of eyes so she can see you and the world again and she sits by your side as the fire fades depending on the ending. Melina has none of this and most players miss what few interactions she has with you in the Marika churches. At most she sacrifices in the Giants area but it has less to do with saving you and more to do with the fact she *needs* to do it so you can become Elden Lord because that's the role she's essentially "programmed" to want you to fulfil.
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Spanish men in the 1510s before getting milked of all their semen by thirsting brown succubi
>frog poster doesn't recognize a video game on the video game board
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honestly this looks pretty good. it shows how uncultured /v/ is if they don't know a proper crab boil includes dumping the food on a covered table.
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i don't like the presentation but I'd happily dig in

also I hope that dog got a meatball
that's because as much as every man dreams and wants to be chivalrous,

when women have no rights and stay at home, civlary is sensible. The moment you let them loose is the moment it loses it's meaning.
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Maybe if you live in the US.
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oh I wish that was the case. But I wont rob you of that hope.
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chivalry is not for women, it never was. ONE line was explicitly about treating women well out of TEN(more in some cases)
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>feeds the dog at the table
You’re the type of fag that makes dogs annoying as fuck to deal with. You probably let it jump halfway onto the table to beg too like every other pet owner.
It took so little to effectively humanize the Firekeeper, who by her very nature, is purely a servant and shouldn't have any feelings. That she has a little giggle animation when you do something silly in front of her, makes you feel more for her than all of Melina's bland dialogue put together, which just comes across as weird given that she is calling you an "old friend" after talking to you like three times.
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>chivalry is not for women, it never was
Chivalry was actually directly a sensible response to women not having rights.
Being nice to women like that, make sense, when they don't own property, a job, and stay at home with the kids all their life.
That was literally the trade off. They had less rights, but people would treat them nice for it and the role they provided in society.
Now women are free to do whatever henious shit they want and chilvary makes zero sense.
But naturally men will still yearn for that. Not realizing the situations changed.
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>demoralized yet?
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You're using "chivalry" in the modern context, the incorrect one. I'm referring to the chivalric code
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They had jobs, as did the kids, and they had shared "ownership" of their husband's land.
The only way to get this, is to get her before she goes to this >>78007643 you can still do this when you’re older. I’m 33 and my gf is 18
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the op started with
>Video games with this feeling? I want to save a beautiful girl that falls in love with me.
The post I replied to said
>>Nice thread about chivalry devolves into

Don't come at me with your "no no the word chivalry means something else!"
When you know full well what the fuck I'm talking about.

Their job was to raise kids, and do farmwork at home.
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all of you are in love with love, but would be very unhappy actually having another person in your lives
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Video ad for a sorority, I'm guessing.
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the only answer is to do things for yourselves that will help you love yourselves; everything else will follow
They had a lot more than just "watch the kids." It varied greatly with what the husband did of course. She woulds peddle the wares he produces, tailor for the village, light labour, etc.
"Women did not work" is a noble thing until the great property of the post world war era, now destroyed.
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>They had a lot more than just "watch the kids."
Sure. They did "work" but they didn't go to a job to get paid.
that's why we have video games you dumb nigger, escapism
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Most men of the era "didn't go get paid" either.
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what makes you think that
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based return to tradition!
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Mental illness
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You can only try to embody the spirit of another age so much. You can try to be a Don Quixote, put on a suit of armor, speak in middle english, seek out justice against illdoers, and attack the metaphorical windmill, but you'll just end up being reported by some middle aged single woman for making her feel uncomfortable with your terrifying display of not being cattle, and end up getting arrested. Everything that is exciting and fascinating about the middle ages was possible because people had a wholly natural blood and soil connection to eachother which no longer exists in the world of mcdonalds, our democracy, and tiktok.
I'm not pouring through a a thread with a hundred posts just to make you feel better for using the term incorrectly. people like you ate exactly why women act the way they do
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>op post
>the post I replied to and what my post was about
fuck you, fuck off, kill yourself you brain dead retard
>people like you ate exactly why women act the way they do
he said while acting like a literal woman. go get raped.
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Escapism is ruining everything
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404'inng the thread is a preferable fate over coming to /r9k/
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fuck it, you're on your own.
is /r9k/ the new medieval art board? If not why did the tranny shitskin move the thread here
Took way longer than I thought it was going to take for this thread to get moved
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Life alone is simply far too comfy.
Why was this moved to /r9k/?
You mean the chivalric code that was compiled in the late 1800s (centuries after the end of chivalry) by a literary historian?
Unfiltered white woman kino right there. Thanks anon.
I think the retarded nigger /v/ mod thought this thread was >tfwnogf when it seems to be nonsensical shitposting. It should have been deleted.
most of VNs
Slay The Princess
Thinking about chivalry in gaming my first thoughts were Zelda, Mario etc.
They announced a new Zelda game where you get to play as Zelda and have to rescue Link. Saw a thread on CC boasting how it's a win for women.
Peach was a girlboss in the last Mario movie and Princess Peach Showtime.
Maybe chivalry is dead, or at least reversed. You think fembots fantasize about saving us from our neckropes? I doubt it.
>girl isnt wearing bikini armor
>still looks attractive
This also julien did nothing wrong
only black people and the most subhuman whites in the midwest/south do this nobody civilized does this
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likke thiss?
reminder that none of us are the hero, the hero would never end up here at best we are bystanders at worst we are trashmobs hero chad thundercock cuts down on the way to fuck the princess and save the world
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l'm going to AIice
kek me and my friend got harassed by karens more than once for sparring with practice swords in an empty field , and me and my other friend rp'd as knights on a big construction site we worked on but we were still the boss's favorite laborers because we weren't retards
Cute. I would love to take her out for whatever it is that older women enjoy.

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