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it's not fair i hate living in the uk so much this country is just awful
i hate communism; i hate the police state; i hate the crab bucket
i hate how dirty everything is, how terrible and small all the roads are, and our incomprehensible two-tap sinks
america is so vibrant and energetic and forward looking whereas everyone here just fixates on nonsense and history
i hate it so much it sucks
i can't even afford to vacation there every year because they're so much richer than we are and i'm so miserably poor the flights to the us alone are the cost of a vacation to europe
i want the wilderness and the mega metropolises: i want the nature and the modern
i want more than just living
Don't forget the best part of America: it was founded on terrorism against the British.
yet another thing we have in common with israel.
Don't (You) me, you subhuman cretin.
I live in Canada and I've been feeling this way more and more recently, given how things are going here.
But ultimately I'd much prefer living somewhere that has history, culture, beauty and class, and you can't get that anywhere in North America except maybe Quebec.
So Europe has always appealed to me way more than the US. I may move to Switzerland someday if I can afford it.
God, that retarded mushmouth Quebecois accent makes me diamonds.
America is dirty. It's all strip malls full of shitty chains and money laundering operations.The sidewalks are dangerous to walk on because the cars will kick up trash and scrap metal from the street and send it flying at deadly speeds. It's all lawns and parking lots so there's no shade. Everyone just drives from one air conditioned box to another. Owning a car is a huge expensive hassle and entrenches you further into their feudal slave system. Most jobs don't give you vacation days. You're expected to work 40 hours a week 52 weeks a year. Most jobs don't give you health insurance, so that's another $350 dollars a month you need to pay out of pocket. There aren't mega metropolises outside of New York, Chicago, and LA. Most of the cities are enormous strip malls spread thin with 2 to 3 one-story businesses per block that branch off into cul-de-sac mazes of McMansions, speed bumps, and dead ends designed to trap anyone who has the misfortune of making a wrong turn into there.
>north american doesn't know what a visa is
>doesn't like communism and being poor
>wants to move to europe
>There aren't mega metropolises outside of New York, Chicago, and LA.
How is this a "bad thing?" Retarded.
i've visited multiple times so i do know what it's like and here's one of the best things about america, perhaps even the best thing: if you dislike your city or state then you have almost an entire continent of alternatives to pick from
if you're british then your choices are london, the hinterlands, and a few squalid post industrial dumps
Why dont you guys have mixer taps?
You said you wanted mega metropolises and most of America is not that. You might as well go to London for that. If you've seen one big city you've seen them all.
it's still better than the UK on every metric except commute length and amount of leisure time. most of europe can mog the US on at least a few other things, but britain can't.
people with brains do i have no idea why many people do not because they aren't even gbp30
if you're a homeowner and you don't have a mixer tap then you frankly shouldn't be a homeowner
the only explaination is boomers that think they're better and my family would wash their hands etc in cold water to save energy so perhaps that is why: we're impoverished
>If you've seen one big city you've seen them all.
insane how wrong someone can be especially when their examples are la, chicago, and nyc which are all wildly different
have you even been to any of them?
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The NHS is not good. It only really caters for the old and the chronically sick. Unless you need emergency care good luck as an ostensibly healthy 20 something at getting any treatment whatsoever. The idea of a general health check doesn't exist for under 45s. It's worth adding that emergency care is essentially free in the us too because they treat anyone and just write it off unless you seriously think dindus getting shot in Compton are insured. They don't check insurance when someone is bleeding out.
I heard that the hot water used to be non potable but surely you guys fixed it by now.
I have seen dual tap systems in old houses from the 1890s or some thing.
>i wish i was american so bad
You retarded or something?
>i hate living in the uk so much
Nevermind, i understand now, my condolences
unless you're on a district heating scheme which the overwhelming majority of people aren't then it's all the same mains water going into a boiler to feed a hot water system circulating while mains feeds a parallel cold water system
so if anything the hot water should be more potable because it's been pasteurised
there is more likelihood of hot water leeching metals (or microplastics if you have pvc) from pipes simply because it's more energetic but modern homes shouldn't even use leaded solder on brazed copper fittings much less leaded pipe
Why would anyone move from Canada to the US or vice versa? It's basically the same country besides some laws
I call it gm_america because it all looks like a big flat gmod map. the same no matter where you live. endless roads/highways. unfinished sidewalks that have been there for 30 years. giant parking lots. walmart. ect. And you can't walk nowhere.
oh and what i didn't mention is that's irrelevant anyway because the mixer obviously has the ability to let only cold water pass
simple ones never truly "mix" the water they just have some holes at the faucet be hot and some be cold with a bunch of mini pipes feeding them from the supply
>i have never gone anywhere or paid tax
you literally have two massive mountain ranges you don't have to stay in oklahoma
Bcopper is better than microplastic pvc.
I would rather drink from lead than plastic.
All our drinking water should be run through copper, brass, steel or lead.
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if your life sucks in britian then it'll probably suck in the U.S
Plenty of people move from Canada to the US, fewer vice versa. The US has higher wages, lower house prices, is warmer and has fewer Indians. Canada has (somewhat) better health care and social services, much less crime and cheaper universities.
are you a brit girl?
crime is always local and social services just equate to more tax when you're an asocial person
You're delusional. I hope America burns to the ground.
t.never left
>It's basically the same country
not even close
it really is amazing how the ONLY bad thing about the US is the crime, plus all the things people do to avoid the crime (mandatory car ownership, suburbs with no third spaces or non-family housing, insane rat race culture because the punishment for failing to be middle class is living amidst crime). this country would be a legit utopia if not for that one single factor ensuring that europe and japan will always have better-functioning cities than we do.
I'm not American. I know people who move there are degenerates.
Cool. You would probably prefer living in America then. But it's worth noting that even the most crime-ridden parts of Canada (and I live in one of them) have lower crime rates than even the best American states.
anon europe is falling into the same problem and i think it's by design because you are correct
crime is inherently local and the issue is much less pronounced in some areas than others
in europe we really don't have the space to escape from them though - there simply isn't room for the same gated suburbs and cordoned areas in the uk
it's a big reason socialism is kind of a "necessity" here because if we didn't have it then the crime would be unimagineable but as it stands we pay people to sit at home and be fat instead of out thieving
i don't believe your assertion but states are basically countries it's silly to look above the county level
i've been to nyc multiple times and never once did i feel at risk of any crime happening to me because i simply avoided the places where crime happens
the only places worth living are in a truly rural area or in a city suburbs are shit anyway
guns are cool, but otherwise the us is a third world hellhole.
HAHAHAH newfags gonna newfag
pantsu s88xx
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Britfag here, America is a hell hole even worse than the UK. Few years ago I visited Poland. Everything and I mean everything is was much better. Streets are clean, there are actual rural areas that aren't "greened-up" glorified retirement homes, actual working socialism, functioning public services, zero crime etc. Outside of London you'd probably make as much if not more in the majority of Poland than you would here.

I can take night walks in all of Poland's major cities and feel safe. I'm a guy but women can do that as well; in UK that would be considered borderline suicidal. All the jobs are in the cities but the cities in Poland are really, really good.

unfortunately polish government took over 200,000 migrants from africa and south asia on work permits last year so things won't remain like this.
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>i hate how dirty everything is
Also women in mainland europe and by extension eastern europe are so much more beautiful. Everything is prettier in the real europe, and you'll find it makes a staggering difference.
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>unfortunately polish government took over 200,000 migrants from africa and south asia on work permits last year so things won't remain like this.
Polack here, that was actually due to the shit government party that was ruling for the past 8 years but they finally got kicked out and getting persecuted for a lot of corruption they brought in.
Essentially people could bribe their way into getting a student visa, however there were always a lot of foreign students at better schools, that's not really new but outside of that there aren't really any anywhere anyway. They rarely actually stay here and decide to move to richer countries and just chose poland due to being in shengen zone and until now easy to get into due to corrupt system.
Unironically ukrainians are a bigger issue since I hear their language every single fucking day and it's starting to get included everywhere.
You forgot to mention the worst part anon. Niggers. Every populated area in america is flooded with niggers. The worst kind of niggers too. Vile people.
I'm not referring to that I'm referring to the work permits issued in 2023 alone. This has nothing to do with students- it's all work permit related visas.
It's similar in 2022, so really it's at around ~500,000 indians and africans in Poland now on work permits since they last around 2 years on average.

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