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What are your thoughts on Latina chicks?
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I think I've told you before that I love them.
I think all girls can be pretty, even black ones.

My supervisor is a latina and she is flat and a hag but would still sex. I think i might get to since recently her bf dumped her, might finally lose my virginity.
Most of them are daughters of satan, they are really good looking tho. They know how to fuck your shit up using blood magic and sex. Descended from cannibal mayans and slaves so thats why. Personally I prefer filipinas because they are actually sane and nice human beings
they're cute and have the best looking pussies
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I got one that is super qt completely in love with me rn lol. Idk why I am a fucking loser and I tell her so. I have openly told her to pursue other guys and dates and shit before multiple times and she says no and she does not care and only wants me lmao. Wild. She is super cute too, gets hit on all the time, gets told she should do social media shit, etc. basically, she was a fat girl in middle school and high school so she went on this whole, like, three year long baddie transformation shit to get super fit and hot and all that. So she is super cute and fine and actually a cool person too, cause of when she was made fun of and shit on for being the fat girl all the time. Truly, I do not know why she likes me. I stg I did not even try or like do anything. She tells me I am the realest man she has ever met so idk wtf that means, but also she thinks I am super funny and friendly lmao. Also says I am cute, but that is just something girls tend to say to guys they do not have a real attraction to, so idk, I take it with a grain of salt. Anyway, she is super girly too and likes to do like makeup tutorials off her Pinterest and shit so she knows how to do perfect e girl type eye makeup and nails and a bunch of shit lol. She also has only had sex twice ever, once with two other guys from years past (due to the weight thing). Now she is in love with me lol. I wish I was not such a loser :(
beautiful bitches but I hate them right, got broken up with one today. I'm dizzy.
one I met wasn't supermodel BBL tier (not my type) but is genuinely the cutest woman I've met both in personality and appearance. I waited too long to make a move because I can't pick up on signs but I hope she's doing alright now.
TLDR: they're fucking great
All of my crushes have been Latinas because I live in an area predominantly populated by Hispanics. Although I rarely fantasize about them, I have a preference for white women and Japanese women, even though I am Hispanic myself.
Hot when theyre young, hit the wall around 21 though. Bassically because they grow up in shit and around alot of violence and trumoil they hit puberty hard and early because their lizard brain is telling them their prick father wont be able to care for them. If they arent married by the time theyre 19 then they turn into goblinas.
>hit the wall at 21
They don't even peak until 30
I hate all ethnic minorities.

I only go for white 18th century puritan women.

Fucking lolololol
Man say they love us but somehow always pick the white girls, only few can handle a Latina we are highly possessive but with good hearts
I'm white and prefer Latinas
I like both but tend to get along better with Latinas
Why do you think youre a loser? If this hot girl likes you as much you say she does, Im sure youre not a loser, dude
I like them. Its a shame they dont exist in the UK.
asses built for white boys' faces
They're fucking loca.
I'm never getting involved with a latina again, two years of hell and wasted time. Breaking up with her was next to impossible too, I had to block and ghost her in the end, she still has a bunch of my stuff held hostage.
First time I've ever been punched in the face by a woman too.
same as asian girls, extremely hypergamous, will go for white men if possible. this is also the case in south america, but obviously the amount of white people here is very reduced depending on the country.

they're largely whores, don't be fooled by the fact they're mostly all catholic. a lot of them here (in south america) will do the "born again christian" shtick, and it's not an exaggeration. about half of them will be posting bible verses a day after being dicked down and cum in.
My ex was "Catholic"
She knew nothing about the Bible and thought that Dios was her personal avenger over petty slights.
>we are highly possessive but with good hearts
Personality disorders are not a character benefit
Literally white, there is no such thing as "latino"
Cause I am 31 and I am a broke and depressed bartender and my life sucks ass. Thats why I have told her she should fuck with other guys if she wants to. I dont want to be a waste of time for her just because I am a loser. :(
>average build, not fit
>life sucks
But hey, at least I am 6 1 and funny lmao. I dont think so personally, but I must have a good looking face, idk, I cannot imagine a girl of her hotness liking me idk why tf she likes me :(
Jap women are better, and their even begging for cock right now with all the low birthrates, not sure if it's fake but I saw an article saying they're paying foreigners to CUM! Some dude mentioned all u needed was a degree and income and u could get settled in
In my life i have seen maybe less than 10 non-latina women (i've lived my whole life in Mexico). They're my favourite anyways
I think you might be retarded. Just a thought. Who knows?
I always hear that latinas are "spicy" but i dont know what that means.
Does that mean latinas like femdom?

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