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How did I.N.C.E.L. become so powerful? They must be stopped
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it didnt happen in a vacuum
You're not gonna stop the rise of inceldom just by asking men to change, you also have to ask women to reflect and change. And women will never change thus you cannot stop the rise of inceldom. It is inevitable.
It's probably spreading because the kind of women who use the term "incel" as an insult are spreading. It's entirely within their power to stop this, but that would mean lowering their standards and that's no in the cards.
Is that like "The man from U.N.C.L.E"?
We are I.N.C.E.L.
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us
God they are so fucking delusional. They think that every single incel is going to throw their lives away and pull an Elliot Rodger when the reality is that most of them would rather stay home and watch anime.
That's a shame. I wanted them to be Elliot Rodger.
I honestly can't quite wrap my head around what women like this would like incels to do. They obviously don't want to have sex with them and don't want any women having sex with them, so how do they get them to stop being incels?

I suppose their definition of "incel" boils down to "virgin who is mad about it", so I guess the solution would just be for men to stop being mad about not being able to have sex? They sometimes cope about men "improving themselves" but there's no way they actually believe that for most of the guys they don't like. So I guess what they really want is for incels to just become hopeless simps and accept their subordinate position.

Obviously online forums (like this one) where men seethe about being sexless are not very helpful, but women seething about men seething about sexlessness are equally pathetic.
The criminal misogyny propels them, better safe than sorry and neuter or jail whoever is spouting incel ideology
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cause the whole incel ideology is basically fighting equating feminism to zero responsibility for females lots of females agree with incels that women who think feminism means there is no cause and effect for anything in their lives isnt feminism
>So I guess what they really want is for incels to just become hopeless simps and accept their subordinate position.
yes that is exactly what they want.
It's like a bunch of plantation owners complaining "why are the slaves so uppity these days?"
>I fear for the safety of women
This is why this shit is spreading
Instead of thinking about the young guy's misery you assume he's evil
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The word "Incel" is a derogatory term which is analogically equivalent of calling "Whores".

I wish civilization would awaken to this realization and understand it is identical.

To call a woman a "Whore" to call a man an "Incel" (except it's misandry instead of misogyny). Take this knowledge and use it against people who openly utilize this term.
Pretty much, but they also want undesirable men who do not conform to suffer and die
So many people obsess over incels and the media almost promote them because on some level most men can kinda identify with them for at least some part of their life.
The default state of man is being an incel, unless you get lucky
a sex-divided judgment on a person's virtue then, a woman's chastity and a man's charisma.
I see it more and more on a normie level on TikTok. More and more guys are being left behind because of hoe inflation and hypergamy. Those guys are left with crumbles or being used and they finally becoming aware.
Do you think in the future incels will be as vilified as pedos?.
During their every day lives, they don't even notice incels and when they do they don't even register us as human. On the internet, they are forced to see everyone the same way regardless of how the person behind the screen looks. This forces women to notice us so the more time they spend on the internet and the more virgins start posting in incel forums, the more incels they see when compared to their daily lives. They don't want us to fix ourselves, they don't want us to change, they don't want us to succeed, they just want to be able to ignore us again. Whether that is by us killing ourselves or by us shutting up and not discussing anymore, they don't really care.
Incel is the truth. all that has changed is that the internet is letting the truth spread.
>i fear for the safety of women
As you should, hoe
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How can men nowadays respect women when they dont even respect themselves. Women refer to each other as bitches
women don't have empathy, if you didn't know. They're just good at reading a room.
Is this what they mean by "incel words"? Just that generic zoom zoom slang?
I find the delusion that inceldom is a far right misogynist ideology, rather than the banal phenomenon which has always existed of some men simply not being desired for sex, curious.

Basically. They unrealistically want men to passively and meekly remove themselves from the gene pool, ignoring the obvious unsustainability of this ideal.

So far all anti-inceldom has done is really shame men into repressing openly stating what they believe while not actually fundamentally moving the needle on the problem, because that's all shaming can ultimately accomplish.
>the banal phenomenon which has always existed of some men
That's right. Historically only 40% of men have ever reproduced on average and 8,000 years ago, 17 women reproduced for every one man: https://psmag.com/environment/17-to-1-reproductive-success
You'll notice whenever the media talk about incelism, it always misunderstands it or portrays it wrongly. That's because if they told the truth, many men will sympathize with it.
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The Redditors on inceltears are blaming incels for something Chad and the non virgins are doing. Incels dont even have partners or exes at all.

Also, its ironic that these people are criticizing sociopaths when theyre telling incels to go kill themselves. Theyre more violent than most incels

Older guy here.

Women waste your time and money. Its better now for men to understand the nature of a woman than get fucked over down the line. Until women fix their problems


The whole system is anti male and pro woman. You just gotta wife up Chad and Tyrones leftovers, is that ok anons? OTHERWISE you are a INCEL
Need a wojak comic where the chad kills the stacy and then the random incel doomer gets all the blame while chad gets fanmail from thirsty hoes in prison
> many men will sympathize with it.

Men know, like 75% of men around the world are somewhat redpilled.

You know dating is a western thing right? My parents, grandparents etc didnt date and stayed together until their death.

Marriage vows
I could not imagine a post that encapsulates the death of this board, yet you've done it.
Explain how that post is not based
>need comic
Anons would draw on ms paint back then
>chad, stacy, doomer
The terminology about this stuff used to be much more varied, do people still use Brad as an archetype?
Overall, there's no will in that post. /r9k/ was made literally to be original based on that XKCD comic. Back when the board was made, people did talk about new stuff in every thread. It settled in feels/sad stuff, but now there's no originality since Moot/Hiroshimoot reset the robot every now and then.
>long walk off a short pier
What a passive-aggressive way to tell someone to kill himself.
Inceldom ideology is the literal single way to unite all men of the world to make them fight against feminism and forced racemixing. This is why all globohomo armies are attempting to shut this movement down, as they see it as a direct threat to two arms of globohomo.
Paired with anti-consumerisn and anti-work (not the trannychud kind), this kills the entirety of neoliberalism, no bullshit needed like brother wars, simping, and attempting to be something one isn't (transvestism).
Passive-aggressive is what reddit does best.
Nah this place is too negative, constantly wallowing in self pity and not taking any action to deal with your problems is not masculine.
Men simply need to have better standards, be a better judge of character, be patient. Women are reactive.

The only reason many women continue to behave in this spoiled manner is because mainstream politics and social media reinforces their delusions and few men are providing them with a reality check.
You have a lot of pathetic simps that put pussy on a pedestal.

Don't accept scraps that make for bad mothers even if you end up alone, have some self respect.
Look overseas if your women aren't cutting it, don't appease the brats let them die alone and serve as a life lesson for younger women.
This. Don't be defeatist. Simply, try to accept the world and the true nature of women then make sure to protect yourself and respond to that. Since women are manipulative and evil, then you should take measures to protect yourself from them and never feel bad about being evil and manipulative to them in turn. Women cannot change nor should you expect them to. Women complain about emotionally distant sociopaths but those guys are based and a model to strive for.
>so I guess the solution would just be for men to stop being mad about not being able to have sex?
That is exactly it. Obviously that's impossible, so their demands are really dumb and going to backfire in their faces when enough men are on board with the blackpill to form a coherent voting bloc.
They will always exist where feminism exist. Which is why no politician is talking about it because the only fix to it, is to end feminism.
>I find the delusion that inceldom is a far right misogynist ideology, rather than the banal phenomenon which has always existed of some men simply not being desired for sex, curious.
It's not a delusion but rather a projection. Nowadays the left is dominant force and thought in people so its only natural to see the right being associated with all the bad things.
Maybe they should fuck one of them
>most of them would rather stay home and watch anime.
That's the plan. Import a paki to take my place
The problem with your way of thinking is that you forgot that most vhads and most people that have sex have no sympathy for incels and see you a subhuman and want nothing to do with you.

They dont give a fuck about standing anout what is right as long as they can get what they want
>Why is the incel ideology spreading so much?
Because whores won't stop riding chads cock whilst ignoring everyone else
>How can it be stopped?
Get off chads cock and be a loving wife to a man on your level (your actual level)
>I fear muh safety
You should. Pretty soon whores will be forced to realise why women needed to be given rights, and why young men had them basically from the start.
The fact I've literally never seen a woman talk about men's issues without immediately pivoting to how it affects women, it literally the reason why I'm as blackpilled as I am.
Women hear about male circumcision and start to have debates about whether cut or uncut is better for their sexual pleasure
Men hear about male circumcision and contemplate the actual morality of cutting off the tip of a fucking baby penis
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>How did I.N.C.E.L. become so powerful?
Because things are fucked! My generation I was an oddity, a social outcast.
But now it's the norm. My brother is 6'2, full head of hair, social life with friends, good grades in a chad field, and an athelete.
None of his buds do. No one has gfs. It's the upper, upper 10% of men getting all girls. No one has a gf anymore.
Even normalfags and chadlites like him aren't getting girls.
No one wants to admit how bad it is, but it's bad and it will be the death of everything as we know it.
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>Women hear about male circumcision and start to have debates about whether cut or uncut is better for their sexual pleasure
I wish you were just making this up. Circumcision doesn't really get talked about all that often. But when it does, it's either about some illiterate tribe in africa circumcising girls which is evil, or it's about weather women prefer a circumcised or uncircumcised penis.

And they truly couldn't give less of a fuck what you feel about it. They spent their whole lives being told that evil men have enslaved women for billions of years, so they figure it's justified.
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>I cut all those words out of my vocabulary because I want a girlfriend unlike those clowns
>because I want a girlfriend
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA What a fucking retard
you laugh but it sounds more like you're mad
i don't think anyone is envying spineless reddit cucks. these people are even sadder than the dudes that don't get laid.
you can have a gf too if you drop the incel terms and post on reddit
>>you can have a gf too
normalfag tourists really don't realize that there are dudes who actually are just guaranteed to die alone, do you?

>drop the incel terms and post on reddit
i'll sooner drop dead than turn into one of these faggots that grovels for pussy.

This isn't even to mention the fact that it has no actual meaning. I don't running around irl talking about blackpill shit, nobody does. The whole incel personality shit is just something redditfags made up.
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Women vote to get these people in but they fear the men who just want to play video games and be left alone
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>see someone laughing
>think he must be mad
KEK Such skill issues
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hehe i like your pic
Women also vote based on who looks more presidential. Trudeau got in partially because he looked presidential, and just look and what happened with desantis
slit your wrists you fucking whore
Looks like you're autistic to not being able to understand underlying emotions of perceived emotion.
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>Noticing things normies and women do means you have an "ideology".
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>i can read the emotions of posts on an anonymous imageboard
>trust me, i'm a woman, we just have a higher emotional intelligence, you wouldn't understand
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if you start to think then you're the danger to them and the system they protect
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>I know your own emotions better than you do
And how do you and the retard in picrel know that the "incel ideology" is "spreading so much"?
I'd tell you to go outside but you'll probably come up with some retarded larp so no it is not spreading at all.
Good to know. The thread can be considered resolved.
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Men have an easier time molding reality. All these women act like sex is no big deal and that these guys are just supposed to be okay with it. On some level they're right because you have to accept reality, but they're disingenous. Sex is a big deal for women and they whine about it all the time. They say it's no big deal, but it is a big deal to them. They sperg out a lot over sex. I think on some level they're angry that men are doers. Think women vs men protesting. Women protesting is not taken as seriously for reasons that should be pretty obvious to everyone.
These people are garden-variety psychopaths that have found a socially acceptable outlet for their behavior. Same reason why psychos go into the police force or military.

That or they are equally (perhaps more) maladjusted losers who have violent revenge fantasies.
Damn I'm an engineer, but missed that part of the curriculum. Must be a doctor then.
Bets on if she eventually finds the love of her life to meet all her standards after the age of 35?
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i don't even get it though, can redditors not swim?
I honestly wonder if people reg fake accounts and run psyops on this cat and knitting enthusiast subreddit just for shits and giggles.
>ick list
>can't help but be condescending as fuck
her list isn't even bad, but jesus christ it's like this every time

>tries to hang out at home date 1-3
read: if you're a beta, i'm gonna make you jump through hoops for half a dozen dates before i grant you the privilege of seeing me naked
They look so miserable that if some1 incel out, he'll probably spare them out of pity.

This is a good post.

Women construct entire social systems to make sure they either don't have to be around low-status males at all, or can control their behavior and keep them subordinate when they *are* around. They can't do that as well on the internet, and as a result they are shocked by what they read there.

"Why isn't some authority figure making these guys keep quiet?" they think, when they read the internet. "The way they make them keep quiet at my school and workplace? Why isn't Chad or Tyrone beating these guys up and making them walk around with their heads down, not talking to anyone? That's the way life is supposed to be!"
>35yo posting her red flags on r/misandry
Oh no. Anything but that. I would literally cut my penis off, if she rejected me.
It's a self-own.
Incels are all virgin losers who can't get sex. May be they think they have been on some dates, may be they have experience going on a date with a guy they figured was an incel.

Nowadays, i guess there is also incel and nice guy overlap. For years women have complained about assholes. Asshole current and ex bfs. Well if these nice guys/incels aren't succesfully dating women and having sex, then for women to complain about guys being assholes means they must date assholes. Now this doesn't mean nice guys/incels aren't assholes, but if women still end up dating assholes then that must mean that women cannot accurately determine who is an asshole and/or the guys were able to hide it. But remember nice guys/incels don't get laid, they don't date successfully. We see many guys complaining about this, so obviously they're not getting any dates or sex, or else they wouldn't be complaining about it. If nice guys/incels are assholes and can't make it past a date or two and are unable to have sex, but women are still experiencing asshole men, that must mean that whatever they're screening for doesn't work.

Whether or not the non sex haver is an asshole doesn't really matter because it's not his personality. If it was then all those asshole guys would be unsuccessful too.

So when women complain about nice guys/incels and claim they're unsuccessful because of misogyny and their asshole personality, it's bullshit. If that was the case then they would have zero bfs and ex bfs to complain about.
>be patient

You're part of the problem.

"Be patient" means "allow whores to trick you by fucking niggers for years and then settling for you later". And everyone KNOWS that now, so this "be patient" bullshit is no longer going to work.
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>men are such assholes
>source: the guys i chose to fuck
it goes so far and above their heads it's fucking hilarious
Males are the disposable gender. On the flipside males are also more dangerous. One thousand women marching is not a big deal. One thousand men marching is scary. Males are the disposable gender, but they are the most capable of enforcing their ideals.
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Women don't mind being beaten if it's Chad doing it
Thank you. It's also because of what I said that women want so badly to deanonymize the internet, as by revealing the person behind the post, it effectively dehumanizes the incels who they hate as they can see how ugly we are and insult us for it. What you were referencing with women looking to authority is actually part of a larger issue. Women, being the weaker sex, naturally had to look towards men and defined social structures for protection, and this is where many of their behaviors come from (submissiveness, shit testing to ensure stability, appeals to authority, etc.) while men as the stronger sex naturally tended towards forming and protecting social structures of their own, explaining many of our behaviors such as dominance, aggressiveness, and desire to explore and learn. This is also why politically, men tend to favor freedom while women tend to favor security, and so men tend to vote for less government while women tend to vote for more. This is part of why the real political divide in most places is not on class or age, but sex. It's also why governments across the globe have gotten absurdly bloated since women have gotten the right to vote. This is why governments across the globe have been making women their useful idiots (prohibition was the practice run at least in the USA) to push things. Look at all the political movements pushed for by large corporations who own the media and the government via revolving door, lobbying, etc. and look at who are the biggest ones pushing for it. Even excluding the women, a large portion of the men are just there to attract the women.

I could write more if you want, just give me a more specific topic because I'm kind of rambling here.
>That or they are equally (perhaps more) maladjusted losers who have violent revenge fantasies.

I could never quite place what creeped me out about Redditors and many leftists. It's their disingenous nice guy act. I always found their obsession with violence very creepy as well. They seem to obsess over torture and revenge. Their claims that they're a nice good person and they aren't violent. It's like they have no respect for anything violent. They will show sympathy to somone who did violent crime, but if you did a racism they want you beaten to death and tortured. It's unhinged. I don't trust people who play the harmless nice guy like that.

It reminds me of Quentin Tarantino movies. Some of his movies creep me out because it fetishizes violence. I get the same feeling i do listening to these types of people.

Like these lefty Redditor types will fantasize about basically torturing people and what's cowardly is they usually will use a 3rd person. Someone else is doing the violence because they're too cowardly to do it themselves. That way they can keep their nice guy image. They're the type of people that would do war crimes. And like not, we executed a whole village, like weird torture shit.
It is hilarious. They just can't understand that what they find attractive overlaps with asshole behavior. It's not like they were forced to choose all these men. If sex and intimacy was so easy to go without then women could be very picky and just wait. Of course god forbid you tell a woman to avoid sex and dating, or insinuate that she isn't owed anything. You'll get an earful of screeching.
kind of surprised more people don't pick up on this. i figured it was common knowledge: someone that plays up being such a good person, but expresses a rabid hatred for certain acceptable groups is almost 100% guaranteed to do some absolutely sadistic shit if they can get away with it.

>>sex isn't a big deal guys
>>men are all sex obsessed creeps
>>incels fixate to much on sex
>>muh porn
>t. women horrified at the notion of not being able to fuck
it's all so tiresome. even the ones that are massive man-haters still fuck all the time.
>someone that plays up being such a good person, but expresses a rabid hatred for certain acceptable groups is almost 100% guaranteed to do some absolutely sadistic shit if they can get away with it
I'm a good person because i vote democrat is no different from i'm a good person because i got to church. That's why they hate poor white people, Russians, men, etc. It's all people they can hate and dehumanize and feel better about themselves. It sort of acts like confessional. They get the hate out and feel better. Of course they actually do hate poor people who aren't white as well, but they only do that when they don't realize they're criticizing non white people. The strawman for everything has to be a white male. They will just imagine a white male until the find out who they actually are.

They have empathy as soon as they realize. It's creepy how so many white leftists are like this. They don't even realize it. More importantly their whole 'i'm not racist' narrative is a lie. They pretty much think white people are subhuman and just bad people who are inferior. That's racist. It doesn't matter if Europeans are in the inferior position. What they're saying is that they still buy into it. If they don't, then why are they acting like that? Because they want revenge. It's so creepy considering many of these people are European themselves. They're going to throw other people under the bus and make them suffer because they're too cowardly to accept responsibility.

They claim they accept their privilege or whatever bs, but that's a lie. If they did, they wouldn't need some other (rural or middle class white men) to shit on. They're fundamentally cowardly people who pretend to be nice, when in reality they're a piece of shit person with a superiority complex.
We are on the cusp of a cultural shift I'm interested to see how this turns out. The internet allowed men to talk and avoid getting tricked by women.
Tiktok is full of cumdumpsters confessing to their true subhuman nature
The word "incel" doesn't have a meaning anymore.
Unfortunately I cannot argue with you. The amount of vitriol/hate and glee these people displayed when for example antivaxxers died of COVID or other health issues made shivers run down my spine.
Threads with 20k upvotes and thousands of replies of people working themselves into an increasingly ecstatic frenzy over the deaths of people who didn't hurt anyone.
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Funniest part is the vaxx didn't even work. They were celebrating their acceptance of a placebo.
Checked, based, etc
Niggers can't swim anon
I knew someone, a family member of a friend, who had all the shots (not really a vaccine). She got sick, and when she was at the hospital, a nurse said to her "you're lucky you got the vaccine or it would've been much worse". They ended up putting her on a ventilator not long after that and she died.
i'm a 5'8 parents basement neet and i have a gf and when i didn't i was still able to hook up with a new girl every couple weeks and i'm not even scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of going for single mothers and meth addicts either so i just don't buy the cope that only the top few percent of men can fuck. either that or my face and charisma are both godtier to make up for everything else
>either that or my face and charisma are both godtier to make up for everything else
those are literally the only things that matter so probably that.
you see how many fit, tall, and full time employed incels with money there are here and you realize the truth
You can't just say you did it without explaining how
>I'm a good person because i vote democrat is no different from i'm a good person because i got to church
This is a pill seemingly almost no one comprehends. These tightwad "leftist" people especially zoomers are in fact extremely conservative in their heart. If you say, for instance, "retard" in earshot of a typical modern young woman you can expect her to instantly activate "DON'T USE THAT LANGUAGE AROUND ME YOUNG MAN" mode like you just took the lord's name in vain in front of your grandma.
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It was very frustrating for me because I actually read the reports from various national health agencies and people that were vaxxed were dying in higher percentages than unvaxxed showing that the vaxx was not the determiner.

All you had to do was read and 99% of people couldn't be bothered. Unironically it made me ok with being a loner because I realized by being able to slightly think it separated me from almost all of humanity.
they should probably keep doing whatever they're doing since it's worked so well so far
just on tinder mostly, i'm on other apps but not much success on bumble, hinge etc for some reason. my current gf super liked me on there and messaged me first. i'm not some kind of gigachad 1000+ matches backlog slayer but i don't really go on dry spells of more than a month or so. when i am working or when i was in school girls always crush on me, give me their number when the semester ends and all that. i legitimately got sexually harassed by my (female) manager at the hardware store wagie job i used to work at, she was always talking about 'watching this fine young man work' when i'm piling up the bags of mulch or whatever the fuck and would sneak up on me and touch me and stuff. not that i minded strictly speaking but she was like my mom's age so i had to pass on that one
that supports my observations, especially the height stuff is just funny to me because while i agree women like tall men it's obviously not even close to "over" being under 6' and the idea of women caring about money is laughable and they just think you're coping or gay if you're a gymcel

So you're attractive. To provide an example of my experience:

>no matches on dating apps
>girls did not give me numbers at end of semester
>do not get sexually harassed women just pretend I don't exist and look annoyed if I insist on getting their attention

It's just a separate reality when you're ugly.
>nauseated by the thought of a man wanting to touch her breasts

I will never understand how these women can be so disgusted by the sex drive of the people they are supposed to be sexually attracted to? Are they broken? This woman is going to die alone and she'll be blaming men for not living up to her standards the whole time.
> using words like "body count" gives "bitches" the 'ick
but I don't want no whore gf anyways ... so should I continue using those terms (as some kind of Litmus test)?

The absolute state of women. They offer nothing but demand everything.
was meant 4
You must be reasonable attractive then. Probably not 10 who gets every girl he looks at, but enough to pull a reasonable number of women who feel drawn to you naturally.
I'm tall, moderately well off, gymcel who crossed into being a wizard. Had none of those things you ever mentioned and even dating apps like I got always turn out to be they accidently liked me and unmatch instantly after we match.
I realize a lot of things are just coping. If a girl doesn't like how you look when she sees your face and smile, nothing else is gonna win her over in the end. And there's a lot of mental gymnastics here to explain why that isn't the case but it's all bullshit from people who aren't getting any attention anyway.
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im going to cry
there's no way this is what life is actually like for some people
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it's okay bro. I worked hard and i still can't even find a woman who will let me pay for a meal for her.
We just don't stand a single chance in this day and age.
Are people really too retarded to realise this is a symptom of a society, rather than a terrorist group recruiting people?
> a woman who will let me pay for a meal
okay now I'm calling bait. there is no way you're a real person saying this shit like it's bad thing in good faith.
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>So I guess what they really want is for incels to just become hopeless simps and accept their subordinate position.
This pretty much. They'll try to make it sound all convincing and intellectual with terms like "toxic masculinity" and how "inceldom is the fault of patriarchy you guise!!!" as if things would be better off for a typical incel if they had their way, but don't be fooled: their ultimate end goal is the mental castration of your spirit. Don't believe a word they say, simple as.
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i mean I have money but i can't get a date still
was the only incentive i had to fucking bust my ass anyway
Yes. Unironically we live in clown world.
>le ideology
There's your problem, thinking it's an "ideology" (as if anyone would willingly strive for this shit?) and not just something happening to swaths of young men at the hands of women with artificially inflated egos and career prospects.
Women are retarded. Be all, end all. Every few years we will get a series of conferences and senate hearings about domestic violence. We then spend millions on campaigns targeting men to avoid "toxic" behaviours. The targets of these ads are men who previously would never beat their wives to begin with, and now won't even be in relationships with women. The only person who can stop it is women, by choosing not to date violent men. Yet women will never allow this point to ever be addressed. Just like they simply refuse to address the fact that the vast majority of violence against foids is committed by non-whites and migrants.

If you understand that women NEVER intellectually develop beyond childhood, then their behaviour is easy to understand. When it comes to incels, it's very simple. They want you to wage slave/war slave/simp slave and shut the fuck up and stay in a box. Give them money, fix their cars, keep the lights on and go away.
I agree with this anon. I'm 5'8" as well and I've been with the same Woman since 2012 (I was 16, she was 15 when we met) and she practically worships the ground I walk on. I knew full well I could be a giant manwhore if I wanted to but decided against it and just stuck to this one Woman because I didn't want to deal with drama, accidental pregnancy, stds, etc. Even to this day, Women throw themselves at me and it got even worse once we married. I've had women write their numbers on receipts at stores and restaurants, sometimes even blatantly flirt or hit on me with my wife right next to me. Hell one time we went to look at a car that one of her coworkers was selling. Her coworker snuck a picture of me while I looked for common issues in the engine bay and posted it into their group chat for their primarily female department. Next day at work her friend group stated "You didn't tell us he was hot" and bombarded her with questions about our sex life.
this is the life manlets expect tallcels to have and think we would have just by going outside and we'd have this.
>a concern for your comfort or safety that feels misplaced, weird, or childlike
The thing about incels is they are not a static population, the pool grows bigger and bigger every year. Being merely all around above average but with no particular standout feature like height or dick size is already becoming invisible to any woman above a 5/10 in 2024, and thats before you get into status and a loving father isnt even a consideration. Women were not like this when I was a teenager, its easier to say its their nature when the more hurtful truth is your life could have been different and most of you probably dont belong in this place simply because your femurs werent 2 inches longer. they have been conditioned and had their social firmware updated daily for 12 years, the internet destroyed all female individuality. The girls that now spend all day mocking their looks match on Reddit were formerly really cute and sweet even to average guys and could find something they liked about their bf who was allowed to be masculine, and its a shame zoomers dont get to experience that. Id rather you all blame the Californians that invented this nightmarish technology than women, they used to be better. I know I sound like a deradicizong roastie but I am just a 32 yo boomer who got to avoid most of this in my youth.
>blame the Californians that invented this
new (dogwhistle) just dropped?
Its my personal one for Jews yes. But catches the numales as well.
>women are killed by partners and exes
>somehow they are incels or its incels fault
You can stop incels by taking away women's rights. It was a failed experiment.
Or just let all the incels die off alone and childless. Fugly spergy manlets don't get to reproduce = No more future incels.
Single moms can always find a way to churn out incels
Single Moms are primarily niggers. Incels are at least partially responsible for their sexlessness for spending their developmental years glued to the internet or video games then realize in their mid 20s they don't know how to talk to people without having a panic attack.

If children aren't socialized that's 100% the fault of the parents.
>Incels are at least partially responsible for their sexlessness for spending their developmental years glued to the internet or video games then realize in their mid 20s they don't know how to talk to people without having a panic attack

If only they had a good father instead of a bitter roastie of a mom that beats him into a woman respecter
Things have only gotten worse and more woke each year. Trannys use to be something you laughed at, now they are heavily involved in politics. Im curious why you think we are are close to some kind of culture shift? Literally nothing in life has indicated this.
no one chose to be a shut in. I played video games because my dad told me i wasn't allowed to go out and i didn't need friends or to talk to girls when I'm young.
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>Incels are at least partially responsible for their sexlessness for spending their developmental years glued to the internet or video games then realize in their mid 20s they don't know how to talk to people without having a panic attack.
not really the case grandad. incels aren't incels because they spent too much time on vidya, incels end up with vidya because women and social lives are practically unobtainable for them in the first place. That's what happens when all the shit that used to be for the weird kids gets gentrified by normalfags and queers, and you have half a generation raised by single mothers and/or stepfathers, among many other things.

And what fucking point is there in even trying in the first place? You earn the privilege to be pic related?

>Single Moms are primarily niggers
first hand experience begs to fucking differ. white stacys single mothers are a dime a dozen
>what they really want is for incels to just become hopeless simps and accept their subordinate position
Incels by and large already do that though, you faggots are the worst kind of simps too, you'd grovel and castrate yourselves if it means you get a crumb of pussy, which is why most incels becomes trannies, and why no one likes you. Women don't like you because you're a two faced dishonest shithead with no integrity or purpose besides being jealous of others, hence the "nice guy" meme.
I chose to be a shut in and I loved every second of it. The only thing I regret is not working out more at home.

The culture itself is changing. And the more Andrew Tates we create the greater chance one of them ends up in positions of power.
Why are you posting on the incel board if you are attractive, have experienced teenage love, and are married. Do you work a shit job and have a double digit IQ, so you feel the need to come here and feel better about yourself?
My Mother was a lazy ass that spent all day in bed high on opioids and my Father was an alcoholic who worked crazy overtime hours and would immediately come home, get drunk, and play games on the PC while ignoring me and my Sisters. And we were "homeschooled" (they didn't teach us shit). My Father died around the time I turned 18 so I got to be the new breadwinner, not because I gave a rats ass if my Mother went homeless but to keep my sisters off the street. I started with nothing more than a GED that I got to study for primarily because my Father was an internet addict. I didn't even have a car, I had to use the family car to get to and from work. Currently, my Mother is in a state-run home in whothefuckknows nowhere and I haven't spoken to her in over 5 years. I left home over 12 years ago and still ended up marrying my "highschool sweetheart" (in quotes because I was homeschooled), earning a Bachelors degree and have a fairly decent career. By all metrics I should have been a completely useless loser fuckup with no future. And looking back on what it took to get here, it wasn't hard at all. Just monotonous.
>describe sex-haver betas
>call them incels
fuck off. incels are incels for one of two reasons usually
>unironically fucked up to a severe degree in one or more departments
>not willing to stoop to the abysmal depths of hell that sex-haver betas will
the simps do get a crumb of pussy here and there, but at what cost?
look up bailan in china its basically the same except its more political
I've known about this shithole since at least 2011 but back then this board was mostly people posting their dicks, assholes, or cunts. Came to 4chan for edgy memes, accidentally found the incel board. And no, I'm here because I'm bored and no, I'm an Engineer. I do maybe a few hours of real work in a week then spend the rest of the time fucking off and occasionally yelling at the maintenance monkeys.
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>marrying my "highschool sweetheart"
i'm not judging anon. you get your qt3.14. fuck the haters, they aren't gonna pay your bills.
The only reason I know her was because she would hangout with my sisters and we hit it off.
>ncels are at least partially responsible for their sexlessness for spending their developmental years glued to the internet or video games
You've mixed up cause and effect to justify shitting on them.
They didn't go out and socialize more because they don't know how to do it. They probably had poor examples for socialization at home. They probably had domineering, angry single mothers that conditioned them to minimize their own presence to avoid conflict. They were never taught how to fit into their gender role, so they embarrass themselves when they do show up. You need to actually teach kids what will bring them success in life, what normal, healthy behavior is, and actively mold them into a person that will be a winner. If someone had encouraged them to lift weights and play sports and had been a good role model, they would have had different lives. It's on the parents and society for leaving them behind. It's just a free for all, parents completely fuck up their sons and no one cares.
The andrew tate stuff is just another gamer gate for the youth. Its people whining online, but no real change is happening. The actual facts are that each year women on average are becoming more educated, have more wealth, and are more likely to be hired when compared to a man with the exact same credentials. Each year more faggotry becomes accepted, and left wing ideology grows larger. Zoomers on average have voted blue more than any other age group before.

I have been hearing since 2010 that "this will be the year the pendulum swings!" and it never happens.

Well go ahead and piss and shit your pants dooming about everything. If you kill yourself can I have your stuff?
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>women seething about men seething about sexlessness are equally pathetic.
Nah, that's a level more pathetic. Most incels are innocently placed in their circumstance and are mostly herbivore shy males that wouldn't hurt a fly. At most they just make edgy posts on the internet.

Women seething about men like that are truly a phenomenon. Not only do they have to be aware of specific designated group of turbolosers, they have to delve into it, invest time to learn about it, all while not understanding where these unwanted men are coming from, and then seethe about it.

Like, I imagine describing incels to some of my Stacy acquaintances their reactions would be confusion and dismissal, or just outright disinterest. Women that invest time into hating incels and having strong opinions on incels are some of the biggest losers on this planet.
honestly good on you anon, but that's not really the point. incels don't necessarily have horrifyingly shitty live or anything. It's just that if you lack that basic social corner-stone of your mind that let's you socialize like a relatively normal person, there's fuck all you can really do. you're a permanent loner that can't do much more than make the best of being foreveralone.

The fact that i've been a social fuck-up for as long as i can remember probably means there's something in my head that just isn't wired right.
This. If your family life involves a batshit insane single mother that complains and gets angry over everything, and you have no one around to save you from it, you're probably going to develop all kinds of lifelong "mental illness". Social anxiety, conflict avoidance behavior, learned helplessness. And that's a death sentence as a boy/man.
>I'm an Engineer

Im even more confused now. So you have a wife you love, are attractive, work a great job, and you spend your free time posting with bottom tier filth? Are you a secret pedophile or a narcissist who needs to look at losers to feel better about themself? There is no way a normal human spends time on /r9k/ and derives enjoyment from the content here.
I don't get it. I was what most would consider a shut in when I entered the workforce at age 18 and had no trouble talking to people.

I think it's because on some level these women realize the incels are their looks and status matches and instead of accepting it they warp it into some weird hate campaign. As you said by mocking incels these women mock themselves more.
I've never met my father and my mother hated alcohol so I think your entire story is lie. Does that sound stupid to you? Because that's basically what you're saying and it sounds quite stupid to me.
role play tip: you kind of fell apart at the whole girls giving you their numbers and getting sexually harassed at work thing, you got to keep it more vague to be more believable, extra details like that just end up ruining the suspension of disbelief. I'll give you a 6/10 for kind of getting me going when it was just tinder hook ups
When did I imply im going to kill myself? Im just tired of teenage faggots like yourself thinking a culture shift is right around the corner, when literally nothing has pointed to that.
If you think I'm taking pleasure in the emotional pain that many of the posters here have, that's wrong. I don't do that because it would be sadistic. I'm not a secret pedo and I don't much care what opinions most people hold about me. I'm really only here because I got bored with trolling /pol/ and was clicking through the different boards and found this one.
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idk, i don't struggle with shyness or any shit like that, but i'm noticeably spergy. It's not lack of experience or trying, i've spent almost a decade at this point working jobs that have me shacked in with talkative normalfags all day. I know how to get along well enough, but no one wants to be friends with a fucking sperg.
lmao fr fr not gonna make it
>simps do get a crumb of pussy
You don't know what a simp is, if they got laid they wouldn't be simps, just like you wouldn't be an incel if you got laid. A betabuxxer isn't a simp just because he settles for used goods, neither is it simping to pay a hooker for a blowie. A simp however goes beyond his means for something he will never actually acquire.

tl;dr: pussywhipped =/ simp
>incel meet up
I see a couple of guys on that photo alone whom would've been 10/10 chad if only they were a bit taller, that's it.
I dont believe you, but thats because im bitter. Have a good life anon.
semantics. point being: incels are the guys that don't drag their balls through glass just to get a whiff of pussy. That and guys that are just irrecoverably fucked up.
I don't see why not meeting your Father or your Mother hating alcohol has anything to do with the validity of my "story". If it wasn't for his paycheck I would have wanted the bastard to drop dead because he was an abusive shitstain who thought of us more like another chore to deal with than his children. He didn't teach me shit. Everything I know is because I pushed myself to study to get a GED and eventually a degree.
You can count incels who've snapped with one hand but apparently they're a bigger threat than the pavement apes that commit violence every day
I've had to work with German Engineers before. They can range from stuck up assholes who thinks only they can be right, or autistic aspergers types that chew on their headphone cables in meetings. Most people in general don't want to be friends. I left my previous workplace of 8 years and some of the friends I made there have ghosted me on every social media site there is.
>I don't see why not meeting your Father or your Mother hating alcohol has anything to do with the validity of my "story".
anon at-least half of the internet is larping and/or ragebaiting
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>Most people in general don't want to be friends
I guess so. Even when i went to jail for a short bit people found me weird and just kind of ignored me even though there's literally nothing to do but talk in there. Only person that gave me the time of day was a schizophrenic that was at least a pretty cool guy.

Reading about normalfag social/dating struggles is always a pretty big blackpill. figure if normalfags have a hard time at it, good fucking luck if you're a tard.

I just pointed out the inevitable conclusion of a life where you decide to ignore every single positive piece of evidence to confirm your bias.

It's just the end of the path you set yourself on. Now if everything is bad nothing is good and nothing ever will be good can you at least give me your stuff when you neck yourself? I mean why be alive anyway when everything is so terrible?
both real events and also your writing advice sucks, if you are trying to larp you should include specific examples because that is what people do when describing things that happened
Ah I get it now. You are one of those terminally online faggots. I have friends and family that I share my life with. Just because culture is getting worse all around you, doesnt mean you shouldnt try to carve out a place for yourself and those you care about.

No you don't. You're just a demoralization shill posting on fucking R9K and when called out to take your own advice you just try to change topics like a slimy Jew.

Will you denounce the Talmud and say that Jews are racial supremacists genociding Palestinians?
I never implied or told anyone to kill themselves, that is you projection, you illiterate retard. I'm calling out your dumbass for thinking a "culture shift" is right around the corner. All you've managed to say is "b-but muh andrw tate!" Because you are a fucking retarded with no other argument.

>still attempting to demoralize
>identifies himself as a kike

Every time.
white men are almost as bad, 80% of them commit murders
>STILL hasn't made a counter argument

For someone who accuses others of being kikes, you certainly know how to deflect and make non arguments just like them. Go ahead, reply again without backing up your initial post. We both know you are too stupid to make a real argument without flinging kike accusations around.
there was an australian anon here who admitted to having multiple accounts and even had access to the FDS discord by paying some webcam prostitute for the verification, but that was like 5 years ago
It's just hypergamy, they dehumanize the people they should be dating to elevate their self-esteem and delude themselves that a more worthy male is waiting for them around the corner.

You defeated your own argument by not killing yourself.

>no argument

That's what I thought, pathetic lmao>>78017088
Does anyone else seek to free themselves from the desire for sex and romantic love?
I don't want to hate women and seethe about them. I don't want to fawn over them and prey for a girlfriend.
I just want to push thoughts of romance and sexual desire out of my mind entirely.
sadly the only way to achieve this is either monkhood or going through a relationship that destroys you. start meditating lil nigga
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This sounds like spiritual castration desu. idk why, but even though i see myself dying a miserable foreveralone virgin, i don't want to lose that feeling of attraction towards women. reality is most women are good, it's just shit circumstances and defective mind that resulted in them basically being an unobtainable goal.

the idea of being a mental eunuch just sounds like suicide fuel.
It's Schrodinger's Incel
Every incel is simultaneously a violent, immoral psychopath waiting for his chance to kill an innocent woman while also being a pathetic, wimpy pushover that just sits in his room all day wanking it to anime.
If a woman is worried a guy might be an incel, she can always fuck him, then she can be certain he is not.

How this simple logic escapes women, i do not know.
same thing as being called a racist, unironically means nothing to me, it also dilutes the word when you throw incel at anyone irate at getting no pussy, I have a gf, I have had sex with many women and have had multiple gfs, I've even had a FFM threesome, had a girl sucking my dick less than an hour after meeting her at a party and I still hold the same views as when I was a khhv, becoming sexually successful has only reinforced what I already thought kek.
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big think. you should start an info campaign fren, get the word out.
Hello my fellow incels

What do you think of the trend of governments around the whole world banning online porn? Is it an attack of the gynocracy upon inceldom?
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Women would unironically be safer amongst the chuddiest of incels than amongst "male feminist" hyenas.
monopolists hate nothing more than competition
>"male feminist" hyenas.

That's just another type of incel to be fair

Of course. Hypergamy isn't the problem women are perfect strong girl bosses the problem must be something else!
Terminally online faggots are in a bit of a weird purity spiral phase at the moment. They got a wild hair up their collective asses and decided that children needed to be safeguarded at all costs from anything remotely sexual. So now we have age verification porno and internet drama because someone posted their furry vore OC in a discord channel that might have been accessible to someone at one point that was only 17 years and 364 days old.

It's a retarded phase, it'll pass.
>how did objective observation of reality and our poor behaviour spread so far
can we ban 80iqs from the internet please
They get some pussy though. From mentally ill/insecure women but still.
While they are oversocialised, opportunistic neurotics, the stereotypical incel is the opposite of that. Still neurotic, but not as cynical and mostly looking for a loving relationship while leftist incels want sex and nothing more.
The reason he doesnt have a gf (this is just my personal theory) is hookup culture and the niggerification of whats left of dating and the fact women arent interested in love and romance with even Chad. Even if you are tall and good looking, if you are white you have still been bred to value love, intimacy and most importantly exclusivity. Some men can have it all and not get over that. All you need to do is look at the messaging in music now vs even just 12 years ago. This isnt even necessarily racial since niggers used to sing about love too, but the millennial fascination with the Californian gutter has consumed everything and it has a very real effect.
Show me the real feminists that think that.
The realization Ive had over the last 10 years is everybody knows. Everybody knows the analogy you made is fair and is true. Everybody knows Covid was fake. Everybody knows women by and large do no work that is valuable. Everybody knows feminism is a naked power grab. Arguing in good faith is just allowing them the pleasure to spit in your face while they do what they were going to do to screw you anyway.
About the Tarantino movies part, the guy always struck me as a really creep and weird dude, like weinstein vibes, especially with women.

What I can't get is why the hell nobody says he is a creep or incel or whatever.

He's the goodest shabbos goy
Ok but the anti-incel meetup is whales and trannies
They want you to be a good little obedient slave and spend your life working for no gain.
Being an incel is basically a white-only phenomenon, whites would rather ruthlessly self-exterminate themselves as a race to see who is the true ubermensch while Ranjeet and Jerome have 6 kids each. Even Asians dont have it this bad. Blame white roasties and their retarded boomer fathers for letting it get to this point.
They're more non-white, even in white countries.
Women caused this originally and unironically
blacks have an even lower birth rate than whites, don't know what you're on about.
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There are many people (the majority of online lefties really) who believe that the only reason that people disagree with them is because a magical evil algorithm brainwashed all those innocent people into their crazy positions. As such, many of the anti-incel types are genuinely incapable of recognizing that there are actual real problems in society that are causing so many young men to become incels. They live in a strange contradictory world where society universally shames and degrades incels for being misogynistic and low-value, while simultaneously believing that society (patriarchy, toxic masculinity) has brainwashed into being misogynistic and entitled.
>can't get laid
>>aktually u were brainwashed into being an incel
i know it's fucking bait, most of this board is.
No, U.N.C.L.E. stopped running ops on /fit/ a couple years ago, last time I checked.
That's nice, Equal_Connect, but I'm a stone cold chud who wears racist dogwhistle t-shirts in public and I managed to get laid a couple times. Maybe you have to pretend to be someone you're not because you're ugly.
>back in neolithic times, the bottom 60% of the male population were removed from the gene pool every generation
And that's exactly how we ended up with the 6' tall, 2' wide, musclebound giants known as the Yamnaya
This is an american problem.
I am 25 and i am part of that 10% that supposedly is getting "laid" and i am here to tell you i have never even been on a date with anyone and the most i have ever done with a girl was a peck on the lips with a girl that was 5 years older than me back in primary school
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You illiterate fucking retard. You either dont know the definition of 'disposable' or you dont have the slightest fucking clue what a man is and what it means to be a man.
It doesn't mean tolerating their shit, it means be more selective and don't pounce on anything that comes your way.
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>uncleposter is dead
say sike rn
Who's gonna be the standing army for national defense if you only have 1 man breeding 100 women?
Who's gonna be doing all the hard manual labor and building infrastructure?
Who's gonna make sure institutions are all up and running?

It's the reason matriarchal societies never last. They either get invaded or simply collapse are are absorbed.
>Because i want a girlfriend

Does he think it's a coincidence that none of the feminist women he's pandering to are dating basedboy/male-feminist dudes?

I almost feel sorry for this guy, but you gotta remember that he's willing to throw his own sex under the bus for women who think he's a repulsive subhuman. I'd be shocked if this dude ended up getting any pussy.
bro don't look up east asian birth rates, you'll be in for a shock
bitches simply wouldn't behave and now real men are boycotting fake women
>Tries to hang out at home date 1-3

Translation: "I've fucked multiple men on the first date but i don't find you as sexually attractive as my exes, so i'm going to make you bend over backwards to attain the sex that i happily gave out to chad for zero effort."

If a woman is single in her 30s (and she's not a widow) it's always for a good reason. Stay away.
>I will never understand how these women can be so disgusted by the sex drive of the people they are supposed to be sexually attracted to?
That's the thing, there not actually sexually attracted to them. Alot of women aren't really aroused by masculinity in a vacuum, only the things that come with it, confidence, respect by peers, money the willingness to work long hours ect ect. These left over women end up being spurned by male sexuality because they obviously rode the cock carousal and got burned multiple times by chad/tyrone, so they see any sort of expression of male desire as repulsive ESPECIALLY by the men that are willing to date them, beta providers since they aren't going to be the best looking guys. I can guarantee you tons of the roasties especially on sub reddits like this pray to god to be dykes every night.
you retard
you're fucking retarded lmaoo
>Moot/Hiroshimoot reset the robot
Holy fuck I'm so new, why would they ever do that? That defeats the purpose of the entire board.
I am for it. I am no puritan but porn isn't good for you. Porn fucks up the brain of teens and people with poor self control. I cannot think of a single reason why ubiquitous pornography is a good thing.
Modern leftism is a hollow ideology created by late stage capitalism. Economically, in a healthy society (that was achievable a century ago, never mind now), even an unexceptional man who followed a normal lifepath, who got a wife, worked 9 to 5 could afford everything he would reasonably want, like a house, a car, could start a family in his 20s, go on vacation, pay for skilled professionals when he needed them (including healthcare) , and have a nice rainy day/college fund for his kids. He could do all that with the wages he got for his middle-class job - a lifepath available for anyone willing to put in the work. And nobody, no corporation, no government could stop him.

Nowadays every fucking thing is getting more expensive, just the economic expense of existing, and renting a hole in the wall could put such a man in red - women and men are pushed towards putting off becoming 'kidults', put off founding a family in exchange for hedonism, with endless whoring presented as 'freedom' to women and autistic vidya shit pushed on men, so that people don't realize their own plight until too late.

Economic leftism is invented by the capitalist elites to paper over the imminent collapse of society. There are giant chunks of able bodies men who have fundamentally nothing wrong with them, but are unable to make the math work because of the insane greed of capitalists. The 'leftist' government is forced to step in, an subsidize the existence of these people, inventing 'rent control', 'subsidized healthcare', so that people can afford to pay for the excess profits these capitalists demand. But by being forced to rely on the goodwill of the government means most people are utterly enslaved by the system which can decide to cut them off at any moment.

This is all orchestrated by the elite class whose people ping-pong between political office and corporate boardrooms.
To respond to each of these points, in order:
-I can see how this would be construed as demoralizing by giving unsolicited advice. Most of the time men aren't that deep though.
-That's because he realizes you're being a bitch and he's trying to let the problem die, or he's looking for an escape route to end the date.
-Men are concerned with the safety of their women. You're a retard for not understanding that.
-Why the fuck would you go on dates then?
-Again, if it comes off as disingenuous I can see why it would feel bad.
-Getting to know you is part of dating, retard, but I agree that if it's all one-sided then it seems strange.
-I agree 100%, having to constantly entertain someone is a turn-off
-Wanting to go to your house on dates 1-3, they want to fuck you. Pretty much no way around that.
-Again, they want to fuck you. Turn off if you're not into that, I understand.
-This is sexual assault. Actually against the law. The only point in this entire post that we're easily on the same side.
-Same as above, unless it was a situation where it's clearly an accident.
-I'm not entertaining responding to this faggotry. If you don't like the sex then get railed by Tyrone on Tinder then complain for 18 years that your kid doesn't look like you. You should be dating because you enjoy the other person's company, and that involves getting to like everything about that person.
-While this can be construed as a schizo point, she makes a pretty good point if it happens too frequently.
-This solidifies my belief that most men are autistic, on some base level. But men are taller on average and longer leg lengths lead to longer strides. They have to make a conscious decision to walk slower.
-If they love their mom, they're a momma's boy, and if they don't they're an incel school shooter. You literally can't win with these women.
-Everything except for finances is fair game to be discussed on a first date. Finances however isn't any of your business at that level.
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Redditors are culpable to the hivemind because the only posts that are allowed to exist are ones that the hivemind agrees with. If you get downvoted your comments get hidden, and basically if enough people (or, in reality, lurkers) disagree with your post then you're not allowed to have an opinion. It's lazy drive-by moderation on an individual level. As opposed to 4chan where you have to actually make a post to call out anyone you think is a retard. Lurkers have no power here. And it's humbling because if you're a retard yourself people with either just not respond to your bait posts or you will actually get dogpiled on by anons if you're worthy of being addressed.

Also, the whole karma system is the antithesis of discussion. People will immediately look at the karma count of a post before actually reading the post itself, and the prejudice they form will affect their view of the post, regardless of its merits. Only OP posts should have karma, it should only be able to be up-voted, and that number should not be seen by anyone other than the server. But that's never going to happen because karma is a retarded fake internet currency that people basically equate to validation, and it mentally keeps them locked onto the site. And if they stay there, they want their karma to go up so they have to hide their based opinions and post retarded shit out in the open to make that currency go up. Which, over time, leads to their legitimate views being molded to change with the majority's, because they don't want to be seen as an outlier. Hence the "hivemind".

As opposed to just calling someone on 4chan a niggerfaggot and calling it a day.
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I was literally on the tail end of getting out of the military and they forced the vaxx onto us. Get it or dishonorable discharge.

Dude, it's unreal. The military pages that I followed (Air Force, to be fair), it was surreal how visceral people were about taking the vaxx. If you didn't, you were called a seditionist, a conspiracy theorist, a biological terrorist; all kinds of crazy shit. People openly advocating for your death and for your entire career to be thrown into the gutter because "now you're disobeying lawful orders". Even though a couple months after they kicked the people who refused the jab out, Congress forced the quality of discharges to be upgraded to General Discharges.

I was already redpilled by a lot of things, but the whole COVID situation, and the embarrassing Afghanistan pullout and how government reacted to anyone in the military who had a problem with their sacrifices going down the drain, and how the military has gotten a lethal injection of DEI within the past half decade made me realize our military isn't the heroes I grew up to believe they were. You will send your sons and daughters to die for Shekel Schlomoberg and you will like it. Anything other than blind acceptance will be considered you not wanting to be an American anymore.
trips of truth recognized, but most threads 404 by the time an anon will make a comic specifically tailored to a thread.
The weird thing is this is all internet shit - the consensus among my offline acquaintances - mostly normal, well adjusted people - was that I don't know what this shit is and I don't want to put it in my body, and I fucking hate that the government forces me to.
If there was a cheap and safe chemical castration drug with no serious side effects. Could it realistically be used to reduce the suffering of incels?
expectations nominal.
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Women will take your shit no matter what.
If men stop marrying whores, then the state will force you to subsidize women's lives.
That's what 'Student Loan Forgiveness' is about. A wealth transfer from productive non college graduates (99% men) to unproductive college grads (99% women).
The only solution is to get paid under the table and immediately buy precious metals and crypto.
Or just meet your life away and hope for a better go, the next go around.
I've had pretty much the same experience. The "working man" type of people didn't want it, which was the vast majority. The only exceptions I've encountered were those in healthcare, officeworker types and people who were higher rank. Basically, all kiss asses besides the healthcare workers, who were fucked because of the career-field they went into.

To this day, I don't understand how the side who didn't want the COVID jab was labeled anti-vaxxers. You literally get something like 20 shots in Basic Military Training and all the way to 2019 nobody batted an eye. ONE SHOT got refused and all of a sudden they equate you with some 1300's era Black Death peasant.

Like I said, it was surreal. I guess it redpilled a lot of people on the fence because within the past couple years the DoD has been struggling to hit recruiting numbers pretty hard, and it looks like it's only getting worse. I won't say the reasons were because of the COVID jab though.
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>Or just meet your life away and hope for a better go, the next go around.
It's what I'm doing right now. After the 2008 financial crisis, my parents didn't hide that we potentially were going to lose the house. Parents got divorced and dad somehow kept the house. I start working at 16 and save every paycheck I had and at 24 I had enough money to pay off the rest of the mortgage for the house. It's now in my dad and I's name. Now I just help pay for insurance and taxes, and $400 a month to help out with my end of the bills.

I've saved enough money because videogames is my only interest and it's the cheapest hobby in terms of how far a dollar will go. I've been NEET since November and I plan on repainting my ceiling when my savings hits zero. People don't like me, my family is in a constant state of shambles, my friendships (exclusively online) are on life-support as my friends have moved on to do things with their own lives, and I have no relationship prospects. My family also can't stand me because I play videogames. You image sings to my soul, anon. Saved. There's truly no point in waiting to keel over in old age if this is all that life has for us.
Is this whole thread satire? Nigger have you ever held down a job? You going to tell me those goblin normalnigs that marry little Latin goblinas aren't real? Only 10% my ass
INCELdom is the result of 5000 years of oppressive patriarchy. Some only whine and bitch while the most militant gangrape and kill women. Though a battle for 5000 years women didn't raise armies nor were they able to use physical force, only their minds and cunning because men were violent and do not respond to reason. Though retribution is well deserved women have chosen not to punish but to distance themselves from most men. Women are taking back ownership of their bodies and minds and resist enslavement of brutish thought and actions. You can hear the death rattle of the patriarchy yet the INCEL still lashes out. Our strength is our numbers and our superpower declaration NO, NOT YOU.
The world would be a much safer place with castration of males at puberty onset.
lmao imagine viewing world as some sort of gangrape millenia long fantasy

The feminist forums rotted your brain to the core
No just factual reports. ie Just yesterday a gangrape of a 10 yo female and her death.
Honestly after working 12 hour shifts at a psych ward and getting nothing at all I just went demineet mode I make 300$ less but I also only work 12 hours a week. It isn't worth it slaving away to a system that Hates you. I can just spend all day reading manga watching anime and drawing
Yeah that guy's a retard. I guarantee you that he's gonna get blackpilled in no time
In fact, they love some beating that doesn't show
>heh guys it's easy as fuck im literally not chad
>btw i had plenty of girls crush on me
KYS normalnigger get the fuck out asap
Are you 12 and mad at the prospect certain porn could be harder for you to get or something?
Gee, it's almost like incel ideology is based on observations of women's and men's actions rather than just random misogyny. If you want young men to stop using blackpill ideology and incel language than change women's actions to where they aren't hypergamous whores
>a concern for your comfort or safety that feels misplaced, weird, or childlike

Excuse me??! These same women will then talk about how men don't know how to treat a woman like a lady while also coming out of her 3rd abusive relationship.

I'd give her the benefit of the doubt and say she's dating again at 35 because maybe her long term relationship ended, but she's posting on 2x chromosomes, so no. This woman is just trash and has insane baggage, and she is receiving crap men in accordance with her value.

Ok lets go to nearby motel over there

dowsing rods do actually work though... so what is the argument portrayed by the image?
>why is the incel ideology spreading so much
>surely it can't be because nobody can get laid
These aren't women speaking to each other. This is a tranny referring to women as bitches. And even if it is not, it's a morbidly obese hippo you wouldn't want to touch anyway.
>no u
Pretty typical response from an illiterate, nigger-brained moron.
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Someone should do an edit of this
The problem is that it's too late for many of us. I'm nearing 30. Assuming you're right, and that women are good by nature; and it's modern culture that degenerates them.
There still are no virgin women my age. They're all ruined when they hit 20. And no decent women would be with a much older guy; that is a sign that she is mentally a whore too.
Best case scenario. Culture starts shifting today against degeneracy. It will probably still take around 30 years for society to change. I'll be 60 by then. I will look back at young women finally beig virginal and non whorish.
I can only hope to change society for future generations. But buddhist cope is the only thing I can do.
2/10. Not very believable LARP. You need to type and talk like a woman if you want to convey the bitter feminist.
I'm holding down a job right now. Have never held down a girl before and the only white dudes I know with women are all ten years older and been married for over a decade.
I really don't know what's going on
Why does that headline read like a Tarantino movie?
There's been countless scientific studies into lookism and what women find attractive and countless chadfish experiments where people chadfish as a chad who is a racist, nazi and pedophile and women don't give a shit. The blackpill can't even be denied at this point.
>only white dudes I know with women are all ten years older and been married for over a decade.
>I really don't know what's going on
Hookups. That's pretty much all that's going on is hookups. It's a bit funny because it isn't even like the fantasy of chad and stacy partying it up as far as i can tell. It's a bunch of cold, confused, jaded normalfags awkwardly navigating bizzare and pointless modern social dynamics. If the jews actually were pulling strings trying to destroy birth rates, mission accomplished; these confused weirdos sure as shit aren't reproducing in any significant numbers.
Any idea that take responsibility away from a group will be favored by that group.
dyk a woman said chad once?
You dogs deserve your place.
>redditard still thinks incel is an ideology
These people literally learn nothing. You can't teach them anything.
People failed to realize the growing plight, just wait until gen alpha grows up its gonna be hilarious

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