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so we just gonna chill while a lesbian cult is grooming all the girls to hate men?
Yea, shit is fucked and there's not much we can do about it besides sit and watch everything burn to the ground. Maybe even we get engulfed in flames as well, but what else can we even do?
You will literally never understand what its like to be a woman if you think a lesbian cult needs to groom us to hate men. I dont even hate men but sometimes I find it hard to blame women who do, men are by far the biggest threats to our regular lives and ways of living.
It is what it is, ignore the cunt above me. I'm moving to the midwest where country girls still exist, thank god.
something happened this year that really made them snap, i don't know what's going on
Everyone here needs to read Simon Sheppard's books.
Won't work on someone pretty now will it? Same with turning someone gay who doesn't look like a fag.
i will not be reduced to sucking dick, my most primal urge because women wanna play scissors
I used to be afraid of men but now I'm not going to lie, I kind of get off on their hate.
>I kind of get off on their hate.
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It didn't take a brainwashing cult for me to learn to hate women. This says a lot about our society.
In any case, fuck em. I don't want their love anymore.
I'm already married, idgaf
I used to try my best not to upset them or insult any part of their ego or masculinity, now I find myself going out of my way to poke fun at their weak spots.
What are the weak spots?
Whatever gives them confidence, completely different for each man. Some are powered by money, others body, others their own mother... it's about finding it out.
Literally half of 4chan is talking about raping and enslaving women, and about wanting to have the right to fuck 12 year old girls, you do this to yourselves. No wonder women hate you
>lesbian cult
aka jews.
Say what you mean.
yo FUCK dude look teens are reading this shit and going "ah ha!" like these fucking HAGS are fucking up the show and i can't even
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>something something mental illness
if a girl can be groomed into hating men then they probably werent the type of person Id like to associate with anyways
OP, I know you want your thread to succeed but you don't need to pretend to be the opposition.
In your case it's an instant avoid, you're simply schizophrenic with no basis for confidence, you shouldn't even be allowed to socially interact but that's the internet for you; no wonder you're on 4chan?
Bro, stop. Get some help. Unironically.
Go get a knife and kill your mother.
Bro, I'm just gonna call your local police department. I told you.
You're having a mental breakdown.
See? It's so fun.
what lesbian cult are you talking about?
idk apparently anyone who hates men is a lesbian now
if u wanna kill a man, like actually just mind rape him for life, lead him on then reject him; boom, fucked for life
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what are you talking about
what's going on
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and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon
it's hard to explain what it is, it's like a sting to the head, a bee inside your brain that is constantly stinging you, it's really painful
men are simply the worst thing to ever exist and it isn't even funny, they're being removed of all power, and once they're in a weakened state they're going to get rushed
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why should I care they'll just realize that the grass is not greener on the other side and start clawing at themselves
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>be man
>have to deal with men's bullshit 100 times over what women have to deal with
>also have to deal with cunty women who blame me for the same guys i have to deal with
you don't know the the half of it when it comes to this shit. you complain that the inmates leer at you, meanwhile i'm locked in the cage with them all day every day.
its sad but I can't blame them
men are just coomers in human skin
imagine having to worry about every interaction you have being an attempt at cooming
or some weird distorted perception of reality and fantasy being projected onto you and you being treated as an object/fantasy instead of a person
now imagine that with all the worst traits of a woman you can think of, and you have your average man, I am not kidding
the gaslighting, the head in the clouds, projecting retardation just imagine all the worst traits of women in men and then understand they manifest in different ways, and thats most men
apologies as a man mean little to most women they still have to deal with the shit on a daily basis
I wish I was more self aware growing up, it took a LOT to grow a brain and it unfortunately came at the expense of girls before me, they didn't deserve that, the only way to correct it is via violence/culture shock/strict punishment from early on otherwise you get rape machines with little regard for human life, i.e. your average white boy in college
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you gotta keep it simple lad. you start posting walls it becomes to obvious to entertain even out of boredom.

Do more of what OP does, less of this.
its not bait, the world does not revolve around you, you communicate through more than just words, you communicate through action, body language, intonation
thinking its bait proves you just do not get it, and probably never will like most men, you're incapable of empathy or understanding a human experience outside yourself

in other words, you are a nigger
>imagine if it happened to you
your response:
>but it didnt
okay boys i'll give you the top pickup line of 2024
you are better than me in every way, how do we proceed... you want this cock, bitch?
have fun
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>>the only way to correct it is via violence/culture shock/strict punishment from early on otherwise you get rape machines with little regard for human life, i.e. your average white boy in college
>>>i'm not baiting guyz!
like i said rajesh, subtlety.
he's literally not wrong
men rape with their eyes and projections and i feel that shit
Germaine Greer is genuinely unwell, I grew up reading her articles and took that as what then-year feminism was. Locking all men up in cages, all women should be lesbians, etc. Now it's like some David Icke levels of conspiracy bullshit, except it was in The Guardian of all places.
I find it funny there's no male empowerment movements to note of besides toxic shit like "dude just get paid get laid g" like what does it even mean to be a man these days? they've completely lost their identity
There is no lesbian cult
Stop believing everything some random anon says
2 hardcore bitches in your room haunting your walls
Rush Limbaugh was preaching this kind of retard shit to his fellow moids decades ago
You ever read up on actual feminism? They unironically believe in weird shit like this. How much influence they have is another story though.
well 50 years ago women were literally property now they're completely in control of like everything
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>women were literally property sisters!
this shitty ass meme. acting as if women had it hard back in the day, ignoring that just about everyone had it hard back in the day.
wdym men had it made, they had their girl, that's literally -all- they need
Ive already been through that.

Yes actually on an academic level even back in uni
No, most feminists arent lesbos
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Tried looking into stoicism? It's fairly straightforward but there ARE guides on Stoicism for Current Year, that type of thing. It fits with being a man/masculine without being a dick, pretty well.
>No, most feminists arent lesbos
didn't really say they were, just that feminism gets to hyberborea levels of insanity.

>i may be a poor as shit serf, but at least i have my wif- oh nvm, landlord took her.
>oh nvm, landlord took her.
dude why does every man in current year have this weird cuck idealization
nobody wants your bitch
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>half-hearted response to what is most likely a joke/bait post
>cuck idealization
i love that image thanks i saved it
i just don't know why men are so angry and incapable of producing a good time
a woman always gets everyone going and acting animated, excited, everyone is happy when she's around, then when it's just the boys it's like... why do we even live?
there's really something to this shit!
Now this is good bait. Simple, direct, plays to the classics everyone loves to hate. Good shit.
i have to assume this is a woman post. if you're a man and a woman walks into the room, you can practically see the switches in guys heads go from friendly to shithead when it comes to dealing with other men.

the best time you're going to have with other guys is when there's no women around.
Those are troons, they are men, not lesbians.
are all women gaslighting you or do we really see you having sex with us with your eyes?
mawahahaha fight puppets, fight!
It's your boobs that are gaslighting my eyes into being distracted.
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i would laugh about it, but women still unironically think they have it so bad because they have to deal with a fraction of the shit guys have to deal with eachother.
>grrr it's the trannies! the trannies are the ones who hate men, not women... no not my mom!
shut up bitch
>a woman always gets everyone going and acting animated, excited, everyone is happy when she's around
Ive seen some women that are so lethargic they become emotional black holes not even other women want anything to do with.
yes, this is a lot of fun for women
remember, guys, don't interact with women for no reason
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they do it outta love
they wanna own us
we just gotta be available
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I love how I can rape women just by looking at them! My eyes hold such great power! El psy congroo! You've been raped again! bwahahah
how much do you pay for testosterone drugs
>El psy congroo
The what now?
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I don't need to pay for test drugs when I can rape every female in the universe simply by thinking about it. I've raped you 500 times in the last minute alone!
western women deserve to be beaten. lower than criminals
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bitch you barely have a clit where the fuck u gonna get a dick
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I take great offense at being called a woman
i wanna color your face
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Sorry too busy raping
They're almost the same as trannies. TERFS and militant trannies like Reiko and Aero are very similar in behavior.
>similar imagery
>never argues, only recites
>aggressively seeks the company of young people of the same sex
>grooming not purely sexual in nature, but mostly political
>usually done by men/women who already failed at life and want to spread their poison so that they can feel related to one more person
>their only goal in life and their entire identity revolves around an imaginary victory over the other sex (getting rid of men/replacing women with trannies)

Do you think there's might be a reason both of these groups are basically treated like domestic terrorists in Russia?

The cult of Sheila Jeffries. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheila_Jeffreys

There is a concept known as political lesbianism that insisted that you were a traitor to the feminist cause if you dated or married men. It was quite literally an accepted idea that sexual orientation and practices were a choice with political consequences, and that lesbianism was the only feminist option.

Even if you disagree with this idea, the fact of the matter is that childless men and women are the ones with the most free time and energy to engage in the culture war. Incels on one side, lesbians on the other. No normal, well adjusted, heterosexual person with a family has the available bandwidth to concern themselves with these kinds of social issues.

Culture wars are fought by queers and losers. Always has been.
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>Germaine Greer
Why are women like this?
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>so we just gonna chill while a lesbian cult is grooming all the girls to hate men?
does this mean we get more lesbian porn and escorts thinking they are owning men? kek

It's easy to have a good time when you're spending someone else's money.
boo hoo nigga i can have fun in the mud if you weren't such a fucking faggot
ironically enough, both of these groups hate average white males the most as rational thought is their kryptonite and they thrive only in conflict

It's always been like this. Every meaningful civilization with a recorded history has opposed homosexuals and deviants. When people aren't kept busy raising and caring for their children they seek individual purpose by tearing down society. Those burdened with raising the next generation cannot afford to waste time fighting cultural battles.

When every society comes to the same conclusion about a behavior it's pretty safe to say that it's a good conclusion.

? I don't follow. I'm just saying that a woman can come to a party and have a good time knowing that her man will be the one picking up the tab.
>a woman always gets everyone going and acting animated, excited, everyone is happy when she's around
This only happens if she's really cute. Most women are boring or annoying.
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That was started by a black woman (pic related).
>I'm with her
Hillary Clinton isn't a Jew. She's as Anglo as it gets.
I have a good reason to hate men, I get emotionally abused by e-boys who just end up blocking me and leading me on.

signed, Chickn.

and yes they did lead me on, we would discuss meeting in person for months and never end up meeting in person.
Least man-hating foid
Is this photoshopped? Her face is basically 50% just her fucking nose.
>men are by far the biggest threats to our regular lives and ways of living
actually that would be cars, but i don't see you being paranoid about crossing the street. I wonder why that is
>men are simply the worst thing to ever exist
then why are you enabling the worst things to ever exist by using technology that was invented by them? Or living under a roof that was built by them? Or relying on them for protection from animals? If men really are the worst thing to ever exist then you'd do everything in your power to stay away from them and everything associated with them. Go live in the woods with bears (who will totally not maul you) and be peaceful away from men there
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>internet strangers living god knows where don't meet up with me
>and i refuse to just go the fuck outside and meet people
>so yeah, men are evil
i think if other people wanting to fuck you makes you this dysphoric and uncomfortable that's more of a you problem than it is a them problem
Red pill me on the cult. Or is this just a general thing?
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Volcel if you wouldn't desu wa
No little jimmy, it means more harpies to insult and degrade you throughout all of your social life, now get out and play footie with the lads or something.
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>men are by far the biggest threats

You mean aside from the wolves, bears, tigers, lions men have all killed? You mean besides from dysentery which men have gotten rid of with modern plumbing and water filtration? You mean aside from exposure to arid and frigid environment which mean have gotten rid of by building your houses? You mean aside from literally every single fucking thing that makes up your existence inside and outside the home?

You ungrateful creature.
make my burrito bitch
go away gringo, no tranman here.
your husband's dick ain't gonna suck itself
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somehow they all serve cunt to sexy guys despite the brainwashing so i would be more concerned about YOURSELF getting groomed into a slave for nepotists thinking she give a fuck about ur ass when u passin her cash
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qrd on this "cult"?
it's a general thing, a social phenomenon and a result of feminist grooming. It's not one specific cult, but a cult-like ideology
>lesbian cult is grooming all the girls to hate men?
Literally who are you talking about
these bitches think they can date each other
we're the kings here!

I mentioned one example here >>78011351. They specifically advocated for political lesbianism, basically telling women that they weren't feminist if they dated or had sex with men. They openly pushed Lesbianism as the solution to patriarchal control. The whole "Independent woman, don't need no man" ethos is a branch of political Lesbianism that impacts straight women and grooms them to be self serving spinsters. A current day example would be the Megalians out of South Korea who are pushing for the abolition of all forms of heterosexual romance in order to achieve political goals.

To put it another way, you don't have to be gay to be a limp-wristed sissy faggot. This is the female equivalent, and the leadership of these organizations are almost always Lesbians with way too much free time.
>culture needs free time to form
Not exactly a startling revelation.

Yeah, it sounds obvious because it is obvious. Even so, people don't quite realize it. People see the anarkiddies, commies, trannies, feminazis as nothing more than fringe weirdos who are too few in numbers to meaningfully shift culture. In practice they have infinitely more capacity to wage culture war compared to the normal citizens living normal lives.

People hear lesbian cult trying to corrupt young women and it sounds insane. Lesbians are a small percentage of the population, political sycophants are another small minority. How could you ever form a cult of sycophantic Lesbians big enough to change anything? The answer is because they have nothing better to do, while everyone else is too busy trying to provide for their family. You just can't keep tabs and organize against every group of fringe weirdos without becoming a fringe weirdo yourself.
Someone got groomed as a kid.
Why would you single that part out before the part where she wrote a pro-pedophilia book?
I live in the midwest and I hate to break it to you but the girls here are some of the most egotistical retards you'll meet.
kid i hate to break it to you but men are in the gutter, they're horrible, they're miserable fucks with no direction and no ability to self-regulate emotions, they let themselves decompose mentally into hate and unrest until they lash out or internalize ka-boom
>noticing that men suck is "grooming"
You know... I've known a few rape victims that liked to do what you do until they got too bold and reckless.
You convince yourself that men are weak and won't do anything well you BPD all over their lives and eventually one snaps and reminds you how ugly a man can be and you're left traumatized for life.

That's actually the truth behind a lot of rapes in the west.
Most women nowadays are chad widows

Constantly butthurt at men because chad pumped and dumped their asses

bahahaha, there isn't a single thing you can do to a woman that hurts her, even death is sweet release that while scary at first is ultimately welcomed
Do you have any idea how easily the female brain is manipulated?
Ehhh... You'll end up ODing in a gutter sooner or later and nobody will miss you

Anyone who is unhappy is easily manipulated. Issue is that women are never happy.
at least you admit there is a female brain, some guys here think the only difference between us is our genitals! bahahaha
You haven't been able to manipulate it into dating you yet
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Now you just sound psychotic... Women are pretty easily traumatized.
i use my trauma as manipulation to make people feel bad for me :)
Why do you wanna blame lesbians for the way women are? Lesbians are like the only women who are actually cool and chill. I mean, not really, theyre still foids to a certain extent, but theyre usually way chiller than regular women.
cuz we're dealing with men!
>Lesbians are like the only women who are actually cool and chill.
We're not talking about the same lesbians.
nigger they are all batshit fucking crazy
what lesbians have you been talking to

Nonsense. If they were traumatized they wouldn't repeat the same mistakes.
Yeah, i admit a lot of men are kind of retarded when it comes to women but that cuts both ways. A lot of women are just deeply unhappy and like to blame men for their failings and unfortunately instead of just processing their bullshit in a healthy way they go through life giving vulnerable young men a reason to resent women all well women become increasingly afraid of men.
The male brain is like an ax, a tool for construction but also a weapon hell bent on destruction.
The female brain is more of an ouroboros.
Lol. I'm a failed normie, I'm actually good with women.
It's a coin flip, either they're the best or the worst. I guess that makes them like men actually
Idk, regular ones. Midwestern. They seem way less man-hating than straight women. And they can actually relate to you because they have to deal with dumb women too.
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This entire thread is just dudes LARPing as BPDemons....
Well done OP, well done.
the male brain is like an ant, it receives order from the queen and acts accordingly without even knowing it
>I'm actually good with women.
Then why are you here?
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Because i fucking can be. Fite me irl faggit!

Because the ethos of being an "Independent woman" that "Don't need no man" originated from second wave lesbian feminists.
wait until 5th wave feminism to see some real shit!
i hate men but i love their dicks and their bodies and their faces and their adams apples and their voices and their cute boyfeelings
am i cooked
>triggers mass dysmorphia

Your son will have a bright future in the Martian cum and joke mines.

I think you'll pull it off.
awww thank you but if i have son that kid is gonna be so poorly raised and neglected
i fucking hate men, i don't wanna bring another one into the world... a mini me though sounds pretty cool
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as easily as a chud can be manipulated into believing that smashing their face with a hammer or taking estrogen is the best way to get girls
>smashing their face with a hammer
i will never get over this
break your fucking legs!
The hammer smashing is not a thing.
Trannies aren't real men, they're their own subcategory. I barely even consider them as human.
I don't believe there's any truly concentrated effort. More a byproduct of how alienated a lot of youth have become from their peers as well as lack of strong self-identity. This problem of sexes being at odds is inevitable due to the average man and woman being dumb as rocks and having no time/interest to rectify that but I don't think it's some grand conspiracy.

You say that, but once you self-actualize you'll realize that your sadism is the only thing that gives your life a sense of purpose. You'll create new people just to harm them. His cries will cause you to spontaneously lactate, and it will turn you on to deny him this nutrition. He won't grow to his full height, be raised on cucked feminist platitudes, struggle in life, then eventually take his own. You will farm this event for sympathy on social media and rub your cunt to the memories.
Either this or a CC raid.
i am literally turned on

Yeah, that was the point. I post some sadistic coom bait, which tricks you into going mask off. Enjoy the O, nona.
it's too bad i don't have a dick or i'd fuck you
The only way men can fight back is by getting with trannies, this is just a mess

Not trying hard enough. Enough T-Gel on your clit and you can get it long enough to reach my prostate.
Men and women aren't different species you retard
Everyone had a father and a mother
ewww ur a man? i thought u were a girl larping

Took ya long enough. Should have been obvious when I told you my goal was to get you to tell on yourself. Just goes to show that extreme sexual sadism passes for female-written cliterature.
Lowkey I am kinda into this I wish I had a girl to keep me in line and tease me and we could go back and forth a bit
You need the yin and the yang
Variety is the spice of life
wdym u literally typed a wet dream of every reasonable woman alive, torture of sons, and I'M the one telling on myself? pshaw
What the actual fuck
I thought the idea that SIDS was women killing their babies was a misogynist myth but now I am not so sure
Imagine if a father said this about daughters
father's don't have the balls, they ain't shit
i wish my dad killed me straight, this world is nothing and i'm over it

> literally typed a wet dream of every reasonable woman alive

Yeah, I know. Like is said, the goal was to get you to say it. It should be obvious to everyone at this point, but some men still hold out hope. The key takeaway is that the smut I posted wasn't just something that turns women on, it's something that was assumed to be written by a woman. It's was immersion breaking to you to see that level of sadism coming from a man.
bitch shut the fuck up stop gaslighting me
Wait the biofem general is a lesbian cult?

Everything women do is on purpose. The feminists are right, the patriarchy has gaslit society into treating women like they're incapable of evil.


I don't fuck anyone who can't pin me down and take it for themselves.
are you asking me out for coffee?

I don't ask anyone for anything. People who are worthwhile get offers to accompany me to places I was already going to anyway. Shakes over coffee. Coffee dates are fake and gay.
it's just a formality, i have no intentions of drinking anything but your piss

Like I said, if you were going to get an offer you would have gotten an offer.
keep that pussy under lock & key girl, i'm sure you'll make your husband very happy

I'm a man. Other men should do the same. Women are winning in relationships and men should be taking notes. If you have to simp and "ask" someone for their time you're setting yourself up as the lesser.

The lowest you should stoop is an invite to something you were already going to do. Ideally you're the one receiving the invites. Begin prioritizing height and strength. I have no plans to commit to anyone small and weak, and you shouldn't be wasting your seed on people whose genes are too weak to carry their own weight. I don't consider women under 5'8" and under 160 pounds.
With a single thread you've managed to make them hate us significantly more.

I honestly think it's a combination of not going outside + single gender echo chambers + true crime brainrot + violent porn + increasing mental illness that has made young women hate guys so much. Misandrist dykes have probably contributed too, but I wouldn't give them all the credit.
girl log off
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>believing that smashing their face
that was one dude you fucking retard, why do you always bombard people with these absurd generalizations. Should I assume that you're eating cat shit too?
there's like dozens of videos on youtube of people demonstrating it live
This reads like some Reddit cuck that wanting to impress femnazis.
As you can see from this thread, it is already over. Too many pussy whipped cucks and trannies to actually do anything.

Keep losing, and keep simping for physically weak, emotionally fragile women. The feminists are right about the patriarchy. Powerful men have convinced young women that they are weak and that young men are obligated to shoulder the burden and make up for the weakness of women. It's caused men to simp for tiny women who lean into the weakness narrative to get free shit.

Reality is they're about 80-90% the strength and speed. (Pound for pound). They should be held accountable and more should be expected from them.
mra bot? you're like listing off andrew tate levels of logic pound for pound without actually being committed to any of this
Trannies like you are a plague on this board. Please consider logging off and ending your life.
okay first of all trannies are men, they don't see themselves as women, they know better
secondly, the only people who end their lives are MEN
now follow the fucking leader and JUMP bitch, JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMP
Damn tranny youre in deep denial. No woman would ever be this annoying and retarded.
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I found like 4 or 5 videos and two of them actually performing it and the third rehashing the swiss dude's videos and there's also a woman on page one to cash in on it.

Also, most of the comments under the only relevant video with enough views are negative and it's just a short, not even a full vid.
Women hating guys is depressing and demoralising but it's also kind of hot. It's like yes this is contributing to the decline and fracturing of our society but at the same time, imagining a cute girl who loathes all men but who I still manage to win over into liking me is just such a satisfying thought.
It will never happen and would most likely not work out if it did, but it would be so cool to have someone who simultaneously hates and loves me. I wonder if women ever have similar fantasies about misogynistic guys.
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>the only people who end their lives are MEN
That's right, women ask specialists to do it for them.
so it didn't work for you

The MRAs would never admit that feminists are right about something, nor would they admit that they've been the cultural winners for the past few generations. They're losers because they refuse to do the things winners do.

I'll say it again, the feminists are right. Women are stronger and more capable than anyone will give them credit for. If you want better results from people start holding them to the expectations you know they are capable of.
Awww anon you romantic you. I wish had your innocence.
Any girl susceptible enough to suggestion to fall for that was not worth commiserating with anyway.
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Fuck off from this board, recrooter zogbot nigger.
lol they are so incompetent they need assisted suicide.
>men are repulsive
>no we're not! *acts in a very repulsive manner*
men! no self-awareness, no common sense, social poison
Thats the horrible truth isnt it? Same thing can be said for the ones that troon out and identify with retarded pronouns.
Were just giving back what you give us.
>no common sense
>feminism revolves around the idea of standpoint theory which argues that any point of view is valid despite the actual reality
and we're winning!
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Winning what? An utterly demoralized brown world where you can't even leave your home? Good for you, sister.
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>Women are stronger and more capable than anyone will give them credit for
women get nothing but fucking credit. it's comical the amount of smoke society and women blow up eachothers asses. hearing women talk to eachother you'd think it was a fucking comedy skit if you didn't know better. And they still act like they're being held back at every corner.
You know whats funny about this? They are still going to believe that we should be obligated to help women.
fact: if a woman gives you any sense of attention you will break your back for her to please her, always, every time, without fail, without fault, you will go the distance
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>They are still going to believe
That's just the thing, the universe is indifferent to beliefs.
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He might, but they won't. Enjoy your new neighbors and my replacement.

The fuck are you talking about? The patriarchy includes all the men on Capitol Hill who send young men to fight their wars.

Women started self advocating and got favorable results from it. Men should do the same if they want similar favorable results.
Nah. Thats some simp shit.
you're a zogged niggercatle trying to recroot women, it's painfully obvious
Not everyone has your cucked worldview. Some of us have standards.
fact: when a sandwich maker is making a sandwich for a woman he works extra hard and applys extra everything to make her happy
women are nature's sandwich makers thoughbeit
Youre not beating the cuck allegations.

You misunderstand me. They get credit for victimhood. They don't receive it based on their merit. If a woman were to win the math Olympiad and said "I worked really hard at this and am really happy with my performance." they would immediately fade into obscurity. If instead they spent half their interview talking about the struggles of being a woman competing in Mathematics everyone would suck their clits for it.

>And they still act like they're being held back at every corner.

They do it because it works, and there was a time when doing that kind of thing was considered anti-feminist. It undercuts female liberation to pretend like you were weak and helpless.

The problem is that most Men's rights types sip the patriarchal Kool-aid that says women are weak. The narrative goes that women can't do things as well so they shouldn't be doing things. Nah, fuck that. Put those women to work.
hey stop love bombing me!!!!!!!!!
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Then go make me a sandwich and apply extra everything to make me happy

They do make for good killers. There's no doubt in my mind that a woman would be able to push the button, launch a predator missle, blow up a hospital, and not feel PTSD or guilt nearly as severely as a man would.

That's irrelevant though. Women don't need your protection, nor do they deserve it.
>There's no doubt in my mind that a woman would be able to push the button, launch a predator missle, blow up a hospital, and not feel PTSD or guilt nearly as severely as a man would.

That goes without saying, women will always find ways to shift away from accountability. The solipsism they have basically gives them immunity to prolonged guilt and shame.
Anyway, if I was a professional serviceman, I wouldn't want a woman anywhere near me.
keep posting pepes and i might get in the mood
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That's apu, not pepe, newfriend.

>Anyway, if I was a professional serviceman, I wouldn't want a woman anywhere near me

Of course. I'm not talking about field assignments here. I'm just saying there's plenty of non-combat shit they can perform well enough and that they'd probably better suited for the remote dirty work/war crimes parts of the job.

I just want men to stop buying into the narrative that women are incapable of shit. They can do most things good enough, and they should be expected to do those things.
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Reject 3D women, become Fictosexual
I don't hate ALL men. But it's getting hard to trust any of them when all the men in my life have been terrible to me. (E.g. attempted to molest me, tried to modest my cousin, played me for my friend, wasted my time and did me dirty after I trusted him for three years, was racist against me, etc.)
If you want to pick up a rifle and gun down lesbian that's your call.

Hold 3d women to the standards met by fictional women. That's what they're doing to you.
women are literally becoming gods and nobody is stopping them
they can do no wrong? they're always right? they always win? what the fuck!
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spooky waifus > everything else
shit opinions need not apply.
idk man women usually are this retarded and annoying
looks jewish enough LMAOOOO
>nigger rapes woman
>nigger stalks the street
>nigger deals drugs
>nigger beats woman
>nigger makes them feel uneasy in public
>i hate men
Amen. Had to drop a good one for that shit.
>finding love on /r9k/
This only works if you're chad (me) and meet them irl in a friendly situation (like I did) before you ask them out
Could Kaczynski have imagined a society so awful that not only does existing in it make people want to kill themselves? What about a society where the government says, "we know lmao"?
Man, fuck this. I'm too stoned to type
It's all discord trannies and racebaiters

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