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I'm kind of at she her bros idk
Congratulations sister, trans rights are human rights.
same nigga thought this pipeline shit was a meme but here i am on estrogen with tits
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I'd be all for it if you fags turned out as cute as the anime girls you fantasize about becoming, instead of the hideous freaks of perverted science that you actually become.

>here i am on estrogen with tits
post tits
i'm a cis male on hrt but i still insult trannies on this board because i'm bitter that they usually have more community and social interaction than i ever will.
I literally am a cute anime trans girl. No I will NOT post proof. Just trust me.
>i'm a cis male on hrt
lol whut?
No you're not. Just because you're a total failure as a man doesn't mean you're a chick.

Improve yourself, either by lifting weights or eating a bullet. Both are more dignified than being some loser faggot crossdresser who pretends to be a woman because he hates himself.
NTA but I've been taking HRT as a joke for months now. It's really easy to come by and super cheap.
>I literally am a cute anime trans girl. No I will NOT post proof. Just trust me.
Sure you are buddy, sure you are. It's okay, stop crying, we all believe you.
im a tranny on hrt and i still insult trannies on this board because im bitter that they look feminine and i dont
i dont think this happens because men want to be women, i think it's because trying to be a woman gets you some approval and love which is totally inaccessible as a man. if you're a woman just existing is enough and as a man you need some reason or value to get even a shred of empathy.
t. regular straight guy
you're one of the good ones
>blackpill incel
You transvestites are the most aware on the woman question, and yet you faggots choose to side with the same women who will hang you like a NIGGER as soon as you voted for the radfem in an election.
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>I've been taking HRT as a joke for months now.
Anon, there's such a thing as taking a joke too far.
>cis male on hrt
how many coping troons on here wtf
>I've been taking HRT as a joke for months now.
kek the only joke here is you
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All part of the prank.
youre sterilizing yourself as a joke?
my dick is broken and doesn't work anymore, but atleast i don't care about sex anymore either
bro and you really did that for a "joke"?
if i could push a button to change from irrelevant despised loser to cute girl i would
thinking its possible to do so is pure delusion
the moment we go full cyberpunk body swap tech women lose all privelege btw because 50% of men swap within a year and it balances out quick
I think I have gender dysphoria in the sense I'd be much happier in a woman's body. But that's not possible. "Transitioning" doesn't exist, you'll just become a cruel mockery of an actual female. Accept your own mental illness like I have but recognize there is nothing to be done about it. Hormone replacements won't make you a real girl. You'll just look like a freak.
>the moment we go full cyberpunk body swap tech women lose all privelege btw because 50% of men swap within a year and it balances out quick
Hoping to live long enough to see this happen is literally the only thing that keeps me going.
youre just a realist, the delusion that you were "born a woman" or have a "females brain" is all retarded delusion. its perfectly rational to think "if i was a woman life would be easier by several orders of magnitude". its also rational to realize that becoming a woman isnt possible.
i will always be a failure of a man
i just wanted to be loved
now i just have discomforting lumps of flesh on my chest
are you laughing yet?
no nigga that's sad as fuck wtf is wrong with you
:( poor anonny. Stop taking it? Work on yourr foundation before making unnecessary cosmetic changes.
The only person you're hurting is yourself, why would HRT have made you more loved? The cheapest and quickest "fix" is rarely the solution, and definitely not when it comes to procedures with permanent consequences. It's not too late man, but it will be if you continue to hide from yourself
honestly at this point i think i've irreversibly damaged my body with it so i might as well continue

because women are automatically valued by society, without it i will always be alone
hey at least you only went from being a loser to being a loser
my advice make peace with being a loser
t. loser
>i think i've irreversibly damaged my body with it
how long have you been taking it?
>because women are automatically valued by society, without it i will always be alone
is that the only reason you did it? i don't even know if the same applies to trannies bro.
>its perfectly rational to think "if i was a woman life would be easier by several orders of magnitude"
It's not really about that for me. I would be happier in a female version of my own body even if I was treated the exact same by society and my material conditions stayed the exact same. I don't want to be a man and I don't "identify" with my masculinity. But it's futile to go against my own biology. I am a man and always will be a man. Becoming a tranny isn't becoming a woman at all in any sense except maybe social "validation" which I don't care about
My parents are christian fundamentalist fascists who have been telepathically sabotaging my job prospects. One thing I want to do if Allah ever permits me to leave my cave is buy the clothes/wigs/and makeup of my favorite female characters on television. Then, like a hingless lunatic, I am going to act out various scenes with them, using bluetooth to play their lines.

Neat, eh? I have no friends so this is what friendship looks like to me! I am going to have peripheril l characters played by mannequins. I will try to rearrange my apartment to match the scenes. I have already done speculative budgets for some of this stuff, but this isn't gonna happen a lot.
>how long have you been taking it?
2 years
>is that the only reason you did it? i don't even know if the same applies to trannies bro.
no, i also did it because i'm terrified of losing my hair later in life
oh youre one of the delusional ones
my condolences
try a bullet if youre american or a rope if youre not
Delusional about what? You can say my mind is disgusting (fair) but I'm not delusional.
>as a joke
Let me guess, it was a lost bet with a friend? And he fucks your bussy everyday as a "joke"? But you're totally straight right
gtfoh with this sissy caption tier rubbish
>uhh im like totally a woman and sheit
I don't have any friends so no
I didn't say I'm a woman. I'm 100% a man. I simply said I have a strong feeling I'd be more content in a woman's body. That feeling of dysphoria doesn't make me a woman in any way and I never implied it did. It's not a difficult concept to understand.
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so do you dress up as a girl and shit or do you keep it a secret? how do you deal with the boobs?
That sounds based anon! I couldn't help but notice you mentioned Allah (swt).

Qariban, yakhi (ukhti). Rayat assawda qamat. Takbir!
i'm a neet and rarely leave my house, but i mostly wear baggy hoodies and jackets to hide it
so do you live with your parents? does nobody say anything about it? i'm pretty sure there's meds that can help you reverse it but you said you'd rather keep your hair so.
>dunecoon lamguage
Sir, I was joking. My family is not Muslim.
yeah, i still live with my parents. nobody has said anything about it, but i don't interact much with my family either.
>my based parents won't let me lipsync the electric jew
Gym. Now.
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then you've just been hiding that for 2 years? and you're just not gonna stop?
>2 years ago in /r9k/
>Complain about women all day long
>Now in /r9k/
>Gay trannies shit appear like flood
Don't you faggot have your own board?
yeah, pretty much
at this point it's too late for me now
He's a retarded npc, they exist on both sides. Barely fit to work in the mines.
Thats funny, after I took the blackpill, I became a sexual sadist and started beating women in bed
>tfw born to love, forced to rape
ay yo this nigga wildin blud from ohio
I'm at blackpill incel
I will never pass cuz of my jaw so I have no desire to crossdress
If I did pass I absolutely would though
on god fr fr no cap 54th street
>hate your life and yourself
>figure out who you are deep inside
>accept it
>suddenly smiling
truly a miracle
oh well it'll be okay anon. me too except i'm honestly just a retard who hates balding and shit i don't even want to be a woman.
Do you have a big adams apple? Or big hands? Wide shoulders?
no I am cute and girly
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>I'm kind of at she h-ACK!
> as a joke
"It's just a prank bro." (Gently pinches sensitive nipples.)
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I wasn't even an incel and still trooned. At least I have higher chances to not kms. Living as boy was the road to suicide for me. Even with dating girls and stuff.
if X-Change were real the incel problem would disappear overnight. prove me wrong
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It will never not be funny that you freaks willingly come onto a 4chan board for failures en masse with the belief that you're welcome here.
>I literally am a cute anime trans girl.
No you're not. You're a delusional, weak man that thinks he's a real woman but you have an adams apple, bigger bone structure than a woman and born with XY chromosome.
Go back to discord you fucking troon. At least youll fit in with the other freaks there.
I know, that post was ironic/purposefully far fetched. I am calling you fake and gay. I am fully aware an individual like yourself would not have any friends.
the first 4 stages are recoverable. the last is terminal. don't be a moron OP.
If you're nice looking enough to pull it off then why not? It's only ugly trannys that everyone hates.
If you're nice looking enough to pull it off, you wouldn't have been an outcast
I would kms before becoming a troon, currently at shut-in but if I even start eyeballing blackpill incel then I know it shall be my time.
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>if X-Change were real the incel problem would disappear overnight.
Classic game!
>hrt femboy (with male pronouns) erasure
anons with big leaky tits are still boys and thats ok!
based sissified r9k hehe
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I don't blame any incel who troons out. Life as a guy is pretty brutal if you're weird, unassertive and unattractive. Plus the thought of getting sissified is hot as fuck.
The only thing keeping me from transitioning is having to buy wholesale into the trans narrative where I'd have to pretend to be born in the wrong body while I really just feel like a beta with a fetish.
I just want to be some other loser's bottom bitch but both normies and other trannies would hate me for admitting that. The entire thing is weird as fuck. It's like being gay with extra steps.
i will break your nose if you even think about it anon
kill yourself right now thanks
I'm at the shut-in stage, and it stops there. I can only ever revert back to social outcast or nerd from now on, or simply stay at shut-in.
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>I would sex man ass if they were less ugly
Dang anon that is weird asf. You took hrt unironically and it turned you into a sissy? Discord? :3
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>I would sex man ass if they were less ugly
Implying you wouldn't.

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