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Post cute gentle femdom gifs/pic. NO ANIME! IRL only!
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This one seems very sweet to me.
Are any real women into this?
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Some. It's a small minority, but I have met a few. Even had a Summer fling with one. It really is lovely. I had never felt as special and loved as when I was with that girl for that Summer, and I hope I gave her joy too.
What have you done with her?
In what way? In bed she would order me around, choke me, bite me, slap me, scratch me. Stuff like that. And then outside of sex, she was very much in charge, and when we cuddled she'd take the more dominant role like being big spoon, and I'd lay my head on her chest instead of the inverse. Also, she liked doing PDA when we went out, like just slamming me against the wall with my hands pinned above my head and then make out with me in the middle of a bar/club/the street. She probably had an exhibitionist edge to her, I guess.
Fuck, that's so hot. It must be so intoxicating to be desired. Why did it have to end?
It was amazing. Being the object of passion and desire like that was lovely and a HUGE confident boost for me in general. I think she was probably the only woman I've ever felt what I think was love for. It ended because it was during a Summer study abroad program, so after it ended we wouldn't have been able to see each other again. I think I was obviously more attached to her than she was to me, because she didn't show any desire to try to stay in touch after the Summer ended, which broke my heart.
sorry but it only exists in 2d
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How much money do I need to get GFD GF

TFW traditionally masculine in interests, mindset ect. Do martial arts, head of a successful company with several employees ect.

But I crave this sm and have since I was very young. I blame it on being isolated and not seeing people for 6-8 months at a time since I was homeschooled by schizos.


I want to be desired sb.

>TFW no stay at home domme gf.

I mean Idc if she wanted to work but id be happy to take care of them, I make enough to not really need to care ever.
I think this is the root for many of us - we want the burning desire we feel returned back to us. I want her to want me as much as I want her and act on it. But due to how female sexuality works, it's almost impossible.
I am, I am pretty much solely into gfd.
I just want a girl who'd let me rest my head on her lap as she strokes my hair
What makes it appealing to you?
It's appealing because I can hold a man in my arms and tell him that I love him while stroking his hair. It's also appealing because the whole thing feels far more intimate to me.
I want to be there for the man I love and care for and I also want him to know that I love and care for him as well.
Sexually, I like being able to hear a man moan and I like being the reason why he's cumming.
I praising men and telling them that they're good boys as well.
*I like praising men and telling them that they're good boys as well.
I hope i can find a girl like you to marry someday. But i cant afford to be picky. Good luck in your future
What makes you think you cant afford to be picky?
are there more gfd girls who are switches? I think whoever my girl ends up being could take turns being on top...
I have grown up surrounded by people making friends and finding partners, never to experience it myself. If i cant even make a friend, how will i ever find someone who loves me enough to marry me? But God has a plan for all of us
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idk how to perform gfe but I would like to be a man's source of comfort and love :3 too bad the men I like hate me and refuse to even talk to me

signed chickn
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>we want the burning desire we feel returned back to us
Yup. I want to feel the same love and desire I give. A woman that is strong and capable is sexy too. It means she has good genes and would have healthy offspring. I don't mind being dominant since I'm a switch, but being able to submit to a woman not afraid to take the lead is hot. I find dominant women more exciting and thrilling than a purely submissive woman.
Lmao you guys better be careful because femdom is the best and totally mind blowing with girls who are good at it. I started off loving gentle femdom and over the years graduated to being a simp and slave to mean, hot, bully girls. Got into hardcore treatment and findom. Got completely addicted to findom for years and had to do a three month therapy program and I STILL partake pretty often. I stg it is almost a full compulsion. Idk why, it is stupid af, but it feels so good and is literally so thrilling I shake and shiver when I do it. Good luck boyos.
>being a simp and slave to mean, hot, bully girls
I don't know what it is that drives me crazy for dommes. Women with dominant energy are irresistible. It must be a form of escapism or something for the mind to become helpless and completely immersed into world where you're ruled by a girl.

I think my interest in it developed because I was groomed by females when I was younger and innocent. I'm attractive and so females would take an active interest in me, teasing me and exerting themselves onto me like I was prey. I didn't fully grasp what was happening to me at the time since my mind wasn't fully mature yet but it imprinted into my brain early my attraction to those type of women. Maybe it was always with me but it took my a while to accept how I feel and turn my frustration to the fact it sexually arouses me into acceptance and finally embracing it. I still have self-respect which is important but it's still a preference of mine.
Yeah thankfully I'm not into that, yet. I hope I never get into that, but I also would never have thought I would get into being dominated by a girl and yet here I am.
z e r o
n o t o n e

femdom in general is a shutin fetish since they want the woman to do everything and they just sit and get a orgasam.
If it makes you feel better I didnt find a partner until I was 21. Im sure you could find someone that loves you enough to marry you.
we need to make this a general
I am sick of the ones at you-know-where
I wonder if a certain certain person with vampiric tendencies would show up in that case?
Come on now
Surely you know that many of us are way older than that now and slipped through the cracks
We are looking at a Sato/Misaki situation and even then it looks bleak
I dont speak to women, so no I dont know any other women that would have similar interests.
Oh, I probably should have mentioned that the guy Im in a relationship with is much older than me.
>we need to make this a general
there was a time where /gfd/ was a general
Oh Roxy my queen where did you go. No one has made me shiver from just words like you did.
You are well known to want to cuck men and you treat them like shit. Stop acting like you don't have a history on here that a lot of people know about. There is a reason guys don't like you and the refusal to self reflect is insane.
Well, that figures
I mean, good for you
I wish you the best
If I could do anything to ensure the success of your relationship, I would
My dream is to someday have a buddy and we can go on double dates with our gentle femdom gfs
And they can do things like tease us by playing sports or games as a group that they are secretly experts at and laughing when we get frustrated because we can't beat them or trying on high heels that make them taller when shopping
lots of men know I'm poly, and I don't treat men horribly I'm very clingy and needy towards them.

Love, Chickn
I know...
I used to argue in those and try to ensure it maintained the original vision
It's good to see that there is still a willing audience for such a thing
Maybe we could get the band back together...
If only rxy were to come back and make things interesting...
I have talked to you before and you don't know who I am
But I can say this about you
You are a shameless whore and you should be spending time with your boyfriend(s) and not on a site like this
Wtf did this demon do to make you lot so obsessed with her even years later?
I don't have any boyfriends. all my ex boyfriends /hate me deeply/ and have me permablocked
has been a while since i've heard that name, when was the last time she came to these threads?
LOL no.
Women are incapable of love in the first place, furthermore they do not want to have any actual authority because they don't want to have any responsibilities or have to do pretty much anything, especially when it comes to relationships.
Thank you anon. I hope you find someone soon.
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>they want the woman to do everything and they just sit and get a orgasam.
>Reeee and that's why men need to do everything and women just lie there and get an orgasm
Lmao it's funny how hard femdom triggers some women. That's exactly why femdom is actually maledom. The women serve men by dominating men so you should be into that. Maledom is actually the real femdom because the women have men do all the work. Femdom enjoyers are the real chads. The idea of other women worshiping attractive men triggers you, doesn't it? Keep the seethe coming, honey.
It's very rare, it takes a special breed of compassionate women
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You make some good points anon. I still maintain that femdom is big gay, but i will concede that it is ultimately the male that is dominating in the grander scheme of things here.
why do you think you are speaking to a woman lol
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I am. I got my bf into pet play and stuff too! I like calling him a puppy and training him. I was worried he would hate it since he is very traditionally masculine but he loves it, and his masculinity and bigger size makes it more fun because he is willingly giving me control.
Hot. Does he wear a collar?
Not yet, but I do eventually plan on it, and a leash too so I can try holding it when I let him have sex with me. For now we express that part of the dynamic differently, sometimes I will just touch him while he is fully nude and I am clothed for example. Or get in a position where he is on his knees while he eats me out
I'm not that stuff, but CFNM is hot.
Especially when the woman wears glamour shit. It makes her like a hot price.
>t. newfag
>I still maintain that femdom is big gay
Not sure how it would be. When she has you on your knees for her worshiping her clit and pussy until she cums hard on your pussy slime- and saliva-covered face, I'd say that's pretty hot and heterosexual.

Especially if she doesn't let you touch yourself. Then you really start getting mindlessly horny for her.
>femdom is big gay
How is it gay? You're literally a man making love to a woman, iirc that's the definition of heterosexual
Always ignore everything incels say about sex.
Nothing of it has any value.
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i'll have you know i'm an expert on the subject. i have over 300 confirmed gooning sessions clocked in this year alone.

you see, eating pussy is where you fucked up. The romans had it on record that the gayest thing a man could ever do is eat pussy. And i'll be damned if i'm gonna let the lord Caeser call me a fag when i'm in hell.
>i have over 300 confirmed gooning sessions clocked in this year alone.
What do you goon to? Femdom?
OF, getting bullied, and sending money to hot mean girls
>the romans had it on record that the gayest thing a man could do is eat pussy
the fact u phrased it 'eat pussy' uve never seen one in ur life plus ur gonna quote one of the gayest societies in history to make that point fucking retard
I hope you're wealthy. Otherwise you're making yourself poorer. You could donate to charity instead.
Nah not wealthy. I own a restaurant bar and I bartend there some days. I make good money, way better than back when I was bartending working for others, but it isnt millions or whatever. I am making about 400K gross a year. But I live at work too haha. So idk. I got into femdom and domination/humiliation/degradtion and findom way back in 2015. Nowadays I spend a shitload of money on it, but idc. Who gives a fuck. I actually do enjoy it not gonna lie. But it is dumb af and I go on hiatus every once in a while, usually after a domme pisses me off with something.
Well I mean probably wealthy among people here. A lot of you are young and making shit money. I just meant I dont make millions or whatever
>I am making about 400K gross a year
Holy fuck. Okay well as long as your not impoverishing yourself over it. If it's something you enjoy, all power to you.
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I mean I spend a lot on it I wont lie lol. But I still maintain my lifestyle and shit. I basically just send to girls all the money I would have otherwise used for investments or savings or luxuries and shit. I am not struggling, but a lot of dommes try to convince me to go harder and do more so that I AM struggling haha. I never tell them how much I make haha.
>has to be beaten to have sez
Some people just have it lucky
femdom rocks. i dont have much more to say, i just like it.

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