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are there any downsides to being tall?
>shorter lifespan
>looks weird if youre skinny
>cant sleep on planes/in the car
>stand out in public (good or bad i guess)
>people assume youre more confident than you are
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>harder to pass as a tranny
>gay bottoms don't like being tall
>harder to gain muscle mass
>higher risk of injury/medical problems related to back/joint problems
>clothes fitting can be hard
Nothing really major. That said, being tall and ugly is still a staple for being an incel. Being short and attractive still will lead to you being able to fuck new girls on rotation.
tall people are worse at long distance running
tall people have a shorter lifespan
generally it's better to be tall though
>manlet is the woman in image
Subtle but based OP
youre knees will disintegrate faster, your heart will probably give out sooner
Buying clothes is more expensive because you need more material, good luck finding a size that fits you easily
You cannot fit in any tight spaces usually
It requires more alcohol, weed or most substances to get a good buzz
You're posture will be very difficult to correct if you fuck it up due to most seats not fully covering your back

I am 21 and 6'5" ive had to start taking fish oil to mitigate knee pain after work, im considering buying a knee brace
I wish it was like the heightcels think it is
Your organs and back but that's about it.
Damn that's suicide tier. I'd rather be dead than be you. You're freakish.
No offense bro but you sound boring. Your face isn't that good enough. You won't get to have fun.
>>78011297 As a 6'2 with a giant dick:
You can't be a bottom
You can't fuck a girl full force because it will hurt her, sometimes can't go fully in.
You can't wear slim pants
You need 2 hands to masturbate
thin wrists
>You need 2 hands to masturbate
That's a big dick problem, not a height problem.
t. Same height as you and one hand does the job just fine
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well if you're 5'4 with a manly face and high testosterone you can't bottom either
pretty sure short guys are more masculine because excess testosterone aromastizes (however u say it) into estrogen and makes the growth plates fuse earlier
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the only good thing about being tall is hopefully dying before manlets
>fellow 6'5 bro
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if you're short and masculine you're fucked, even if you're not a retarded faggot tranny like me. if you're short your best bet is if you're feminine, which makes pulling off a pretty boy aesthetic easier. a lot of girls like that niche, you just gotta make sure she's not one that will treat you a way you don't wanna be treated
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being tall just makes it even harder to gain weight and muscle mass when I desperately am doing both because literally every one of my lifts is plateaued right now.

Being tall doesn't even help me get laid or anything because I see 0 women on a daily basis and refuse to use dating apps because they feel very very degrading and I don't like it.
you won't get matches on apps just for being tall either way man
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my point exactly it's not worth debasing myself when I've got an ugly as fuck face anyway. My only true love is the barbell and perhaps I can be at peace with that.
same dude. I got into lifting too at hopes putting on muscle will make more attractive to women once I shed being a lanklet.
Now I just keep doing it because I love it and just want to see the weights get higher and higher.
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I love lifting because I want to look like a DBZ character but right now my lifts are still so dog shit. Been stuck at a 185 lb bench and 230-245 pound squat for a couple months. Deadlift is still going up slow but steady but still, it's fucking hard being over six foot because I need to eat so fucking much to gain weight.

Women could never appreciate all the work I've tried to put in to be stronger so I do not want them
You don't fit anywhere. I hate streets with low sings. I've legit hit a roadsing several times with my head ("pedestrian crossing", sort of hanging there) because I wasn't paying attention. And from my experience, short people are seen as eternal children, while if you're really tall you're always seen as mature inside
Those aren't bad stats. By no means advanced, but better than a lot of in shape or casual gym goers.
I'm not much different and plateaued as well. I keep very strict diet and make sure I eat well, but it's just so much work unless you dedicate everything to improving and I already dedicate more time than most do.
>Women could never appreciate
they don't appreciate anything, they only detract and assume perfect is average and question not how men get to a certain point, but why others aren't.
Only way to look like that is gear, sorry man.
>provides massive disadvantes
>"b-but they get musty hole easier! they have it better!"
You manlets have it so easy and you don't even know it.
I'm frighthening to people
Did you injure your legs?
and easier is the operative word in your second line.
No one who isn't a model is getting laid these days
It's the opposite. Incels are rare. Most ugly people of all heights are having sex.
So you get an excuse to be a fat fuck and live a short hedonistic life style?
most men aren't having sex at all. Even guys I know who had girlfriends for years just literally can't find anyone at all now.
It's bad out there even for normalfags.
nigga said some shit i kind of agree with for once

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