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>Foids try to free a guy who killed a mom and a child just because he is a chad
What the fuck? Why is the government not doing anything about this?
>Why is the government not doing anything about this?
they are actively partaking in cattlemaxxing the genpop and reducing iq's
>Men: Well shes in jail but shes hot I'd still like to fuck her

>Women: We have to free him so we can fuck him!
tiktok engagers are men, women only use it to self-pimp, that entire site is gas
It's called mental illness, most women addicted to social media has it at some degree.
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You just know he's in there fucking all the female prison guards
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haha guys would never do anything like that
They're all shit, stop projecting
I remember this from 2021 tik tok
Didn't know this guy is still relevant
My friend was in love with him lol.

But seriously it might be just a car accident...if he didn't do it on point.
This can happen to anyone I don't see how is it his fault then.
It was an accident tho
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>tiktok engagers are men
I completely understand the accountability meme now, it just clicked into place
You're right, he shouldn't get any punishment at all
send them all to a trench in ukraine
>Teen girls are silly! This is why we need a dictatorship!
MEANWHILE there are at least 4 sites JUST for men to meet women in prison and arrange conjugal visits or even marry them!
Rolling for my nigga Ronald
Guys make jokes like I can fix her or just outright say that she's hot and they'd like to fuck, women call for the freedom of these animals.
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Ugh its only teenage girls, no fully grown women are like this!
rolling for elizabeth please don't steal my soul russel
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What? Like more jail time?
>All women everywhere are on TikTok
>All women everywhere want the same things
>No men are retarded about sexy women
lmao, even
damn I got the roastie. Rerolling for elizabeth
This is the funniest thing ever
Bless you st. meeks for confirming what we all knew deep down
Someone remind me to come back and roll for 666, I'm interested.
"don't hate the player hate the game" final boss
do any of you salty bastards talk to women?
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in nature male lions kill the cubs of females they wish to mate with-it ensures their gene line as well as puts the female into estrus. Maybe if humans were more lionlike and stopped being mulatto raising stepsimps this world would be a better place
>tfw robots don't understand primal mammalian biology or intersexual dynamics of attraction
He obviously should
But calling him a "monter, killer" etc for accident is crazy.
He isn't ted bundy level at all
shut up bitch. only women develop tumblr/twitter/facebook/tiktok cult followings for serial killers. it's universal on every social media platform. do the world a favor and don't reproduce
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yeah dude i pull women all the time you fuckin hater
You pull fat, nigger bitches
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unironically my fucking looksmatch, probably one of 2 women who would let me stretch their pussy skin open with the other one being a white version who's even fucking fatter

>picrel is my eye just incase you think im a fucking ethnic
faggots on the internet always want to inject their opinion or moralize, it's incredibly obnoxious. After making efforts to stop inserting my opinions it's clear how prevalent this phenomenon is, it's a way of cheap social signalling to blend in with the masses. I'm sure every individual has something, even a thought, that makes them "sick" or a "monster" to the masses, it's easier to add your own unwanted opinions to any given situation than confront your own inner beasts/the darker sides of human nature
Your eye look hot
>blue eyes
>better canthal tilt than me
It's over
holy fuck 24? this niggo looks at least 40
jfl guys i seriously want to fucking kill myself. i would bet money that this woman has posted somewhere about how much she hates white people too
why are men so bad at telling age?
>unlawfully attempt to pass a car in front of you on a one lane road
>kill a mother and her child
lmao he is by definition a murderer and a killer
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>he is calling one of my female comrades ugly, time to weaponize my hatred of the ubermensch
shut up bitch
Joke's on you, I already have 5 kids
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Mein neger. My spiritual brother. We must return to our roots.
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(Me btw >>78012228)
She probably has, but there's no way that's your looksmatch. Also I just noticed she's taller than me too lmfao you're saying the best you could get is her but I couldn't even pull that kek.
Hes not even that cute, he looks like any other senior in hs
>she hates white people too
the feeling is mutual, maybe bringing over and breeding the spawn of tribes who fail at war was a bad idea!
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these bitches literally go on dating apps with their bios written out to hate men and then wonder why people think negatively them and never accommodate them for anything unless they get some court system involved
I'm white woman and I think your eye is hot
So if my dad had an accident and this happened he is a ted bundy?
Guys will say they want to fuck the women, but they'll never actually advocate for their release. Hell, in the OPs case, the women sent death threats to the widowed husband because his wife and child's deaths got their precious Chad put in prison.

Watch this and just ignore women. Don't interact with them in any way unless you have plans with them and don't give them your attention and most importantly your money.
They are doing that not because he is hot but because you guys are calling him ted bundy for having a car accident
In this case, yes, he absolutely deserves justice.
Notice how ridicilously thick his neck is? He looks like a "nice" guy but I'm ready to bet any money he is stronger than 80% of men. Foids all notice shit like this.
Flight 93
>1000 yard stare
Lol. Do women really get off to that? Also that r*dditor cuck at the bottom lol
>drive at 100 miles an hour in a residental area
>commit vehicular manslaughter because of your retarded decision
>"he was a good boy, he dindu nuffin, it was her fault for not looking out for the car going several times the legal speed limit"

I guarantee if this guy looked like blackops2cel, you wouldn't have women rushing to defend him.
Are you ESL? I have a headache from drinking for 12 hours and am going to have to go to sleep soon.
I would.
I always think justice should win no matter if person's look. God you are so retarded, it's unreal.
If some of the LVMs here would stop obsessing over lookisms and cooming they could probably have luck, there's a fundamental misunderstanding of attraction with the sexes that does not compute with the majority of 4chan autists for some reason. I'll give the incels and lonely a big hint here-women mainly want someone who makes THEM feel safe and provides, it's why so many women pursue dangerous men. The "pickme" shit doesn't work for men, it makes you seem weak and feminine and most women are put off by that. Yes, it's fucked, yes, the sexual market and dynamics are fucked and uneven, but at least men don't have a wall they hit at middle age-there's always gonna be young and attractive women looking for a daddy, get your house in order and stop seething over "youth" like faggots. For every whiny zoomer there's a silver haired boomer fox getting the women said zoomer seethes over
>>1000 yard stare
>Lol. Do women really get off to that?
They get off to blue eyes. Thick as fuck eyebrows. Perfect hair. Perfect nose. Perfect maxilla. Big chin. Perfect lips.
>Men complain about their peers dating practices choosing for violent and extraordinarily selfish men
> "Yeah bro just become extraordinarily selfish and rape young women by giving them everything they want without making them work for success in life like you had to"
People like you should be fucking executed
Ignore the FDS whore
Don't pay attention, it's a retarded whore from FDS here for screenshots to post on its subreddit and some (You)s
I would say the irony is that there are more men in those groups who agree with incel rhetoric about female whore practices than female whores about incel practices
>Why is the government not doing anything about this?
Why should they do anything? The guy got sentenced, he will serve his time.
Foids are literally worshipping a double murderer. This should be against the law.
this is the least of their misdeeds, they actually want unattractive males to die
Yeah, government should do something about this
Crazy how girlbrains just fry and fail to comprehend what a majority is because they are allergic to basic math.
Everything is all or none with the average woman, just incapable of the most basic levels of reasoning.
What about the forests?
you will never have a consensual sexual experience and probably will never touch a vagina. I hope your virgin rage subsides, it's not conducive to living a healthy life
half the government are women and they all feel this way, your only hope is russia and china knocking them out on the world stage
>you can't just be attracted to him, he killed somebody!
also learn the definition of murder, he was racing and crashed. It's vehicular manslaughter at worst, I'm shocked he got as many years because I know people who have committed fatal DWIs and tried to cover the evidence who got less time than this guy. Keep on seething that he's going to touch a woman before you ever will, IF you ever do(unlikely)
rolling for old time's sake
Fuck, you guys forgot to warn me for 666 roll
>No Chaddy-kun should have a lower sentence teehee
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>telling the guy with 20+ bodies he will never touch a vagina
always you 80iq types who have no sex trying to say that others have no sex. fucking retards
Incel fantasies are so sad and pathetic.
>>you can't just be attracted to him
Yes, you can't be attracted to a murderer, tranny.
exactly. we all like/want to be liked by attractive people, this is not sex-specific, but I guess it's always easier to find a scapegoat.
It's one thing to find a criminal attractive, it's entirely different and absolutely retarded to advocate for their release due to finding them attractive and nothing else.

Also rolling
what anime is this? uWu
Yeah, except men don't worship criminals
Okay I'll roll fine
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Nothing new, women have been writing to serial killers since the 70s, mass shooter fangirls more recently. Some Russian girls even donated money for Ilnaz Galyaviev's legal expenses. It's not just about looks as a lot of not quite conventionally attractive criminals are pursued by women
Jodi Arias
Literally no one worships that ugly subhuman, retard.
she still has a lot of supporters to this day and has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from simps in donations aside from her merch. you're the retard who can't prove a point.
That's incomparable with foids worshipping gigachads murderers all over the globe
what's the difference when both are driven by a 'I can fix him/her' savior complex, blinded by the halo effect?
The difference is that MOST foids worship murdererers while like 0.00001% of men do that. And the other difference is that foids only care about their looks while men actually do want to fix them.
eh, I'll give you that first one because it's abnormal how obsessed they are with true crime stuff but the second is speculative bs. there is a reason crimes by women are under reported/punished and it's also why so few get prison sentences in the first place.
>Literally concedes
KEKAROOOOO, I'm so fucking good at this
Good job king, you actually fucking did it
A brazilian woman is a whore?
Imagine my shawk!
She's also married and has a kid.

But this kind of shit is pretty common, around here since we don't allow female guards in male prisons, it's female lawyers and social workers that get to be fucked by multiple inmates.
Women's prime directive is to be whores.
We have to free deh roasties.
Well, if you really want to go that way, yeah.
It wasn't an accident. He was speeding and doing dumb shit.
This didn't happen because he was doing 30, a wheel fell off and he lost control of the car.
Places you can do 100 are not streets people are allowed to cross or walk besides. As such he was way over the speed limit, which at a certain point by itself becomes a crime.

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