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not a jeffrey if it aint wet nigga
shut the fuck up retardddddddr
I don't think any smoking device I've used compares to the tinymight. Never going back to bongs after this.
i like smoking flower
each to their own
>~210 days have passed this year
>I've taken drugs 211 times this year

Life genuinely is good
oxygen, sex and food drugs too
Heh, I should start logging jacking off and sex in here and seeing if they correlate to any periods of well being or productivity in my life.

Would be hard to get a good sex vs jacking off comparison bc my sex sample is going to be like 2 times a year lol.
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>too lazy and cheap to order weed
is this good or bad
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last time i bought edibles my grandpa ate them all (knowing theyre edibles ofc)
he paid me for them. i asked if he could leave me a little bit and he said ok but he ate them anyway. fair enough since he bought it off me but i was looking forward to that
that thing looks sexy, haven't owned a dry herb vape in over 8 years!

anyone remember this ol' thing? I remember the stem being horrid to use because it basically channeled all the vapor in a laser straight line to hit the back of your throat
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which narcotic for this feel?
Post your graphs it's interesting. I went from mainly speed + cannabis to ketamine + meds.
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What are the worst interactions?
Ketamine + 25-nboh overdose was the worst mistake of my life.
This is a classic weekend.

Also, I feel like my dosages are much higher than on the app. I think I consumed 5x more than just 9g of ketamine in all. How do you know the weight of your lines?
Damn It really is, tells you a lot about what another person is experiencing. What is dissociative heavy life like? I enjoyed ketamine a good bit but never enough to consider making it the my main thing
Is 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine aka 2-FDCK best to be taken orally or nasally? This was my first time with ketamine and I chose an analogue. The reviews of the product says its very similar to authentic ket. My question is I bought 1 gram should I snort it or take it orally psychonaut says lasts longer orally and next time should i get authentic ketamine? if there's that much of a difference because the vendors reviews mostly say very similar and also cheaper too
most people prefer to snort ketamine
Orally for 2-FDCK. Nasally for ketamine. Anon who said people snort ketamine is correct, but 2-FDCK is not ketamine.

Expect a more psychedelic experience than ket.
is it normal if I get no psychedelia and dissociation from ket? I only got the heavy sedation part.
Nasally. Do not take keta otherwise, it is toxic and the effects are not as good.

Ketamine stimulates me, removes anxiety and disinhibits me. Similar to alcohol but with fewer negative effects and + hallucinogenic. I like drugs that have different effects depending on the dose, so start very light with ketamine.
When I wasn't so addicted, I loved the psychedelic, introspective, dissociative trips of ketamine. You can really experience incredible things, like living a dream while conscious. Or reviewing your life from a different point of view, with a lot of hindsight.
what are your ketamine effects on lover doses?
>Expect a more psychedelic experience than ket.
That raises questions is 2-FDCK worth continuing? is it better? as I said this is the first time on ket for me
so should I snort the rest of the gram or take the 2-FDCK orally? would it be better for me to get proper authentic ketamine hence forth, and of course nasally but if someone with both experience what;'s the difference and why should I snort regular ketamine rather than 2-FDCK
At the moment, even with 200mg, I only have mild effects because of the addiction. It makes me feel high, light and comfortable in any environment. It's one of the few drugs that reduces paranoia rather than aggravating it.
The main problem is that even with 3 weeks off, I'd still have to take huge doses. And the resistance increases from line to line.

Some ketamines give only the effects of a high. I don't know why, but the effects can vary from one ketamine to another, while remaining pure.
Anon, did you do any reading on ketamine and 2-FDCK experiences? Did you compare the two? Did you look up how people dose and what ROAs are used? It seems like you haven't done much research, no one is going to be able to tell you how to feel about a substance, you need to gather the information and make an informed decision.

I've done both ket and 2-FDCK many times, I'm not going to tell you which to do.
>effects of a high
what are the effects of a high? And how can effects vary from one ketamine to another. Also do you piss blood?
I'm a hikki/NEET on DSP bux with previous near death alcoholism clean 3 years, psychological trauma and mental illness. I live alone and trying new experiences. I've been using the dnm for half a year now usually just mainly stims and occasionally benzos and opioids too but nothing crazy like heroin or meth, I don't plan for this to be long term it's out of boredom/emptiness/depression/mundane. I'm in control at the moment and don't consider myself a drug addict at all just a recreational user. I will study, get a job make friends, get a partner and have a normie life one day this is just a phase I'm in, i don't feel like I'm spirling out of control on drugs. I do my research before each purchase, reviews, star system etc. I'm only asking the difference between 2-FDCK and authentic ketamine from an experienced on both sides users opinion of the drug I could spend an hour looking into it but I rather hear from others even if they haven't had 2-FDCK what real ketamine is like as a substance I have limited experience with it and tried the analogue because it was cheaper and was curious of the difference. That's all sorry for long post
Drugs are just too damn good man it's insane
Im in the military now since a few months, absolutely 0 tolerance for drugs here, so i cope with alcohol
But everytime i drink i remember how good the speed high is compared to alcohol, so fucking good man.
Im probably gonna snort sum when my military contract ends, this shit is just too good and im glad i haven't touched stronger stuff.
>could spend an hour looking into it
Anon, I would spend more than one hour looking into a recreational substance you plan to take, if you want to actually know about that substance. I'd also not be looking on this board for advice on drugs. People told you to "snort ketamine" in reply to "do you snort 2-FDCK or use it orally?", they literally replied with the wrong fucking substance.
How bad is 3 1/2 weeks of daily can 2-3 mg for sleep WD I paired the cans with 30 mg dexamph (100mg lisdexamphetsmine) to wake up .
Why : Tl;Dr below
. I really needed to to this as I had a life changing opportunity given to me I had to complete to get out of this mess and it was my fault for slacking off before as I didn't realize . I vompletede
> how do I get out of this ideally sleepmacing and no obvious signs of WD. I can appear sick and also don't want anxiety or anything . How bad is it ?
Also sister is nurse So I get whatever is not in the controlled drawer so I have clonidine , pregabaline, lorazepam, diazepam , and also kratom. And GBL as all are legal here
I want to get off this the BeST was possible
>How tf do I get out of this without 0 bullshit , i don't want to essentially face the consequences of it and rather cheat myself out bridging to another drug
* s/ can / xan or alprazolam or galenik as we call it
any advice I can give to my friend on smuggling drugs (personal use) into the military? He may or may not be getting conscripted soon.
Are fake xanax worth it?
I had a bit of a look and I'm going to try racemic ket next I don't know the dosage I assume 40mg? And the duration, apparently short lived like 30 mins - 1 hr peak high the only thing I'm clueless about is the after affect needle ket lasts up to 12 hrs not sure on racemic ket. I'm pretty high right now had like 65mg of 2-FDCK, 2mg clonazepam and 400mg seroquel IR so if what I said doesn't make sense I apologize I'd just like to know with racemic ket since most popular on dnm what's the recommended dosage, when can you redose and how long is the after affects. Even a link to read would help I'm pretty smashed and can't focus too much I don't mean to be lazy or spoon fed simply appreciate it in my current state
>be me a number of months ago
>take a quarter of a fake xanax
>barely remember anything that happened the next 24 hours.
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>I guarantee they (You) are not happy and that is why they behave that way.
Why? Do you have any experience being that way? You seem to know a lot about what it's like.
>There is a a reason they (You) have a high suicide rate.
Yeah, I'd want to kill myself too if that many people hated me for no reason.
>When they (You) do off themselves it is a net benefit.
To whom? My life is the same whether or not they're alive. What changes about yours, and why?
Dissolve in liquid . get some contact lens fluid make sure its anti bacterial and co. Dissolve drugs in it this will last up to a year that way if you seal it in either a nose spray bottle or eye drops or a bigger flask. If you can't dissolve in that look up solubility sometimes ethanol or propylene gly or DSMO (all available on eBay) or amazon or co.

Liquid suspension best way to hide also I'd nosespray can be consumed stealth

For non soluble stuff or if you are a lazy fuck you can buy a pill filler for 30 bux online and for 10 bux 1000 capsules then buy a supplement and swaps the pills inside. You can even make the size math as capsules have standardized sizes so you can odder the correct color coding and pill size . then you fill them if you don't have enough powder you can also just fill them by hand using a scale and funnel and then some filling powder or sutff . of you hide them inside of electrical devices the kills such as opening up a power bank or laptop and placing them in the hardrive thing so once there you can take it apart again and hide the shit elsewhere . you can also buy a pack of doritos throw your drugs in and seal the top again carefully using a heating iron so it looks like never opened . also what's possible is getting a low transparency wine bottle or something that looks expensive with wax at the top or some shit like this so you can reseal but put the drugs inside the bottle by making them wrapped in plastic .

Also SB plz help I don't wanna talk with doc they only prescribe neurolleptics here for sleep disorders

The last trick is to weight them out with a scale then make your own chocolate or like these things you bake at Christmas . like just mix it into food if you mix it well and calculate that like one unit of x will contain y mg of drugs I'm the total weight of the stuff you baked.

Chocolate is my favorite I get why the Nazis do it. 1g amphetamine/100g choci =>10mg per 1g chocolate
You're basically getting Bromazepam pressed and passed off as xanax, a lot of xannies are pressed if not in the US. Still benzo feeling and sedation, reduced anxiety etc, but it's not as potent as proper alprazolam, I wouldn't buy pressed xanax on the streets could be laced with numerous shit on the dw they're generally safe just not the same as the original
thanks. Do you know if they let people keep their phone and wallet once in the army? Perhaps somehow hiding it in the phone could work. But yeah dissolving stuff seems very practical.
what's the name of this app?
No , they usually contain 3-5 mg ... Often they contain RCS too like bromazolam or norflurazepam. Bromazolam is more fun but fucks you up more.
There are these Serbian galenika ones called kaosol these are dirt cheap and rarely faked because the original can be bought for 20/$ for 40 pills . I tried pharma ones , RC ones , and Mexican / fake ones and they aren't the same they are either crazy strong or feel different because they used RCs as you can buy them in KGs for a couple of hundreds .
Maybe I'm just a pussy though since I'm already getting paranoid over >>78014136

>>78013769 bro I tried every disso out there dck 2fdck opce dmxe real mxe 3meo 3-ho mxipr etc etc wrote even a few trip reports on erowid . know key pretty well as I have vials from animal doctor I make into nose spray. So
>2fdck feels very similar to real ket its actually hard to tell apart except potency as of metabolic pathway/absorption when eaten esp.
>its the only rc disso along with FXE that's somewhat light and overdosing with give swift recovery . well idk if that was true S-ketamine maybe old vendor lied but it did feel different slightly more psychedelic but lacks sorta depth to it and dosing high won't be too nkce. I mixed it with what was sold as R,-ket and it was more pleasurable . however that what was sold as R-felt most like pharma one which feels very similar to 2fdck I do it for the afterglow mostly like burst of motivation and slight sub manic state where I clean my room, write some important documents or just get some perspective on life again . once did a lot of it a day straight and then went SK manic I randomly send job applications to places and one accepted
Based gramps.
I'm growing weed and mine said he wants to try it for the first time when it's harvested. I was surprised that he's so open minded but it's really cool imo.
you guys have any experiences getting meth from dw?
See my post above , I microdose it using a spray for nose. Sometimes at way to work or such. Can easily jidd it but if repeatedly done your eyes look very weird like you look awake yet your eye muscles get fucked in a weird way after about 6-9 h of repeated dosing . I use it to make things less boring or more enjoyable like for example flying long distance or trainrides. Or like on holiday if I go hiking or shit cause it enhances everything somehow. Its my absolute fav for low dose use to enhance stuff . Makes everything feel like a movie slight surreal touch . suddenly some bathroom seems like some meme "liminal space" or like in the night its very pretty feel like some main character walking trough some 1970 French avenue at night while all I'm doing is walking trough a park .

The more you redose the stronger this effect gets , if you do it for too long like half a day you can start to turn sorta manic a little tiny Dose of like opce or 3meo-pcp/e but still within limits and without the chaos and .but it does get more shizo the longer in a row without a break/sleep you use it during that day . 2-3 from about 19 of these all-day binges did I turned a bit paranoid feeling like I gained some secret knowledge of the secrets of the world and like that somehow there will be bad consequences but still fully aware I'm high and it will pass and that this is an illusion but yeah .
Any experiences with using psychedelics or dissociatives to treat mental health problems?

Shrooms removed my agoraphobia and the worst symptom of OCD but it lasted for like two months, didn't try it again yet
Can be the best shit like desoxyn tier but also trash. Generally cheapest vendors have the worst stealth but most amount. Other vendor's specialize in pharms and quick and ultra stealth delivery . check reviews. If he doesn't ship extend auto finalize always need to manually do it. If you value quality then usually gotta pay more in any case its gonna be much better than street shit but the cheap shit will not be desoxyn tier. This is universal for DW stuff my old coworker used to order a lot always showed me the packages and the cheap or expensive ones. Also try to order from within your country or a country that's not suspicious domestic local mail will pretty much never be caught only from overseas . or in Europe shitty countries if it comes from Serbia much worse fhsn Sweden as Sweden completely dominates the stim market in EU with their attentin dexamph pharma being cheaper than street shit. Depends on location ordering locally very low chance. If you order overseas you need gk make sure he has very good stealth. Like they will do stuff like sending you a something with amazon labels on them and shir or mask it as letters from religious organisations or charity or shit and like 1-2 layers of stealth and decoy depends on how much money you pay and the guys reviews and if he does bulk or small. Generally DW shit always good less cutting or even none and 0 risk involved if some well as you can always deny having received it and desu my friend ordered since silkroad as he's addicted to benzos and opis and they caught one package from China from like monthly orders for 12 years since silkroad only one got caught . depends all. Also sometimes some reviews are fake esp for stims. Because they want to get a reship dumb coke heads on egotrip or methheads So they say they didn't get it hoping the vendor will reship which they sometimes do if not they leave bad reviews. This is esp true for vendors with many transactions,look at the total sales
>the worst symptom of OCD
what is it?
Psychonaut wiki journal
Read above posts made decently by me the textwalls includes stuff on keta. About psychedelics I have tried pretty much every rc disso and the phenz like 2cb 2ce .... Etc . the psilo analogues and etc etc. 2cb is my absolute favorite bit from all of them j found 0 introspection and it didn't fix shit for me all. It just looks cool. DXM which is a mixture of both serotonin like all classic spycheddlics based but also strongly dissociative was a very unique experience but utterly bad. As it turned out I had metabolic issues with that enzyme I got much more fjcked than my friend thagz 20kg less weight ssmd dose relative to bodyweight. Nigga wsd fine next day and I literally couldn't walk straight for 4 days . was very scared that maybe I had a non convulsive seizure at night (look it up) or some other shit dunno it took me one week to feel slightly normal again and since this incident had strong tinitus that lasted for 3 months . that was really bad for my brain a PCP overdose was much less bad just one day of feeling spend . so it can go good, do nothing or be terrible. To this day I have slight tinitus now esp when using dissos . also I was very light sensitive and felt like -50 IQ for 2-3 days and slight hppd for 2 months. 3/10 trip 0/10 aftermath

Dissos however changed my life unirinically I signed ul to gym , went to bad at normal times and even went swimming in the morning . I don't do this anymore but it helped me more than ADHD meds or anything literally just a few trips was what it took plain DCK or ketamine. Drugs fuck me up but they also helped me out of many holes. But currently doing BaD again cause >>78014136
But yeah they did change a lot in my life for the better and made me get some of my shit together like basic routine and crap . Once I set my mind on sth in a let binge and convince myself I so it. Like going gym I can now OHP my own weight and squat twice my weight
<can any benzo / (esp sleep aid xanax)> user help>?????
Please I want to get some advice I can't afford getting sick now . I know its 4chan but maybe some kind soul can tell me if and how I can hopefully completely bypass the SD
Gotta go I spend too much time here today and I have work to do.
thanks for the advice. From what I know the Swedish pharma vendors' stuff is more expensive. Will check out this attentin stuff do you know if attentin pills are often faked? My friend has experience ordering some shitty stims from Germany.
what's up with this dude spamming the thread with his unreadable comments asking for some sort of advice?
what drug causes this?
I try to remember to reply at a later time, not awake enough to make a coherent post right now
what are the posts in question
pre-rolls suck ass, no exceptions. i even hate smoking my own joints a day later. cured weed needs to be fresh. oxidation fucks it all up.
use a bong bro
I also hate bongs. Bong water is disgusting after 1 hit, and the bowl itself gets nasty after 1 session, just like pipes.

The only good ways to consume cannabis are:
-dry herb vape
woops, this was meant for:
these (I assume it's the same guy):
>>78014136 >>78014157 >>78015471
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benzos and weed are so fucking comfy. I wish I had more drug classes to take, my goal is to one day test positive for every drug on the test
>all this vaped weed
What should I do with it?
eat it with some fatty food. like a bowl of cereal with milk.
Just started my first attempt to grow mushrooms on saturday, wish me luck.

Something similar to germaphobia, but instead of bacteria etc. it was about other peoples bodily fluids and dirt
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I used to have a massive fear of bees, wasps and in general any insect of that sort but it just vanished after I fucked up a dose and had a bad trip on shrooms.
The way I noticed it was a few days later when saw a wasp in the bathroom and I just calmly opened the window to let it out.
have these drugs changed you in any other ways?
Not really, but it is nice that I no longer freak out and panic over a single bee, hornets are still fucking terrifying though.
What app is this? I am autistic and love data I would love to record my drug usage in such a way.
if you're the autist I met before you will log a lot of stimulants in the app.
bump for all the drugleafs
found my local nic vape vendor selling coke in a dnm, lmao
taking shrooms for the first time this week, what should I expect?
>is it normal if I get no psychedelia and dissociation from ket? I only got the heavy sedation part.
This could be normal, depending on the Ketamine isomer. There are three different basic kinds of ketamine: Esketamine (S-isomer), Arketamine (R-isomer) and Racemic ketamine (Ketamine containing both isomers).
Esketamine is the most psychedelic form of Ketamine and is often preferred by users. Most trip reports you have heard/read will likely involve Esketamine. Arketamine, on the other hand, is known to cause more sedation than Esketamine, with less psychedelic visuals.

There is a good chance you tried Arketamine or a racemic form of ket instead of Esketamine, which would explain why you felt heavily sedated without the psychedelic effects and why your experience did not match your expectations.
>Or reviewing your life from a different point of view, with a lot of hindsight.
I call this one the third-person perspective. It allows you to evaluate yourself objectively and critically analyse your physical, mental and emotional strengths and weaknesses so that you can begin to love yourself for who you are (gay hippie shit, but it's real). I genuinely believe that this aspect of Ketamine helped me overcome my depressive tendencies.
I have a cup of puppy seed tea made that I'm going to drink tomorrow and I have no idea how I'm going to get it down. Just making it wanted to make me vomit and thinking about drinking it makes me want to vomit too. Shit is absolutely foul but it's all the opiates I have left. How do I drink this shit?
Depends on how much you take. Generally you can expect wavy visuals, a magical headspace, and maybe some nausea (personally I don't get any but apparently a lot of people do). If its your first psychedelic, make sure you're in a good mindset in a comfortable place before you eat them.
Well described. Taking a step back can also help solve problems we encounter by allowing us to see the big picture. I've managed some radical changes in my life with ketamine after understanding the big picture of the situation I was stuck in. Beware of notting down ideas, which can be very creative, as everything can be forgotten in an instant. I really feel it's destroying my memory, short, medium and long term.

Non-racemic ketamine cannot be found on the black market. It's extremely expensive to produce. And studies say so. Outside hospitals, ketamine is always 50/50 R/S. Stop believing your dealers and get informed...
A lot of euphoria and complex thoughts, fun and educational experience if I do say so myself just don't start with a high dose, I took 3 for my first time and had a blast.
how could you forget the Penjamin?

You can get high as fuck literally anywhere and everywhere at the push of a button. It's the only way to smoke the purest nigger weed without making your house smell like a homeless encampment.
Eat it, bro. I made a banana milkshake the other day and mixed in 5gs of vaped weed. It tasted fine, but my farts stunk of weed for 24hrs afterwards.
I hope that's not USD, because god damn, those prices are horrible. It's $5 for a 1g joint in Nevada.
As a glassblower I feel like you're failing to appreciate art by neglecting glass. I recognize it's a preference thing but I love my fancy pipes and bongs and they're all the more sentimental if I've made them myself.
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>Pick up some Mutant Tire Fire for Canada day
>Open it up and sniff inside
>nasty GMO Cookies stank rises out of the bag
Every fucking time, I really should have looked up what I was getting.
Aye, double (You)s.
>I really feel it's destroying my memory, short, medium and long term.
This is exactly why I haven't taken any in a long time, and my memory has since recovered. But I really benefitted from the after-effects of Ketamine because I felt noticeably happier for weeks after having a 1-day binge, and I didn't feel any cravings or negative comedown the next day.

>Non-racemic ketamine cannot be found on the black market
Are you sure? What about the pure S-isomer ket that dealers buy wholesale from Indian pharmaceutical companies? I'm not denying that all ket made by black market chemists is racemic due to the high production cost, but you can definitely find pharma-grade if you know where to look.
he's gonna kill me I just know it
Marine Le Pen will legalize all drugs and help Phoenicia
This giant French Cauldron fed an entire nation for free daily.
Do LSD and shrooms

Magic exists
Regards to anarcho collectivism also

The democracy of infinite multiverses of energy and infinite organically equal leaders

The greater abundance of collectives is abundanter verities of CHOICE and FREEDOM

But fuuuck I want French sovl to be pushy
Also regards and utmost respects to the indigenous

So crucial in the worlds magic
shot outs to the local who sold me a fresh tobacco cigar, great rolling skills
great quality too
is there any drug what will genuinely make me happy or give me dopamine without making me completely shut down crying after
I came to the same conclusion through religion and psych usage.
No. Sorry Anon, but your body wants to be sober
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>puppy seed tea
how adorable
True religion only.
Paganism only.

Paganism: Each love is a soul and infinite multiverses. Yin-yang. Etc.

We can focus on anything infinitely. Every feeling is infinite dimensions.
Helping indigenous makes drugs cheaper and better.
what have you tried so far? knowing this will help us give better advice.
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>Are you sure?
Yes and you're kinda dumb. Pic related
another night, another nicotine haze
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has anyone experimented with benadryl and weed? thinking about doing 500mg while high. I have only done benadryl twice before 300 the first time and 500 the second.
Getting drunk like normal. The emergency room shot me up with acid not too long ago - the best I've ever felt, shit was groovy, felt like all the pain was gone... For 12hr.

DO NOT join the 800mg club. I had a crisis in a hotel on 840mg. 300 max.
would love one of those right now
they don't even show the end product

what was he cooking?
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>no gf to dote on me while im tripping out of my mind
fuaaark bros
Yes I was in a weird mood cause I woke up still fucked from benzos but also on stims so it made some benzo-speedball and I posted too much but my question stands how bad my WD is gonna be
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>Go to an illegal rave (UK, a good few months ago now)
>Some guy comes in with with a knife (Rare here, vibes are usually pretty good, esp since it wasn't london)
>Tries to attack one of the crew
>Manages to slash his face (not too bad but fuck)
>Gets manhandled by security, knife taken away, put outside
>He gets back in somehow
>Gets seen, gets his shit absolutely kicked in, phone stolen and thrown away by security, put back outside
>Tries to get in again
What drug could possibly cause this much pure retardation? He didn't look like he was on stimulants, benzos maybe? It's rare to see anything other than Ket, Molly, Alcohol, weed and psychs at these things
some people are naturally retarded
Parents are coming to visit tomorrow, no more comfy highs for the next few weeks :(
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I am so stoned and I am going to play videogames and no one can stop me.
nodding hard off these synthetic cannabioids bros
ketamineous bump
Sure, glasswork is always cool and impressive as an art form. I think that's separate from whether glass is good for smoking or not.
I ended up mixing the tea with a shit ton of orange juice. It did not get me high at all but I think it helped with withdrawals Abita. 9 more days.
I made my nose bleed from snorting so I'm folding smelly street amphetamine into rice paper and swallowing it

How did my life come to this? I just want friends and wholesome activities to do
any opium dens still operating in Los Angles area?
do you at least feel energized, productive and more confident from the amphetamine?
No, I've taken at least "100mg" and barely anythinig, I swear this shit must be 99% caffeine
well boys, time to relapse on stimulants. godSPEED men. haha. get it?
have you taken amphetamine at prior occasions and felt something then? Did you reagent test this amphetamine?
>have you taken amphetamine at prior occasions and felt something then?
I took street pressed pills before and they were good
> Did you reagent test
There's no risk of speed containing opioids in the uk so I didn't bother, and honestly idc about fent/nitazenes since I want to be dead by now anyway
Anyone want to expound on the beta blocker/stimulant combo? I just took some propranolol with my stimulant dose. Supposed to help with the cardiac effects, right?
I am merely asking about the reagents because I'm curious about what you actually snorted. BTW UK speed is notoriously shit. There's also a free UK based testing service it's called Wedinos. Cheers and speed on
I checked wedinos and a lot of the speed does indeed contain caffeine but it doesn't really say how much is actual amphetamine. I'm just going to try cocaine instead of shopping around until I find decent speed
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I discovered god, she was waiting for me, Marlboro reds, drinking ,et cetera
I even induced her into this secret club
She knows that I'm the guy in Daniel 12 and in John 1
I had to ruin everything I just had to it was way way way too perfect
cheers to everyone
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I wish I could say I wasn't crying right now, why do I have to ruin everything, everything, anything that could have ever made me happy?
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page 10 bumping i love drugs so much
Which things exactly did you ruin? I wish to learn from your mistakes.
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I can't stop drinking and neither do I want to but I've found that I can keep my drinking contained to the evenings. How reliably can I keep this up on a daily basis? Let's say I have 8 drinks each night. I won't be getting proper physical wds from that right? Increased anxiety maybe but that's nothing. I've dealt with agoraphobia and benzo wds so that is like a nothingburger to me at this point. Other side effects I don't care about and neither do I care if it kills me early.
I know it's not good but as I said I don't want to stop anymore.
I don't even see the point of this app. I drink and smoke all day every day when I'm not at work.
Goodbye tumours
Communication solves
Hentai and magic.

Do more shrooms, Nippon!
Form anarcho collectives

Infinite organically equal leaders with infinite dimensions of will/progress/perspective/ideals/standards

Having only one leader is a weakness or a trick
Any DPH users here? Not interested in doing, but genuinely curious on why people do it. I always think to myself "the upsides must be INSANE" but I've VERY rarely heard anybody explain what a good time on it even looks like.
I used to be so into drugs when I was younger. Always chasing down different subtances to try. Now i have access to pretty much any and every different thing imaginable but I generally have no interest in taking anything. I don't even care for drinking these days. Coffee and tea are pretty much the furthest I get from sobriety. My past self would be so mad that i I waste the opportunity. Its not even that I had many bad experiences either. Most of my trips went okay or neutral at worst, most everything else was highly enjoyable. Yet I can never bring myself to dose anything these days. Ill buy it and then it sits on my counter untouched forever. Maybe one day I'll change my mind and it'll be nice to have massive stash of every drug
For trip killers, would you pick clonazepam or xanax? most vendors sell both and I mainly intend on getting benzos as trip killers.
Idk. Depends on what you're tripping on. Prolly xanax for shorter duration and clonazepam for something like acid that lasts longer. Ime the effects are pretty much identical but clonazepam lasts longer iirc
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god i want crack every time i drink i just want crack i wish i was hunter biden rich
nothing is better than a crack hit no drug is like it why havent you taken the /crack/ pill
300mics acid and 20mg oxy
Going to smoke dmt for the first time since I impulsively bought it, second psych I'll be doing lesgo!!!!
smoked 5 miligrams, didn't do much obvi but shit it hits fast.
anyways I think I'll be going up every 5 miligrams until shit starts being spooky.
crack interests me. i once tried a hit of it with a friend of mine, but those glass dicks are a pain in the ass to work with. what lazy motherfucker designed a pipe shaped like a straw? it's so easy for your shit to fall out the front. that even happened to my dealer one time i was hanging out with him!
you can smoke crack out of one of those? why does every crackhead i've seen use a stem?
Any experience mixing kratom with regular opiates? I got some kratom while in was in another state and tried it, pretty nice for something I can get in a store but I'd like to mix the two to make some hydrocodone go further, since actual opioids are still way more euphoric compared to Kratom.
Alright, I did a bit more and it's like shrooms but you feel energetic rather than sluggish, could just be my excitement tho, thought dmt was some super scary drug but eh it's aight
>why does every crackhead i've seen use a stem?
bc they are cheap and easy to scrap resin. the best thing is a small bong to smoke it
I conclude it's more energetic and short-lived shrooms
A nice addition to weed, tho kindof expensive, will try higher doses next time.
The best straight out trip killer would be an actual 5-HT2a antagonist. If you're in the US, a doctor will typically give you trazodone if you tell them you're having issues with insomnia. It's not narcotic, so they're not very hesitant to prescribe it, and it will completely stop a trip in its tracks.

Benzos just calm you down. It works to keep you from freaking out during a bad trip, but if you want to go back to ground level you should take a trazodone or another 5-HT2a antagonist you can get.

I personally enjoy taking benzos with psychs--I get to dip my toes in without really taking the training wheels off, which is something I value after having had a traumatic bad trip a while ago, though I will say it detracts from the overall experience a lot.
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It's not a good time. Done it twice and both times sucked ass. It's extremely uncomfortable, the hallucinations are not enjoyable, and there's nothing more to it. Another anon mentioned it to me, but it's very similar to akathisia, a feeling of restlessness and unease. All your muscles want to tense but at the same time don't. The main appeal of DPH is that it's OTC in most places, very self destructive, very edgy, and was also popular on tiktok a while back.
What I remember from my trips were some white hallucinations, one was a spot that wouldn't go away, another was a flash of lightning, there were also fireworks out my window which was covered up at the time lol.
The main thing I remember was telling myself that I would never do this again. The first time was me just trying to sleep, the second was me being a retard. With things like delta 9 being legal in most states, there's no reason to do it.
Decided to take 300mcg of a liquid lsd solution I prepared. Did this much a few times before and my ssris usually just ruin most of the fun, but today feels really off. Not sure if I'm just getting in my own head and its only been an hour since indigestion (usually takes what 2 hours if youre drinking it) but god damn does this feel off
>no trip killers
best I have is some benadryl I take on occasion for sleeping, would that work alright?

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