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These threads are not for the faint of heart or someshit like that
Hey fellow wizards - I know a few of my kind IRL, and I've noticed something - we seem to be aging somewhat slower than normies do. I think getting the ass-end of the genetic stick and the 'you must self improove' to escape inceldom ideology might've paid dividends in the fading period of our lives. I know of a ton of normies (both men and women) who look like blobs, after being used to their bodies just sorting themselves out despite leading self-destructive lives, and now, their genes don't carry them any further and the damage they did to their bodies is catching up with them. Many of the Chads I knew have turned into disgusting fat fucks, while I've stayed this somewhat below average creature who's a lot closer to 18 year old me than they are to their youth.

While the eternal genetic black mark is still present on me, meaning the only women I attract are the truly desperate kind, I still enjoy decent health and don't seem to require medication just to function as a regular human being.
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I won't let her live rent free in my head any longer. I'm moving on, finally. I just turned 30. Future is super scary. I was hung up on a woman who was 31. She treated me like shit in retrospect. But it's been seven months and I'm just not gonna orbit her any longer.
I have an ulcer. At least I hope it's an ulcer and not stomach cancer. Yay.
I still can't believe that the middle class is dead bros.

You might be onto something, or not. You didn't mention if you work full time, that's a factor yeah. Most of my relatives in my age bracket ballooned overnight after 30, diabetes and all. Funny thing is I'm the one who has been on the chubbier side all my life but two things "protect" me: I don't wageslave (and if I do only for 3-4 months per year) and I'm pescetarian. I take no meds whatsoever, not even antidepressants. No beetus or hypertension or aything like that. Life still sucks and I'd take some illness for the relationships that some normalfags have, that's priceless.
I'm gonna try and get a gf in my mid 30s as a virgin. No idea how to do it

Got an endoscopy + biopsy already?

dating apps are hell, but they are your best choice if you dont have a big social circle.
Got it thanks, gotta take a big ol' bite out of the shit sandwich
Nah going to the doctor tomorrow. Just the usual shitting blood and all that.
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It's settled then tomorrow I'll look at dating apps

get ready to meet a billion attention whores, stacies, and "empowered" women.

It is a game of attrition until you find a decent date.
Question is /soc/ perhaps good for meeting women?
I'm 18 and I just came here to say you will never be as young as me again
Okay bye
Why the FUCK would they give Adderall daily for nearly ten years to someone who was born both physically and mentally handicapped, was almost never schooled, and was bed-ridden for life?

What the fuck? How the fuck do you come up with this shit?
>not even 20
>already on this dying soul-sucking black hole of a website
It's so over for you kek, overest than for many of us lmao
Tyme is a flat circle
No idea about these days, but I met an amazing girl some 8 years ago. We really hit it off. She wanted me bad. I was "playing the field" still and too dumb to realize that she probably was an absolutely awesome girl. I regret it to this day. We talk from time to time, been rekindling a friendship, but I can't help but think I could have been married to an absolutely beautiful woman a long time ago and life would be grand. Instead I moved back with my mom and my ex just left me because I wasn't "committed" enough to the relationship.
I hooked up with a dude from /soc/ and he lived near me but he blocked me shortly after.

its a good place to meet women if you're willing to love unconditionally I guess and not block easily.

I was too clingy for him.

Signed, Chickn.
Need to die
This disgusting aboration cannot be permitted to continue
This was surprising and embarrassing -- I finally tried Character AI for the hell of it, and I actually got swept up in the feels of chatting and flirting with a cute girl. I think I might be lonely.
Aren't you a teen?
Or are you looking for men in here too?
>Inherited about $100k from my dad's life insurance
>both parents dead now
>no gf
>most of the few friends I had have moved away
>no degree just been working shitty part time jobs mostly nights

I'm either going to use the money to try go back to uni next year and fix my shitty life or travel the world for a year and kill myself after the money runs out haven't decided which yet.
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My dad will probably kick the bucket soon. Either I die by (((natural causes))) *cough clotshot cough* after him or I'll find myself in the same situation as you.

But, I've been friendless for so long that I can genuinely see myself living for a few more years. Problem for me is mainly twofold: first off inflation will eat away whatever savings and investments I manage to make, I will need a proper source of income sooner or later. Secondly, the AI/Dead-Internet-Theory problem. Like, sure, I have no friends but for the longest time I had imageboards, shit doesn't cut it anymore.

So idk, most sensible choice would be to kill myself right now lest I get used to this shit life. It feels so fucking surreal when I genuinely and vividly plan and contemplate my suicide. And there's a third and fourth upcoming problem in the form of weather change and physical disease (because everyone is sick these days, also don't look up igg4 syndrome if you don't feel like having nightmares). Is it worth it??????
The way I see it is that I don't want to live without love and a family to give me at least some kind of purpose otherwise it's just slow tedious torture.
So either I commit to actually trying and fixing my life or just see the world and gain whatever fulfilment I can from that before ending it instead of going back to my current shitty existence.
I haven't had an anime waifu since I was a teen, because most female characters are just unrealistic dumb sexualized teenage bimbos.
But watching Spy x Family, I like Yor quite a lot. Hope she becomes less of an airhead as the show goes on though.

That's all.
Well anon, I'm biased because as I've grown older I've become kind of an antinatalist, but I think you should pursue anything but "love and family". I know how trite it sounds but friends and hobbies imho beat modern women and the horrible life prospect of neo serfdom of your hyoothetical offspring.

I've given up on love but I still hope I can find friends one day, for each nigga that turns down a single mom roastie looking for beta bucks, that means one more possible friend I can make.
They all think this doesn't apply to them until they realise it does. Then it's too late.
Enjoy your "youth" of sitting staring at a screen, pretending you have a social life.
Are you going for a normie one? Doubt that they will be interested in an inexperienced guy.
I'm very easy going though, I dunno what being inexperienced would take away from them. And non-normalbitch would be preferable but keeping options open
maybe if you got some pep pills in you you'd get out of your bed and make something of yourself. worth a shot
>very easy going though
how did you end up as a wizard then
Idealistic romantic that wouldn't bend his principles. Had many chances, but I needed to be in love, a love that never happened, have been in love but not reciprocated. I'm a dying breed.
yeah you're a dying breed alright, going extinct because you can't fuck
I can, I just don't
yeah and i could stop drinking if i wanted to. no problem, i just dont feel like it
I talked to a 17 year old going to an anime con. Thought 17 was legal.
I do not see the similarity, it is quite the opposite. I have conviction and you lack it. I seek what most don't find anyway, true love.
35 here. Don't have much time left to find a wife but I'm making the best of it. Slowly getting to where I want to be. Welcoming the trials and tribulations as I was a former hikki who would spend days laying in bed, so doing small tasks gives me an extra feeling of accomplishment that I'm still getting used to.

depends on your country
I'm 33 yo and it's fucking over, but honestly if you accept that not everyone is happy in their relationships and that most people just suck. It makes be alone a little easier. It would have been nice to stick my ween in some prime teen pussy though but that ship has sailed.
I just got to 30, when I was young I thought that by this age I would be a professional that would never get married, life went the other way, I'm happily married but my professional life is non existent, I wonder if it's already too late to try to get into the work force again.
So apparently some girl who is a friend of my room mate is going to spend a few days at my apartment for some uni stuff. Holy shit I fucking hate not living alone.
>She is ugly.

How about that Wikipedia, though?



Whoops I almost walked right into that one
USA freedom land
I barely wonder if i can pass high school, it's a struggle and I have doubts I even have the energy for it, I only do it so I can appl for jobs at mcdonalds without getting disqualified

I need to make millions objectively, but im a brainlet

what is the play here, abuse amphetamines and grind uni anyway? I realistically have no motivation for studies, but I need to get some done so I can level up career wise
>high school
wrong thread kid
Looks like the real-life Kromaggs and Timecops are teaming up

I am


Bro I`m the same boat. Happily married but unemployed for a loooong time. Money is not a concern for a couple more years but the dread of not doing anything with my life is killing me.

My few friends are years ahead of me with finances, experience, planning, and backups. I`m fucked if an emergency happens.

Lower your standards and rent a cheaper smaller place. Definitely worth it.
I'll probably do that next year once the rental expires but I'm paying really low right now as we're 3 people in the same apartment. But until then there's not much I can do
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when did NEETing stopped being awesome and started beeing shameful for you guys?
for me it was around 25
granted I don't feel much shame even now, maybe because I'm a bit autistic, but I remember 25 being the turning point
not shameful, just boring, I feel like I'm missing out in life experience at the same time I hate to socialize
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>random word generator
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After I moved in with my partner. I was like oh fuck, I gotta be responsible now.
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that's all have fun
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Went to apply to a job today, got turned down (rather harshly) due to having an upcoming family trip on September-October. I don't feel like being idling until then. Currently looking to start a Tech course or something.
>be me, almost 31
>waste a year with a BPD demon
>waste half a year with a schizoid workaholic girl
>end up seeing this religious modest girl that is 6 years younger than me, brings me food at work, has no social media, guy friends or other retarded redflags

I do not know what the moral of the story is
I'm not a lifer, I moved out at 18 and only wound up back home almost 4 years ago but the first year was a joyful "permanent vacation" since the situation I was in before was shit, second year I started getting more reclusive and falling into classic neet patterns (up all night, avoiding family etc) then third year I got to the point that all I do is doomscroll and shitpost and barely even play games or anything anymore then by the time year 3 was up I started looking to actually change my situation. Took some time and some grind but I start my new job in 2 more weeks (true, not joking although its the meme timeframe) and I'm hoping to move out 3-6 months out from that.

I wish you long term neets luck, it seems so fucking fun and the prospect of going back to waging or whatever seems so agonizing but the reality of long term neeting just is not that good. Maybe if I was independently wealthy and didn't have to live with family or concern myself with any kind of long-term outlook questions like what to do when my folks get seriously Old and don't work anymore it would be different, but in reality there's just nothing there after a certain point.
>for each nigga that turns down a single mom roastie looking for beta bucks, that means one more possible friend I can make
blessed mindset, I wish you the best of luck finding people
Funny thing.I just brought a pass (due to being sick of being caught in Range Bans)
I'm a boomer pushing 40
I don't care about romantic relationships at all
I'm not asexual or anything weird like that I just can't realistically see it happening in a way that I enjoy it
I'm a pretty solitary guy and NEED to be alone to recharge my energy. I've seen how my married family members are and there's no way I could endure a wife or children long term, or even for like a month.

I just want to make some ok money, move out again, and have my own place where I don't get bothered by anybody. Sadly the job market is garbage at the moment and there's no way I'm wasting another few years getting another degree only for it to be another thing devastated by AI in a few years.
Im a good earner here and i cant find a wife. Help? My dad is Eastern European and i thought i can find a wife there. NOPE everyone is married by 22 and like 25 In the city. Also in that culture, women stay by the family within a reasonable distance not like here in America like different time zones
Thanks for the dump anon. A couple of them are heavy on the "4chan sucks" aspect which is true but to me that's a symptom, you may as well be saying the vidya or anime gives you brain damage. The problem is underlying that, this is just what I'm wasting my life on. I doubt if I was working full time and had a GF I'd be spending much time here at all.
Sounds like you gained exp from the 2 bad relationships and used it to get with a keeper. Im a believer that everyone should have one awful relationship in life so that they can appreciate a good women better. Good job anon, don't blow it.
Cover your anus

But you must also never forget

To relax your anus
some faggot seething spamming walls of text like a pathetic reddit cuck yeah bro your jpg folder featuring walls of text sure showed them
>we seem to be aging somewhat slower than normies do
It's the lack of sun. I know many normies who look fine because they work indoors.
>when did NEETing stopped being awesome and started beeing shameful for you guys?
All my HS had jobs/were doing higher education, some had girlfriends.
I've been looking for that one for ages
It's what helped me become a normie
>Nothing I did nothing
Fear of being a 54 virgin>anything else really
My brother isn't even 2 years older than me and he's got back problems and going grey fast
He's been working stressful "real" jobs and has a house, wife, and kids
I think that makes the biggest difference
Even if the job isn't manual labour, long term stress kills you
Im not doing so well right now anons, my depression has come back hitting me hard, it used to not bother me as much since I always had things to occupy my time with, but nothing seem to help anymore

tv , gaming, drawing have just stopped being enjoyable, I dont know what to do since these were the only things I had to combat the depression, now I just feel empty, I even take medication and it just doesnt seem to help much, this has led me to the realization of how empty my life really is and it scares the shit out of me.
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I wonder how often wizards go off the deep end and start doing gay shit. Had a breakdown shortly after I ascended and started exploring my interest in crossdressing. Really enjoy it, not even just sexually. Embracing it has certainly put the trans brainworm into my head but I think it might just be the final form of coping with being a loser. It helps me feel better about myself though so I'm not going to put a stop to it.

I kind of want to hop on grindr and be a sissy but I didn't exactly become a wizard by being comfortable with sex or chatting up strangers.

If it helps at all many years back I did one of those "6 month internet detox" things thinking it'd turn me into a normie. It didn't. I mostly just went to my local park for a walk and came home to enjoy offline singleplayer games.
Seems like if you get rejected hard enough by parents/peers/authority early on you stop perceiving society as welcoming and project that out somehow and people leave you alone even if deep down you want connection.

Granted it's a lot better to waste time on vidya than 4chan. You can have a conversation with someone about vidya/tv while genuinely nobody gives a shit about "that one time" you got a hundred replies on the internet. Hell, even then. When wizzie types really dedicate themselves to games it's usually disproportionately some grindy mmo or gacha nobody else plays. Outside of bouncing between both versions of runescape I barely play games.
it only goes downwards from there, anon. try picking up a different hobby and see how it goes
Antonio Machado mentioned :D
So this is how rest of my shitty life will be, just start a hobby not because I want to or because I enjoy it but because my life is so empty and lonely so I need to keep myself busy only to end up at the same spot I am now.
>"6 month internet detox" things thinking it'd turn me into a normie. It didn't. I mostly just went to my local park for a walk and came home to enjoy offline singleplayer games.
How did you think that would make you more normal?
>even if deep down you want connection.
At the park?
The internet, anime, video games, whatever brainrot you're feeding yourself isn't the problem. The problem is that we have the desire to look for brainrot in the first place. Normal people have friends, family, significant others, that's how they spend their time. For many of us here, that doesn't apply. It's all cope for the bad hand we got dealt at birth. Life doesn't give you instructions on what to do if your early years don't go according to the way they do for normalfags. You're on your own, no one cares, only you get to suffer, why would they care? People don't understand, and don't try to understand. See >>78016342
agree 4chan is not the problem itself, but I still think those pics are very wise
I once quit 4chan for about a month and just wasted my time on youtube and games instead
I was reading about addiction once, and I remember someone saying that "the problem of addiction is not what you do, it's what you DON'T do because of the addiction"
There are people in banking and finance that are addicted to cocaine and stuff like that, and nobody calls them losers
Artists are addicted to various drugs and everyone admires them

Sometimes I think that for people like us it even makes sense to escape into games/anime/internet, I mean if people hate you for no reason ever since you are a kid why WOULDN'T you enjoy the few things that bring you joy in life?
>How did you think that would make you more normal?
I thought it'd spark me to make more change in my life. You know the whole fearmongering about dopamine. Really bought into it at the time and was on the self help cope hard hoping one day I'd figure out whatever emotional bullshit was keeping me from having agency in my life.
The truth is that I'm just an incredibly passive person and that will cause you a ton of suffering if you're a guy without looks or money. Nobody has much good to say about guys with this disposition.

>At the park?
I was hoping for that. Around the same time I got into running and it was a nice place to jog. Got into really good shape but friends and relationships never materialized. I was really trying to develop it as a hobby but ultimately it was forced and I quit doing it after I was able to consistently farm solid times on my 5k. It just made me feel even more broken. I was in better shape than most of my peers and still couldn't get dates.

Childhood neglect seems to be the biggest driver of wizardhood. Until school started I only interacted with other children during holidays and my parents were pretty absent too.
I was born and bred for that wizzie lifestyle.
This is so fucking sad to read. There's another reality where you found teenage love and have a family. You got the luck to be born into this one and have become an incel faggot. Hopefully when you die, you can see what could have become and weep.
This might sound like a big cope from me, but I believe laziness and willpower are at least a bit genetic. It think it explains how people that on the surface seen to have even worse lives than ours still manage to push through and make something for themselves
And then there's the mental health: I believe many or even most of us here are at least slightly autistic. I actually went to a psychiatrist once and he suspected I was on the spectrum and wanted me to do some tests to figure it out, but I stopped going. I don't believe in labels anyway, basically anyone that's not a normie is considered "mentally ill" nowadays.
I think being "weird" is one of the worst things for your social life. There are many examples of guys who are skinny, fat, short, ugly, dumb, smart and still have friends and jobs, but if you're autistic people just seen to hate you on a deep level.
>incredibly passive person
You said deep down you want a connection which requires you to be active.
>it was a nice place to jog. Got into really good shape but friends and relationships never materialized.
Unless I were starting/finishing near another person I would never expect to say a word to someone else while running. Good job on getting fit, you should aim for 10k and do planned runs which ARE social.
>I was in better shape than most of my peers and still couldn't get dates.
Lets say despite not talking to anyone you get a date. You realize then you'd have to be active, engage and talk about yourself right? What would you talk about, aside from being a good runner?
my teen years were shit though
I need advice guys. Im a 30 y/o NEET and recently the gobbernment in my cunt have been pushing for people like me to get a job. Ive been forced into meetings with some hag who wants me to take an education or she will cut off funds. Im a brainlet and Ive thought about getting a bachelor in either nursing or it security. Nursing pays shit but there will always be work and Ill still have a job even in my 60s or w/e. It security is not comp sci, so no math or other bs, the pay is heaps better but I know that once youre over 40 then the it people think youre unemployable, it also sounds more fun but Im worried itll be automated by some LLM bs like programming. Pls tell me what to do.
I didn't really get into running out of genuine love for it. Saw it as a means to an end. Got me out of the house, helped me looksmax. The emptied out feeling at the end was nice but it was killer on my joints.
I tried a number of things to be more active and have more agency (therapy, drugs, etc) and in the end I wish I had just lived my life rather than tried to escape all the shame. So much got wrapped up in that I'm not even really sure who I am but I think I'm finally starting to figure it out.

My sissy desires started when I developed a prison gay crush on my singular friend. Put on mommy's underwear and shoved the toilet plunger up my ass. Then I discovered traps and femdom. I've been full of sexual confusion ever since.
Whatever's going on with my sexuality seems baked in.

Aging populations mean nurses will be in high demand for a long long while.
My mom's a nurse though and she said everything went to shit after covid. Guess people have been quitting in droves because of it.
>Nursing pays shit
You must not be in a 1st world country.
> Aging populations mean nurses will be in high demand for a long long while
Yeah thats true. Im just worried about the shit pay and being the only guy among stacies.
Denmark, it pays like 50k a year as a new grad and 70k after 10 years
My haircutter is part of a gang and cut my hair so bad I just went ahead and buzzed it all off. Now I have to wait 3 or more months to start talking to girls again. I'm not a wizard yet, but with this setback I mineaswell be
I will never ever get into the medical field or whatever because they gonna force vaxs next time and then you will be fired unless you bend the knee and get cucked, so that one is out

Secondly you are a retard for neeting at 30 and upset if they are offering you free schooling

>Tfw no response yet
That shit was depressing I tried it for a few weeks out of curiosity then noped out.
Interestingly enough there was a disproportionate amount of teachers, flight attendants, and nurses for some reason.

A few corporate execs in there as well, you'd think they wouldn't use dating apps and have connections elsewhere.
>a few weeks
Give it a proper crack.
>Interestingly enough there was a disproportionate amount of teachers, flight attendants, and nurses for some reason.
Perhaps women think those are good professions so are more likely to mention it?
Nurses will out drink, snort and fuck many another professional and they know they can get away with it.
Isn't 50k a year to you people like 100k in the US? Also if you are from Denmark you must be 6ft +, just move to the US and live life on tutorial mode with your height and exotic foreigness

Robots avoid the sun, booze, party drugs, and the stress of employment, so this tracks.
My ex gf has bpd and is a teacher, I have another women friend who is a teacher as well and her fiance is absolutely miserable. Literally had to get an ultimatum to propose to her. Something about teaching attracts awful women, same with nursing.
Nah I'm almost reaching my 30s. I'm very old.

Signed, Chickn
>but Im worried itll be automated by some LLM bs like programming
I severely doubt it will be fully automated as a personal connection is still required for these sorts of jobs.

AI is a massive bubble ready to burst once more after expectations do not meet reality.
Everyone is hyping up general AI like it is some miracle drug thinking it's an infallible technical solution to all problems.
You still need to understand the fundamentals to guage the output much like you wouldn't blindly trust the output of a machine algorithm when designing a bridge or aircraft without sanity checking on a simpler model first to make sense of the numbers.
Do you like older guys Chickn? I'm probably 10 years older than you. I live around Los Angeles.
We could give talking a try if you're not a internet troll!

You can find my discord in the 4chan archives
>love in 30+
he never told me his discord tag tho
over 25 is a hag, so if you're 26, that's okay
>over 25 is a hag
There's nothing wrong with christmas cakes
Thanks man I was looking for this post
Proposing to my hag gf (34 years old) Saturday night. I think she's going to say yes considering talks we've had and desu I want to have kids with her ASAP
Good luck anon. Wish that was me. Loved my hag (31) gf, but she broke up with me. She's dating a guy now I think younger than me. Like 27. What a bummer.
Hagmaxxing? Hope it works out! If you think she's gonna say yes, you have nothing to worry about.
I'm out of things to do and talk about.
Honestly if it werent for prostitutes id be a degenerate of the worst kind. If there is something Ive understood so far, its that most fetishes stem from sexual frustration rather than a genuine attraction or philia. Youre getting the tranny brainworm, ive been dangerously close to acting on zoophilia "impulses" and extremely dirty and promiscuous sex with the dirtiest crackwhores and even considered fucking what seemed like very passable trannies. Does that make an actual furry or faggot? No. Because I never acted on those compulsions, and because once im done nutting in the mouth of a pretty girl all those "desires" go away. Simply put I was extremely horny, but normal type of horny so its all good.

Please anon, come to terms with it and pay up for a whore. Dont go down the tranny rabbit hole please man im begging you.

>internet detox
Gotta agree with you here man, I had a very similar experience but with hiking and music instead. Yeah even gachashit beats 4chan all day in terms of satisfaction and fun, but personally I felt even more alienated which is why I always come back here.
Although their body count is higher I've had more respect from women from the Philippines and Thailand than any western woman has ever shown me. Even a few days ago two sheboons tried to check me and then started screeching when I ignored them about not respecting them. Kek
I'm considering medical imaging the pay is actually pretty good and it's only a bachelor's degree plus you can usually find work in other countries if you don't like where you live. It's better than nursing because it's pretty easy work you're basically just taking pictures of bones all day.
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>See an incel page/post on FB
>95% of the responders male or female aren't white
>Can't tell what's trolling or genuine.
It's crazy seeing this shithole seep through.
taking pictures part is probably safe, be aware that they're doing more AI stuff on the analysis side though
even that still needs double checked by real human beans however
Nothing trolling or ungenuine about JBW.
Sort of. Not that much of an age difference but she's an angel. We've had some talks about kids recently so I'm confident.
I wish I was younger, I love age gaps like that.

Getting a job in Denmark as a non-EU/Schengen citizen is a hellish process, even more hellish if you want to revalidate your credentials in a healthcare related job. And to practice nursing or medicine you NEED to speak Danish which is quite hard.

>Non-EU unemployed doctor trying to look for a career change in Denmark.
Just got diagnosed with psoriatic spondyloarthritis. Luckily, I already take biologic medication due to the psoriasis, so it is as good of a position to be in as possible. Hopefully I won't be quasimodo in 10 years.
I already live here sadly. Trust me, life isntt better here.

I also live in Denmark. It is infinitely better than my third world shithole (Mexico), but not being able to get a job while spending a crap-load of money isnt something I like.
Depending on what youre willing to work as, there are a bunch of jobs. The pay is shit but there is vikarbureau, the pay is shit but better than unemployment benefits, its a temp agency thatll give you work as whatever local companies need. A cheat to getting to stay in Denmark is going to Sweden first. You can live in malmo and work in Copenhagen for higher wages but after 2 years in Sweden you can get Swedish citizenship which allows you to live and work anywhere in the EU without a visa.

will check that out, already been to the jobcenter a couple of times for guidance and the whole "networking for expats" scene which is depressing as fuck.

Plan B is going to Norway where bureaucracy for being a doctor is not that hard, plus, more money
The money is about the same desu, their currency is like half of the danish one. Apparently danish nursing and doctor temps in Norway get paid in dkk, but the same amount as Norwegians, so if youre a Dane in Norway, you can earn a months salary in 10 days compared to the locals, cause their medical temp system is fucke
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i don't know why anyone would be in here under 30 i thought tiktok was the current thing or whatever
Wonder how that 54 year old guy is doing nowadays.
Probably worm food for his own sake.
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it's one of those mornings...
>keep forgetting or be unable to find the time to fap in the last 5 days
>no longer feel the need or desire to fap
>trying it feels weird and gay
Anyone else know this feel?
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>used to make fun of losers who owned waifu body pillows
>now I cuddle with my vtuber one every day
>sometimes cry a little, knowing this might the closest thing I get to emotional or physical intimacy
I'm fucking 33 yo man. It's never been more Joever than it is now
Sometimes I think about getting one of those sex doll asses and putting pants around them stuffing the pant legs with random clothes and simulate the feel of a woman in my bed purely to sleep next to, I never go through with it
same, if I can't come home and immediately be naked for a few hours, I'll snap, it's something I'm not even conscious of anymore
The older I get the worse the depression becomes. Nothing works.
>tfw next day
>tfw still no reply
None of your struggles in high school matter, the important life-defining years are 19-23. But I guarantee if you're already feeling like that in HS then you're gonna have a very hard time coping with adult life. Work hard and build up something to be proud of while you have the chance.
>mfw I am a 37 year old man
Why zoomers so insanely tall? It's fucking brutal to deal with on top of everything else.
to clarify, it's not actually hs, just hs equivalent level education, which I have not yet passed
how would convey this in an esl way that would explain the problem at hand? maybe you don't use the same lingo for adult education anymore
the same education is still called t he same thing here
So Im bipolar. Got diagnosed at my 18th birthday. Im 37 and want to take a trip to Europe with my own money. My parents think its a bad idea because they think it will trigger another manic episode. My psychiatrist said its fine. basically they cant stop me but I still have to live with them when I come back. What do
Use the money to move out and get away from your parents instead
I have also began to notice this, proof women only get bred by Chad
Update: she is still living rent free in my head kek
AND I think she is dating some guy now that is like 27-28 and is a scrawny beanpole. I'm cooked, dudes.
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it's a spread good spirit and cheer kind of day
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33 here. Just cancelled my technical interview because I almost had a panic attack and just can't fucking do it. Why the fuck did I get a degree and a career in a field where you have to show people you know how to design YouTube or Facebook to the smallest database or load balancing detail from scratch on a whiteboard? Why the fuck do I need to know how to manipulate graphs in log(N) time when the job is just fucking around with a JS framework and CSS?

I fucking hate this. I should have been a carpenter or welder or something.
I should have been an electrician
Many of us probably said the same thing at that age. It goes fast. 2012 wasn't really that long ago, my laptop was made then,
saw a thread on /pol/ about free will so i'll ask this general: does free will exist?
Gonna apply next week when the electrician union opens up apprenticeship applications. no experience required. I don't want to go to college, i'm afraid it will go to waste. "Earn while you learn" makes more sense.
Yes not original
nyce going
I could have applied for electrician and various other blue collar things last year I didnt
seems bad, then again everything seems
I did some other shit
checking the pay for these jobs as a apprentiship and even full learned after 1 year education + 1 year apprentship is absolutely fucking horrendous
as minimum that is
after a few years you are not even up to the average salary
it's honestly so fucking ass it's insane
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How do you start dating as a wizard? Believe it or not I genuinely did not feel a need for an intimate relationship until I was in mid-20s. Before that I had a very cool pack of friends that I played in a band with, traveled and did funny shit together. Only over time they all got girlfriends, there was also some cheating drama involved and the group slowly deteriorated. I have no romantic experiences whatsoever, because I can count two women in my life that I was genuinely attracted to and it never even went anywhere (could have with the second girl I met at 22, but the fear of rejection made me chicken out even though "apparently" I had chances). Now I'm already wearing a spiked hat and a wand even though I am pretty fit, have a stable white collar job, have owned multiple cars in the past, have some friends that I keep contact and hang out with, even go on trips together from time to time. I simply do not know any women and my attempts at socializing with more normie circles failed miserably, because I just couldn't force myself to co-exist with these people. I'm not a complete aspie. I can talk to my friends' girlfriends, I talk to women at work just fine, but these are all friends and colleagues. I have not met or even been put in a situation where I could actually get attracted to a girl. My normie-ish friends told me to try Tinder, but I have only like 5 pictures of myself that aren't selfies, besides I heard so many horror stories about it and to top it off I feel massive cringe at the thought of posting pictures of myself out in the public. One Anon I know shilled Discord as a platform to meet likeminded retards, but all the relationships made there were with at least a 1500 km gap and I'm not really looking for an e-gf.
doesn't seem that bad depending on location
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>Mom comes home
>Hear vacuum start running
Motherfucker I forgot to clean AGAIN. I keep telling myself to do it but I only remember when I hear the door unlock.
My aim is to at least avoid all the mainstream sources of dates. Even chad struggles with apps like tinder or bumble, we don't stand a chance. I'd like to find a girl who's also broken just like me, sadly those type of girls are self-loathing and often want nothing to do with guys like me. I've also considered cross-border girls, but, it's pretty involved to go that route. If you make good money, you can definitely find a cute girl there. I'm a europoor though, and they all expect some 6 figure American.
I'm a Europoor too, maybe not that poor though. People usually say "oh well you can find", but I legitimately have no idea where to look or rather how to change my situation. 4chan is full of trannies and larpers, Tinder is a normie playground with women who have casual sex on the weekend, social circles are beyond my reach, because I simply can't force myself to change my personality completely and pretend I enjoy the companionship of the people, just to finally weed out a girl. All this while my friend recently broke up with his girlfriend, because she wanted to go on walks and hold hands and he has video games to play.
more and more looking at listings for houses and land.

i feel guilty if i left my mom but legit i gotta start trying to live my life . im thinking of buying a place like 30 mins to 1.5 hours away and working on a house/ building a house in the woods or something
33 year old wizard. Recently landed a permenant job after completing 10 years worth of training, so looks like the rest of my life is set. It kind of feels like my family are not that thrilled about it since they thought after I finished training I'd be moving back with them but I'm in a different location, so they are congratulatory but keep making remarks like how they need to be prepared to never see me again. I suspect they are all just being drama queens because they are bored and have nothing else going on.

I have realised though that with them saying this and me moving on from all the mates I've made over the last few days, I am basically going to spend the rest of my life alone. Most of my close mates are now getting married and having kids, so they are gone basically. One has moved overseas and another is possibly going to follow, so they are also gone. It's going to be like when I was younger/in uni again at this rate but at least I won't be poor this time.

Also I live in England which is tiny so suppose if there is some sort of meet up in the future it won't be too much of a hassle to go and then come back.
sounds like some third world shit
I did say it's England didn't I.
I'm really struggling with this too. My mom has nobody and doesn't work. Argument to be made that she can take care of herself but the house she is in is too big for her to be by herself. I've been covering a lot of repairs and stuff for her on it but still sucks. Need to figure it out.

My gf left me because i spent half the month at our apartment, half the month at my moms 3 hours away. Kind of rough, but kind of eye opening
>cross-border girls

Amerimutt here. How does this work? I have the time and make enough to be very comfortable.
my mom has a serious disability and struggles with basic stuff, so its even more guilt she's fucked if i left
Look up the passport bro movement. Some guys travel to countries, eastern europe, south america, southeast asia, africa, and hop on the dating apps there. I don't see this working well for long term relationships though, but who knows. There are agencies that do matchmaking between natives and foreigners and can even help you do the legal stuff in case you wanna get married. If you have the freedom and money, I think it's worth a try?
Keep in mind that women are women no matter where they're from. The moment you bring a woman from a second or third world country into the west, it's like bringing a kid into a candy store. The west has been designed to be really appealing to women, even the amish are losing their women to it.
33 khv neet still stuck in university and way way behind with my exams. I enrolled at 28 and by now i should have a master yet i have nothing. Parents spend money and i have nothing but lies to show, but i don't wanna go back to a minimum wage job like i did when i was in my early twenties. By this age i should have some financial independency to do what i want, yet i have zero money, live in my childhood room and don't even have a car. I don't see anything changing in the foreseeable future and it kills my motivation. Worst of all i'm handsome. God i wasted all my potential
>worrying about pieces of paper
stop caring so much about that shit
if you're 37 and still haven't finished high school then i'd say yeah, it's probably over
i don't but it's the gateway to not be a toilet scrubber for life and have some money and respect
>family pressures you to work and move on with your life
>guilt trips you when you actually do
every time
Aah, gotcha. I was under the impression this was something else. But this is "hey I'm from a wealthy country, like me for monetary reasons and a chance at a better life". Scratch that haha.

Like other people here, I feel like a need a social maladjusted person to begin to be relateable.
loool bro youre in your own little world, there is no respect. you dont want a shit job? dont pick a shit job
plenty of people make bank with shit jobs, or lazy jobs. depends how you take advantage of opportunities >>78028000
thats more a third worlder thing where families expect the kids to take care of parents and pay for their bills and shit

I just dropped ~15k to get "adult" furniture for my first apartment. Thinking "if I somehow get a lady here, then I want her to see I have my shit together". Fucking hell, the paths we take.
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>stop caring
about pieces of paper used to shelter and feed self
talking about degrees dipshit, also money isnt as valuable as you think it is. you're probably conditioned to spend 900% more than you actually need to survive and the value of your money dropped 50% in the past 6 years
That's the reality of dating, hypergamy. Even chad uses his superior circumstances of birth to draw in the girls. I think only gay dudes get together for each others' personality, and even then, probably not often.

I've also read anecdotes of people meeting their broken significant other in group therapy sessions. Just putting that there.
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>isnt as valuable as you think it is
The fuck kind of world do you live in?
Needed to look that one up and immediately saw recent articles about trends and shit. Not sure if ignorance is bliss here.

But I see what you're saying and it makes sense with what I've seen. The "monetary" approach is harder in the West, so it boils down to being a "chad" in terms of looks and/or personality. If you've go neither, then you're at a severe disadvantage that gets exponentially worse as you age.
a world where i do literally no work, generate more in passive income than you would make wageslaving all year and still have everything given to me for free
Been wanting to flaunt that for a while, eh? Have a brownie.

>stop caring so much about that shit
>a world where i do literally no work, generate more in passive income than you
Do you even know what you're saying? You're a fucking schizo.
bro you dont need money to be happy
even if i had 0 dollars i would be doing exactly what im doing now, because ive been there and done it.
stop putting some funny money made up pieces of paper with fake value attached to it on a pedestal , anything you want is possible .
your little baw posts about you getting a free ride from your parents and seeking pity is beyond pathetic and detached from reality. you're in a hole and you need a reality check because you're a fucking idiot getting your piece of paper saying your a good goy isnt going to suddenly guarantee you a high paying job lol
Soon to be 31 years old here, I'm planning on enlisting in the air force. Its that or suicide so this is basically a hail mary for my continued existence. Goes without saying but I'm a virgin with no friends, also poor.
My (only) relationship with a woman (who is just using me and taking advantage of me) is about to come to an end how do I survive without kms at the realization that any woman that shows interest in me just wants to use me and I'll be spending my life alone
hypergamy is just a nice way to say hoeflation anon.
if anything that will make her respect your less, she fucks chad on his yellow mattress on the floor with no sheets
I'm 35. When I was 26 my depression reocurred and I imploded in an incredibly shameful way out of a Clinical Psych PhD program. I was able to claw my way back up and get a Master's in Biology but I sort of failed at my next three research jobs because I was so mindbroken from the PhD loss. I became an alcoholic for 7 years (recently sober). I'm just now trying to pick myself up one last time because I want a family. Any advice bros? I have zero friends, social circle or anything? What can I do to be happy? I guess one plus is that I live in a vacation spot so its nice and sunny here.
How are we doing fellas? Who NEET?
>how do I survive without kms at the realization that any woman that shows interest in me just wants to use me and I'll be spending my life alone
Just embrace that fact that people only associate themselves with you if you have something that they can take from you and you should do the same.

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