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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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why is this place now infested fags / trannies / fags on estrogen / whatever the fuck? wtf happened guys?
*infested with
sorry i'm posting on my phone like a retard rn
Trannyism is the new trend among kids. all of them are doing it
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The sheep are just being herded to follow the next big thing.
da jooz
idk anon, but it is our righteous duty to inform them they will be burning in Hell.
hide the threads and get on at night
some robots are still here
they wake up at night or live on the other side of the world
you can have actual discussion when all the children go to sleep so at like 10pm-6am. The fact that you can even see the quailty of the board improve at night should show you how young the average anon is here.
it's really sad because then that means the avatar posters and porn spammers are young teenagers
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hey that's my thing don't do that!

Robots are loners, never fit in anywhere

Lgbt is extremely accepting of people and are based around supporting eachother

Cue robots fagging out and finally being liked
yeah bro but there's a tranny thread every single day it's kind of concerning
shut up queer
i can sit on here all day and 99.9% of the time it's still shit
yeah but we actually discuss thjngs st night even if it's the same things.
Just because the website changed to no longer allow hyperactivity and shitposting doesnt mean take it out on the retards here. literally got a warning last night for """"ironic shitposting""" so it's not the board
it's the website
It's cancer metastases from /b/. It was infected with globohomo years ago, now that's mostly a porn board so freaks are coming here. I have no idea why don't they like Reddit, they're getting worshipped there.
what do you guys discuss cause every time i skim this board it's some gay shit or some incel shit never any interesting shit and it gets sad after a while
the website literally changed to appeal to the lowest common demoninator.
it's why we havent had any real cultural impact on the internet in the last decade aside from the mentality and behavior pattern that can be seen on places like twitter and facebook
>what do you guys discuss
you understand this board is predominately the "im a complete fucking failure and have no where else to go and am also conviently mentally retarded" board right?
like yeah i get that this board used to be the greentext board but things change
people come here to vent
this board aint really anything soecial but people who have nowhere else to go call it home
You realize you can hide threads, you don't need to rationalize everything you see and you reacting to it and making another thread about it is just contributing to the very thing you're complaining about, right? If you morons would exercise just a little bit of self-control, these problems wouldn't exist. Just a little. A tiny little bit, practically none. You just have to stop obsessing over every little god damned thing you scroll past.
>Lgbt is extremely accepting of people and are based around supporting eachother

Yeah, but it's all about their community. They hate an average robot even more than any normies, especially if they are attractive ones. They believe that they can convert them into homo, while we are unfixable according to them.
stop responding to the propaganda post you fucking retards
>you understand this board is predominately the "im a complete fucking failure and have no where else to go and am also conviently mentally retarded" board right?
yeah cause i'm one of them but i remember talking about other shit on here when i was a lot younger like in 2017
i'm just asking a question it's not that serious. one more thread isn't making a difference rn.
then just hide threads the janitors and mods are not as caring about quality as they were in 2017
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trannies are just as lookism-ed as non degenerates
incels are shunned by society for being too feminine, trannies like me get mocked and made fun of by other trannies for being too masculine
it's all genetics and looks based, you can't escape that. but if you're feminine for a man you'll have luck if you troon out, but you'll be miserable if you enjoy being a man.
it's actually insane how bad the lookism is with trannies, i saw a thread where they were celebrating a passoid (passing tranny) who murdered a hon (non passing tranny) and all the passoids were offering to pay her commisary in prison and shit. it makes me wish the non passing trannies would make our own community and fuck off from a place where we're shunned for being unlucky
>i'm just asking a question it's not that serious. one more thread isn't making a difference rn.

yes it does because you can get banned for complaining about 4chan on 4chan
go to the happenings thread and go to the public bans link
they ban people for doing it all the time
yeah cus transgenderism is just a counterpart to the blackpill incel shit. also sorry for calling you a queer lol.
i know bro i'm just wondering what happened. i'm part of the problem desu because half the threads i make are just complaining about shit but yeah.
yeah sure but i'm not complaining about 4chan so much as i'm complaining about a specific phenomenon.
yes the happenkngs thread moved to r9k
/qa/ raided lgbt and they nuked the board
they were at trash for a little bit but are planning to stay here
wait gynoanon is this you? aint no way you made a thread like this
nah no clue who that is.
>aint no way you made a thread like this
why not?
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anyway it's hooni day so say something nice about hooni
I've always been a fag and not proud of it.
>say something nice about hooni
uh he's cool i guess.
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I'm a homosexual transsexual and I've been here since 2010. This board was once filled with outcasts (not anymore, now it's filled with normalfags and failed normalfags). It was very appealing to someone who was relentlessly ostracized, even if that reason was for liking other boys.
a lot of those normalfags and failed normal fags were anons that left and came back.
but yeah i get you
idk i hate myself for being mogged by all of them lmao
fuck does that mean man how are you getting "mogged" by losers on estrogen
i'm too much of a coward to order estrogen
they're taking actions to improve their lives
meanwhile i want to take actions and am instead paralyzed by fear
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Other user but I am not even going to project why would you even fear that to begin with. I don't have to because i am already fucked and had been at 20 years old when i realized then it was too late. 17 could've been my point but i was traumatized by the teen-trans-grooming debacle at the time in 2017.
Wait are you the faggot that keeps making those retarded threads about not being man enough to get estrogen?
>they're taking actions to improve their lives
yet most of them are sad fucking people
>I don't have to because i am already fucked and had been at 20 years old when i realized then it was too late.
its too late for me as well but i can still avoid balding or growing more body hair

yeah that's me why do you ask

how are they more or less sad than the average /r9k/ user
>how are they more or less sad than the average /r9k/ user
look at the average troon post and tell me in earnest that you want to be like that...
i mean i'd like to be my own person but also manmoding. like i have goals and ambitions outside of wanting to be a fag on hormones
ok so why would you envy tranny losers on 4chan lmao
because i'm already a loser on 4chan lol
so instead of thinking "how can i get my shit together" you think "let me troon out on top of everything else"??
i'm thinking "how can i get my shit together so i can troon"
i just don't get why you'd want to be a fucking tranny lmfao
i dont know but im really glad im not like them
I mean my least advice is going to be that you should take the brunt of first having a healthy diet that outright balances your hormones and your immune system to keep up with the cellular building....... so you don't suffer twink death too soon. Also block DHT forever

Taking hormones like estrogen should be discussed with a doctor (or not) i often feel an odd pity for those guys that took them but at the same time they've may've done it because they didn't feel like they stood out as much, which is true but they will detransition when they'll marry someone. It didn't stopped them from being straight or have sex though they had still lived their lives anyway. The ones that get fucked by it in some kind of negative loop mentally were incels from start to finish.
i don't wanna be a tranny but i don't wanna be a man

>Also block DHT forever
yeah i'm planning on getting on fin since i'm starting to be afraid of balding

>which is true but they will detransition when they'll marry someone
i don't really want to marry a woman at all. i've never had a gf and i've never wanted one
I got it. Cognitive decline, or learning disability.

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