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>have to use 2 hands to masturbate
>it hurts even more that ill never fuck a grill
>even if i do, I can't go all in/full power
>undrwear and pants issues
>Toilet issues (it touches to toilet if I sit)
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Wish i had that problem. I have big balls but a small dick so when i do manage to score they leave disappointed
>have to use 2 hands to masturbate
7.5inch I just jerk the front half
>it hurts even more that ill never fuck a grill
yeah had sex with 1 girl and it felt good seeing her reaction to it, sad I'll never get the opportunity again
>even if i do, I can't go all in/full power
I guess for some women, for the one I did it with she could take it fully
>undrwear and pants issues
Yeah I can't wear boxers because it runs down my pants leg. Boxer-briefs even get stretched out eventually. Plus it feels really uncomfortable getting a boner while clothed
>Toilet issues (it touches to toilet if I sit)
lol I'm not really grossed out by it, I snicker when it touches the bowl
why wont you get the opportunity again
what do wear instead of boxers
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Felt like a fluke, she might've had a virgin kink, don't see myself ever getting the opportunity for sex again.
Especially not with someone I'm actually attracted to. I wasn't horny for that lady at all, found her kinda gross to look at, I'm not getting that desperate ever again.
Boxer-briefs are most comfortable, but I mostly own briefs and they work fine
mine is massive and i have none of those problems
7 inches isn't too big
im around 9 inches
can i please see it anon?
nope thats illegal on this board
i post on the massivecock subreddit sometimes though
Femanons hate this rule. It's the best rule.
trannies and fags you mean
Mmm I am 6.5 and 5.5 girth when erect and I have had girls ask me to be gentle and slow down during sex (I am pretty tame to begin with) if you are much bigger than that, I get it.

Also I am bi sexual and was in the military so I have seen my fair share of dudes dicks and I am telling you rn.. I am large. Everyone thinks the average dick is like 6 inches, myself included, but for sure, without a doubt in my mind, the average American dude has a 3 to 5 inch dick. Not kidding. Idk why everything online says 5 to 7 inches is average. I thought that was right until I started seeing actually irl dicks of other guys regularly. Most guys are small, that is just the way it is lol. Even knowing this, I still think of myself as average, although I know now it is average of big dicks. 7.5 or more with a decent girth is huge. 6 to 6.5 is the little end or average of the big dicks. Most guys reading this will be either 5 or 5.5 and many will have terrible girth, essentially making them skinny penis.
i dont use reddit but i might have to what username do you use there
Then post it on /b/ and link it here. Oh wait you're a larping faggot like everyone on this board who claims to be bigger than 99% of men but never shows proof.
They do as well.
yeah im sure that will totally trick the mods
how many tens of thousands of people browse this board every day? there are bound to be some 1 in 10000 dicks here too, its simple math. no need to get buttblasted over it
And there we go. I accept your concession.
Sex and mastrubration is objectively worse FOR YOU if you have a big dick. There's a ton of tedious prep involved in sex to loosen a woman up sufficiently to take a big dick without hurting her. You're expected to go at somebody else's pace and only go in as deep as they can handle.
Women will break up with you over being too large either because they psyche themselves out, they get bored by the prep, or they have some sort of issue and can only take small dicks.

Having to pay literally triple what the average man does for bulk condom and having to get them mail order sucks but it's yeah whatever. Also you have to somehow carry around lube.

Toilet issues are a thing but honestly big whoop. My dick touched porcelain oh no my life is over.

I replaced all my underwear with WildmanT, and all my pants with Lululemon ABC/commission and Duer. This was kind of expensive and it's stifling fashion-wise, but it's not so bad either. The combination is comfortable and gives me a large yet undefined bulge that isn't that obvious from my front profile. It's not the price that bothers me so much as the fact that if I don't buy from a few very specific brands, I'll end up with shittily fitting pants where it looks like I'm trying to show off my penis or I'm swimming in them and it's stifling fashion wise.

Still wouldn't give it up for the world. People get horny on sight, including the men. You give more and stronger orgasms. You automatically get more respect from people for no reason. People dig the pain you cause to a degree. It tends to be harder to make you cum while it's easier for you to make others cum and people naturally want you to dominate them.
btw my dick is bigger than all of you and i have even more problems, you guys wont get it
Tell us, oh dickmaster
my friend has a 9.5" and im obsessed with it, he shares pics of it but isnt into guys but its the real fucking deal and its destroyed my brain
Now I have inferiority complex
>7'5length 5.5circumference dicklet
I'll try it
he hasnt measured the thickness but its thick too i literally jerked off twice today in the span of an hour over a vid he sent
>have to use 2 hands to masturbate
Don't bullshit us, anon. 1 hand is enough, unless you have girly hands, then it becomes kinda fun to use both hands.
I imagine it must be a great sight if you are with a girl with really girly hands. Both hands and still enough dick out for her to suck. Must be glorious.

>it hurts even more that ill never fuck a grill
Oh...thanks for reminding me you fucking bastard.

>undrwear and pants issues
No problems with it, especially because I don't like tight pants, but I'm also like 4x4.5 inches flaccid and only 7x5.4" erect.

>Toilet issues (it touches to toilet if I sit)
Thankfully toilet designs vary around the world and the design around here I only touch the bowl if I'm (at least) half hard.
>Having to pay literally triple what the average man does for bulk condom and having to get them mail order sucks

60mm master race. There's a bunch of local brands/supermarket brands that have that size. And they are exactly the same price as other sizes (and more often on sale).
Is everyone just walking around with their erect cocks our? Chances are if you saw a dick it was soft so obviously it will be smaller
Still too tight in the pants.
Ordered custom clothes on hockerty.com and it was still too tight for my dick
Oh my bad I meant like the dicks I have seen hard during gay sex. I am bi. But yeah, I have no idea what the average size of flaccid dick is. Small. But it doesnt matter. Most flaccid dicks I have seen look like the statue of David. I meant of the hard dicks I have seen.
Btw in my experience, the overwhelming majority of people are growers, not showers. Showers are pretty rare. It is unlikely anyone you know is walking around with a 5.5 plus flaccid dick. Just more common for guys to be small soft and get much bigger, relatively, hard. Still makes about 5 to 5.5 average or high average though. At least in my irl experience. We could probably look up the medical stats on it, assuming that is something tracked lmao
what a fucking pathetic load LMAO
literally 2 drops
7.2 In
Never used it
The only big dick problem I have is that there isn't one in my pussy or mouth atm. My ex was around 7 and it was wonderfully painful. I know that might not be considered big but I must have a short vagina because he always hit my cervix. I hope my next partner is thicker.
What's your height and weight? For research purposes
The one grill who was actually really good to me couldn't really handle the size and it ruined the relationship.
t. autismo cyborg
How do girls react to him?
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Jeet here, also have a small dick
Very short and slightly underweight, not saying because what if he saw this?
Okay that makes sence. Have you tried taking it up your ass? There is no cervix
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> le Big dick problems
>ton of tedious prep
This guy sucks in bed. Cant even imagine foreplay to be enjoyable.
t. large penis haver
amazement and disbelief mostly but he has trouble getting to talk to them but wont let me at it either
This is very obviously a man posting this.
The guy who likely doesnt even use this site is going to identify you off an approximate height and weight alone? What are you trying to achieve with this larp?
Not a larp. He has actually seen a post I made here before. Not a lot of women are my height. I'm just trying to be thoughtful. Idc if you believe me. You are correct in that there is not reason to larp.
>>have to use 2 hands to masturbate
No you don't
>>undrwear and pants issues
Very likely not the case unless you buy extremely skinny jeans and tight underwear like briefs.
>undrwear and pants issues
>Toilet issues (it touches to toilet if I sit)
Should've been born a grower.
Webm sauce plz?
>7x5 dick
I promise you, 7x5 is small. The women I've been with have told me "you don't have a small dick". Not one has said "you have a big dick". Not big = small.
wtf, he put it in the wrong hole. What an idiot.
People, including women, are suffering brain rot from porn. Chicks will tell you that your dick is "fine" then struggle to take it and complain about how much it hurts. I'm, I think, about 6" in circumference at the base of my dick, and I have had women tell me my dick was nothing special then beg me to stop after three minutes because it was "too much". Women will also tell you they can throat a "massive cock" then basically just pathetically suck on the first 1-3 inches.
Big dick begins at 7.5/5.5
the answer to your problem lies in the webm you posted. just get a loose butthole gf
I have a 7x5 and my exes described it as "rearranging their insides" and "blowing their back out".
Tfw no loose butthole gf to annoy with my 7.6-5.6 cock
What does 5 girth look like?
Like pain
Ever so slightly above average.
I wish I used two hands growing up, instead of only one, then at least my dick wouldn't be depressed exactly where I used to choke it. It looks absolutely fucking retarded.
>Not big = small.
Based as fuck.
Also, not tall = short
Did she really scoop up the cum from her ass at the end and eat it?
Not genius=retarded
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>Not genius=retarded
>I know that might not be considered big
I'm right at 7 and nearly every woman I've fucked has said something to the effect of loving my big dick. It may not be "considered" big by porn addled dipshits. But it's almost a standard deviation above the mean.
Im just a bit over 6 and I have never had a woman gasp or anything like that but ive also never had one be disappointed. I think the biggest thing in sex is also rubbing their clit with your pelvic area while fucking them. If they are into you I have always made them cum. If I try doing it and the girl is half into sex it sometimes works and sometimes doesnt.

Rambling now but it blows my mind that im above average. I grew up thinking I was small due to porn video. Also lose weight, it makes your dick always bone pressed and looks big
I really dont enjoy bjs, never had. Its like some shitty foreplay and deep throats kinda hurt, it doesnt feel good to ram my dick against a throat wall. Am I crazy?
Fuck off with your gay larp, OP. Hand size is proportional to dick size so you'll never need both hands to crank your hog.
>t. knower
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Mine is or was just over 6"/15 cm and I used a penis pump to get about half an inch
The problem is I don't want it longer, but thicker
I mainly just focus on the tip and sometimes take some looong strokes across the whole penis. Never using 2 hands tho because its retarded.
Only real problems is the toilet especially since I hate germs. Very disgusting
I'm convinced an average pump doesn't in fact work for girth, to get girth, you need a pump that fits, since I think too wide of pump chamber hinders girth gains, which may sound counterproductive,
But simply, wider pumps allow for more edema, be it intracellular (hyperemia) or extracellular. This edema zeros the pressure exerted on the tunica albuginea, shifting it to the edematous tissue instead.
I'm going with notions I drew from cases that have been medically associated with dick enlargement, like high-flow and sickle-cell priapisms, and exercises like jelqing and even clamping.
All aren't associated with edema because methodologically they don't include any form of extravasation, all of them are associated with a choked dick, from the inside, like in priapism, or from the outside with the other two.
Haha yeah, I suffer unfathomably with my dick that is so LONG and FAT.
>6.5 and 5.5 girth
That's just barely bigger than average.
I got a 7 inch x 5.5 dick and never got to use it with a girl in any way, because I look ugly. Does it count as a big dick problem?
There's also real men apparel company "size D pouch" for a lot cheaper but I don't like how they explicitly market themselves as bulge enhancing.
In his defence, it's a top 10% dick in the west.
6'1 is a top 10% height in the west, and you are considered barely above average at that height.
Only by insanely inflated standards. 6'1" is "tall" by any reasonable measure. Maybe not the tallest but still tall. Having a 7.2 inch dick would put you in the top 5%, and 7.5 the top 3%. All of which are massive by reasonable standards. A woman would have to sleep with 10 men to run into a penis that's as big as his, and like 20 to meet a man who's appreciably larger, both of which are far outside the standard for sexual partners.
I still would like to have an AMA with a real big dicked anon
In Europe and White America, a 6'1 guy will rarely ever be among the tallest in the room. He'll be on the above average side but still far away from being called "tall".
Again, only if you have totally warped standards. For a chick to meet a guy with a dick that's 6.5x5.5, she'd have to be quite a slut, or get rather lucky.
Here you go >>>/soc/20682973
I meant >>>/bant/20682973
Thanks but I prefer to keep it in here.
boom boom she now has aids
oh fuck this video is so hot, the rocking and deformation of her body so hot, her tits are so hot, i wish this had sound..
If the room has more than 10 people, then yes, since it's 90th percentile.
Any chick who refuses to do anal because "it hurts" or "its yucky" is a lying bitch. Seriously just look at this webm. If this chick can handle it as with any cunt that does porn can handle it, so can every other girl on the planet.
>have to use 2 hands to masturbate
So what? use a pocket pussy
>it hurts even more that ill never fuck a grill
This is not a big dick exclusive issue.
>even if i do, I can't go all in/full power
Most of the pleasure is felt at the tip
>undrwear and pants issues
So don't wear skinny jeans. they are gay anyway
>Toilet issues (it touches to toilet if I sit)
Is your toilet so unclean you can't rest your dick on the rim? Yet you're allowing your ass to?

Quit your bitching. You were blessed with something 100% of men wished they had and your "problems" are all superficial at best.
>>but women only want me for my dick. I feel like a piece of meat
You're lucky women want you at all. Did you forget where you are? And what about rich men? Do they get to complain that women only want them for their money while they're eating steak and lobster for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Oh woe is you
This is like going up to the homeless and complaining that you ate too much and now your tummy hurts. Boo fucking hoo. Don't expect sympathy from people who would kill to be you
Source on the vid? Sound would be awesome.
>nope thats illegal on this board
Rightly so
Fuck what cuntoids think. They don't count here
Fuck off you faggot.
>>Toilet issues (it touches to toilet if I sit)

Cry us a fucking river. Im inch on the flop and when I sit down to shit I have to push it down to make sure that I dont piss straight foward. If I do the the piss gows right between the gap of the seat and bowl rim and dribbles down the toilet and onto my feet/shorts and socks. So annoying.

Women are instantly drawn to men with large cocks, even if they truley dont enjoy them.
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I'm so big girls just climb on to my cock and hump it. What can do I do?
I don't give a fuck about length.
I just want my foreskin back, jesus christ.
That's Thin Red Line
Just go on Tinder and tell any girl you have a big dick? That's literally all women care about on there retard, that and maybe height
a tiny cocked small guy with 8/10 face mogs a mid tall well-endowned man
I'm Bi but mostly prefer gay hookups. I'm 7 inches and like to get rough but they always want me to go slow. I never realised that 7 was above average till I started hooking up with people and thought I had an average/below average dick
Based, anon.
Face and height are the gate way to dick, dick has no merit of its own.
By porn standards maybe, in the real world, most guys are walking around with a dick 5 inches or smaller erect. 4 to 6 inches is average, with 6 being the high end. No fucking way a 7 inch dick is not considered big. Unless it is skinny penis. Only people who watch too much porn or have never seen other dicks on average guys would think a 7 inch dick is not big lol
as an actual big dick haver, none of those are big dick problems
you are just another 6 incher LARPing
$100 says you claim 8" despite that only actually being 0.001% of the population
I claim 7'6
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timothee chalamet is short, scrawny, and the quintessential beta male in the eyes of men, dudebros and incels alike
yet he is currently the objectively hottest man to young women all over the world.
others include tom holland and the kpop group bts.
r9k has no earthly idea what young hot women actually like. they live in a homosexual fantasy land, dealing with their own sexual lust for hypermasculinity. young hot women that dominate the sexual market want effeminate boytoy faces. height, really just a couple of inches taller on average, is just something the average woman prefers on the average nan - something within reach versus the pedestal of men: the attractive effeminate chiseled face.
>in the eyes of men
= doesn't matter,
You're welcome.
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9 inches here, I'm calling bullshit
>have to use 2 hands to masturbate
Unless you have baby hands, you don't need to hands to jack off
>even if i do, I can't go all in/full power
I've only met a few, but I've fucked asian women that could take the whole thing
>undrwear and pants issues
Literally not an issue unless you're purposely buying below your size and tight pants
>Toilet issues (it touches to toilet if I sit)
And? Man up and accept it's gonna touch the bowl.
I destroy most pocket pussies with my dick size, including fleshlights. The silicone bad dragon pocket pussies are the only thing I tried that kind of holds up but even those get worn down kind of quickly.

I normally jerk off to one hand but a pocket pussy feels less degenerate in a way since you avoid death gripping. Maybe it's time to buy a new one honestly.

Underwear issues is a meme although pouch underwear is comfy, pants issue I've blown out the crotch of half a dozen pants but that's mostly because I'm a cyclist but having a huge dick doesn't help matters.

There's certain sites you can advertise you have a big dick on, but tinder the most you can do is maybe post some bulge or "size queens wanted" or similar and it really isn't going to do nearly as much for you as face or height or age. Tinder is almost all men and bots as well and is the worst dating app.
vidreal is how "gutwrenchng" looks like

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