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why do christians believe that extraterrestials are demons? as far as im concerned, god could've created aliens too
Not all of us believe in that strict sense but many see it as a possibility. Though Pope Francis even said if aliens were real, he would baptize them. So ya never know
who the hell says that? evangelical protestants arent christians you know, you're talking about the same type of people who do shit like talk in tongues and fake exorcisms in mega churches
most actual christians just see the idea of aliens as silly
and even if you're not christian theres little reason to believe that if they exist that they'll be anything more than bacteria or microscopic sea creatures
The reason is due to many of aliens origins are the equivalent to fallen angel stories. Aliens are beings who gave life to the culture and mechanisms us humans use such as tools and make up. Also there's many testimonials of aliens being afraid when u utter the words jesus. But one other big indicator which correlates aliens and demons is that crowley drawing of a demon which speaks for itself
>evangelical protestants arent christians you know
how so? im not christian but if i were i' d probably be some sort of prottie. not like lakewood church televangelist but i'd be some small town baptist who attends the local church in my community
white girls hate god and jesus christ and they hate church. I never see any white girls every time I go to church. specially on a sunday morning. they're probably hungover from getting drunk and having sex with countless men on friday and saturday night. (there are no white girls on the streets or at the grocery store either, on sunday mornings/lunch time)
its a breed of cult-like fanaticism that is short lasting and is without faith
you can see those types in any denomination, but self proclaimed evangelists are the worst breed
and of course, by in large their leaders are in it entirely for the money
as a side note, thats one thing i kind of find funny
protestants talk about how humble their churches are, how they dont make everything ornate and keep everything simple, but in reality they get the same kind of funding as catholic and orthodox churches, and instead of using that money to decorate their church for the people they just pocket it, meanwhile you'll see priests in massive orthodox cathedrals filled with hundreds of paintings living humble private lives
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Personal experience with them. Their very presence is evil and they don't act like creatures from the stars, they act like something halfway between a phantom and a living thing. What's more, they're drawn in by the occult. The occult summons them. No reason the occult should overlap with ayys, but it does, in practice. Come at me with whatever "sufficiently advanced tech is indistinguishable from magic" crap you want, but nothing purely material gives off that sensation of pure malice and terror. You've never looked them in the eyes. Also, they're familial, as in being terrorized by them is passed down like a curse. They're demons, or at least demons are operating whatever biobot the grey things are. And at the risk of getting you to take me even less seriously, another way I know they're not just animals from another planet is because their "speech"/movement is similar enough to a wendigo's that I suspect it. There's no reason why the greys and a wendigo should have the same form of speech, but they sound pretty much the same in-person, which makes me think the grey body might just be one form they can take.
Go ahead, call me a liar or pretend to take me seriously with some "pretending for a moment that I entertain the notion of blah blah blah" crap while writing me off as crazy or a LARP. I'm not fucking with you. This is the straightest answer you'll ever get on the topic unless you talk to someone else who's met them, in which case you won't believe them either. After all, everyone has phones.
You know they're demons because your soul screams "OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK" in a way that you just know.
Proddies are heretics who literally ignore settled dogma.

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