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The endless whining about nothing on this board makes me want to smash every moid's head in.
trip faggot detected. hang yourself and then let chad rape you, as he does.
i'm sorry i really wish i were better at talking to women, or people in general
i just want to love someone
the peak of female discourse
you are whining about nothing aswell
and also let me gargle his cum after. because i am fag.
weak imitation.
fuck off

Lmao. All your problems are self inflected. Fuck off.
>i just want to love someone
No you don't. You just want a human fuckdoll you pornbrained faggot.

Am i wrong though? And discourse is hard with the double-digit iq moids on this board.
Also look at your little friend here >>78013504
replying with the same thing you're accusing me of literally the next reply LMAOOOO.
Foids only date gigachads. Everyone who isn't a gigachad is an incel these days
>woman complaining about whining

Ironic comming from the gender that is notorious for constant never ending complaining and the expectation that it's men's duty to fix it.
Leave your mother's basement for once in your life, go outside and look at the average couple walking around. More often than not the girl is way out of the guy's league.

Yes it is your duty to fix it. You created the problem. Us telling you to do your job isn't whining or complaining. I would tell you to "man up" but there's nothing positive about men. You're a fucking cancer.
Bait thread, kys troon
>You created the problem
Men turned themselves into incels???? Are you retarded?
>go outside and look at the average couple walking around
Yes, literally all couples in my country are average foid and gigachad
>More often than not the girl is way out of the guy's league.
This has literally NEVER happened in my life
>Lmao. All your problems are self inflected. Fuck off.
>No you don't. You just want a human fuckdoll you pornbrained faggot.
you're full of hatred, aren't you? i'm quite happy that, even with my struggles, i'm not half as bitter and resentful as you are. it takes absolutely nothing to be the change you are begging for. step up your game already, you're an adult.
>Am i wrong though?
Yes, statistically speaking you're wrong. I know you people have this bullshit called standpoint theory, but I'm not going to entertain arguments based on points of view.
They are half right thought. It's on you to fix the reason why you aren't getting dates. If you have poor hygiene or a piss poor personality. it's on you to fix that.
>take common incel argument
>flip the genders
>rake in easy (You)s
It amazes me that these fuckers keep falling for it.
>Men turned themselves into incels????
Yes. At the end of the day it's all within your control :)

And yes I am full of hate and it's not a bad thing. So fuck off.

You can't even explain why standpoint theory is bullshit lol.
>I'm not going to entertain arguments based on points of view
Then gtfo of my thread.

>They are half right thought.
100% right. Don't get it wrong.

It's the other way around darling. You XY's appropriated these arguments from us.
>You can't even explain why standpoint theory is bullshit lol.
Because it declares that objective measurable truth does not exist, therefore it's not a scientific or reasonable approach but a quasi-religion. It's only purpose is to create endless conflict and opportunities for division based on nothing but beliefs and fantasies.

If someone presents you with an argument that can be twisted endlessly and be interpreted in any way through the lens of this ideology, without any rules, then they're not trying to actually argue, they just wants to win at all costs, regardless of the actual truth that could be verified through observation by both parties. If you're into this ideology, you're basically a pathological liar who will do anything it takes to convince people around you that you're right.

I just want you to know that taking that women's studies course permanently destroyed your ability to enjoy life and have a decent outcome and it was made for THAT very specific purpose, the people who made up that shit knew perfectly well how to condition you and break your mind and you will belong to them forever.
>makes me want to smash every moid's head in
Women say men are violent and have violent fantasies but it's always women saying shit like this.
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if incels exist, femcels exists

if incels doesn't exist, then neither do femcels exist.

It's as simple as is.
I'm not reading all that. If you can't get your point across clearly and concisely, you're probably stupid and have nothing of worth to say.

If you're going to lie just fuck off.
>open tinder
>50 cocks lined up to pick from
even self-labeled "femcels" know they're lying out the ass.

>reading is hard :(
>I'm not reading all that.
You just did and you know perfectly well that I'm right. Either that or you're just baiting, the lines have become blurry in this post-ironic environment
You literally have femcel on your name. You are not a thing.
>if incels exist, femcels exists
True, but the bar is way lower on one side. You have to actually smell like shit and have diabetic gangrene to qualify as a woman who can't get laid. I actually blame men for this.
>If you're going to lie just fuck off.
>y-y-y-y-y-y-y-you are *sniff* lying!
wait? why are you blaming men? for what?
for fucking women who look like beasts and elevating their self-esteem instead of restraining themselves. Dumpster diving chads and brads are very common
but how is it that they elevate their self-esteem by fucking ugly women? Shouldn't that be the opposite?

And also, what stops an ugly women to ayleast to try their hardest to try pretty enough for normal guys?
No, they elevate the women's self-esteem and make them feel entitled to that kind of a partner just through one random sexual encounter. Niggers call them alpha widows.
>And also, what stops an ugly women to ayleast to try their hardest to try pretty enough for normal guys?
People will always take the path of least resistance. If it works, it works.
Can I rape you with my nigger cock instead?
That's kinda fucked to be honest.
That's also pretty fucked.

Why the fuck can't people just get along with each other? Why do people need to set such outrageous standards, knowing that they can't offer same standards themselves. fucking hell.
I would kiss u so many times on the lips until u said I live you
least indian reply
i love coming to this shithole board to laugh at tryhards like you.
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>Why the fuck can't people just get along with each other?
Manufactured conflict.
>Why do people need to set such outrageous standards
It's a bottleneck problem mostly, that started with dating apps and the erosion of neighborhood communities.
Incels don't exist, fencels exist. It's been like that since the start of time. Deal with it.

Are these 50 cocks in the room with us?

>You just did and you know perfectly well that I'm right.
I just read it and you're wrong. Complete objective truth isn't a thing in the social sciences. You've also completely misunderstood standpoint theory and are rambling about something else you've hallucinated in your brain.

Fuck off

I change my mind. Men can be incels but only if they're ind*an.
>Are these 50 cocks in the room with us?
No, but they were all in you at some point.
what are your standards for a man
>objective truth isn't a thing in the social sciences
Then it's not science.
>You've also completely misunderstood standpoint theory
>I refuse to believe male incels exist
technically they aren't incels since they could hire a prostitute, but would you wants incels inflicting that on the poor sex workers?
I am neither an incel nor a volcel. I just am
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>Incels don't exist, fencels exist. It's been like that since the start of time. Deal with it.

WHAAATT????? Are you actually delusional?? no way you're a real saying this
real person saying this*
>Yes. At the end of the day it's all within your control :)

ohhhhh I get it I get it. you want to be raped since any and every man is 10 times stronger and faster than you'll ever be. unfortunately though your disgusting smelly ass isn't even worth raping. any rapist worth his salt will just fuck your friends and make you watch so you eventually crumble under the weight of your inadequacies.
You are just a faggot looking for attention and the fact that it works shows how the game works and proves female incels don't exist.
You can smash my head in if you let me hug you first
>another stupid roastie kvetching about porn
Shut the fuck up you dumb hole. Go masturbate to getting strangled and tossed in high school and then complain some more about losers being the blight of your life
>More often than not the girl is way out of the guy's league
That's because you're a lesbian, duh. Women are more attractive than men to you.
>financially stable (can support me and kids if I decide to have them)
>taller than me
>pleasant face to look at
>White or east Asian
>not an asshole to me

>Then it's not science.
I know, but that's what people call it so I'll call it that
I'm not google, nigger, look it up

>would you wants incels inflicting that on the poor sex workers?
I wouldn't want man exploiting a vulnerable woman.

Yes. Incels don't exist out of stupid boards like this and twitter.

Animals like you should be put down.

I'm mostly straight
>I'm not google, nigger, look it up
No, I was curious about your take. I have read everything there is about this subject. Anyway, it looks like you're not interested in any of this and you're just here to bait for replies, in which case I'll just leave you to it.
>financially stable (can support me and kids if I decide to have them)
>taller than me
>pleasant face to look at
>White or east Asian
>not an asshole to me
I am all of these except financially stable and I also have somewhat of a bitchface, the last woman I talked to said I was cute in spite of that though. I can kill myself working a job if it means we're happy together for the time I'm around. I just want to hug a woman, I'm so touchstarved.
>still replying to obvious ragebait
You are a bunch of idiots.
>financially stable (can support me and kids if I decide to have them)
>taller than me
>pleasant face to look at
>White or east Asian
>not an asshole to me
My disdain for women keeps growing day by day. Particularly chan whores.

Anybody that uses this term should be beaten to a pulp. It makes little of incel suffering and turns it into a fashion statement.
>financially stable (can support me and kids if I decide to have them)
Fair but it depends what you consider stable. I assume an average blue collar worker wouldn't be enough for you. People can hardly support themselves with their pay.
>pleasant face to look at
Considering the fact you find most average men ugly you are basically asking for a Chads face.
You really can't communicate clearly lol.
>I was curious about your take
There is no take. With standpoint theory you're just looking at the situation from a specific standpoint and to reveal biases or limitations in the dominant viewpoint. Social phenomena are complex and there is no objective truth to how people interact.
>it looks like you're not interested in any of this
Yeah, I'm not. My original point had nothing to do with this mostly bullshit theory. You bought it up sperged out over it. I don't have any take on this, and you shouldn't either because you sound too stupid to understand anything going on around you.
>Animals like you should be put down.
If you were to get raped you would have the biggest orgasm in your life. Everything you say with this in mind is really fucking funny.
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>You bought it up
You presented a falsehood as a point of argument to start a thread. To entertain that and give you a reply, I had to assume that you actually meant it which can only mean that you had to rely on mental gymnastics to come to that conclusion or you simply posted bait which I swallowed.
Either way, you're full of shit and you're just another run of the mill delusional cunt with a crippled brain.

Enjoy seething for the rest of your unnaturally long life because of perceived wrongs and imaginary enemies.
>proving her point
swear to god some of you guys are such tryhard teenagers
>assume assume assume
>People can hardly support themselves with their pay.
Very true. Feminism demanded double income households. Unless you got lucky on a crypto or sell your soul on social media, you're never gonna have enough income to provide for these entitled princesses.
>swear to god some of you guys
Back to facebook you gay snob faggot. There is no debate with holes on here. Any gripe they have is over how much they want to get raped.
Most guys think that femcels don't exist and give the exact same reasoning. Plus I don't believe your rly a femcel and just don't want to put in the effort of getting to know anyone
see? tryhard teenager
you think you sound rough and based you literal virgin?
I don't care how I sound and you are a submissive personality that only cares how something comes off rather than what things actually are.
>you literal virgin
If this is an insult women's only inherent value is pussy. Which I agree with.
>submissive personality
I'm not the one who's drilled by basic bitch teenager memes of a loser "redpilled" failed normalfag board
you're a low iq incel bot conforming to social e norms to look cool in front on your imaginary friends and your own covert narcissistic cope parody of identity
I hope you're younger than 20 to be dissociated like this from any kind of reality
you're probably fat and smell bad. Go to the gym and stop eating your hambeast
>I'm not the one who's drilled by basic bitch teenager memes of a loser "redpilled" failed normalfag board
>you're a low iq incel bot conforming to social e norms to look cool in front on your imaginary friends and your own covert narcissistic cope parody of identity
>I hope you're younger than 20 to be dissociated like this from any kind of reality
hit a nerve hmm
don't worry your frail deluded mind will keep protecting you and convincing you you're right
>you're a low iq incel bot conforming to social e norms to look cool in front on your imaginary friends and your own covert narcissistic cope parody of identity
You cooked up this word vomit about me and it's what makes sense in your own feminine, submissive mind. You cannot understand any rationale past being a poser, because that's all you are.
Women cum from rape and secretly want it. Any acting out on their part is them wanting to be "put in their place".
>being able to think past "women wants rape and I'm enlightened about sexual relationships with my fellow blackpilled asocial friends" is being a poser
good luck with your life and yourself
No, thinking "this guy only has opinions to conform to social e-norms" is the projection of a poser. You even did it again, you cannot imagine me standalone thinking something. Poser.
>good luck with life
take a good look around, and ask yourself truthfully if you're not spouting basic incel memes endlessly repeated all across this board just out of spite and resentment just like everyone else you little bot.
>again trying to group me because you cannot think past herd "us versus them"
Do you have anything else other than "reality check" memes? You still point towards how things appear rather than what they are. Reducing motives to "spite and resentment" is just "who hurt you" in disguise, you're just the soul of a poser, cannot imagine objective reasons past psychology.
>cannot imagine objective reasons past psychology.
your psychology is the objective reason for your dysfunctional beliefs you little moron
besides, what you call poser is usually called a personal identity, something that does not need to understand reality through a shared convenient self-defensive worldview aka this shit board and the blackpillers like you that plagues it
>financially stable
Okay so, a millionaire CEO
>Taller than me
Okay so, at least 7 ft. tall
>Pleasant face to look at
Define that please
>White or east Asian
it's over blackcels.
>not an asshole to me
Okay so, as long as you're not the asshole to him.

Yeah right...
> makes me want to smash every moid's head in.
hahahahaha you wont do shit, whore. not a single thing. those fantasies of homicide will die with you and even if you manage to harm a poor guy, its all a big nothing and everybody will be glad, that you're dead.
>>not an asshole to me
says the whore with her murder fantasies. like a clockwork.
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OP tongue my anus. Nigger.

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