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When man says to a woman, that she is somehow "living on EASY mode" he meant she can have alot of sex.
To men, sex is only thing that matters in life.
Your health, money, and everything else you need to function as normal human isn't important.
The fact that women are biologically having more autoimmune illnesses, cancers, smaller hearts, shit ton of pregnancy complications, emotion issues, periods, beaten up, raped, giving birth at like 12, going through weird religion rituals, and living in 3rd world shitholes where they are seen as lower than literal shit who doesn't have any chances in life but just to be a working slave... DOESN'T MATTER!
You can have easy SEX which means you live life on EASY MODE because FUCKING is only thing that matters in life!!!!
Everything else is absolutely unimportant as long as you can have sex!!!!

This is male logic.
What the fuck is wrong with males?
Nice blog post, thanks for sharing.
back in the day i enjoyed reading baits, some of them were creative and people replied a lot
but... this? are you even trying anymore?
Anon, a significant portion of people on this board believe that women want and enjoy rape. You're trying to start the conversation at a place this board is not ready for.

A significant portion of people on this board will flood anyone talking about being molested as a child to say, "The only reason you didn't like it is because society taught you it was bad!" etc.

Like I'm not sure what you're wanting. I assume it's just bait, because it speaks to little intelligence from you coming up with this shit to post here, as if it will do something productive.
statistically you live on easy mode, it's not just about sex, retard
>Your health, money, and everything else you need to function as normal human isn't important.
Women get all of this stuff easier/for free too.
bait used to be believeable...
4chan is where people go to say dumb/crazy shit for a laugh, wouldn't take it to seriously. You'll find more actual sociopaths and sadists on the normienet than on here.
stfu bitch pass that cunt ofrr herre
Not OP but holy shit you are absolute tard.
You seriously think non stacy women in 3rd world shitholes got things for free?
You're either mentally ill, 12 or American if you think this.
Maybe all of three.
Thanks for reminder to never approach any male ever.
It's not just sex. You have a longer lifespan, more economic opportunity and support, more favorable treatment by the justice system, more favorable treatment by random strangers, lower probability of being mugged or murdered, lower suicide rate.

You're the one making this about sex.
>You seriously think non stacy women in 3rd world shitholes got things for free?
No but they still get more than their male counterparts. The point is that being female significantly increases the chances of getting free stuff. The existence of women who don't get free stuff in spite of being women doesn't refute that point
Everyone says this is "bait" when you're making perfectly good and logical points just because it doesn't align with their incel beliefs. Thinks their point of view is so obviously correct any thinking person wouldn't be serious about the opposite. They're on the same level as religitards.
Do you even read what op said..?
>The existence of women who don't get free stuff in spite of being women doesn't refute that point
Can you at *least* agree that not all women live on le easy mode then?
And that le easy mode is mostly reserved for white american stacies?
That surely makes sense, right?
>board is constantly inundated with bait posts
>people stop being able to tell what is and isn't bait anymore
don't know what to tell you. this is a bait post for all anyone knows.
>To men, sex is only thing that matters in life.
You are taking it out of context. Usually we are talking about dating because that's a common topic on this board. And yes women do have it much easier there.
Women live longer and don't work as dangerous and health hazardous jobs as men do.
Diversity quotas have basically given women an advantage in finding jobs. Some places they would rather hire women than men to meet quotas.
>shit ton of pregnancy complications
Aren't like half of you childfree nowadays? That's a choice you can make.
>emotion issues
Maybe one of the only times where you have ever been right. It's still your problem though.
You are right there too
>beaten up
Men are more likely to get beaten up and be the victims of assault.
That almost never happens with strangers. Most women are raped by men they date and those men often have a history of violence or crime.
>giving birth at like 12, going through weird religion rituals, and living in 3rd world shitholes where they are seen as lower than literal shit who doesn't have any chances in life but just to be a working slave... DOESN'T MATTER!
We aren't talking about 3rd world stuff when we say women have it easier. It's all in the context of the western world.

TL;DR: You are stupid.
>You seriously think non stacy women in 3rd world shitholes got things for free?
Yes, they do. I'm a thirdie so I know. Now fuck off you stupid.
>Anon, a significant portion of people on this board believe that women want and enjoy rape.
Statistically they do.
Also go back. You are clearly a redditor.
>You seriously think non stacy women in 3rd world shitholes got things for free?
We aren't talking about the 3rd world. You are such a fucking retard it's unbelievable.
Anything on the hierarchy of needs doesn't seem like such a big deal if you can get it easily.
With men pursuing her, women also have it easier to have a relationship. Men just don't mean sex, they also want relationships. Most incels are not looking to be a chad who have sex with different women ever night, they fantasize about a girl who loves them. Women do not understand men nor do they care to.
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I am not jealous of women for having easy access to sex, because my sex drive is very inhibited most of the time.
I am not jealous of women for improving their socio-economic status at the relative expense of low-skill men because I am not among these being screwed over.
I agree that women don't live life on easy mode and often have it harder than men.
But I am jealous of women for behaving AS IF they live life on easy mode.
In every group of people, in every country I have been, women are generally more carefree, more lively, more engaged, more extroverted. It as is if the horrors of life remain imperceptible to them. William Faulkner wrote that women lead lives divorced from reality, and I cannot help but feel that it is true when I see them acting in this way.
It must be some sort of cultural thing, because some southern European men and blacks sometimes behave like this. While Indians and east Asians are the exact opposite way, very much obsessed with how hard life is.
>With men pursuing her, women also have it easier to have a relationship.
Yeah but that can circle back to sex because a lot of men would stay in a relationship as long as they get to fuck. While women appear to prioritise the general quality of the relationship.
That's why they often complain about being used just for the sex.
>Most incels are not looking to be a chad who have sex with different women ever night, they fantasize about a girl who loves them.
I fantasise about being loved too brother, but I don't blame women for my inability to have relationships.
When you get past 21, interact with women often, and still don't get any closer to a romantic connection you have to realise the only common denominator is (You).
>T. American moid
>Man complains how women have "easy mode"
Not a bait
>Woman complains how much her life sucks as a woman
It's a bait

Men are always childish and retarded, it's unreal
You shits are like 13yo boys in 30yo body
>That's why they often complain about being used just for the sex.
No. They complain about this because they're hooking up with men who are out of their league but still expect to get commitment even though the guy has tons of more attractive options and has already shown himself to be uninterested in a relationship. They don't want to lower their standards to a guy who will commit to them because they can hook up with guys that are hotter.
Can men wear pretty dresses or makeup without getting beat up? No!
>i am the entirety of r9k
i spend way too much time shitposting on here, but i don't have that much influence nona.
Oh op you don't get it. We grew up seeing priviledged women getting away with stuff so to a lot of people this is invisible. Also men are also subject to violence quite a lot. More than women I'm sure. You don't want to be a man no matter what the feminists say.
> The fact that women are biologically having more autoimmune illnesses, cancers, smaller hearts,
Sucks to suck. Female bodies are inferior
Women have that problem because they go for men much higher than their league except these men have no reason to ever commit to (you) when they have much better option and can get any girl they want. Women do not understand this and so will continue to suffer for it.

Men are burned out of relationship and it won't change unless people try to understand their issues instead just demonizing them and maybe realize women have a part of it too instead of being delusional and insisting women don't have any part of it.
Says the poor little foid from first world country.
>When you get past 21, interact with women often, and still don't get any closer to a romantic connection you have to realise the only common denominator is (You)
Duh, so? Let's say he's a sperg and avoidant and short or whatever. His fault. Still, if he was a woman those flaws wouldn't stop him from having a relationship. So he's correct that it would be easier to be a woman.
You're not responding to what people say, just reading from a script or something
I can only wish that was me...
>When man says to a woman, that she is somehow "living on EASY mode" he meant she can have alot of sex.
No, it means you have easy access to job groups, orbiters, men that will go out of their way to help you, significantly lesser standards on what constitutes "having your shit together", lesser legal repercussions for anything, social lenience (no, women are not considered "creepy" unless you're fat)
>To men, sex is only thing that matters in life.
This is projection. Women stay with abusive men just because they enjoy getting railed that badly by a guy that pushes her head in, and strangles her. Seems your "stay with me no matter what" has a condition, and it being you getting fucked and tossed.
Not reading the rest of that.
>Not reading the rest of that.
Truth hurts
the difference is that the female problems are quite well discussed but mentioning the challenges men face is usually met with disdain from women

women make little effort to sympathize with men in this regard
Women are too stupid and solipsistic to comprehend extrapolation and statistics.
Women live on easy mode. Because men want to have sex with her. Which means men treat her better than they otherwise would. Which means she gets the benefit of biased treatment.
Even rape is more a consequence of men really, really liking women too much rather than men hating women.
And men censor themselves because they know complaining will make themselves look weak, which may as well mean putting yourself on a blacklist for sex.
So we came full circle and it really is
>You can have easy sex = easy mode
Thanks for proving my point
Yes. You live in easy mode.
Sex is a huge part of life. We wouldn't exist without it. Obviously it's going to play a major role in your mental well being due to the evolutionary drive to reproduce. Getting easy sex and validation makes it easier to be motivated in other areas of life. You never need to think "how do I change my appearance/social behavior to better appeal to the opposite sex" so you can focus on other things.
I'm not cute enough to get any of the privileges that come with being a girl (because "female privilege" is actually just pretty privilege), so I wish I could at least have the male privilege of doctors taking me seriously.
It's more like "there being an overwhelming demand for sex with women, due to laws of supply and demand...women live on easy mode" but of course you're too low IQ to have gleaned that from my post
Strange how basic economic theory is suddenly inapplicable whenever it comes to female and their sex.
used to think that way until a few years ago.
then, when i had to make my first uni payment i was like, if they can get free shit just for the looks so can i.
fast forward now, days away from finishing uni, job lined up,no debt, and saved quite a sum from selling pics,'boysmell' femboy clothes,erps, etc.
still straight but i just can't look at some women the same way when all they do is talk trash,whore around for free and do meth
>hello kitty gif
Like clockwork. I've spoken to many of you chan whores. You are shallow, privileged bitches coddled by your parents. You've never worked seriously a day in your life. You think you're intelligent princesses when in reality you're just ADHD toddlers collecting orbiters and throwing tantrums while consuming mindless content on the internet. You don't even realize how lucky you are to have the ability to choose your life partner so easily. You can't stand the idea of not being the victim, but deep down you know you're a useless parasite, which is why you feel the need to justify yourself here. The truth is that you wouldn't last a month in my shoes, while I would last a lifetime in yours.
Men are mentally ill retards and this post show it well
Thanks for reminder to never approach any moids
Disgusting sex obsessed creatures
>n-no you!
Strongest foid argument.
Your father didn't love you and it shows well with this post.
Men don't even love their own mothers that carried disgusting piece of shits on their wombs for almost a year.
You deserve to be killed.
This is why men are repulsed by you.
I don't want to deal with freaks who lack empathy anyways.
>he meant she can have alot of sex.
No I mean that the world is built for you, you have value, and people actually care about your wellbeing.
>Parents when their child is male
:D !!!!!! <333
>Parents when their child is female
Seems like I was right. I don't blame your dad, you are kind of an irritable and capricious stupid bitch.
Lmao at this post. You are just a larping faggot after all.
Maybe if you're from some thirdie culture. My sisters got more love and attention than I did.
Men have a higher rate of suicide.
men are a lot more likely to succeed in their suicide attempt.
women usually pick less lethal ways like cutting wrists, overdosing on weak meds, etc
You mean women pretend to attempt suicide for attention and don't intend to succeed.
>What the fuck is wrong with males?
wouldn't exactly word it this way, but i believe that they are more likely to go through suicide with a mindset heavily influenced by emotions not logic.
I want sex, I will admit that. I want it with someone that I can confide in that will be able to confide in me.
>What the fuck is wrong with males?
You're not in my life even though I want you in it.

Also money and favors. A woman should always have a place to crash at for free. Someone will always be willing to help them move, help pay the rent. Help pay any phone bill they need. Hell, most women probably know a handful of guys that would take them grocery shopping and out to lunch and be happy to do it, just because they asked.

Part of the reason I and my male peers (I am 30) don't view women as adults is because you will almost never have to face solving your own issues by yourself because nobody else cares about you. I don't have anyone that I can text nude pictures of myself for hundreds of dollars right now. So you see OP, it's not just sex that women can have in abundance whenever they want. It's also money, companionship, general support with whatever you'd need.

If you disagree with what I said than it's likely because you're obese which is 100% your own fault. Oh yeah, on the subject, everyone also has lowered expectations for women. You can't be automatically designated as an unfixable beta loser for the rest of your life as soon as you were born based on your height like a man can. Nobody who ever dates you is going to consider the money you make or your career when dating you either. Women expect ME to have a career worth BRAGGING about as well as a house and a car. Meanwhile you, on the other hand, can literally be unemployed and living with your parents and it wouldn't make you any less attractive to me or most other men. Lowered standards for you across the board, all the while being given more support. If you ever have a problem with your car, you can ask some guy to come fix it for you and they will probably do it for free/cheap, if not, the next guy you ask likely will help you with it. If I have a problem with my car, I'll just be told where I can go pay to get it fixed, after having my masculinity and competency ridiculed for not already being able to fix it myself.
I can tell you are on the verge of tears while writing that.
No one says this? You just made up a strawman that "we get easy sex BUT". But when guys say you live on easy mode they mean you are politically empowered, socially accepted, that courts favor you, that people have an inherent positive bias for women that always makes them sympathize with you. If all those health problems you mention meant anything you'd live shorter lives, but you don't. And what does women living thirdie countries have to do with you? If anything this shows the bias for woman I was mentioning earlier that women are always victims, what of the thirdie men? They too live shitty lives, more shitty because most can't afford a wife and so they die alone and/or work for shit tier wages. It's not an expectation for women to be coal miners, soldiers, etc.
>You just easy sex!
That's not even it, you say relationships are hard but sex is easy but in reality relationships are easy too for women. In relation to men at least, relationships are orders magnitude easier, women initiate most break ups, if they had any trouble with relationships they wouldn't break up so much but because they know they can get into a new relationship it isn't as dire to a woman as it is to a man, who would be subject to loneliness. The marriage laws are in your favor as well, you hold all the cards in the dating market, any failure is 99% of the time completely on the woman. You hold all the cards and yet still fail, if anything though it should be expected, humans don't do well when it's that easy for them. But it's a completely different failure to men's failure, whom fight desperately over scraps, seriously, this board vs cc is all the proof you need. Same kind of person except born xx, and such drastically different life experiences.
If you are in this thread and you have a dick I hope you kill yourself and succeed.
You are living scum and you deserve no happiness.

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