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I'm a homosexual virgin with an 8 incher, I'm also a gooner with no desire for real sex.
I feel like there's less nerve endings in my dick because of it's size and girth. One full stroke takes forever, resulting in me only jerking the top half of my dick, cause the bottom feels like nothing. Fapping just feels awkward. I watch videos of guys with small dicks jerking off it and looks way more satisfying.
What do you think?
Post that third leg. And no, nerve density will More or less be the same for most people. It is t extra concentrated in small penises. And no, you will not feel much pleasure at the base of the shaft because the foreskin, glans, and frenulum are the most sensitive parts
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>Post that third leg
Wow. I would let you use thet on me. And yeah, as I said, the only whole cock isnt a pleasure rod. Basically only the top half matters
brb gonna kill myself
Why do guys with huge dicks always wear these types of underwear? Not complaining, but still.
Do you really not enjoy rubbing your frenulum? The bigger your dick the more you have basically, also the underside of the glans is so sensitive I just leak from rubbing it.
didn't read post
cute femboy though ToT
This image is so fucking hot despite it being a furfag image
good fucking lord i want that on my face NOW
Farfags tend to make boys with great penises they pay attention to detail
Completely female body but with dick
What's the point of this
Fags irl don't look like this
I'm an intersex freak, and can only self-insert when the man has broad womanly hips like me.
Yeah but >>78015399
Intersex doesn't count, it's completely whole different group
We are talking about non inter males
>Fags irl don't look like this
Good thing I'm not trying to fuck fags irl then I'm just jacking my dick to drawings.
>I'm an homosexual
Reported and sage
you're right. i can't fap to this. he looks nothing like a dude.
Yeah, but I'm almost entirely male-looking other than the weirdly wide hips and lack of body hair (i'm just XXY, which apparently counts as intersex), so this sort of stuff is perfect for me.
imagine frotting with a man like this
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... It's hentai.
I don't know if you know this, but women irl don't have massive fat perky tits triple the size of their head either.
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This isn't enough to be sexy?
>tfw i could've looked like this if I didn't lose the genetic lottery and get a genetic skin condition
I need to make my cock like this, somehow
how can I do this anons
someone said hgh can make a pp bigger
This pic makes me crazy.
god i need a tall white man to fill my holes with his seed
Made to be worshipped, honestly anon just get some twink robot if you ever get pent up
You're making me blush anons...
My cock feels useless though as I only use it for masturbation... I don't feel any sort of confidence boost from it
>the amount of love this anon recieved for simply having a big dick
Suicide fuel
Do you have a lot of stamina from gooning?
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I'm a quickshot but I jerk off like 5 times a day
How quick?
Like a few minutes. I can spurt in 10 seconds if I find something really hot though.
im going to kill myself
i wish there was literally anything positive about me i could post online and have people give me compliments for
Can we see it from another angle? With the balls?
>Like a few minutes.
not really gooning then is it?
You are fine as you are
Lasting a few minutes of pumping it is not a quick shot, I regularly cum in less than a minute and usually thirty seconds or so, often before even getting fully erect unless I edge
thank you, that's very sweet of you to say
but if that were truly the case, I wouldn't be a khv at 21
everyone can recognize im a defective retard with a glance
I would cum within a few seconds of entering a guy or maybe even before penetration, I feel like that's a quickshot
I'm not going to kill myself but it's extremely disheartening to see that even on /r9k/, if you're genetically blessed you're going to be loved and if you're not then you're going be unloved.
Hey, I am a kv at 25. It isnt so bad
Excellent taste
God damn I didn't even realize how many pics of his I had in my folder
Dross is also a near favorite of mine, but I think they his style is changing
are you the guy from /trash/ who commissions all those kris backsack pictures?
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Nope. Sounds hot though
op do you like brown boys
They're about 70% of what I cum to so yes!

Invest in some toys. I ran into the same issue once I started applying progesterone cream to my dick when I found out it could increase size and sensitivity.
haha that's awesome op your cock is gorgeous
are you into raceplay? sadomasochism? how old are you?
I am seriously envious.
Sometimes life just isn't fair.
If I was above average maybe I could accept it, how come its been a thousand years and no one's ever figured out how to grow their cock
>haha that's awesome op your cock is gorgeous
>are you into raceplay? sadomasochism?
I'm a degenerate all around so yes
>how old are you?
19 is still super young anon you don't have to feel bad about being a virgin. you still have plenty of time. i'm 22 and i feel like i don't have much time left. then again i haven't really been trying and going out at all until recently. i only started leaving my house for pride month. still found no one. well, i've met all kinds of people. got their numbers. nothing ever came from that. nobody seems interested in me.
Honestly at this point I don't even care about being a virgin and I'm happy just hiding in my room, listening to 69 love songs, and doing fuck all - I have a bit of a lack of interest in developing relationships, which leads to the other person leaving
Having a normal brain would be nice..
i've been alone my whole life and i'm fucking sick of it. i can't stand another minute. i need someone to be obsessed with me. i need someone to tell me i matter. i never once thought i mattered.
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This fucking place is making me gay again. Once you taste the forbidden fruit there's no going back is there?
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it's one thing to want to dick down some hairless twink like the bitch he is
it's an entirely different beast to want to be in love with a man and live your life with him together. introduce your families to each other. share and do everything together. to never need another person in your life.

sadly most people in general (let alone fags) seem to want to do nothing with the latter
The second option is definitely not for me. Twinks are like a really hot fetish to me, I'd fuck some smooth twink butt. But I wouldn't get that involved.
But I'm the same way with women as well. Introducing one another to each other's families would be a chore and too much of a bother for an autist such as myself.
don't tell me ur a bittom
>The second option is definitely not for me.
and i want nothing to do with you
I want a husband I want a husband I want a husband I WANT A HUSBAND
>and i want nothing to do with you
Many such cases!
aesthetically very underwhelming
>I ran into the same issue once I started applying progesterone cream to my dick when I found out it could increase size and sensitivity.
Wait, that actually works? Half-tempted to try it myself, I'm already 6.5" but more is always better.
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im not gay in any other sense of the word but if Ralsei were real i would stop at nothing until we were married and frotting every morning and night
questionably good taste

Results are inconsistent because it's a precursor to other hormones. My working theory is that you just sort of get more of whatever your body would normally be doing hormonal. I went from 6.5 to 8 by applying 20mg from cream to my cock every other day.

Don't get it twisted though, you're fucking with your hormones for recreational purposes. Some dudes do drugs, I rub cream on my dick to experience orgasms in different ways. It's worth it to me; I sleep better and generally just feel less stressed out too.
And where would one get this cream?
matemi art... ahh...~ <3


This is the one I like, but it's also sold in organic grocery stores like whole foods.
are you telling the truth?
any before or after pictures?
I thought progesterone was a tranny dick shrink thing

It's something trannies used to keep their boners and libido. It's the precursor to both testosterone and estrogen, so it tends to push people the direction of whichever hormone is dominant.

I tried it, got some good results. Some don't. Nothing permanent either way.
Wtf I legit heard stories of progesterone shrinking dick size since it can lower androgens

Like I said, it's a precursor a bunch of different hormones. It tends to just push you further in the direction your body was already going. If you're estrogen dominant or otherwise hormonally fucked it's entirely possible that it continues to push you in that negative direction.

Therapeutic doses are like 200mg per day, I only ever used 20mg every other day. I could see how blasting 200mg every day up your ass could throw things out of balance and undercut your natural production.
Nothing permanent?
Also did your dick get girthier?
Where'd you learn about this?
send more cat noir pics pleaseeeeeeeeee
aaaaand i'm hard again! thanks anon
Well thanks for your findings anon, legit surprised
I feel like the progesterone guy is pulling a prank...
>blessed with this
>doesn't use it at all
>even if he did, it would be reserved exclusively for men's rancid shitholes
I'm gonna kill myself
They literally said it would push you in the direction your body was going, so the results check out regarding the HRT-addled trannies.
no one has ever talked about it making their dick bigger though either
like how do you even figure this shit out?
its generally used by menopausal women
I've seen it mentioned in a thread before
Interesting, might give it a try
samefagging thread originalloi
I wish. If I had a weiner as nice as that guy's I would be having twinks slobbering all over it all day
Not gay but nice dick bro
what do you fantasize about with brown boys anon i need to know
do not confuse lust with love. moron.
Mating press and filling him up >:3
Don't sign your posts.
>definitions of love
: strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties
maternal love for a child
: attraction based on sexual desire : affection and tenderness felt by lovers
After all these years, they are still very much in love.
: affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests
: warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion
love of the sea
: the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration
baseball was his first love
>b-but this definition says
dont care. you dont know what love is, hedonist.
>uhm love is ackshually......
No, you.
would you feel some racial superiority over him?
Obviously, I will show him how useless his brown so called penis is as it flops around while I pound his ass
I guess it is better because you can stimulate the entirety of the peen at once?
is there some tp stuck on it anon thats kinda...
No, it's precum shine
i want to tease the tip with a feather or sometihng
With my lips would be better, to just wrap them around and lick around the glans
you can tell me the truth anon
That's the truth! Your glans aren't all wet with pre after a bit of playing around?
Same. I feel like sex and masturbation for me are way less sensitive than "normal" but that could just be cooming. 20/16 here.
mine is less than 4 inches and yes i can jerk off really fast
It's a shame you're a faggot, here's to hoping you get aids.
What have women done to even deserve to feel good from sex? Honestly, they shouldn't.

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