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They're either into them or not. There is no "maybe if our personalities click" route to be taken. She is either on the asian-guys YES side of the fence or NOT. Almost like homosexuality, you either like dick or not. And just like with homosexuals, women into asian men are like 1-2%, I always felt hitting on girls in my social circle is like a gay dude hoping one of his beer pong playing straight bros changes his mind about dick.
Oh boy I bet this thread will go down well.
if you're a white normie personality can make the difference with a looksmatched girl. If you're asian they usually see you as a asexual entity unless they're hardcore into weeb/koreaboo shit.

t. tried asking out women in my social circle and got rejected by all 11 of them
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>they usually see you as a asexual entity
I think it depends on the Asian in question. Skinny google employee chink I see. Hitoshi Ozawa I don't see how anyone wouldn't be throwing themselves at him (no homo)
Uhh you might want to check the latest data
I dated an asian guy for 4 years. You all have trauma from your emotionally distant mothers, it makes relationships hard.
on the contrary my mother loved asian men. She instilled in me a confidence that was soon to be shattered by reality. I grew up with women in the household and learned how to talk to girls pretty fast. I was never considered a creep but women would always try and turn me into one of the "girlfriends". At one point I had more female friends and aquaintances than male ones. Did they ever tried to hook me up with someone? Never. Did any of the women ever tell me about someone having a crush on me? Never. I wasn't even "friendzone", but worse "gayzoned".
Bro what I am just talking about dynamics in asian families. Parents tend to be distant, what are you going on about
>what are you going on about
Not him, but he's trying to say his mother wasn't emotionally distant like >>78014890(you?) assume is the root of all our problems with women. She was based and juchepilled and loved Asian men, and he grew up in an Asian household mostly of women (girl cousins, sisters, nieces, aunts) so he wasn't awkward talking to women but he like me ended getting severely friendzoned by his peers outside his family because women just don't see Asian men as inherently sexual.

Oh shit this was me too EXACTLY like me. But what really made people think i was gay is when i rejected almost every girl.

I rejected 2 thots and 3 fats in 4 months i want to kms brudda the whole town called me gay for this. I shulda taken the thot shes married to him now ahh.
Just get a beaner girl. They love y'all
I don't?? Why would I they are cute and look youn until 50.
I'm eastern european and I only date white and asian men.
any white girls want a qt asian bf in NYC?

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what part of eastern europe? I'm a hapa living in Croatia (technically eastern europe) and while I'm just slightly below average height here (5'11) croat women are all into tall, dark, turkish looking, men over 6ft. There is no "niche" taste here. Picrel is the only standard, no matter if she's fat or not.
>croat women are all into tall, dark, turkish looking, men over 6ft.
Nta but disgusting.
I hate turks.
And I'm cro female. You don't know anything about us.
not surprising for a ustasha femanon
literally 0 guilt for turning serbs into soap 100-ish years ago
>rest of the world as yet another eastern European conflict happens
White western women are manipulative whores who think they're entitled to the world because they rile their men and set them loose on the world. Asian women are just typically nice to men and get the same result.
Wait I just realized you are both from the same country and STILL FIGHTING
as an asian ive only dated white girls who are INTO anime
>literally 0 guilt for turning serbs into soap 100-ish years ago
Do they have guilt for killing our children, men, women..? No
You aren't croatian. I am.
That's different.
Also just realised you said 100 years ago
Do your history better
>And I'm cro female. You don't know anything about us.

what type of men do croat women go?
Women will say this shit and get mad when we dont want high body counts.
Every woman is different and I can't give you 100% correct answer.
But me, personally, I like skinny guys when it comes to body type.
How many times did u ask that lol
What does it have to do with body count though? Its common knowledge in our community asian parents dont really show love or affection. It is the excuse asian girls use to avoid dating asian guys

I'm asian and I couldn't ever get into anime, never watched any, but I'm obsessed with italian giallo films.
how does one ask out croat girls? Are they using tinder or do you just do it irl?
the real blackpill angle was that it was never my personality at all, at least annoying incels could cope that they couldnt talk to girls, I on the other hand could and it still ended in rejection every single time.
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Hello chat with meeee I am chineeesssee
Personally I never used such a retarded app. But, that's just me.
surely you will find some.
>how does one ask out croat girls?
Just don't do it the way 14-18yo cro boys do it. "Yoo I saw you around can I get your Instagram" "*after two messages* wanna suck my pepe" "yo i posted your ass on (some cro city) spotted can we go get a drink"
And you will be fine
I mean some cro girls like this kid of guys but they are usually younger than 19
Do you grow up in china?
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I grew up in Singapore, which is a Chinese majority island in South East Asia that many Chinese fled to during the Chinese Civil war
Where do you live now?
I have been in Boston since January on an internship, I am going back to Singapore in a month though! What about you?
Hi fellow Chinese. Born and raise nyc tho.
Nigga I literally posted about ordering this morning
>Why are you stealing my theme of the day nigga
What a degenerate shithole
I'm not but aren't you arguing with someone who also is Croatian?
Asian men are generally very feminine. It is also kind of cringe how Asians almost never voice their opinions, the most feminine trait of all.
I don't think I was.
Unless I misunderstood something.
Also, you live in Croatia right?
Why are you still awake, it's 3:20am lmao

Pliz budi iz splita
Asian guys are pretty in-demand right now and it's only getting better from them.
Asian guys also essentially screen and self-select for pretty great women.
One thing I notice about Asian guys is that they seem to have relatively high standards and would rather be single than compromise (hence Asian countries have very high rates of single people). I don't mean they only date super hot girls, although they're usually not bad, but like standards of quality as a person. You'll never see Asian guys date women who are smokers, drug users, trashy, slutty, obese, entitled, FWBs, etc.
No I thought YOU lived in Croatia
i think asian guys are very cute but i'm also a gay man so that aint worth much.
Asians look like a human being with their shirt off and can fuck.
Morbidly obese neckbeard chuds have neither of those qualities.
The choice is obvious.
The more I view this site the more I cry. Only asians, whites, beaners, and arabs are seen as human and you all know it
>Asian men are generally very feminine

I'm not feminine in my mannerisms or attitude, in fact, women have said to me it "looks out of character" lmao.
its like women we complain ua asian guys are feminine, but the moment we act like men (assertive, flirting) they will be weirded out because we dont stick to our assigned asexual nerd role.
asian men are quite popular as the racial variant of the "gay best friend" women have.

t. thought she was flirting
that reads like a specifically (You) problem

lies. As a croat myself your average 20something women in croatia wants a guy that is tall, dark and masculine looking. All the guys that are seen as attractive are either very tall, very athletic, or just heavy-boned and bearded. The male ideal is literally something out of a Turksih soap opera.
>they will be weirded out because we dont stick to our assigned asexual nerd rol
Rule number 1 is to never give a fuck what any woman says
At least where I am, Asians haven't integrated well at all. I think they're just not used to actually interacting with Asians.
Why do you need a white woman? You shouldn't be racemixing, even though whites also have 100 IQ you will still jumble up the genes of your children. If you're going to spend decades of your only life with someone why wouldn't you go full trad and marry a woman of your own race?
But in terms of structure, shouldn't Croatians be more masculine than Turks on average?
>that reads like a specifically (You) problem

many asian men who aren't Giga-Chads experience this. If you do not fit a literal fetish category "ripped Kpop babdboy" you are going to get merely friendzoned, but "Gayzoned" women will literally refuse to comprehend that you're a man with needs and desires of a straight man. This is worse than with arabs or blacks where women automatically expect they'll be trying to fuck, you as an asian man in their view should be a asexual, nerdy, nice guy. Acting sensual, flirty is seen as a joke, as something dirty your kind shouldn't do.
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Most seething insecure cucks on the internet
Nisam sorry :/
I do
So me having a type is a lie...? Ok dude.
Absolutely fucking no
I think even tan looks weird
>The male ideal is literally something out of a Turksih soap opera.
I found maybe one turkish actor hot in my entire life.
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>Why do white women hate asian men?
The way that guy instinctively moves his head forwards and back tells me he must be pretty popular at the gay bars.
Croats tend to often have the Dinaric phenotype of usually having fair skin, black, dark hair, and usually brown eyes but with frequent chances gray as well, hooked, long nose, tall build, broad bones, Lots of curly body hair, square, non-hourglass hips, big hands, short neck and long legs. Turks who often have an Armenoid phenotype usually have dark hair and black or brown eyes with infrequent possibility of blue, pale greysh skin tone, a long neck, long wide back and short legs, hourglass hips, wide head, short forehead, small chin, flat hooked nose, narrow bones, average facial hair, few smooth body hair, and small hands... Some, therefore, can be very beautiful if they are tall (which, combined with broad shoulders and long neck give a "tough" effect), a straight nose (which, combined with a not long nose, gives a refined effect) and large biceps combined with small hands can give a powerful effect... the "Armenoid" phenotype may be beautiful, but normal personal care is not enough, It has low to medium chances of being very beautifull.

Moreover, the Turks are not very homogeneous, moreover both descriptions are not a good index of consultation due to the historical period of analysis, moreover even if they could represent the majority they are not reasonably valid hypotheses
why are you so intent on demoralising asian men?
did the girl you were simping for end up with one?
Homo(not a female) here I want an Asian guy to pin me down and fuck me hard.
I don't think it depends on the phenotype, it's an individual matter; For example, he >>78023882 is manly. Asians, although they have small features, being also concentrated can give the effect of a large head (which in turn gives a masculine effect) they also have a wide face and often a wide jaw, the eyes not very pronounced and closed can also give a masculine effect. Dimorphism is a purely personal thing rather than a phenotypic one. Not to mention that being masculine and feminine is not the only index for attraction; It's better to be beautiful and unmasculine than the other way around.
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I look like picrel, why don't women like me?
1: You can't understand anything, the photo isn't detailed enough 2: He's being kissed by a woman, so you might think it's not just about aesthetics?
>live in a country of tall chads
>want to date an Asian
Why so you like Asian dudes so much
This is too much to read for my ADHD brain.
Because they are pretty and look young.
I wouldn't have issue with dating another cro guy but I also like to meet guys from other cultures. Asians especially.
Cro/European or Asian guy idc.
I love summer because they only come here during summer LOL.
Also forgot to mention I don't like ""chads"" because all they do is cheat.
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Is Croatia nice during the summer? I have some time left before my college in Singapore starts and I've always been curious about Eastern Europe (looks like a cool place)
i believe asian men living in the west are pitiful and they look lame
the attitude of them, indians, and black women seems almost identical
they always seem to be begging for validation from white, dominating people
how many women would be interested in a man who lacks such confidence in the first place?
as a south korean guy
i'm glad i wasn't born in the west
it's pretty annoying to live in a time of radical feminism already
so how stressed are you if you have to suffer racial prejudice as well?
Just how fat are you originallyyy
It's good. Many tourists, sea and good night life if you are into that.
But heat is going to suck all your energy I'm literally dying.
Croatians usually aren't fat. Especially during summer because we all have summer jobs that are usually hard and are swimming in sea every day.
Hole that answers your question ;)
>they come here during summer
Have you tried, yknow, saying hi? Or do you just stare at them from a distance
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croat hapa here, croats are very fine people, but no, the beauty ideal for men is the diametrical opposite of the look many of us asians have. Picrel is me and no croatian woman has ever approached me, they find me cute as you would a pug dog.
I just stare.
I don't know nothing about their culture and I'm retard.
>Picrel is me and no croatian woman has ever approached me, they find me cute as you would a pug dog.
I think you look cute. Full face pic would be better, but I understand if you don't want to post it.
Do you speak croatian?
Nice earring btw.
da, a ne verujem da bi lijepe mlade cure isle na incel board kao je 4chen. hoho.
Are you gay? You look pretty gay
Pa ono..da. Vjerojatno nema Hrvatica ovdje. Koliko imas godina? Koji grad?
Nta but you sound kinda old if you think he's gay for wearing a trendy earring lol
>but I also like to meet guys from other cultures. Asians especially.
Which ones have the biggest cocks
Like which kind of Asian have the biggest cock? Or? I don't know lol. I have never been with one (yet).
In general
We all know you've had a lot of them, since women cannot be incels (and therefore shoudn't post here)
I've been with two cro guys. Never dated a foreign man. Never called myself a femcel as well, so I don't know where you get that from.
Haven't really heard anything certain as an East Asian. I read a couple of articles saying Korean women think Korean men have small dicks but I don't really buy it. I'm sure there are similar articles for the other races. How big is enough for you?
any from the developed countries(China, Korea, Japan, Singapore, etc).
The small dick stuff isn't true in these countries because the people can get enough food now
Jel zivis na moru ili samo radis sezonu
>Never called myself a femcel as well
Now get the fuck out
Zivim, ti
Nuh nuh 4chin is addictive
ne iz hercegovine sam ali dodjem u dalmaciju radit
Tucepi, Podgora i tako
gadi mi se more i sve to ali trebam pare
>wmaf is weird bet you have a small cock and coudnt get a white woman
>but bmwf is cool so progressive kys chud nazi
Why are normalfags like this
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Japanese guys can pull weebstacies and Korean guys can pull kpoomers. The problem isn't being Asian but having ancestry from a lame region like China or Vietnam. Asiancel isn't a thing but Chinacel is.
I love Japanese men. The stern personality makes me aroused
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i'm half japanese and i only dated white women
I'm half Vietnamese and I love Japanese guys. Is it over?
>Is it over?
why would it be
They're a rarity in America.
go with a chinese, we look almost identical with the exception that they are filthy sub humans
hah she looks like patrick star
The vital question: is your surname Croatian or Japanese
japanese of course, i have nothing to do with croatia(thank god)
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>not cosplaymaxxing for weeb girls
Buy a 50 dollar Geto cosplay, go to a con, larp as a hot Japanese cosplayer, get endless weeb girls. It's that easy.
i'll cosplay as aki from csm, need to let my hair grow longer for geto.
as for the girls part, i want to be as far as possible from any woman, the last girl i dated shattered my heart beyond repair, even my pp doesn't get hard anymore :(

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