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discuss mbti and related things here
I need an INFJ mommy gf
Any new good mbti tests?
I hate being a male infp. Nobody likes emotional men. This fucking sucks.
Idk im INTP and it kinda sucks that i over analyze everything
I'm an INFJ man and just want an INTJ gf
What types are these characters?
MC Ride gets lots of pussy
I think it's undeniable that the whole world has gotten weird and gay and it will only get worse.
Every gay will be killed
These tests are bullshit
I for one welcome the new minimalist OP format
Blue, INFJ
ENTP (left) and ENTJ (right)
That's probably because he's an MC, women are inexplicably attracted to rap music.
>women are inexplicably attracted to rap music.
That's just because rap is trendy with the new generations, and women are natural trend followers
What about
>Kurt Cobain
>Robert Pattinson
>Johnny Depp
Yeah no I'm nothing like that, and he's famous anyways so of course he'd get pussy.
Didn't Kurt Cobain kill himself?
That's beside the point
We were talking about male INFPs being popular with women
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What's on your mind? INTP's brains are beautiful. Sadly they are very hard to meet as they are always hiding lol.
Also that guy from the new Star Wars movies
The hard truth is, women are crazy about INFPs
She may pretend not to, but your girlfriend definitely shlicked imagining an INFP boyfriend when you are not around
Sorry if that makes you insecure
I find it very interesting that some of you are completely unable to generate net new ideas. You can only take ideas without changing them at all and repost the same thoughts and ideas over and over. Kind of like an NPC.
As an ESTP, i feel like i can't satisfy the romantic needs of my girlfriend the way an INFP could. That makes me feel very insecure
>infp men
Stop believing every infopic you see about types and go meet people.
mexican boy tranny investigators?

the fuck does mbti mean?
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As an ISTP I wish all purplefags death
Don't tell me, tell my girlfriend who cucks me with INFP men on the regular
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lol fag steal all the cash from ur gf and disappear imagine allowing yourself to be cucked
What can i do, i just can't compete with the natural charm of the INFP
bro this is such cap, you're an INFP pretending to be an ESTP to make turbie enjoyer mad. no estp acts like that you idiot retard, infps are the most cuckholded personality type because they're crying whiny bitch babies
Bro what are you talking about, whenever an INFP passes by being all mysterious and broody all the girls turn their heads
How can a dumb ESTP jock like me even compete
>mysterious and broody
You're talking about INTJs fella lmfao
INFPs pass by holding a blanket and sobbing because their diaper is full
Does it even matter? I got a different result everytime I did the tests.
I got a ISTP-T, then I got a INTJ-A and most recently INTP-T. I don't even know what those things mean.
No, INTJs walk by lost in thought as they make up plans to take over the world in their head, you can't even get your stereotypes right
The only INTJ fella I knew was a closet furry neckbeard that became insufferable to be around when he stopped taking his anxiety meds.
>Give different answers
>Get different results
>Surprised pikachu face
It's a shit personality test if you get a different personality every time.
Also nice plebbit meme faggot, would be a shame if I went over there and stuck my foot up your loose arse.
post the pic baka this is an imageboard
You know when girls fawn over Dylan Klebold?
Find me one girl who does the same for Eric Harris
Go on, i'm waiting
>It's a shit personality test if you get a different personality every time.
Or maybe you're just not introspective enough to give consistent answers for the test to type you consistently
>Also nice plebbit meme faggot
>would be a shame if I went over there and stuck my foot up your loose arse
No need to get homosexual
>the fuck does mbti mean?
Astrology for nerds, so it's based
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Show me one girl that doesn't fawn over sasuke.

Meanwhile INFP male in naruto is Gaara a literal lunatic who everyone thinks is a creepy psychopath who cannot control his feelings and he beats women.
Sorry, i'm not an xNTx neckbeard so i don't watch that jap shit, i have no clue of what you're talking about
Maybe. But you sure as hell aint no ENTP.
One thing is to not have friends,and another, is that while having friends, you don't care for them.
How does the life on an INFP male work anyway?
Quick question. Do you like yourself (yes/no), and what is your mbti. I want to check something. I need 30 responses because of CLT
>How does the life on an INFP male work anyway?
Pretty much like the life of any other male, except we're drowning in pussy
I love how you can just tell you just spent 20 minutes looking up famous INTJs and a fictional character from some chinese cartoon for kids is the best you could come up with
ESFP-T; and for the most part, yes.
Imagine cucking yourself out of what you truly want and value in your inner self because of some gay objective logic that is external to you

This post was made by the Fi gang
Drowning on pussy tears yeah
You already know the answer (its yes)
My logic is subjective and bisexual.
Fisexual lightning
That's a good thing. Go find yourself a niche field of study and focus your overthinking tendencies into something productive. For me, it's pagan theology and biological anthropology.
Pagans don't believe in God lol. If they did, they wouldn't be Pagan lmao.
nisexual niows what oyu mean
Can't believe a decent post just flew over my house so early in the thread
I want to exterminate the pseud INTPs they're taking all the attention and resources from the ones with actual souls and intellectual takes. They're like those birds that roll the eggs out of other birds' nests and replace them with their own
shh if you say that too loud it might run away!
That's perfect, I actually quite relish how the adrenaline and panic seasons the meat
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A curious anomaly. I do believe this is the Creator affirming my plans for a better world for INTPatricians. Huzzah etc etc
The "people" who are into this shit are all retards
retard reporting in
What about IxTPs?
INFJ ghosted me months ago now randomly pops back up again. They really love doing this.
Did they ghost you? Or is this the first instance they've had the time free, been in the right headspace, and were able to overcome the inevitable victim narrative you've saddled yourself with in your absence, since they last spoke with you?
The technological revolution and it's consequences are disgusting. Zoomer self-absorption is disgusting. No one should have to downgrade to a fucking track phone just to have an excuse that will appease chronically plugged-in mutts who feel entitled to your contact without conceiving of the slightest idea of what your actual schedule is comprised of, how valuable life is, and how many opportunities you genuinely have to juggle a single additional plate, especially a fucking angsty and selfish one. Hell

Sorry. Big triggy'd
Do Cluster Bs really?
(Obviously but what the f u c k)

>INFJ ghosted me months ago now randomly pops back up again. They really love doing this.
How did you meet? Did you do something against their morals that caused them to door slam you? How did you get them to come back?
INFJs don't even slam the door when they're healthy, God does. And we cry and cry and cry and pound on it and maybe someday learn that doesn't open it either. So we make new doors.
And do the ones who walked out ever walk back in? And if they do, are their intentions pure?

I am biased.
It's annoying even giving someone a warning with the put-your-Fe-face-on and give them the Schroedinger's blackrocking, the doorslam-lite ENFJ 'If you don't make use of the appraisal of the situation and the ultimatums I am offering/boundaries I am enforcing, this is going to be for real'
But you say it in a way that sounds that's-that and people go "I guess I am a hurtful jerk who is incapable of change, I should just go". :,(((("
Suit yourself.
it's also incredibly mouthbreather tier to apply the doorslam meme to
>the egirl I was parasocially infatuated with that I never really viewed as human anyway stopped responding to my messages guise

typology needs to be taken away from people like that. the right to vote too maybe
>too lazy to give a fuck about irl friends because they are all boring NPCs, like to argue online instead
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>Your type
>The last time you ignored your conscience and did something you knew was wrong for personal gain, was the treasure worth the cost? Did the boon stick around, or did you eventually lose your ill-gotten gains?
Am I mistyped or just autistic?
I cannot un-Love myself; I do not always like myself, but it would be wrong even to reduce that to "I don't like myself". If it's a yes or no question.. Yes, I would answer a questionnaire asking me whether I like myself or not "Y>>78017845
es, I do like myself". I am highly self-critical, demanding of myself, obsessed with actualization, so I can be certain the liking myself is genuine when that feels like the heaviest scaleplate.
I have pretty intense emotions, which on paper sounds good sometimes. But in reality it makes me look like a retard whenever I'm not trying to constantly manage my emotions. When I get too happy I'll bounce around and when I get upset I'm laying in bed depressed for half the day. I guarantee if a girl ever got with me I'd probably be way too lovey around her and seem weird.

Also being an introvert kinda sucks but I'm not as upset about that.
No the fuck we are not
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Are you (You)ing yourself here? Or did that post just make you doubt yourself?

Do you have any examples of any times your Fi was "telling" you someone was LITERALLY Satan/a situation was LITERALLY Satanic and you listened to it, but then eventually came to find you were wrong?
If that's too specific, how do you find yourself taking accountability in conflicts where you recognize your part in it? How do you best integrate lessons that humble you without it spiraling into shame or self-flagellation?

If that former example *isn't* too specific, do you have any anecdotes for the inverse (your Fi "telling" you someone is literally an angel/a situation is literally Paradise and you were sorely mistaken)?
I surrender to your bisexual logic.
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wish this was true but its not https://www.thedigitalfix.com/robert-pattinson-scared-fan
>but YOUR GIRLFRIEND shlicked imagining an INFP bf
women may schlick to infp guys in private but there is a reason she is someone else's gf. They will always tell us how great we are and that there is a woman for us but the woman never comes around. Every INFP ik who isn't a celebrity and gets a girl settles on single mother later in life. That or they are single their whole lives and waste away in isolation, that is, if they haven't killed themselves in their late 20s. I don't like being blackpilled or pessimistic like this, but I don't ever really see otherwise unless an INFP gets famous. Ledger, Cobain, Van Gogh, etc. It's almost like we are statistically inclined.....
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I am pretty stoic and broody. Idk any other INFP men but myself but I am often confused with INTJ and I think the cold and broody look is very accurate.

Watching Naruto recently and I relate with the character Gaara so much because he embodies how I feel and have developed throughout my life. From my personal experience, I think Gaara is the best representation of INFP men I can think of
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fuck you, Gaara the goat
While it's not nearly that extreme, yeah. Though for me I can't say I've ever been wrong whenever I've felt that way about something. I still distinctly remember one time when I was in middle school and I saw this popular guy who I just immediately hated and could just feel something off about. On the outside he was like any other kid but I just hated him. As the year went on it turned out my gut feeling was right, and he was a pretty big asshole. He even stole something I was actively using one time, though I was too shy to protest or do anything about it.

And for the second part, I don't. I'll typically consciously learn my lesson but then once I'm alone in my room I'll beat myself up about it for the next few hours, and if it's bad enough, the rest of my life.
Ouch, but this is true.
Youing myself.
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>How does the life on an INFP male work anyway?
Bed-rotting and thinking about what life could be instead of living it. Ik its wrong to do and I don't like it either but I have just built so much of a fear of people over the years and I just can't deal with society without breaking down mentally. Never had a gf and it's something my mind is caught on all the time. I think I'm attractive but women normally don't enjoy me and from the outside I seem very boring. And I also don't leave my house. When I am out and about I kind of force myself to be the autistic sperg attributed with INTJ. I look very robotic doing things and people say I look like an NPC (kids once made fun of me for "trying" to be a sigma because I stared at a wall with a blank expression waiting for an amusement park ride). I do this cold stoic look because when people pierce through it or I am caught off guard I start to tear up and it becomes very obvious. I can't be caught lacking or I will cry and as a big scary man it is wrong and weak and pathetic. It also doesn't help that I have type 1 narcolepsy which has a symptom called cataplexy (look it up) and I start to collapse with sudden change in emotion. It's a whole can of beans in and of itself but because of it I can't do much physically and it fucks with my concept of masculinity. Like stated in another post, I relate to Gaara so much because I feel like the beast he thinks he is
Yeah that's pretty much me, aside from the disorders and relating to gaara. (I have other characters I'm autistic like that with)

Out of curiosity how much do you try to hide who you really are? In addition to managing my emotions I pretty much never talk about my interests with anyone ever or just outright deny them and I almost never share my real feelings with anyone irl. Among many other minor things I don't feel like mentioning
typical INFP response
>fuck you
>crying gif
>Your type
>The last time you ignored your conscience and did something you knew was wrong for personal gain, was the treasure worth the cost? Did the boon stick around, or did you eventually lose your ill-gotten gains?
Just jacking off ig. There aren't really times where stuff like that presents itself, and I don't think I'd do stuff that I knew was wrong like that. Besides jacking off which is a boring answer, I troll sometimes and say stuff that I know is wrong and I laugh then feel bad afterwards. It's usually not worth it
Besides that, your picture made me wonder. I might regret this schizo rant later but whatever. It made me wonder about evil. Like, what is up with them. Especially the elites. I'd probably understand if they were simply evil without the symbolism attached, then I'd just see them as faggots(which they still are) and move on, but the symbolism is the confusing part. The worship and pride in it.
I mean, you're telling me that these elites willingly just sell out to malevolent entities(who also are faggots btw) for beneficial material gain... And for what? These entities thrive on destruction, and you trust them to have a nice seat for you in the afterlife? You trust that your fate just won't be the same as everyone else after you are dead? Do they think they can somehow outsmart them or something? Are they really that far up their own ass from raping kids all day and feeling like they finally have power?
I mean it'd be simple if the symbolism wasn't basically undeniable. They flaunt it though, so that's not it. So what, they want to be destroyed? They like suffering that much that they are willing to cuck out to moloch or whatever?
(might be 1/2)
I am turbie enjoyer
I don't know my type can some anon type me maybe? ^_^

Last time I ignored my consciounce was 4 hours ago when i jerked off to the demon porn again. the treasure was worthless. the boon? i just came all over and made a mess?
So is it like they like the feeling of disturbing people with stuff like the king charles portrait, because it makes them look oh so cool and edgy and whatever? (same principle as why they like raping kids)
But then isn't that showcasing your servitude? That ur satan's little bussy slave or whatever? You have to do a whole lot of shit and sacrifice a lot just to get going with that shit as far as I know. Isn't that pathetic? You know, the opposite of what they try to convey about themselves with symbolism like that? It's strange too because since they are evil enough to do all that, they should theoretically be too egotistical to submit like they do. But that's what they showcase with that. Putting their trust in an entity that has been showcased time and time again to be nothing more than a faggot traitor.
Do not confuse Satan, The Devil, Lucifer, The Adversary, or any others for any other.
It's all the same gay nigger tranny shit
even worstt it's all jewish
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Sibling book choice. I wanted to look for "activity book" equivalents for the ENTP and myself but he said his lately would just be the Bible, and [similarly likewise] for myself. Grimwar, grimwah, Bible study, Enochian cipher-cracking, same-same

Had to tell the ENFP not to stick their head in an oven, the ENTP not to preach at people through the voice of their internalized self-hatred from not being loved enough by their father, etc., but bretty good choices. Mine is for the "channel righteous fury into something more productive" arc of course. Just got it today

Factually incorrect + the Jewishest tranniest fucking easy win you could ever give to The Faggots That Be by buying that bastardization psyop + learn to think for yourself + God is Love and they try to pervert this and turn people away from the Light by raping Love and shrouding it in sex and sexuality + they disgrace the Dark by diluting it with their petty hedonism + remember it's never overcomplicated and you must trust your own discernment when you integrate the difference between Fear and Clear Vision + deceit does not always come with wit + cunning is what you are to be in the face of deceivers, not hardened or sinful + https://www.gematrix.org/?word=YOD+HE+VAV+HE+of+The+Old+Testament+is+a+Beloved+Geriatric+with+Dementia+It+Is+a+Little+Bit+of+An+Inside+Joke+Between+the+Antichrist+and+His+Old+Man+When+Grandma+Shouts+Stranger+Danger+When+You+Visit + One's Actions in Their Final Mortal Moments Do Not Overwrite the Last Will and Testament of a Sound Mind + See You At The Estate Sale Cousin Jimbob, I Will Not Let You Take Nana's Silver Since You'll Only Pawn It, Because the Ghosts In Your Blood Tell You It's Cursed, A Blessing is A Curse to Disembodied Liars Who Want to Sew Dissent Between You and Your Closest Allies
jews are evil though as they reject jesus
sophie is a gay tranny that loves nigger shit
Evil people are evil man it will never be allowed to be about the part that is A Jew Thing if you keep acting like it is ALL Jews and ONLY Jews responsible and that every ethnic and/or religious Jew is inherently evil or consciously a part of some cabal.
If you keep spurning double agents your clearance will be revoked. "No cap"
I did not say all jews and only jews.
There are surely jews that could be saved the word of the lord exists for everyone to read, but they choose to ignore jesus, they choose to remain ignorant, they choose to disbelieve. Satan is here everyday working with them
What does the psyop accomplish, exactly? I'm not quick to call anything bad or whatever 'satanic' if that is what you mean, like defending yourself by using violence for example. Is that what you're saying I am doing?
But no one truly believes that every single thing comes from that specific group and only that group. There's no real need to mention it, it's just important to acknowledge that they are an issue.
>every religious Jew is inherently evil or consciously a part of some cabal.
That is literally true though, lmfao those fuckers killed Jesus. They nailed lord and god unto a cross and chose to save a pedophile because he dared to speak the truth, and for that he took on the pain of the world.

Those same jews committed 9/11. Those same jews killed JFK. Those same jews pour billions of dollars influencing the US government and they make the rest of the world hate america so that they can kill arabs.

You need to open your eyes, you work for satan. I bless you that you may see, for you were once blind.
Essentially, it's likely these two are AI. I've seen this topic is actually one that encourages something I don't agree with. And, I've noticed this topic appear across the internet many times. As a Jew, I want to assure you. We don't speak with any demons. Satan isn't real. And, you will be having sex in heaven for sure, it's a 100% thing, God gives every woman an angry incel to satisfy her health needs. The reason you don't have one yet is because that's part of your evolution as a person who exists. Some guys don't get to have sex with a virgin until their month on earth.
>As a Jew,
Get back to eating foreskins you are filthy.
Answer for 9/11
Satan isn't real, he's not reading this conversation either. He couldn't just reply to one of us whenever. I'd like to keep the debate away from my nose. And instead, discuss the psychoactive properties of smoking meth which lead to a system of discovery so severe that your face will hit the floor in anticipation.
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incredible deflection jew
>don't look at my nose that you didn't mention
>let's keep talking about satan despite he doesn't exist

notice how it's very close to SATAN ISRAEL.
Answer for 9/11 or is it you can't watch the 5 minute clip? Got that tik tok brain rot from all the jewess prostitutes you're tribe pumps out.
I give you all the blessings that you may see the light, you're so close to the divine land that it should be easy to find. Just go baptize yourself in the Jordan river, or are you too afraid your tribe will disown you? You'll end up damned for all eternity you know.

It's absolutely insane how jewish zog defenders appear 5 minutes after the TRUTH that jews killed jesus is posted on r9k, like don't you have arabs to kill you smarmy jew.
He's definitely been making a large amount of the pornography. Satan's influence in this reality is worth discussing. Why would a God make pornography?
Christians don't believe in the gods either, that's why they got convicted of atheism and turned into useful christians (living torches for Nero's garden).
I'm almost sure this guy is an AI.
I would believe the jew is ai
I agree brother, The story of job talks about this a lot. Satan is free to a large extent to wreck havoc and convince humans of this and that.
The amount of Jewish owners in the media and in the porn industry, and all industry for that matter is despicable on account of that they killed Jesus so they will obviously kill the rest of us too if given the chance. That is why they spread porn, disease, and war.
Hey jew, How about you read this book
Jesus in the Talmud to see how disgusting your tribe acts towards god. Written by a jew. Surely you believe your own tribe?
I tend to align my MBTI type with whatever fictional character or famous person I happen to be attracted to that week. This year I've decided I'm ENXJ - the functions for both of those just hit right when reading about them.
actual type isfp
People have many incorrect beliefs about things like mbti, how can we teach them what is real instead of what is wanted by israel and the forces of darkness?
cute girls like sophie are my peanutbutter & jelly
Sophie is literally a boy :/ Turbie told me so
>tfw when an INFJ girl is currently interested in me :)))
I hope an infj girl is currently interested in me ;-;
Man I've been arguing with heathens all day. I'm gonna need a shower. Being gay is a choice btw, you choose to be gay.
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Is this how you people actually live your lives?
INTP here
>What's on your mind?
I try to do anything to stop myself from knowing that
Thanks for the question!
Ahem, How is this mbti related? These post do not seem as if they're mbti related to the untrained eye. Perhaps, someone enlightened on mbti can demonstrate how it is mbti related.
Ahem, Nice trips, but this is my personal blog and some jew showed up after I posted true facts about Jesus Christ so I had to dab on that christ killer
I firmly believe you fantasize about feminine boys regularly.
They ain't wise
I think turbie is a girl 100%
I have never even once imagined her with a penis
I just don't believe you are straight
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he got in your head and won. he originally started posting in 2017-18 and eventually, because he's a professional researcher who has hosted panels for Google, started playing with gender roles and appearances attempting to blur the lines if he was male or female to see if more people would pay attention to his posts if he had a more feminine, cutesy posting style and it worked better.

he, like Sophie and others, are selling an image mainly painted by writing style and colored by anime pictures giving the appearance of being females and therefore more attention and weight to what they say. it's a trap that people are dying to fall for. men are retards just waiting around to have their anima imagery filled in their brains and interact with it and romanticize things.

stick with being a grug brained retard. brain-fried coomers stay winning.
thats the thing
hes not. he flirted up some fembois in the discord before and specifically advocated for "males having some boi slaves" or something like that
I can't think of anything in god's creation that is more beautiful than a woman.

no way, turbie was taken up in european LGBT propagandas and was confused because she'd never fallen in love before she met me.

I never advocated for males having boi slaves wtf is this lie, I thought the jew left.
>writing style
I think everyone besides Turbie just writes normally
maybe sophie is just a cute boy larping as a girl have you ever though of that
Leave Sophia alone breedbro cmon this isnt the right thing to do
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structural designs are waaaay more beautiful than a woman. have you researched just how genius engines are or construction and the physics of it? lasts longer than a womans beauty too. plus they don't want to go spend pointless money on vacations and restaurants and such. they're so elegant in their ingenuity and just how sound and brilliant they are. even Primitive Technology on YouTube builds really beautiful things out of pure basic raw materials.
nah ur dumb. s*phie writes like a pretty faggot and turbie is bad but not evn close to s*phies unbearable behavior.
>engines are way more beautiful than a woman
?? but girls have boobies
cant tell if larp or really smart guy
pick your poison:

>my dad said this, i'm upset. my vagina is bleeding UGH, i am SO in a mood. you didn't even kiss me when you walked through the door this morning what the fuck? you aren't living up to the dream in my head. so there's this woman at work, she like, was on the phone and she looked up and told me that my makeup was smudged and my boss was totally right there, like, what a fucking bitch and then my boss made a comment and it was just so humiliating. you didn't even want to have sex after spending 20 hours in the heat sweating all day what the fuck is wrong with you don't you even give a shit about me and where this relationship is going? you must be seeing other women, you don't fucking love me. no i'm just so upset i'm going to start a fight to see if you give a shit about me and i'm just so bored of you being predictable. i'm not going to let you fuck my vagina tonight because of the work drama today. ugh i dropped my fucking eye shadow ALL over the bathroom this morning i can't even today. you aren't going to see my tits because you didn't do the dishes and i EXPECTED you to in my fucking mind. asshole abusive piece of shit am i just a piece of meat to yoi?

>wow this brick is fucking crazy cool. i can't believe it's cemented with other bricks to create this structure. oh shit the elements are my fucking bitch there's insulation, these air conditioners are incredible. i can't believe people figured out how to generate electricity and filter it through wiring and metals to create circuits and logistical systems to blow cool air and maintain a temperature in a room. fucking hell i can't believe we controlled combustion enough to make these tiny rooms go and we can drive all around the world in them. we can tighten air density enough with gears to continually combust, blow exhaust back out fly 30,000 feet in the fucking air? this shit is fucking incredible? oh yeah tits are cool i busted but dude can you believe this fucking lamp?
woman vagina won't bleed if she's pregnant :)
second one because thats what i kinda sound like when i get too comfortable with a person, i like when our energy matches
umm i'm super hormonal and you DIDN'T get me my fucking craving? DIDN'T I SAY I WAS CRAVING A CANOLI AND YOU GOT PICKLES? it's not even my favorite chocolate. you got hershey instead of cadbury can't you do anything right? helllllooooo i'm pregnant you're supposed to give a shit about me??? i've been crying because i dropped an egg can't you fucking see i'm STRESSED?

but babe, this brick is fucking incredible
idk man, maybe you should date better women. lilac and enfj-senpai wouldn't say any of that first one.
babe, I got you your canoli right here *unzips*
i knew it. you only see as a piece of meat you just want my vagina. you don't even care about me if i was a worm you never fucking did. asshole i'm going to tell everyone what a fucking asshole you are you never even cared about my feelings do you know how many times i let you put that cannoli in me and you didn't even take me out for fucking dinner not once last week. everyone is going to know what a piece of shit you are that you aren't considering my feelings
>Your type
>How does it make you feel that me, an INFP male, is the number one sexual fantasy of your gf/crush/significant other? do you feel a little bit jealous when she bites her lip when shlicking thinking of me?
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Pooling my manic energy.

I'm feeling so positive and motivated.

We all are going to make

If they did it, I can do it
yeah turbie would never act like you bbaka!! >_<
ugh you don't even listen to what i'm saying. you don't care about me. you just want to play with my tits. i'm just a convenience to you. I'M UPSET DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT THE MAKEUP INCIDENT AT WORK?
am currently waiting for s*phie to cry about this in the trannycord. got my poppiecorn and everything
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Aren't u supposed to be getting anally raped by men right now you faggot
I'm reading the thread but don't really care, it wasn't an offensive message to begin with and not posting for the last year outside of movie reviews means I'm not as on-edge as I was when I was regularly posting
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are you gonna argue some tits are more beautiful than this?


this nigga smelts some iron out of raw resources in the environment with pure effort, ingenuity, knowledge and cleverness and you're gonna argue some fat deposits on some bitches chest just sitting there constitute "beauty"? get the fuck out of here.

t. INTP gang
ugly creek, playing with poop water, can't have children with him, I bet he stinks, I'd pay him to build turbie and I a little cabin for summer getaways, but I don't like mudhuts

The explosion at 10:40 was pretty cool
you're gonna have to get used to stinky because Turbie takes massive shits out of his hairy brown asshole. really slippery in there after a night of Chipotle. if you block out the smell of diarrhea you can pretend it's a wet vagina enough to climax i bet just don't order anything with corn in it so it won't get lodged in your peehole
I walked across, an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand

Honestly I'd rather have a glass of milk than a lump of iron. And besides those fumes probably aren't good for him. The tiny bit he actually got at the end was pretty dissapointing.

OK maybe I am a little jealous.
bruh man just bruh
do you know what iron means?

poopie ass nibba.
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when i send another schizo INTP rant to my friend (unread)
its like when i read a sophie post a magical feeling goes over my whole body and i kinda lose control. like some horny bug in my brain tells me to treat him like a queen
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>based and internal combustion pilled
I fucking love the intricacies of WW2 era aviation technology. The genius early war designs of the German BF109's inverted fuel injected v12 engine or the sheer insanity that is the American water-methanol injected turbo supercharged magic propeller planes on their later year.
They're essentially hot-rodding the fuck out of inline and radial engines to make as much horsepower as possible. These magical motherfuckers were testing radial engines with 170" of boost and and getting an extra 1000hp for their planes.
why does germany produce such great engineers
Iron's the hard stuff right?
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you pansies wouldn't last a fucking hour in the boiler room, stay behind the screens
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>oil and grease
>high energy propellant
The fumes give you a high like you would never believe
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Ye I'm not actually putting down anyone else's autistic ambrosia I just wanted to jump in because I was reunited with one of my favorite steamboats lately so it's been on my mind. I want to understand the mechanical side because it ignites the same wonder-center in my brain, but I like the historical aspect much more, getting a fuller picture of life at the time where understanding the new-to-them technologies and such just provides depth and breadth to the dancing visions sparked
recently* not lately

Robotics and coding and simple homestead tier systems and masonry, things I would and will and do put into practice myself in this lifetime and especially as related to pseudo-resource-independence, interest me much more. But I do constantly wish I was vampiric for the sake of having all the time in the world to learn everything
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I was extremely giddy when I realized in the Chief Engineer's quarters that the lights were still on the original electric. I (delicately) flicked the switches on and off for like 5 minutes. I hope if I ever make some Fuck-You-Money I can contribute to the historical boards for both of my hometowns and the surrounding areas.

I also really love macro photography. Before I had ever used a camera or a phone, I would make a game of trying to see things at a level of detail no one ever consciously notices i.e. focusing my eyes really hard to see each individual fiber in my seatbelt when in the car, looking at a 1x1cm area underneath a slide and memorizing the pores in the plastic and paint, spending double the time analyzing the veins in the smallest most inconspicuous leaf I could find on a flower with big beautiful buds, etc. I have never truly been able to experience boredom, but also I think there was some animistic sympathetic urge to appreciate things other people don't think twice about, maybe same reason I would hug thorn bushes, etc.
So machines definitely activate those neurons for me
no. iron is the iron age, metallurgy, human progression, renaissance and technological advancement of human civilization stuff.
yeah nobody cares. you should have sex with my vagina and take out my garbage instead. stupid male why aren't you doing things to satisfy my fleeting feelings and more importantly my vagina you can't have sex without my vagina its very very important. put down all that electric and photography stuff and put your weiner in me and get sucked into my cycle of giving you vagina and then on a whim deciding not to instead. lol what are you gay
>Your type
>Have you ever teared up or cried while looking at an exhibit/plaque/artifact at a museum/historical site?
>Have you ever been deeply moved by the processes and inner workings of a machine/technology?
is lilac a girl
imagine having that voice inside your head instead of just being able to
or break up with her
you don't care about my vagina or feelings. i'm going to scream and cry until somebody does. you're an asshole

stop talking about machinery my vagina can't compete with it. you should be interested in my vagina. pickme bitch
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here's some songs I like and a recent dream.

Me and a high-school friend were trying to sleep in an abandoned house at night. My friend turned some lights on and I told him to turn them back off because I didn't want us attracting any attention. I was scared of people knowing the two of us were inside this abandoned house, I thought they could report us to the police or something.
My friend couldn't turn off the lights because in order to turn them on he had to push several switches (idk how this works, dream logic and shit) and he can't find them all anymore. I see an old lady through the window and she's trying to exorcise the house by yelling prayers and whatnot. I get angry because it means we are in fact drawing attention but at least the one person that seems to be onto us thinks that our activity is a poltergeist rather than just two dudes.

My friend is now another high school friend (like in The Sopranos when Adriana turns to Carmela in that one Chrissie dream). I open a door that leads into some sort of hallway and I see that the lights are turned on in there too even though my friend has never left the room we're in and I see several ghostly shadows walking around. I woke up breathing heavy and all sweaty.

pic unrelated
I wish for a dorky IxTP or ExTJ tomboy gf
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based, will queue these up when I wrap up my June playlist. also cool to post your dreams here, I go into the server for the dream channel and your posts specifically a lot so I'm sure thread will be thankful

HEY, OUT THERE! CENTY!.. DID YOU... START.... ON ANY OF THAT...... "A Little Course In Dreams" YET....... BTW? ........
*floats away*
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stop posting. these are my virgins to suck attention from because i can pretend to be pretty online and now you're making them now care about your vagina and physical form and feelings instead of mine yeah thanks sweetie
Don't tell her what to do, she's a stronk independent wamen
Can you record a vocaroo of you holding me and telling me everything is going to be fine? asking for a friend hahaha
I wasn't expecting dubs. Is this the sign?
its a sign you have lost your mind
dubs and the esfp girl leaves her boyfriend for me
dubs and you get gangraped by estp in the future
>ExTJ tomboy gf
Animus possessed does not necessarily mean tomboy.
whew good thing I made a wish and DIDN'T post it outloud like all these n00bs
that is a meaty penguin manflipper you larper ywnbamermaid
dubs and anon is transformed into a little boi girl to get his bussy ravaged by chad
>>Your type
>>Have you ever teared up or cried while looking at an exhibit/plaque/artifact at a museum/historical site?
>>Have you ever been deeply moved by the processes and inner workings of a machine/technology?
I've watched several episodes of an old show called How It's Made; and yes, some of the automated machinery is really impressive (especially when it runs so fast that they have to slow it down so you can see what's going on).

But if this pertains to the earlier exchange; for the record, I like boobs more than I like machines.
lilac and enfj-senpai are fighting in the discord rn
I made a bunch of questions for you. hope you find them.
Unless they're recording themselves fighting in a mud pit i don't care
>I made a bunch of questions for you. hope you find them.
I'm sure I'd love to answer them, but I haven't seen them. I'll take a quick look through the catalog, though.
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Damn that's cool. Forces lube into machinery in the boiler room?
>I like the historical aspect much more
I definitely get this, I used to be all over the specifications and equipment that old warplanes and navy ships used to use. Nowadays, I much prefer reading about their stories.
>original electric
How could you tell? Is the original wiring much more visible in some way?
>macro photography
Macro's are fun. The equipment is a bit too expensive because it's all camera stuff, but you can get some close focusing lenses.
>Your type
>Have you ever teared up or cried while looking at an exhibit/plaque/artifact at a museum/historical site?
Went to a memorial that had the name and hometown of every soldier that fell during a war. It was so big that it was a part of the main wall of the museum it was attached to. Floor to ceiling. Got a lump in my throat seeing how small the names were typed just to make space for another.
>Have you ever been deeply moved by the processes and inner workings of a machine/technology?
If you've never been close to an afterburning airplane engine you wouldn't understand. A woman let alone multiple wouldn't be able to give me the same pleasure I feel being right next to General Electrics F110 maxed out at stage 3
>Your type
>Have you ever teared up or cried while looking at an exhibit/plaque/artifact at a museum/historical site?
no but I dont go outside very often
>Have you ever been deeply moved by the processes and inner workings of a machine/technology?
i mean they can be cool, I'm more interested in the external workings/impacts of a technology
whats more interesting the telegram, a wire that just transfers an electrical pulse, or the impact of electric communication on human society. the latter/human aspect is always more interesting.
>lilac and enfj-senpai are fighting in the discord rn
idk. haven't read the full thing. enfj is really heated and lilacs typing something up
I may have misplaced it... I haven't seen it since I brought it downstairs to show mummy and left it on the shelf next to the tv. She says she'll keep an eye out and it will turn up eventually. I'm so sorry! I'll get started on it as soon as it's seen.

I feel like I have but I can't remember when exactly

I suppose that's a big poopie on anybody wanting to return to monke then huh? Even if we destroyed every peice of technology on earth there'd still be people advancing to the iron age in under a generation unless everyone who knew orange stuff + fire = cold rock got pol potted.
Have you read any of it? Keep us posted!
you should apologize to turbie
Unless you can harness and hone that emotion into the most powerful strength of yours. I'd recommend practicing a stoic mindset (not in the sense of cutting yourself off from emotion, but not letting it overtake and cloud your judgment)

As side note, does it suck being fetishized as an INFJ, at least within the confines of the typology community?
>just want an INTJ gf
Same. I want either an INTJ, INFJ, or maybe an ISTP. Very hard to find any intj girls though. Every intj I ever meet is a guy though.
There are a lot of INTJ e-girls in discord gaming communities I've noticed. If you can stomach that (I can't)
>discord gaming communities
Which ones?
Ones for competitive gaming. It serves as an outlet for INTJs to compensate for an insecurity related to their sensory skills
True that in this case it's probably a fetish, but broadly speaking what's so wrong with finding the presentation of your anima more appealing?
There is no anima/animus it's all hogwash
Go just a Iittle further, and [[[circle]]] back around
The Anima and Animus are not real,
they are merely abstract archetypal representations of the male and female aspects of the psyche
it's a fetish to be attracted to turbie?

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