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Rochester Cathedral edition
first for chicken pox cum parties
>tfw no chicken pox cum gf
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Been lifting but not getting bigger, just more toned. It not right.
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pic from anon's chicken pox party
nothing wrong with toned there de lid
I have that exact same clothes horse. Boggles.
no that's a asian pussy party
looks fun
do you reckon SSMs flat stinks? i think it probably stinks
Helen wouldn't allow it
She posh she classy he buy toilet roll when she come round...cant expect a classy lady to wash her arse in the sink can you?
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get some butter in you
Mark would lick her arse clean like a cat
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I know lad. I do look much better than when I started back in February when I was just skinny fat. My mum even complimented how my biceps were looking and how I'd lost my belly fat. But I'm still small. I was hoping almost 6 months of going gym every other day I would have bulked up a bit. Sucks because soon I'll start my new full time job so won't be able to dedicate as much time to gym. Was hoping I'd be a hench lad by the time I started my job to impress any cute office ladies.
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Ooh it lush..oh yes..oh yes ohhhh mmmmmmm yes oh thats lovely. Tell you what thats...wow,..mmmmmmmmmmmmm
i remember a friend who did the whole prostitution thing in her 20s. we talked about it here and there, i found it fascinating. i asked when it was she disclosed to clients about her herpes. she got offended: it's normal and ordinary to have herpes, so why would she 'tell' people? i was being weird.

this follows on from the chicken pox discussion because most people will get it and i understand spreading it on purpose. but not disclosing an STD because it's not bad enough, or you think it should be socially normalised? to me that's looney, WAS i being weird? ;_;
kek i remember everyone losing their shit when this happened
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Stealing a disabled man's means of transport. Give it back you horrible bastards.
Didn't know he knew Boris Johnson.
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Mechanised bames cruise our streets on e-scooters no insurance. 1 man with a skoda is beyond the pale?
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He needed that transport.
doesn't look like a Minky or an Addis.

is it a Goblin, anon?
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She loves big fat smelly men in her tuppence.
Why we making threads 70 posts early de lotz?
we're in British Summertime
Old thread died from chicken pox..it so sad
Just show them ssm content on your phone works for the trolls
David C cracks me up. His little SSM live videos are lush, and I mean lush. Exactly
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Charity vs investment.
Savior vs. Partner
Perception vs. Ego vs Economic circumstances.

You seen my Gov beaming as I take my walks in one of the nicest and most well off parts of my city....
wouldn't be the case say..... had I stayed living with my dad at the tenderloin....

that has been in the back of my mind as I embark on this new quest?.... I don't know if I'm going to get the job....
how to respectfully address the issues and needs at hand without coming off as this morally superiors and magnanimous (in a bad way if that makes sense...) western figure head given the history between us and the nations we are seeking to help....charity.... investment :)

Anyways the way things are going, the west is the one who will be needing some helping in the future lmao.
particularly in commodities... resources....
You are a gay canadian nonce
That is inappropriate. Mark is her father.
Prostitution being as common and accepted as buying anything else would be an interesting world. You just pop to shops and nip in for a quick smash of the local bird.
The mind boggles
I haven't had a chocolate bar in ages I feel like having one. Maybe snickers or twix or summat like that
That basically happens now. Most police forces openly tolerate 'massage parlours' operating in their patch.
there are clubs like this. they have a 'dungeon' where within the RULES (consent etc) you can do whatever and people just walk around with their cocks out and start fucking. attractive people, ugly exhibitionists and their voyeurs in the main area, probably the more normal people in the side rooms.

never go.
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love aston martin me
why get a lambo or bugatti when you can buy british?
that'll be 3 million + tip
Not him, but there is still a real stigma, its expensive, and even for regular punters it's rarely more than a once per week affair, even then there's a lot of prep usually, travel, shower before etc. It's not like nipping down the shop for a packet of fags
Also gay bath houses
Yeah haven't had a chocolate bar in ages. It's a bit of nostalgia, really. That's why I, an adult man, am buying this chocolate bar. Do you remember these? Aye well you're a bit younger than me. Used to eat these all the time as a kid. It's a laugh really. Might watch Doctor Who and play Super Mario when I get in. That's normal for adults now. Not that I'm one of THOSE freaks who always buys chocolate bars and all that--you'll think I play with toys next! Haha.
are these real? there's that scene with the gay bloke and the cute young unknown Piers Brosnan in The Long Good Friday. if that was just a thing even after just a normal day at the baths (bit like cottaging?) then that's hot as fuck.

wouldn't want it now. it'd either be leisure centres (families/kids around, bit noncey that) or it would be specifically advertised as gay, like a gay bar, wonder what's going on in the toilets oh i'm getting a blowjob quelle surprise.
They are very much so real, yes.
i don't think you can speed a lot of this up and i think it's only fair the massage-havers wash themselves before they go.

also the massage venues should make a clear distinction between a massage and a 'massage'. i genuinely just want a massage my back is tense as fuck. feel free to offer me more, maybe i'll decide there and then, but for now just unknot my shoulders please ;_;

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Ordered a 3 month supply of finasteride in the end didn't I
I didn't didn't I
Early bird catches ze worm and all that
so how overtly sexual are they? are blokes buggering each other in the bath? or is it just known we're all among gays and people coyly build up to a private liaison in a discreet area?
Time for sleep
Long poos (length of turd, not time on toilet)
It's a sex club but with public baths so everything that happens in one of those will be happening here
Yeah we get this every year. There was that one photographer who had all the SF fetishy shit on his page. HE and THEY are trying to push an agenda.

Every large Pride in England I've been to has some sexual shit, or at least it's pushing the bar (those dog/pup people). I can't see it ever being above a small minority/fetish though. Most people just don't have the morals or kinks that would combine to make this happen.
sex is one of the worst parts of sex. i swear to god we collectively have sexual ADHD or something.
Girl I was into got caught for dealing weed and theft last June, haven't heard from her since.
I think it's over desu
wish I'd started 2-3 years earlier
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>Every large Pride in England I've been to has some sexual shit
You aren't funny, just cringe
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And being cringe is what makes me cool, right kids?
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This is the future Riffratz has in store for the Seaside Army should the last beach, bench and pub garden fall and SeasideMark defeated. A legion of once lovely seaside lads languishing under the whip on work placements - forever.
We cant let this happen de lids.
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In that case, I support riffratz
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You get a gf, are in love and happy. One day while out this lad shows up stands in front of you and tells you he will steal your gf. What do you do?
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can't wait until that anon sends me that XMR. big bags of rice, pulses of my choice...i won't be collecting a food bank voucher, i'll just wait for him (he's probably just forgot haha what's he like!)
Kindly point to him the way back to his handler.
I explain to him wizards are real but they're all evil and do their dark magic in secret and I am one of those wizards and even if he harms my material body, even kills me, horrors will happen to him beyond his comprehension.

I'll sound like a nutter but at some point he'll have a breakdown or a string of bad luck, and it'll briefly occur to him "shit, what if that lad was telling the truth?"
Especially if it's while fucking my gf.
Kinell Ronaldo crying like a bitch after missing a pen lmfao
why is football so EMOTIONAL? it's the same way contemporary accounts describe battles. the knights slew a score of saracens and after such slaughter they witnessed a single rose and wept at its beauty.

are the tough nuts at the gym (the quiet ones, not the braggy ones) secretly thinking about Mills & Boons stories and sunsets?
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what did the BBC mean by this?

Do Canterbury's next!
penaldo bros... not like this
Another cathedral edish, is it king?

Quite womfy this
slovenia missed all their penalties so it worked out in the end
i prefer the cheaper apu equivalent - frenaldo
corr was watching softplay glasto performance

never watched before only heard few of there songs when they were called slaves

fucking immense
He never got over missing that crucial wenalty against Seether Athletic. It not rite.
decided to quit being a lazybones and get some housework done. just put all the white cotton on a 4-hour wash-dry cycle, fixed up the kitchen cupboards with a power drill (really satisfying) and now i'm going to give the whole place a full dust + hoover.

not going with those Disney songs i think, been listening to random shounen anime music and making up dialogue in my head ("That guy! H-He's loading the washer and tightening those screws at the same time?! Impossible!")
wearing headphones so i don't disturb the neighbours
nice one de lad well you got to make the most of it when motivation strikes haven't you?

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Wish I were attractive for females.
oh, don't start you repetitive cunt
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Hope you at least see some beauty in her. She's very beautiful.
ckin ell good foodington this was
>we're being blasted with the sun's radiation! Ensign Anon, we need you to open the solar release channels!
>i'm afraid i can't do that.
>why not? we'll die! just open the hatch to the tunnels!
>no, i was taught that sol vents kill.

this is the fate of all who try to teach me morals.
was a bit of a spark of energy but i got it all done.

not a weirdo LARP btw and i am sober. so sick of the neighbours doing their works during the day (yes it's oingoing, been what, 4? days now). so if i just so happen to be a night owl, and i am in fact in the mood to productively clean and repair my flat, so be it. i look forward to the notes tomorrow.
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>tfw will never be in any photos with a female or in love
only regret is not putting the dark clothes in first on a shorter wash, then i could have those up and have fresh pyjamas/clothes for tomorrow. oh well.

i can use headphones to block out the rumbling and whizzing and i live here. if they're trying to sleep, so can they. white noise or Brian Eno or something. apparently i'm expected to do that while they chainsaw apart their house.
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How are you meant to get a gf this far down the line with no experience? It's over but you can't accept it.
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This bitch named kaka lmfaooo
Finished my rewatch of Doctor Who series 2, the Rose goodbye scene still gets me.
>get a more dangerous clone of your not-bf
That feels objectifying like if you reverse the genders it's getting the girl as a reward. Except she's also genetically modified to no longer be asexual she wants to fuck you.
Some very cringe stuff on the movie forum on Reddit. I think half of these people don't watch a film made before 2010. I bet they haven't even seen Gone With the Wind, Duck Soup or His Girl Friday.
Is this Scottish lass? She looks completely different. Mogged out whore using 10 layers of filters and drinking shit beer.
I'll admit I've watched a few more recent flicks. Just last week I watched Raiders of the Lost Ark* (in black-and-white, as the director has suggested) and Star Wars** (the 4K77 restoration). Both mostly spectacle but rather enjoyable, would be great for children who like adventure stories. But for those I'd rather stick to a decent Errol Flynn film, like The Adventures of Robin Hood or Captain Blood.

* not 'Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark'
* not 'Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope'
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she is no Nell
Lads the situation is really fucking dire. If I take even a few moments to think about my life as a whole, the big picture of things, my day is ruined. I need the distractions otherwise I will get so incredibly depressed..
open your window until the moths get in. then kill them. a dead moth can't breed. if just a handful of us did this every night, we'd become expert moth hunters and have a serious impact on their population. join us today.
I have a few spiders who handle the moths for me. They're all men so don't eggs and aren't very aggressive towards humans.
Whata wrong with your life
Wasted my youth rotting away in my bedroom and I don't know how to be a functioning adult.
there's a new covid
the experts are telling you to stay home
You making fun of me, lad? Errol Flynn films ARE based I'll give you that.
all right that's the washing done. might put that dark/colours cycle on for 2 hours or so.

debating staying awake. i feel like if they knock or leave a note, it'll be in the morning. i want to catch/talk to them. noisy works usually ARE allowed from 8am so we'll see what they do. if they knock before then i'm counting that as work-related noise from outside my home, disturbing my quiet enjoyment of the property. affecting my health. harassment if it's repeated. any noise i make at night is in my own home, i didn't leave the boundaries of the walls or intrude on another's space or even converse with them, they approached me.

they're doing WORKS. they should have asked permission. but it would be ridiculous to ask permission "p-please can i use the washing machine in my flat? maybe hoover a little?"
maybe i'll record the audio of all their constant drilling and banging, then play it back on full blast. it's just what i like to listen to! gotten into it over the past week. it's not like i'm getting works done: i've had warned yous about that, haha.
Alright Timmy? Them coward builders still harassing you?
wish i was rich and mildly famous
Work in 30, knackered
what are you instead?
What work has you starting this early?
baggage handler at an airport de lad
"yeah just doing some daft baking to end my day, it's probably the bread machine. does get a bit loud. not surprised you've got your windows open too, in this heat! speaking of noise, what's all that you've had going on? sounds like you're tearing the whole building down! ah right i see, anyway enjoy the rest of your night, hope you can get some sleep, i'm just off to finish baking."
Didnt know you had that kind of money wow
Wish I had a cushy life like Ruthmong.
Good allnighter this was, was it not
Reckon it was not actually
Anuddah spaff innit

I shall be calling it now
Feel like shit corr
Me too, crazy headache
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Wouldnt be surprised at all if vaping is worse for health than tobacco
https://www.gematrix.org/?word=vape fuxking hell. enough said
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Bit too olive for my liking.

No, it's a German asmr lass. She's got 40k subs so is doing better than Scottish lass. Proper easy mode life she has.
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Wagies rushing through traffic and worrying about clocking in 30 seconds late, as they will not get paid for the first hour otherwise. I'm so glad I don't need to slave.
Video games, social media and porn are the most potent psychological weapons ever conceived. You unironically have to be gigabrained to think up this level of mass manipulation. No wonder many men are now NEET and have low emotional intelligence.
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Milk it
Why should I own a smartphone just to get a job? What if I don't support that technology or don't know how to use one? Jobcentre shouldn't discriminate when I go in and say I don't have one.
Hate Ruthmong me desu i really do
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>ruthmong cope hour
Go on lad, get it all out
He will and you will read all his posts
Why did someone post my teriyaki salmon pic again and pretend it was theirs?

That seems absurd.
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>Why should I own a pen and paper and be literate just to get a job? What if I don't support that technology or don't know how to use one? Jobcentre shouldn't discriminate when I go in and say I don't have one.
Would love to eat some teriyaki salmon desu too bad im a NEET and cant afford it
Thank god the anti-white, heterosexual man hating month is over. Fucking cults man. Don't get sucked into the propaganda. As a millennial, I will never let this shit get to me.
As a milennial, I will be having a sausage sandwich for breakfast
Nobody hates you my dude
Pen and paper doesn't cost hundreds of quid + monthly charges. It also doesn't ping your location 27/7 and give you brain cancer.
The LGBT cult does. Yet if I were to identify as a female and use their toilets, I'm now a pervert. The whole cause doesn't make any sense at all. It has created more division than unity. That was the aim. It's also made Gen Z the most sensitive, pathetic generation so far.
oh no, the LGBT cult have already given you brain diseases. too late now
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A pussyless wagie man zoning out doing his monotonous, deadend job while women are able to get boyfriends and stay unemployed.
Incels arent welcome here, fuck off
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What are your experiences with finasteride? Any side effects?
Doesnt work, literal snake oil
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I will not slave. I will take and that's absolutely my right to get on the bennies as a British man. Let them invaders work for the unlivable wages because that pay is like rich man's money in their shit hole third world countries.

Why should I work when women just go on holiday every month and do easy jobs? Do you think these women could ever build the house that men built for them? I don't think so.
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He so fucking yellow now :(
larping cunt isn't even on bennies
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Tuesday morning uploafs

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Touch grass? Won't get me a girlfriend.
When is this fat cunt gonna get a job?
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back on that dark souls 3 grind
get in
watching now
he cant hes disabled
It's a pain in the arse plus I have no identification stuff anymore. I chucked out a lot of shit in a rage a long time ago.
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He don't want no job. Working for a living may be for you but it not for him
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Go to SEA, lad. That is your birthright as a white man. Work, or save your bennies. Paradise awaits.
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GNU/Linux lads. It's in a much better state than it was 10 years ago. I've been using it since 2006.
He doesn't have a passport, or any bennies to save, or any shoes. He just comes on here to lash out and whine.
Don't want to live amongst non-whites.
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When society stops discriminating against people with invisible disabilities and he gets his confidence back
I'm not going to invade a country and do exactly what the immigrants have done to mine (made it a much worse place to live). There's a reason countries like Japan doesn't take immigrants.
>Same food
>Same drinks
>Same fake tits
>Same kilos of make up

Be lovely for a night but absolutely horrendous to date I reckon.
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You are already doing that in Hastings though.
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He's getting ready for his cruise around Japan
Women are basically giga npcs. They can't survive without constant social attention and obsessing over makeup/clothes.
Your loss lad. We've been doing it for centuries now so it's a tradition as I see it.


That's just sad
How can Mark afford to go on holiday to Japan?
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10-5. We got a wagie trying to escape. Should I lock up the front gates boss?
He's been dossing extra hard these past months, receiving extra bennies as compensation.
He has a countersigned passport from knowing the bennies office people for over two years.
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The bookies are paying for it
Sold his PS5, GoPro and iPhone. And been saving 60 quid a month on his car as well not to forget. It's all lush for Mark-san.
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He's had a few big wins lately.
Glad to see those hard working girls on a night out, taking some well needed me-time.
>Industrial plumber
>Appalachian logger
>Asphalt pourer
God bless them for putting in the hard work so the world can keep turning.
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gonna give this a listen
he a grafter
More like model, social media influencer and sugar daddy girl. These girls would kill themselves if they had to work.
The first one's definitely had her plumbing rearranged a few times, second one's taken some big logs and the third had tons of liquid poured over her face.
Nasty pigs here interrupting some roadsmen hanging out in an alley. Female officer is useless.

Go up to police officers, film them and say nothing at all. That's the best way.
Britfeel audits coming soon.
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should really cut down on the youtube for the sake of him and his poor mum's mental health
Auditing the bennies office in sunderland
He getting out before Farage cuts his bennies
Pulling on Chika's sphincter
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He is live and won't be voting for the Liberal Democrats

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The toaster's going off to CEX. Well he doesn't need to cook his bread when it's summer does he?
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A Starm is coming
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SSM has better gadgets than you
Get in there dee lads got tickets for two Man United games. That's 4 now for the season.
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Do CEX even buy toasters
Don't understand why he keeps buying PS5s
Burnt carcinogenic bacon bowl cancer coming on 4x strong get in.
He will live longer than you
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It so fucking lush
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He scams them for free then sells them to CEX. 100% profit de leed
I think he does it to spend all his benefits so he has nothing declared in the bank but can quickly liquify assets into a cash injection when needed.
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The toaster might be for you, but it's not for him. Besides, it's summer. You don't eat toast in summer. In winter toast is all the way but not for him anymore.
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this is where all the rage and frustration is being funnelled into
Lovely little webm that. A chuckle was audible.
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He should start a new channel 'Cooking with SSM'
Overweight bald nonce
Remember watching this live. He was drunk and set his smoke alarm off
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listen to the beats
doesnt it make you proud to be British?
vote Reform
All a thing off the past no he's staying off the wooze and selling his woaster. It sad.
Beat Vicar Amelia on my first go last night. Get in. This Kirkhammer is bloody brilliant. MEGA damage. MEGA stagger. Got grabbed by a ghoulie and woke up in a jail. I think it's a higher level area because I'm finding high coldbloods.
Just heard the news. R.I.P HHL.
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get in lad. well done
i just beat the big tree man
what happened?
>what happened?
Dollymong is bored
Is this game you lads are playing anything like Skyrim? Or is it more like Guild Wars?
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jackpot, maybe. but i like my haldberd tbqh
anon is playing bloodborne and i am playing dark souls 3. they're games by Fromsoftware and they are both dark fantasy rpg games are notorious for being "hard" Froms latest game Elden Ring is more like Skyrim since its open world, the previous souls games are more linear
Nice one lad, we're on a mad one and it lush.
Why does mark talk to himself

>Do you need your ipad?
>nah you got your samsung phone

What form of autism is this?

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Just admitted he is only drinking because he is bored as fuck

>I can't just keep watching films every day
kek he just missed morning drinking by 10 minutes
He's got early onset dementia from binge drinking and alcoholism.
Shift's over, will now go home and mastrubate
If he is bored maybe he should get a job
It's his inner voices
>have a drink mark...
Is this a gay mens club
i wonder if he talks to himself like that off camara
HHL struggles to get hard when hes with a woman, he has however stated that he wants to suck his mate's cock
Wey Wey Weymouth
Gonna see if I can catch him on the live cam

train arrives at 13:15
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>going to Wareham

Going to Weymouth not Wareham
Haha Iove this lad
well it's too late now and he's going to wareham eventually


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are Mark living it large drinking the best cider and having days out in the sunshine while Maka is stuck in his mouldy bedroom drinking Polish pish beer
Airport luggage lad? Enjoy a break pal. Tough job that. My dad used to do it when I was younger.
If you buy mark a pint he will give you a shout out.
How do I do that then?
PayPal him 3.60 to his email on his profile.
Lord forgive me for I have sinned. Just spent 120 quid on the BFI Ingrid Bergman sets volume 1 - 4. Listen, I've been wanting them for ages and they aren't always in stock and when they are they are 60 quid each. Suddenly I look through my Amazon wishlist for some bargains and there they all are, 30 quid a pop, available for next day delivery, sold and fulfilled by Amazon. Essentially half price for the bulk of his films on Blu-ray with accompanying essays. Well, it's my birthday this week, innit? May as well treat myself.
I meant Ingmar by the way. Always fucking mixing their names up. Fucking coming off as a proper retard now. I can't win. It not right.
I make that mistake all the time. Doesn't help that Ingmar Bergman's wife was another Swedish woman also named Ingrid Bergman but not THE Ingrid Bergman.

Anyway, when you get the set make sure to watch Autumn Sotana to get the true Ingrid/Ingmar Bergman experience.
>Ingrid Bergman
Yes lad, I'll be watching Volume 1 through 4 in order. It's a massive collection. Most excited about finally seeing The Seventh Seal, Persona and the television version of Fanny and Alexander.
Aye, I just got Gaslight on Blu-ray. She's a ruddy stunner. Also has Angela Lansbury who looked old even when she was young.
seasideMARK will be arriving at Weymouth in 11 minutes
Train arriving in Weymouth soon hope the SSA detectives are monitoring the cams
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I wonder whether he'll be any quicker today.
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Oooh a lovely Weymouth beach live it lush, and I mean lush
Seen a few tasty milfs on that Weymouth cam. Noticed there's hardly any black people in Weymouth too.
It made my willy stop working D:
Took like a year for me to have a proper wank again.
Who or what in the fuck of a duck is a Finastercide?
Medication used to treat male pattern baldness
Its hrt. The trannies are at it again trying to pinkpill us lads.
Grim. Just shave it all off and embrace life as a bald man. Fucking cope and I mean COPE.
Anyone spotted him yet?
Mumberg been watching some diversity drivel on BBC about a Jamaican lad who loves the commonwealth and joins the Scotland police under a trainee program. Who commissions this shit. He's put into a detective position right away and regularly moggs his boss. Mad.
Two fucking coaches in the way now
might get a wakeaway tonight
better than being bored lonely and depwessed
Fuck SAKE someone get on the phone to Vale and South Coaches and tell their drivers to move their vehicles NOW
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Vale Coaches been cancelled. The SSA will never use them again. Alfa Travel all the way from now on.
If only Weymouth had a scentcam so we could track the fish and shit smell.
Switching to Esplanade Cam dee lads

They should have thermal cameras so you can detect the hot stink lines.
You can let your waistline go a bit while your hairline recovers lad
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>about 7 weeks left till graduate job starts

Feels like this job will be make or break for the rest of my life. Don't like all this pressure de lids.
How big is your cock, lad, no lying. Flaccid and erect, mind.
Baldness is a sexual death sentence for non-dominant gay men
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no sign of him yet
At least the coaches have gone
what a life. sat here at 2pm on a weekday watching a live camera hoping a fat smelly man walks in frame. real winner you are.
Not him, but I always like talking about my cock:
Can vary a bit depending on circumstances but generally around 2.5
Very slightly shy of 7
and you're here to read it alI
I'm WFH lad. I am being paid to watch SSM on webcams
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'work' on the laptop, SSMwatch on TV
he is spiritually black
Please immediately post screencaps of when you see SSM walk by the camera.
>Please immediateIy post screencaps of when you see SSM walk by the camera.
He in the bookies.
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>Please immediately post screencaps of when you see Shippy and Poley walk by on the newsnight segment.
When I'm at work all I do basically all day is zone out and think of funny posts to make on britfeel.
Might be starting to get bored, lonely and depressed. Been a long time coming. Might get some jars in, I'm sure nothing could go wrong with that
We're waiting for you to make a funny post lad. KEK HOWL SCREAM CREASE
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Found something for you ruthmong.
Loving this lmao
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Hmm did SSM even go to Weymouth? Feels like we've been trolled
He went right to the bookies, and it's lush.
He's at the pub

Tip for my fellow LDAR's. If you swish some cold water around your mouth it numbs the exposed nerve endings of your dead tooth for a few minutes. Can't ask mummy for more painkillers, taking too many too fast, she'll think om trying to kill myself
>the boot
I thought SSM was banned from there for arguing with the landlady
SSM said he will go live on the seafront so we should see him on the CCTV.
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>SSM said he will go Iive on the seafront so we should see him on the CCTV
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>Hard drive scan
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Had the cigarette dream again
Of all days......Mental
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Its okay Anon. There's not much to smile about here in the UK.
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Something very off putting about drunks who act like SSM

All that happy go lucky "everything is fucking great, just look at how nice of a day im having" is grim as fuck
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I need to learn how to smile. I need a smile tutor. It not right that I can't.
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She probably caught a whiff of his TMAU... It not fucking right...
She liking her lips. She want SSM inside her tuppence like Ruth did.
>Isn't he banned?
Corr she's stacked
The boot is where he got beaten up the locals. He's brave going back there.

It's the same with the NEETs here. They alternate between mocking wagies for their supposedly miserable lives and crying over how shitty their own lives are.
WTF I was monitoring all the cams and never saw him
>england are gonna win the euros
jesus he really is brain damaged isn't he
You missed him lad, I saw him.
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43 year old man Veitch recently had a sprog with his 22 year old ginger girlfriend. He does like his partners young doesn't he? Hopefully she doesn't become a single mother like his ex Stacey.
>43 year old man Veitch recently had a sprog with his 22 year old ginger girlfriend. He does like his partners young doesn't he?
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This is his ex Stacey. He threatened her dad and was a controlling man. Seems like women do like these sorts of narcissistic, controlling men. Must be some primal thing. He's also over 6ft so that definitely helps.

We must not let the auditing community be taken over by frauditors. There's too many of them now and it's now all about winding people up rather than standing up for our British rights.
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You can afford to drink a few nice bokkles when you're gamble free.
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If only they knew the damage they done stealing my valiums, 4 years of misery, ppl got university degrees in that time. Might have to take some desperate measures to restore whats rightfully mine.
Taking a wee one now as a silent rebellion
The only worthwhile thing SSM has ever done is show the young lads of britfeel how much of a fucking death sentence alcohol and gambling are.
Mum's making me turn off the Wareham webcam so she can watch Wimbledon. What the fuck.
He seems a lot happier than me and I do neither. And I have a job and don't smell like fish. Is it a mindset thing or is his life of benefits and vices just better than mine?
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>If only they knew the damage they done stealing my valiums, 4 years of misery, ppl got university degrees in that time. Might have to take some desperate measures to restore whats rightfully mine.

>Taking a wee one now as a silent rebellion
He's putting on a happy face for the camera. It slips out when he's not consciously trying to portray himself as happy. Remember the whole 'bored lonely and depressed' slipup he made a while back? That's the real SSM.
Chika ist fat, balding and old!
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Nobody honestly aspires to be 60 years old. Retirement is a cope. Might as well enjoy life while your body works. We all die. Its lovely.
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Gagging for some booze me but I don't think my bf is going to allow it
I tried to save her like 2 years ago but she wouldn't listen
Its a good way to start a conversion with strangers. The only mistake mark makes he immediately starts talking an about himself moving down from Nottingham but his a narcissist. Sperg lads should take note on the first 20 seconds
Everyone does that though. I have to pretend not to be bored, lonely and depressed all day at work. There are plenty of others who are in the same situation. I don't think the gulf between SSM's shit life and the life of your britfeel poster is that big. That goes for the people here who claim to be well off and generally satisfied too.
Love the fact my previous mortal enemy Aubrey de Grey was exposed as a nonce, after i clocked him as one from day 1, all these ""longevity" freaks are nonces, clinging on to flesh, degenerate, for what? 100 more years to nonce kids? Theyre all fucking weirdos. Normal ppl dont want to live forever. Also physics wouldnt allow immortality anyway but theyre too dumb for that.
Its all an act lad. He is miserably inside, it comes out on camera occasionally
There will be a few more of those in the coming years. Richard Stallman is a decent guy though.
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Wish I'd never gotten my Apu on Frenasteride. Little lids were never meant to have hair. It not natural and he obsessed with it.
What slip up? Qrd
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He knows he buys the gadgets for the thrill of buying something new, even if he's making a loss. We all bored in life.
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The fact is since i was on benzos for 9 years, i will get early onset dementia, so i'm not worried about the future cause there isn't 1. They should have let me just continue and turn my brain into mashed potatoes. Do U know what it feels like to stop bzd after 9 years? Not many ppl actually do. Even actual junkies take breaks. Only full on alcoholics probably know what it feels like. Maybe some day I take 10 instead of 1 and pay a polite visit to those doctors.
Cruel and unusual punishment is what is really is. Nevermind though.
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i put mine on frenasteride and he started growing a beard as well
No we don't. This is cope. It's wagie mocking all the way
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>going to pubs alone to record your self crying
>going to the beach alone to record your self crying
>recoding your self in the house... crying

Yeah thats something well adjusted and happy people do all the time
That looks like an Apulatto or Pondroon.
its healthy to cry
This lmao. SeasideMongs btfo.
>he's so autistic he can't tell when someone is faking emotions or not
Corr DollyMARK drama is heating up
Looks like RiffRaff is posting here. Get a life mate. Go play Fortnite with the Scouseexposed mong
Security mong has an easy job playing on his phone. Pigs being rude again. Useless female officer probably never subdued an aggressive black criminal yet they paid the same.

Finished work early and now I'm at home bored, lonely and depressed.
Bored, lonely and depressed. Yeah haha.
Go to your local for a few jars de lad.
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Routed by RiffRatz.
He's the slaughterer of the Seasides.
The rodent of ruin.
The banisher of the beaches, the bane of the benches, the pulveriser of pub gardens.
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Give me an A.
Give me an S.
Give me a D.
Give me an A.

Everybody do the minimum wagie dance.
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On the Wuinness in that Irish bar me. It womfy x
In PoIand?
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Enjoy your drinkypoo lid
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>Slammin for 5 hours straight

Fockin kafkaesque diss

Real beggars belief hours on our hands

Why does the spastic boomer do it?
Nobody believes a word you say FYI.
Weymouth been cancelled. It wasn't for him. he's back in the garden annoying the neighbours.

mini pub crawl OVER
>I gambled today
>but I'm 21 months no gamble
Interesting developments in the old lifeberg
>thanking Daily Mirror for helping him win a bet
20 months no gambling is OVER
wish i had a care-free life like you
he 21 month no bookies. Any other forms of gambling, including betting on things that he would usually go into the bookies for, are all ok.
He's also been inside the bookies on at least one occasion, but he didn't put a bet on so that doesn't count.
It seaside mental gymnastics
Do tell us
He sometimes says no betting though, not just no bookies
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Might start buying the daily mirror for their racing tips. It's working for Mark after all
Went for a promotion at work and was told that although I have to interview still as a formality, the thing is basically mine. They don't want anyone else for the job. nice little 12k pay raise for me
why doesnt ssm go down sandford lane anymore?

did he get warned off again?
Bloodborne is going well I think. Killed the three ninja dudes in the old woods quite easily. Realised I did things out of order so went back and killed the witch lass easy enough too. Now can use me runes. Sitting with a Kirk Hammer +6, 40 Str, 28 Vit and 10 End. Haven't felt the need to add stamina yet. We'll see how hard it gets from here.
Some cunt give me a rock and I went to an old church and a giant black hole bastard grabbed me and was on about some mad chat.
DVDlad wins again

I heard DVDlad just splashed out 120 pounds for some new box sets... any confirmation?
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Almost got merked by an Apustajan Turpin Toad on my way home from work. Fucker tried to take my shopping bag off me and pointed his shitty antique gun in my face, he fired and missed as frogs have no depth perception but i might not be so lucky next time.
Be careful around the back of Home Bargains lads.
Any word on dvdlads court case?
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Wish i had some xanax left too hundreds i flushed down the toilet, at least 100 red devils as well, thinking i was making a fresh start in life w/ ****, quit smoking same reason, i just appease, but i wasnt much happier myself, true **** is my twin flame but she was a pain in the arse too
Why is he at court?
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it not right feelshire suffer frog banditry
What's that about, lad? Those were ultra rare anime collector's dvds... the British courts don't have time for that.
He didn't say but I suspect its shoplifting dvds
dvdlad doesn't pirate a man who spends 120 quid on dvds doesn't pirate
It's all one big LARP lad. He nicks the empty DVD boxes to photograph and boast online but is actually torrenting all his movies
That's a fair point actually. I want to see his discs.
the police being sent to Marks place to tell him his life is in danger thanks to the twolls. This is not on, he needs moved IMMEDIATELY!
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>Man buys DVDs
DVDlad is a very wholesome lad, he wouldn't lie.
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The girls are settled in for another night of drama and make believe with their dollies.

>a a and you're here to read it all little lad
>Some someone's trying to ber ber ber bergol the flats
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Alibi on for fwee
it not on
not his fault burglar get chopped up. Mark had a rough life and hes schizo
riffratz better stop trying to farm content for his dead channel
this is getting daft
someones gonna get hurt
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>SeasideMARK said, did, didn't do a thing
>SeasideMARK ate, drank the thing
>SeasideMARK bought, sold the thing
>Why should I work if....
>No GF
>Sprogless wagies
>Muh Shippy
>Riled up
>SSM maymays
>Alizee maymays
>Gigachad maymays
>Bait-jak maymays
>Golden grin aka (KEK) maymays
>Crossmongs 12 hours of WAAA WAAA
>ASMR bint images
>My ASMR bae is better that your ASMR bae
>Wagievneet din dins image
>Black willies
>dj hands.jpg
>You read it all little lad
>Trip on footrat
>Toothless mong
>Ruthmong this...
>Ruthmong that...
>I bought some dvds
Twolls twolling twolls it not right
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Fuck wagie gon do
This is the ultimate copefantasy for those too scared to use the till and thus use the self-check out, headphones in, hood up (NEETs).
A while back I got a three day ban for a post like this lol. Wasn't spam or anything it got plenty of replies. Ah well, cest la vie.
>i drink because i was abused as a child
ssm should probably get some counseling
Not going to take the discs out me DVDs to take a picture. Every time you remove a disc unnecessarily you run the risk of scratching them.
Craving pentobarbital
why get counseling when you can put a bet on?
https://files.catbox.moe/twsh8v.webm ;__;
*whips out his blu ray box set of A Nightmare on Elm Street*
wahey get ya tits out love
Gonna need to see your disc
are Mark deserves better
riffmong better leave him alone
dont. its not a peaceful way to go. it feels like your veins burst into flames
*whips out his Titanic 4K Blu-ray*
phwoar lass u wet yet luv
he looks very handsome in his suit
>when you're fucking her from behind and she gives you that look
accidentally had sex with a girl while she was on the rag when we were watching titanic, good times
normies, wagies, and other filth, you shant be on me boardingtonshire
>no vicar furry wife
Had some good sleepburgh there did i not
We're not leaving, you dole dossing subhuman. Get used to it.
I was involved in the production of the film 'Point Break' In 1991. During the filming, Keanu Reeves (whose role involved playing rookie FBI agent 'Johnny Utah') was surfing with co-stars when a small child was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his co-stars rushed to help, Reeves held out an arm in front of them, stopping them and was reported saying by Lori Petty (who played the character Tyler Endicott in the film) 'The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life'. The crew, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. We later spotted him outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean.
good lad. keep being a cog in the machine thats importing the endless BAMEs
the range of exquisite foreign restaurants must flow
What's the biggest load you lads have ever pumped? Once in my office chair I shot half way across the room and hit the window.
I prefer the average BAME to the average white british person. They are often more intelligent and harder working.
UK Meet the Tyrants has jumped the shark now pretending to be blind
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Ableism is still socially acceptable. We dont get a month.
Laziness isn't a disability lad.
His views have tanked hard. Too many auditormongs stealing the views
Debatable desu lad
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Thx fir proving my point
I don't think it is debatable.
If your point is that you're lazy, then yeah I proved it. All the best.
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He continue target Seaside Army. He the Arch-Twoll.. It not right he stalk and record all SSM's videos.
There's a channel out there called Riff Raff!
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Its not your fault you're ignorant just sad how you're proud of it
You're insanely ignorant yourself lad. Very uneducated, poorly read, and poorly traveled.
Travelling isn't real. It's not 1890 anymore.
Dunno what kind of spastic point you were trying to make here, but you've singularly failed to make it. Fortunately for you it's an anonymous post so you can just slink off.
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Tf does that have to do with ableism
I went all the way to Iraq only to find goyslop filled retarded normie types with the same hair style and clothes everywhere. There is no escaping the American Empire.
Sorry that you're so fucking thick that you need things spelled out in super clear language for a 5 year old. Part and parcel of being "very uneducated" and "poorly read". Perhaps you should work on that, little buddy
Keep dying on this scadutree avatar. So close to winning each time too.
>Dunno what kind of spastic point you were trying to make here
Yea, that's certainly clear to everyone here
Tf does anything you're saying have to do with ableism? You're not disabled. You're just thick and lazy.
Going to Benidorm and reading Ngubus new autobiography. I am very educated and very well travelled. Get me a paella por favor. .
There's no need to get angry with me because you failed to make your point lad.
stop getting angry at the disabled you ghoul
Some of the folks in riff ratz comments are mentalists
Stepdad got pork chops on the bbq cor
Nice strawman. I've never been to Benidorm or any other cheap holiday resort.
Poorly travelled lmao. I've been to Morocco you fucking idiot.
All we have to do is find a sign that says no loitering in Horchheim and we've got him lads.
I was talking to crossmong lad.
Going on a very well maintained and managed hiking trail that's also been hiked by thousands of other people. I'll probably see a dozen over people along the way too. This is what hiking and being in nature is all about. A Disney theme park ride but with trees and the odd squirrel. I am a very interesting person
The loitering boomeroid is probably on Google maps if he existed
he go Turkey
he experience the big world
he educated and feels good about paying 40 percentage of his wage to BAMEs in hotels
he not like disabled natives though. they need to be killed according to him
they are failed normies who think trolling is ruining someones life
Mite hafta prep a backup signage inspection
I've never been to Turkey either. I just don't think that Crossmong is legitimately disabled. You are legitimately disabled though.
Imagine thinking you're better than anyone else because you're a "native". You're not owed anything just because your grim mother shat you out of her cunt on a particularly British piece of dirt. Get a job.
The remaining backlog for today shall now be cleared
Me? I'm very well travelled. Today I travelled to the local Paki shop for some beer and yesterday I travelled to the bathroom for a Stinky Shartington III.
ze Witcher... home...
not enough basedjaks for this one
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Mum getting steaming nd ranting about work
Love being around drunk when I'm drunk. Not when I'm sober.
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only 2 chocolate fingers left
I could smash a whole packet of chocolate fingers in about two minutes. They're very moorish.
seasideMARK in weymouth and its lush
thats pretty much what i did heh
>dvdlad spending over 100 quid on more useless tat he won't even watch
he's more of a mong than mark
Easy work. Same with Jaffa cakes and club biscuits
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Caught my five-hundred pound a week Crowthorne Grand Cuisine CookApu pouring a tin of Aldi tomato soup into my tikka masala. I'm 90% sure he's been pocketing the my shopping budget on things for himself. I will be reporting HIM to SPACCA for breach of my contract and he'll be the one to rot in a Frenitentiary. The frogs are getting increasingly brazen nowadays.
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Yea when they start to SHOUT every word like you're not right next 2 them
your mother has to work because you dont. it not right
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Doctor thinks I am, are U a doctor? Apart from doctorate in cyber bullying
Bellends on here always trying to get us down. Don't take the bait my gorgeous babyboy.
Didn't ask to be shat out of a cunt and I appreciate what she does
Hope austria wins against the smelly turks
They found that wee Tenerife lad yet?
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Not true though this. House paid off. She cojld retire any time literally dont want to retire "if I stopped working what would I do? Id be bored" (Boggles)
She complains about work but don't want to stop working. It's just how it is
Aye true
These football wagies pay enough in tax 2 support whole UK being neets probably
So many boomers retire only to go back to work part time. It's pathetic really. They've worked so long they have no interests or mind of their own. Without work, they'd simply die.
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le oikophobic face
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>rapist paki nonces are bro tier because they pay taxes like me
They don't lad. Sorry.
Exceedingly liberating defecationshire just now

What disability did your doctor say you have? Was it at Sheffield University by any chance?
Some(most??) ppl are really just wired like that. You'd think it wasn't real if you didn't meet them.
Smug cutie
File: 1512225834970.jpg (45 KB, 746x541)
45 KB
Its not my fault cusigodtahdidddndisabiligy
https://files.catbox.moe/4oxnrt.webm CHERRZ
Corr we gonna hit 500??
Absolute beautiful content lad.
New thread. Now. I mean it.
Almost thru w/the backlogberg am i not
Why though? Still plenty of posts left to make, we're not even at the image limit
*Posts pic of my disgusting hairy arsehole*
There's your fucking image limit.
You make one, big man
I would've baked but the fucking "wait before making a thread" cooldown timer prevented me from doing so

300 seconds, it boggles the mind

Thanks a lot phoneposting jeets
where's the image i can't see it aha
where is it
And here we go again de lids

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