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Going on a plane for the first time. Am I gonna die or get arrested?
If they identify you as an incel at security they take you to a back room and beat you until you agree to expose at least four incel sleeper cells so yeah you are gonna get water boarded.
you're in a pressurised metal tube flying at hundreds of miles per hour. what the fuck do you think is gonna happen?
How to I not expose myself as an Elliot Rodger 2.0 incel? I am scared
only if your arab
I'm not arab but I have black eyes and black hair, is it over for me?
your chances of dying on a plane are lower than your chances of dying driving to the airport
Am I gonna die on my way there?
all it takes is the pilots to be like
"yo i'm so fucking sick of women"
"yea bro, shit sucks"
"let's fuck this shit up!!! a key bitch is on the plane"
"aww yea brother!'

so yes
So should I kill every woman on the plane so that the pilots don't kill me?
start with yourself RIGHT NOW
But I don't want to die, that's the point, please help me
do you feel it in the air?
there's something happening, something we can't control
fucking trump has immunity, he's literally king of the world rn
we are in for a fucking roll
and you're bitching about a plane ride?
bitch you have no idea what's coming up
But Trump will fix everything, I'm not worried about that, I'm worried about the plane. What do I do about the plane? How do I survive the plane? Please tell me, please
i'm channeling 50 niggers to rape you senseless
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You are now, faggot
Why niggers? There aren't even 50 niggers in my country, do you know the country I'm going to you mean? There aren't 50 niggers there either. Or did you place them there for this sole purpose?
holy fuck you're racist
Yes, but that isn't the problem here, I'm asking how to survive a plane and you keep answering with meaningless answers that don't have anything to do with planes.
you should drink beforehand so you're not all tense in case you wreck
the plane is good
you are not good however
you've just been [mind fucked] by me
enjoy the haunt!
What are you saying? Will drinking make me survive the plane, is that what you mean? Ok, I am drinking.
Ok, that's all I wanted to hear, so I will survive the plane? Thanks.
rub ur pussy
I have a penis, I am male, I do not have a pussy, I lack a vagina, but I have a plane. But if I get a pussy and rub it, will I survive the plane?
you literally rubbed your pussy
i got a camera in your mind
i'm god bitch fuck shit omgdsafiuhnaiedrftkjuhaetrdjnikswrtjkisrtgjatgjsadtgfjadfj
Stop, this is not helping, how do I survive the plane? Please
the plane will fucking explode if you get on it
stay home and hang out with me instead
I can't stay home, the plane ticket costed too much, but I don't want to die either, so what do I do to stop the explosion?
masturbate and cum while saying "damn that guy was a pimp!"
I have erectile dysfunction, I can't cum and I can't consume viagra, I think that's illegal to be on while on the plane.
men will lose all cognitive function by christmas and we will remove them from existance
when the last man is gone the world will automatically tranform into a battground for women to play around in and have fun
none of this shit matters!
Can we just not celebrate Christmas to avoid that happening?
You'll be fine. They usually cavity search suspicious looking characters, but it's pretty quick desu.
i wouldn't want to be up in the air right now if i were making decisions but you do you
Cavity? But I don't have cavities. Will that get me arrested?
But why won't you explain why? I don't want to die, I already said that 5 times, so I need an explanation.
men are ants you control them with your mind just constantly repeat "do not crash us do not crash us" while you're on the plane but the technological terror is fighting us trying to keep us down so the chips might explode
you are very key girl
What does key girl mean?
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you are part of my party now you have been accepted
you now have witch powers
What does key girl mean, please?
you'll find out on the plane!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I find out, will I die? Is it something bad?
you're going to feel the vibe shift and everyone is going to be looking at you like you're someone -really- important
it's fucking over
They already tend to do that, how will I know it's different this time?
go outside and find out
report back
I can't go outside yet, it's not time to go and I'm scared of going outside. Can I find out some other way?
yes being drunk is positively correlated with surviving vehicle crashes
go watch a stream of any girl and be like "it's me"
Oh, I drank water when you said that, I didn't know you meant alcohol. I don't have any alcohol at the moment, and there is no time to get any anymore. What happens now?
What are you saying? What do you mean?
look bitch ur stressing me the fuck out
get on board with this thing man, idk what to tell you
you're a witch now, enjoy the new power
Why won't you explain anything to me? I don't want to die, do you not understand? And I can't be a witch because I am not a female.
u giggle a lot and rasp for air a bunch
i hate ur laugh
I hate it too, will changing it help me survive the plane?
Usually there's this thing called first flier death insurance.
So you probably gonna die and should take valium as a means to take the edge off of knowing death is certain.
Try not to panic when you die, cause valium helps with just accepting you are damned anyways.
Planes with new passengers seems to "know" to do a nose-dive, or a barrelroll after taxing.
Usually the passengers feel very little to a 20 ton roof cave in at 400 mph. Or a cigar butt shaped casserole of twisted aluminum after a crash into a granite mountain-side.
baby you're gonna be okay, i promise
the sky belongs to you now
you are only protected
But isn't valium illegal on a plane? I don't want to get arrested either. And that comparison is beyond my comprehension. Is there really no way to survive the plane?
Oh ok then, so I will survive the plane. But someone else just said I won't, so why should I believe you?
idk bitch ur thru unless ur flying down to my house to fuck we have nothing else to do here
fly fly fly bitch, to the moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can I fuck you if I have erectile dysfunction?
t o
d a
m o o n
How can I fly to the moon if it's a plane and not a space ship?
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are you from austria?
No and I'm not going there either. Why? Would me being from Austria help me survive?
you remind me of a very annoying girl who's very dear to my heart, she was from austia
you ain't shit
Congrats on joining Epstein's inner circle.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the best flight of your life
Also I recommend Jessica for the flight, she hides in the carry on, check to see if she's up there.
I'm not a girl, why do you keep accusing me of something like that? And what does this have to do with planes?
never said you were, just said you reminded me of ONE
Epstein is dead, I can't be a part of his circle and I didn't know him. Who is Jessica? And does this mean I will survive?
Oh, ok, I didn't understand, but now I do. But what about the plane? Stop avoiding my question, I need to know how to survive the plane.
bad news: you aren't gonna make your flight
As in, will I not get there in time or will I die on the plane? Why will I die if that's what you mean? And how do I survive?
bad news: it's joever
Please tell me how to survive the plane.
you should be wondering how you're going to survive this!
I am, but I don't know how, I've never been on a plane before, that's why I am asking, please tell me, I have 3 hours left.
they're gonna have to load you with a straight jacket on
The Epstein Inner Circle is named in honour of him, the same way a university is named after a groundbreaking scientist. He was a Visionary, capital V. A man who didn't let filthy SJW laws get in the way for his neverending quest for child pussy.
I contacted my people and you're an acolyte now. The flight is very safe, don't worry. Jessica is the little nympho who hides in the carry on area above your seats.
The only way you could get arrested is if you try to do something really illegal, like bring a bunch of lighters onto a plane.
Why? I didn't do anything, why would they do that? How do I stop that from happening?
you know me, that's a big deal
i'm isolated in a cave, you're going around top dogs
don't act suspicious
Oh, I understand. But what does this have to do with me? I didn't do anything to any children. And what does "nympho" mean? And why would she be in the carry on? And why not bring lighters? Why is that illegal? I need lighters, how am I going to make a fire once I get to the destination?
don't even say her name
How do I not act suspicious? Will not acting suspicious help me survive?
yo what's with that meth in your backpack?
But I just said it, what will happen now?
jessica is #2 witch she's extremely dangerous and not as forgiving as me
god have mercy on your soul
I don't have meth, I don't know anyone with meth, I do not interact with people in general. Why would you say I have meth?
they're gonna swap it when you're not looking so they can indite you to testify against witches
Witches don't exist, why are you lying to me? And what does this have to do with the plane?
you are a threat to our security
you will be witched for this
watch every step you make from this point till forever
bang bang!
So should I constantly look at my bag? And why do you keep bringing up witches? They don't exist, why do you keep talking about them? But I will keep an eyes on my backpack if that helps me survive or not get arrested in any way.
that plane is fucking cursed as fuck at this point i really wouldn't
How am I a threat to your security? And what security? I didn't do anything at all, I just want to survive the plane. What am I supposed to do now?
Oh I'm sorry miss, I confused your ticket with someone else's. Yes, one regular ticket to Greece. Lighters are banned because you need to smoke less, it makes you stinky. Enjoy your flight, femcel.
yea bitch ur fucked i'm going out for a cheese burger later
I can't not go, I already said this before, I have to go, I spent a lot of money, what do I do to not have any issues and die?
How do you know any of this? Who are you? Am I gonna die?
What did you mean by going out for a cheese burger lately? Are you trying to say something?
My name is Not Important. What is important is what I'm going to do. You're dead fucking meat, dork.
Your name is Not? Or your name is not important? What are you going to do? Please, I don't want to die, I want to survive.
Yes, that's my name. Hi. I'm your pilot and that's an important job. I'm the best damn pilot in the world. You're safe with me.
hahahaha jk im gonna do 9/11 2 get fucked lol
You're not a pilot, you wouldn't be able to post if you were one, you would be controlling a plane. Why are you lying to me? All I want to know is how to survive the plane, please.
I'd crawl one hundred yards, dragging my dick through rock salt and shards of broken glass, just to hear you fart through a walkie talkie.
Why? Is this relevant to the plane surviving ?I don't have any gas, if that matters.
dmc3 was lit what a game
What is dmc3? And what does this have to do with anything? Is this meaningful in any way? I want to survive the plane, I have to, please.
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this is you
you have nothing to worry about
That's not me, I am not a female and I don't own illegal weapons. Are you sure I have nothing to worry about?
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remember to behave yourself and you'll fly soon
Behave myself? I already do that, am I missing something?
let go
move on
you got a plane to catch
I can't go until someone tells me how to survive or not get arrested, but I don't have much time left either, so please tell me.
accept the condition
breath bitch breath
you're in good hands
you're more powerful than you've ever imagined possible now
What is the condition?
oh now you wanna talk ab something other than mother fucking planes?
You said the condition will help me survive the plane, did I misunderstand? What is the condition?
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i'm under major surveillance of organizations that i won't be naming
our condition is for us alone
my body my rules bitch
The condition is your body your rules? Ok, but what does that mean? I wouldn't do anything to anyone's body in the first place.
i have seen with your eyes O_O and i will not be the same
witch #2 is very much in love with you
Please stop bringing up witches. I need to know how to survive the plane.
I cannot be a witch as I am not a female. What does this have to do with the plane, please, I'm serious, I asked you this over and over again, why do you keep bringing up witches, I didn't do anything wrong, I don't know anything about witches and I don't believe they're real, please tell me how to survive the plane.
you've done everything wrong
ashes of burnt bodies exist because of you
you've fucked this entire world up, for what?
cuz daddy didn't pat your ass when you put on his favorite dress?
I haven't done anything, I don't know who you think I am, but I always respected the law. I didn't do anything wrong. And my father didn't have a favourite dress. What does this have to do with the plane? Are you just going to accuse me of bad things?
who do i think you are? you're me, because I am you.
Stop lying to me, tell me how to survive the plane.
you're playing a burn out game to test my endurance but i promise you with every heart i have that you will not win that one
you can add me on disc
I don't understand what you are saying, all I've been asking you for perhaps 2 hours now is how do I survive the plane and you've done nothing but lie to me, say weird things about witches and accuse me of bad things. All I want is an answer to my question, but you are ignoring it. Why? And why would I add someone who accused me of committing horrible crimes? I need to know how to survive the plane, I am leaving in less than 2 hours.
you don't even have a plane ride you stupid mother fucking bitch
I do and I have to be there in exactly 2 hours and 10 minutes. I have wasted a lot of time trying to get answers out of you. Why are you lying to me instead of helping me?
"I do!!!!"
i read the !!!!
you are a fucking liar, a bad one at that
demoted to witch #643527582
I am not a liar, you are, you have been lying to me on purpose this entire time and I didn't do anything, I need to know how to survive a plane, tell me already, stop lying.
i'm going to slice open a watermellon and pretend it's your head
A watermellon? I think you meant watermelon. In any case, why? I never lied to you or was rude and I never did anything bad to anyone. Why are you doing this to me? I don't have much time left, please, tell me how to survive the plane.
the -balls- on this bitch, correcting a fucking typo
you gotta be shitting me
an extra l? you grilling me over an extra l?
get real for a second
the fuck did you just do?
I just corrected you to make sure that you meant what I thought you meant. Please stop changing the subject. I need to know how to survive the plane, I am scared.
the plane is so boring, let's stop talking about it
let's talk about why you pretend to be a boy on the internet
The plane isn't boring, my life is on the line and I don't want to die, I have responsibilities. I am not pretending, I have a penis. How is this relevant?
you have big fucking boobs
I do not have that as I am a male. Stop changing the subject. I have to survive the plane, please, how do I survive the plane? I'm getting increasingly anxious with every reply I get from you because you won't tell me.
you lost the plane game here:
now YOU stop changing the subject, you fucking stupid bitch, you are in love with me and i want nothing to do with you
I don't know who you are, I just want you to give me advice on how to survive the plane.
i am the stars at night, the sun during the day, and the moon only when it's full but also kinda cloudy
I am too tired to understand your riddles, please tell me what you want so we can move on and discuss the plane.
your age is very questionable so i will not be revealing that
What does my age have to do with the plane?
you will not be running away from your family so easily
i have notified them of your intentions to flee the house
I am not running away from my family, I am going on a plane. What does this have to do with anything?
i'm a detective, i'm hired to find runaway wannabes
you're testing the waters, seeing how a plane would react to you, so therefore you make this thread about a fictional plane ride so you can gauge it's viability
you however made one fatal error: it's all made up, everything, and now you're mine
I didn't make up anything, I need to go on the plane, stop accusing me of bad things. I am not running away from anything, I just need to get on the plane and arrive alive.
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punching bag trauma
keep repeating the falsehood until it becomes reality
you wanna run so badly i can fucking feel it
you wanna launch off into the sky and never come back down
bitch the ground wasn't made for us, it's time we blow it the fuck up
I am not saying anything false, I actually need to be on the plane soon, please stop. I don't want to run away, I am forced to go on this plane, please just help me find a way to survive it.
actually NEED
there it is
nobody telling the truth uses the word 'actually' they would just say "i need to be" not "i ACTUALLY NEED" no
evidence accumulation
Why would I lie about going on a plane? Why would I waste so much of my time asking about how to survive a plane if I wasn't going on one? Please just tell me how to survive it and get it over with, I am scared.
we have exchanged over 100 messages regarding this and not once have i spoke about a plane
Depends. Is it a Boeing?
I have been talking about a plane this entire time, tell me how to survive a plane.
i will not marry you
I don't know what it is, how am I supposed to know? Where do I look?
I am not asking you to marry me, I am asking you to tell me how to survive a plane.
your thoughts are racing towards "is this da one? omg!" and i'm here to remind you that no, i'm not the "one", i am #1
What does this mean? What does this have to do with anything? Why are you acting so narcissistic when I'm only asking you for help?
bitches like you are a cage
you flesh out prey and stalk the weak
i find you and eat you alive, i become you for a day, and use you to further my position in the world
in the end, you're my bitch for life, bet
Why do you keep accusing me of being a female? And what do you mean to further position yourself in the world? Please tell me how to survive the plane, I will actually die of panic.
OP you're going to get your organs harvested.
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>I don't know what it is
You know what, I wouldn't worry about it. You'll be fine.
dude i remember dasha fucking dropping this bomb and making it rain
You call me a witch and a bitch which are both terms for females. Why are you using those words instead of calling me a dick or a wizard? I don't understand your logic. And again, you are avoiding the plane question.
Oh, alright then. But then why is everyone else saying I will not be fine or avoiding my question?
i g2g
cya wouldn't wanna be ya
You're a narcissist. I hope you never do this to anyone again.
I know a way to be safe, but if you don't know, maybe you don't deserve to know.
add me on disc
Can you please tell me?
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How long is the flight? If its a couple hours and domestic its like a bus, so don't worry about it further.

If you're doing something like Zurich to Hong Kong (12 hours), trust me, you're gonna want to download as much anime, music, and "vidya" that your phone will allow. Otherwise it'll get VERY boring (IFE doesn't count).
I did see a girl watching something that looked like anime on a Cathay Pacific flight tho, so maybe they're improving it.

As for in-flight WiFi, don't bother, couldn't even use spotify with it. Only use it if you urgently need to message someone. Get one of those neck rest pillow things and some noise cancelling headphones, your sanity will thank you. If able, get first or business class obviously.

You can simply look up the flight details, but it should tell you when you book it.
>Am I gonna die or get arrested?
Are you an enemy head of state or whistleblower?

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